// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("Visible Max and Min Value Demo"); // Demo of 2 fuctions I wrote, which will find the Maximum and Minimum value in the visible horizontal chart area. // Can be used for many different reasons and this is only an example. Inpiration came from several different codes // I have seen, but can't at this moment find out who created them. Thanks anyway!!! // I an new to AFL programming and this could probably be achieved in an easier way AND if so, please let me know. Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); function VisibleMaxValue(Value) { BI = BarIndex(); FirstVisibleBarIndex = Status("FirstvisiblebarIndex"); FirstVisibleBar = FirstVisibleBarIndex == BI; HighestVisibleValue = HighestSince(FirstVisibleBar, Value); LastVisibleBarIndex = Status("LastvisiblebarIndex"); BlankBars = SelectedValue(LastVisibleBarIndex - BI); LastVisibleBar = LastVisibleBarIndex == BI + BlankBars; MaxValue = LastValue(ValueWhen(Lastvisiblebar, HighestVisibleValue)); return MaxValue; } function VisibleMinValue(Value) { BI = BarIndex(); FirstVisibleBarIndex = Status("FirstvisiblebarIndex"); FirstVisibleBar = FirstVisibleBarIndex == BI; LowestVisibleValue = LowestSince(FirstVisibleBar, Value); LastVisibleBarIndex = Status("LastvisiblebarIndex"); BlankBars = SelectedValue(LastVisibleBarIndex - BI); LastVisibleBar = LastVisibleBarIndex == BI + BlankBars; MinValue = LastValue(ValueWhen(Lastvisiblebar, LowestVisibleValue)); return MinValue; } Plot(VisibleMaxValue(High), "", colorGreen, 0); Plot(VisibleMinValue(Low), "", colorRed, 0); _SECTION_END();