// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com GraphXSpace = 8; _SECTION_BEGIN("Volume"); BarsColor = ParamList ("Chart Color", "Mono|Price|Volume|Bull+Bear"); HistThick = Param("Histogram Thickness", -30, -60, 0, 5); BullCond = V>Ref(V,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1) OR VRef(V,-1) AND CRef(C,-1); BuBeColor = IIf(BullCond, colorseaGreen, IIf(BearCond, colorOrange, colorLightBlue)); if (BarsColor == "Mono") { BarColors=colorLightBlue; Msg = "Mono"; } else if (BarsColor == "Price") { BarColors=IIf(C>O, colorseaGreen, colorOrange); Msg = "Price UpDn"; } else if (BarsColor == "Volume") { BarColors=IIf(V>Ref(V, -1), colorseaGreen, colorOrange); Msg = "Volume UpDn"; } else if (BarsColor == "Bull+Bear") { BarColors=BuBeColor; Msg = "Bull or Bear"; } SetBarFillColor(BarColors); Plot(V,"Volume", BarColors, styleHistogram, Null, Null, 0, 1, HistThick); //VL = LastValue(Volume); VLCol = LastValue(BarColors); VAvCol = colorBlue; VAv = (round(EMA(V,Param("Average Period", 4, 1, 100, 1)) )/10)*10; Plot(VAv, "Volume Average", VAvCol, styleThick, Null, Null, 0, 0, width = -15); // INFO // If last Volume bar > Volume average, then rectangle color is infCol // If last Volume bar < Volume average, then rectangle color is VAvCol diffVol = V - VAv; infCol = LastValue( IIf(diffVol >= 0, VLCol, VAvCol) ); FillColor = LastValue(BarColors); GfxSetTextColor(colorBlack); GfxSelectPen(colorBlack, 1); GfxSelectSolidBrush(infCol); X0 = Status("pxwidth") - 110; Y0 = 10; GfxRoundRect(X0,Y0,X0+24,Y0+24,6,6); GfxSelectFont("Consolas", 12, 400); GfxSetTextColor(infCol); GfxTextOut(Msg, X0 - 140, Y0); _SECTION_END();