// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com /*AROON*/ /////////////////AROON//////////////////// Period = 14; LLVBarsSince = LLVBars(L, Period) + 1; HHVBarsSince = HHVBars(H, Period) + 1; AroonDn = 100 * (Period - LLVBarsSince) / (Period - 1); AroonUp = 100 * (Period - HHVBarsSince) / (Period - 1); /* SubScore1 - Price vs. Medium MA */ SubScore1 = IIf (Close > MA(Close, 14), 1, -1); SubScore1_Status = WriteIf(SubScore1 > 0,"Bullish","Bearish"); SubScore1_Col = IIf(SubScore1 > 0, colorGreen, colorRed); /* SubScore2 - Price vs. Long MA */ SubScore2 = IIf (Close > MA(Close, 45), 1, -1); SubScore2_Status = WriteIf(SubScore2 > 0,"Bullish","Bearish"); SubScore2_Col = IIf(SubScore2 > 0, colorGreen, colorRed); /* SubScore3 - Medium MA vs Long MA */ SubScore3 = IIf (MA(Close, 14) > MA(Close, 45), 1, -1); SubScore3_Status = WriteIf(SubScore3 > 0,"Bullish","Bearish"); SubScore3_Col = IIf(SubScore3 > 0, colorGreen, colorRed); /* SubScore4 - RSI Overbought or Oversold */ SubScore4 = IIf (RSIa(Close,14) < 30, 1, 0); SubScore4a = IIf (RSIa(Close,14) > 70, -1, 0); r=RSI(14) < 70 AND Ref (RSI(14),-1) > 70 AND Ref (RSI(14),-2) > 70; r2= RSI(14) > 70 AND Ref (RSI(14),-1) < 70 AND Ref (RSI(14),-2) < 70; r_status= WriteIf(r, "Declining", WriteIf(r2, "Improving", "Neutral")); r_Col=IIf(r, colorGreen, IIf(r2, colorRed, colorLightGrey)); //Bollinger Bands bb= C > BBandTop( C, 20, 2) AND Ref (C,-1) < Ref(BBandTop( C, 20, 2),-1); bb1= C < BBandBot( C, 20, 2) AND Ref (C,-1) > Ref(BBandBot( C, 20, 2),-1); bb_status= WriteIf(BB, "AboveTop", WriteIf(r2, "BelowBottom", "Neutral")); bb_Col=IIf(r, colorGreen, IIf(r2, colorRed, colorLightGrey)); /* SubScore6 - MACD crosses above 0 */ SubScore6 = IIf (MACD(12, 26) > 0, 1, -1); SubScore6_Status = WriteIf(SubScore6 > 0,"Bullish","Bearish"); SubScore6_Col = IIf(SubScore6 > 0, colorGreen, colorRed); /* SubScore7 - MACD crosses above Signal */ SubScore7 = IIf (Cross ( MACD( 12, 26), Signal( 12, 26, 9 )) OR MACD(12,26) > Signal(12,26,9), 1, -1); SubScore7_Status = WriteIf(SubScore7 > 0,"Bullish","Bearish"); SubScore7_Col = IIf(SubScore7 > 0, colorGreen, colorRed); /* SubScore8 - AROON Score */ SubScore8 = IIf (AroonUp > 70 AND AroonDn < 30, 1, -1 ); SubScore8_Status = WriteIf(SubScore8 > 0,"Bullish","Bearish"); SubScore8_Col = IIf(SubScore8 > 0, colorGreen, colorRed); /* SubScore9 - MFI Overbought or Oversold */ SubScore9 = IIf (MFI(7) < 20, 1, 0); SubScore9a = IIf (MFI(7) > 80, -1, 0); m = MFI(7) < 20; m2 = MFI(7) > 80; MFI_status = WriteIf(m, "Oversold", WriteIf(m2, "Overbought", "Neutral")); MFI_col = IIf(m, colorGreen, IIf(m2, colorRed, colorLightGrey)); /* SubScore10 - Stochastic */ Subscore10 = IIf (StochK(14,3) > StochD(14,3,3), 1, -1); SubScore10_Status = WriteIf(SubScore10 > 0,"Bullish","Bearish"); SubScore10_Col = IIf(SubScore10 > 0, colorGreen, colorRed); /* TOTAL SCORE */ Score = SubScore1 + SubScore2 + SubScore3 + SubScore4 + SubScore4a + SubScore6 + SubScore7 + SubScore8 + SubScore9 + SubScore9a + SubScore10; Score_Col=IIf(Score > 0, bkcolor = colorGreen, bkcolor = colorRed); /* RESULTS */ Filter = MA(Volume,21) > 40000; AddColumn( Close, "Close " ); AddColumn( Volume, "Volume " ); AddTextColumn(bb_status, "BBand", 1, colorWhite, bb_Col); AddTextColumn(SubScore1_status, "Med MA",1, colorWhite, SubScore1_Col); AddTextColumn(SubScore2_status, "Long MA",1, colorWhite, SubScore2_Col); AddTextColumn(SubScore3_status, "Med MA vs. Long MA",1, colorWhite, SubScore3_Col); AddTextColumn(SubScore6_status, "MACD ",1, colorWhite, SubScore6_Col); AddTextColumn(Subscore7_status, "MACD/Signal ",1, colorWhite, SubScore7_Col); AddTextColumn(SubScore8_status, "AROON",1, colorWhite, SubScore8_Col); AddTextColumn(SubScore10_status, "Stochastic",1, colorWhite, SubScore10_Col); AddTextColumn(r_status,"RSI-14",1, colorWhite, r_Col); AddTextColumn(MFI_status, "MFI", 1, colorWhite, MFI_Col); AddColumn(Score, "Score ",1.0, colorWhite, Score_Col);