// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com * Fibonacci Internal & External Retracements */ // This is a Modified Version that shows Fibonacci 00% & 100% instead of WRONG Sup & Res _SECTION_BEGIN("Background"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel",colorTan)); // color of outer border SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorBlack),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorBlack)); tchoice=Param("Title Selection ",2,1,2,1); Plot(C, "", IIf(O>=C, colorRed, colorGreen), ParamStyle("Price Style",styleCandle,maskPrice)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _SECTION_BEGIN("Fib Retracements"); fibs = ParamToggle("Plot Fibs","Off|On",1); pctH = Param ("Pivot Hi %", 0.325,0.001,2.0,0.002); HiLB = Param ("Hi LookBack",1,1,BarCount-1,1); pctL = Param ("Pivot Lo %", 0.325,0.001,2.0,0.002); LoLB = Param ("Lo LookBack",1,1,BarCount-1,1); Back = Param ("Extend Left = 2",1,1,500,1); Fwd = Param("Plot Forward", 0, 0, 500, 1); text = ParamToggle("Plot Text","Off|On",1); hts = Param ("Text Shift", -33.5,-50,50,0.10); style =ParamStyle("Line Style",styleLine,styleNoLabel); x = BarIndex(); pRp = PeakBars( H, pctH, 1) == 0; yRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, H, HiLB)); xRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, x, HiLB)); pSp = TroughBars( L, pctL, 1) == 0; ySp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, L, LoLB)); xSp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, x, LoLB)); Delta = yRp0 - ySp0; function fib(ret) { retval = (Delta * ret); Fibval = IIf(ret < 1.0 AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - retval, IIf(ret < 1.0 AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + retval,IIf(ret > 1.0 AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - retval, IIf(ret > 1.0 AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + retval, Null)))); return FibVal; } x0 = Min(xSp0,xRp0)-Back; x1 = (BarCount -1); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// r236 = fib(0.236); r236I = LastValue (r236,1); r382 = fib(0.382); r382I = LastValue (r382,1); r050 = fib(0.50); r050I = LastValue (r050,1); r618 = fib(0.618); r618I = LastValue (r618,1); r786 = fib(0.786); r786I = LastValue (r786,1); e127 = fib(1.27); e127I = LastValue (e127,1); e162 = fib(1.62); e162I = LastValue (e162,1); e200 = fib(2.00); e200I = LastValue (e200,1); e262 = fib(2.62); e262I = LastValue (e262,1); e424 = fib(4.24); e424I = LastValue (e424,1); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// p00 = IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p00I = LastValue (p00,1); p100 = IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p100I = LastValue (p100,1); color00 =IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,colorLime,colorRed); color100 =IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,colorLime,colorRed); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible"))); fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(fibs==1) { Plot(LineArray(xRp0-Fwd,yRp0,x1,yRp0,Back),"PR",32,8|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(xSp0-Fwd,ySp0,x1,ySp0,Back),"PS",27,8|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r236,x1,r236,Back),"",45,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r382,x1,r382,Back),"",44,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r050,x1,r050,Back),"",41,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r618,x1,r618,Back),"",43,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r786,x1,r786,Back),"",42,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e127,x1,e127,Back),"e127",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e162,x1,e162,Back),"e162",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e200,x1,e200,Back),"p200",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e262,x1,e262,Back),"p262",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e424,x1,e424,Back),"p424",25,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(text==1) { PlotText(" 0% = " + WriteVal(p00,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), p00I + 0.05, color00); PlotText("23% = " + WriteVal(r236,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r236I + 0.05, 45); PlotText("38% = " + WriteVal(r382,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r382I + 0.05, 44); PlotText("50% = " + WriteVal(r050,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r050I + 0.05, 41); PlotText("62% = " + WriteVal(r618,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r618I + 0.05, 43); PlotText("78% = " + WriteVal(r786,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r786I + 0.05, 42); PlotText("100% = " + WriteVal(p100,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),p100I + 0.05, color100); PlotText("127% = " + WriteVal(e127,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e127I + 0.05, 47); PlotText("162% = " + WriteVal(e162,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e162I + 0.05, 47); PlotText("200% = " + WriteVal(e200,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e200I + 0.05, 47); PlotText("262% = " + WriteVal(e262,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e262I + 0.05, 47); PlotText("424% = " + WriteVal(e424,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e424I + 0.05, 25); } _SECTION_END(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (tchoice==1 ) { _N(Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+StrFormat(" {{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{Date}} Open: %g, High: %g, Low: %g, Close: %g {{VALUES}}",O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (tchoice==2 ) { Title = EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "Fibonacci Internal & External Retracements " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + Name() + " " + EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ Date() + " Tick = " + EncodeColor(5) + Interval()+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " Open = " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + O + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " High = " + EncodeColor(5) + H + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " Low = " + EncodeColor(colorRed) + L + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " Close = " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + C + "\n" + EncodeColor( colorWhite) +"_______________"+"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "424% = " + EncodeColor(25)+ e424 + " " +"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "262% = " + EncodeColor(47)+ e262 + " " +"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "200% = " + EncodeColor(47)+ e200 + " " +"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "162% = " + EncodeColor(47)+ e162 + " " +"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "127% = " + EncodeColor(47)+ e127 + " " +"\n"+ EncodeColor( Color100) + "100% = " + EncodeColor(Color100) + p100 + " "+"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "78.6% = " + EncodeColor(42)+ r786 + " " +"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "61.8% = " + EncodeColor(43)+ r618 + " "+"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "50% = " + EncodeColor(41)+ r050 + " "+"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "38.2% = " + EncodeColor(44)+ r382 + " "+"\n"+ EncodeColor( colorWhite) + "23.6% = " + EncodeColor(45)+ r236+ " " +"\n"+ EncodeColor( Color00) + "00% = " + EncodeColor(Color00) + p00 + " " ; } GraphXSpace=5; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _SECTION_BEGIN("MOB simulation shiree"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); //Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorPink ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); PlotOHLC(O,H,L,C,"Price",IIf(C>O,colorGreen,colorRed),styleCandle); //Date: 12-January 2002 by Thomas Zmuck //thomas.zm@ aon.at Offset = 5; //use two sheets: one with 5 and another with 7, or maybe other offset value Avgmov = Offset*MA(abs( ROC(C,1)) ,20); per = LastValue(Avgmov) ; x=Cum(1); Range = 0.01; PS = TroughBars(L, per,1) == 0; xa = LastValue(ValueWhen (PS,x,1)) ;//x from last trough Ya = LastValue(ValueWhen (PS,L,1)) ;//y (Low) last trough PR = PeakBars(H,per, 1) == 0; xb = LastValue(ValueWhen (PR,x,1)) ;//x from last peak Yb = LastValue(ValueWhen (PR,H,1)) ;//y (High) last peak Trough_ReTest = abs((L/ya)-1) xa;//upSwing DN = xa>xb;//DownSwing RT23_6 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.236, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.236,-1e10) ); RT38_2 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.382, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.382,-1e10) ); RT50_0 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.500, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.500,-1e10) ); RT61_8 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.618, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.618,-1e10) ); RT78_6 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.786, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.786,-1e10) ); RT12_7 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*1.27, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*1.27,-1e10) ); RT16_1 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*1.61, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*1.61,-1e10) ); RT= IIf(UP,-100* (yb-L)/(yb- ya), 100*(H-ya)/( yb-ya));//Retracement_ Value InZone = Cya;//use it for filter to receive only signals that are in in the Retracement zone. Buy = Trough_ReTest OR peak_Cross; Sell = Peak_ReTest OR trough_Cross; Filter = 1; AddColumn(RT, "RT%"); AddColumn(Trough_ReTest,"TR- Test",1.0) ; AddColumn(Peak_ReTest,"PK-Test",1.0) ; AddColumn(Trough_Cross,"TR-Cross",1.0); AddColumn(Peak_Cross,"PK-Cross",1.0); //AddColumn(CdDoji( )OR CHammer(),"Candle" ,1.0); Plot(C,"C",1, 64); Plot(IIf(x>xa, ya,-1e10) ,"Bottom" ,colorBrown, 1+8); Plot(IIf(x>xb, yb,-1e10) ,"Top",colorBrown,1+8); xab = IIf(xb>xa,xb, xa); //Retracements Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT23_6,-1e10), "23,6% Retr.",5,1); Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT38_2,-1e10), "38,2% Retr.",5,1); Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT50_0,-1e10), "50,0% Retr.",colorBlue, 1); Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT61_8,-1e10), "61,8% Retr.",colorYellow, 1); Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT78_6,-1e10), "78,6% Retr.",colorYellow, 1); Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT12_7,-1e10), "127% ext.",colorBrightGreen, styleDots); Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT16_1,-1e10), "161% ext.",colorBrightGreen, styleDots); CondA=IIf(x>= xab+1,RT12_7,-1e10); CondB=IIf(x>= xab+1,RT16_1,-1e10); PlotOHLC(Condb,Condb,Conda,Conda,"",ColorRGB(30,130,30),styleCloud,styleNoLabel); GraphXSpace = 0.5; //Plot(Gauss2ord(C,5),"M5",4,1); //GraphXSpace = 1.5; //Title = Name()+" per = "+WriteVal(per, 1.0) +" Close = "+WriteVal(C, 1.2)+ " ("+WriteVal( ROC(C,1), 1.2)+"%)" +" Current Correction = "+WriteVal(RT, 1.0)+"%"; //Plot( Volume,"V", ParamColor("Color", colorBlueGrey ), ParamStyle( "Style", stylehidden| styleOwnScale | styleThick, maskHistogram ), 2 ); _SECTION_END( ); //---- Ramesh.S.R HaClose = (O+H+L+C)/4; HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), .40); HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); xDiff = (HaHigh - Halow) * IIf(StrFind(Name(),"JPY"),100,10000); barcolor = IIf(HaClose >= HaOpen,colorGreen,colorRed); // ****PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, "", barcolor, styleCandle ); // Plot(EMA(HaClose,9),"",colorWhite, styleLine); // Plot(EMA(HaClose,18),"",colorBlack, styleLine); _SECTION_BEGIN("Ramesh Swing1"); no=Param( "Swing", 10, 1, 55 ); tsl_col=ParamColor( "Color", colorDarkRed ); res=HHV(H,no); sup=LLV(L,no); avd=IIf(C>Ref(res,-1),1,IIf(Ctsl,colorBlue,colorRed),styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 ); // arrows code Buy=Cross(C,Ref(res,-1)); Sell=Cross(Ref(sup,-1),C); shape=Buy*shapeUpArrow + Sell*shapeDownArrow; PlotShapes(shape,colorBlack,0,IIf(Buy,Low,High)); // scanner code Buy=Cross(C,tsl); Sell=Cross(tsl,C); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Ramesh Swing2"); no=Param( "Swing", 20, 1, 55 ); tsl_col=ParamColor( "Color", colorBlue ); res=HHV(H,no); sup=LLV(L,no); avd=IIf(C>Ref(res,-1),1,IIf(CRef(res,-1),1,IIf(C