// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); cond1 = Ref(H,-2) > H; cond2 = Ref(L,-2) < L; cond3 = Ref(C,-1)-Ref(O,-1)>0; Buy = Ref( cond1 AND cond2 AND cond3, -1 ) AND H > Ref( H, -1 ); Sell = Ref( cond1 AND cond2 AND cond3, -1 ) AND L > Ref( L, -1 ); tick = 0.25; // for example BuyPrice = Ref( H, -1 ) + 2 * tick; BuyPrice = Ref( H, -1 ) + 2 * TickSize; Buy = Ref( Inside() AND C > O, -2 ) AND H > Ref( H, -1 ); BuyPrice = Ref( H, -1 ) + 2 * TickSize; PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpArrow,colorBlue,0,H,-40); _SECTION_BEGIN("Name"); GfxSetOverlayMode (1); GfxSelectFont ("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/10 ); GfxSetTextAlign ( 6 );// center alignment //GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 200, 200, 200 ) ); GfxSetTextColor ( ColorHSB( 42, 42, 42 ) ); GfxSetBkMode (0); // transparent GfxTextOut ( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/12 ); GfxSelectFont ("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/12 ); GfxTextOut ( "AUTO HANDS FREE TRADING", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/3 ); GfxSelectFont ("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/20 ); GfxTextOut ( "PALAMTHREADHOUSE@YAHOO.CO.IN", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/2 ); _SECTION_END ();