// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("yagnesh"); bts=ParamToggle("BrainTrend1 signal","No|Yes" ,0); //btst=ParamToggle("BrainTrend1 stop","No|Yes" ,0); //btsl=ParamToggle("BrainTrend1 stop line","No|Yes" ,0); period=Param("Period",20,6,200,1); x1=53; x2=47; d=2.3; f=7; s=1.5; range=ATR(f); Range1 = ATR(f)/d; Range2 = (ATR(f)*s)/4; range3=ATR(10); R = ((HHV(H,period) - C) /(HHV (H,period) -LLV (L,period))) *-100; EMA1= EMA(R,Period); EMA2= EMA(EMA1,5); Difference= EMA1 - EMA2; ZeroLagEMA= EMA1 + Difference; value2=abs(ZeroLagEMA); function PercentR( periods ) { return -100 * ( HHV( H, periods ) - C )/( HHV( H, periods ) - LLV( L, periods ) ); } for( i = period+10; i < BarCount; i++ ) { C[0]=0; Value2[0]=0; p[0]=0; Plot1[0]=0; Plot2[0]=0; Val1=0; Val2=0; temp[0]=0; Value3[0]=0; tm[0]=0; p1[i]=0; bt1[0]=0; bt2[0]=0; r[0]=0; bt1a[0]=0; bt2a[0]=0; istop[0]=Val1[0]; stop[i]=Val1[0]; bstop[0]=0; sstop[i]=0; { if (value2[i] < x2 AND abs(Close[i]-Close[i-2]) > range1[i]) p[i] = 1 ; else { if (value2[i] > x1 AND abs(Close[i]-Close[i-2]) > Range1[i]) p[i] = 2 ; else p[i]=0; } } if ((value2[i] < x2 AND p[i] == 1) OR (value2[i] < x2 AND p[i] == 0)) { if (abs(Close[i]-Close[i-2]) > Range1[i]) { Plot1[i]=H[i]; Plot2[i]=L[i]; } else { Plot1[i]=Plot1[i-1]; Plot2[i]=Plot2[i-1]; } } else { if ((value2[i] > x1 AND p[i] == 2) OR (value2[i] > x1 AND p[i] == 0)) { Plot1[i]=L[i]; Plot2[i]=H[i]; } else { Plot1[i]=Plot1[i-1]; Plot2[i]=Plot2[i-1]; } } { if (value2[i] < x2 AND (abs(Close[i]-Close[i-2]) > Range1[i])) { if (p[i] == 1 OR p[i] == 0) Value3[i]=L[i]-range3[i]; val1[i]=Value3[i]; p[i]=1; temp[i]=1; } else { temp[i]=temp[i-1]; } { if (value2[i] > x1 AND (abs(Close[i]-Close[i-2]) > Range1[i])) { if (p[i] == 2 OR p[i] == 0) Value3[i]=H[i]+range3[i]; val2[i]=Value3[i]; p[i]=2; temp[i]=2;; } } } { if (temp[i]==1 AND Plot1[i]>0 AND tm[i] != 1) tm[i]= 1; if (temp[i]==2 AND Plot2[i]>0 AND tm[i] != 2) tm[i]=2; } { if (value2[i] < x2 AND (abs(Close[i]-Close[i-2]) > Range1[i])AND p[i] !=2) { value3[i]=L[i]-range3[i]; va1[i]=Value3[i]; p1[i]=2; r[i]=Va1[i]; bstop[i]=Va1[i]; bt2[i]=bt2[i-1]; } if (value2[i] > x1 AND (abs(Close[i]-Close[i-2]) > Range1[i])AND p[i] !=1) { Value3[i]=H[i]+range3[i]; va2[i]=Value3[i]; p1[i]=1; r[i]=Va2[i]; sstop[i]=Value3[i]; bt1[i]=bt1[i-1]; } } if (val1[i] == 0 AND val2[i] == 0 AND p[i] == 0 ) { bstop[i]=bstop[i-1]; sstop[i]=sstop[i-1]; } if (bstop[i]sstop[i-1] AND tm[i]==2 AND tm[i-1]==2) sstop[i]=sstop[i-1]; } Mycolor=IIf(p==1,colorLime,IIf(p==2,colorRed,colorBlue)); //PlotOHLC( Open, High, Low, Close, "", Mycolor, styleBar| styleThick ); PlotShapes( shapeCircle* (bts AND tm==1 AND Ref(tm,-1)==2),colorTurquoise, 0, bstop, 0 ); PlotShapes( shapeCircle* (bts AND tm==2 AND Ref(tm,-1)==1), colorCustom12, 0, sstop, 0 ); //PlotShapes( IIf(btst AND p==1,shapeSmallCircle,Null), colorTurquoise,0,bstop,0); //Plot(IIf(btsl AND tm==1,bstop,Null),"",colorPaleBlue,1); //PlotShapes( IIf(btst AND p==2,shapeSmallCircle,Null), colorCustom12,0,sstop,0); //Plot(IIf(btsl AND tm==2,sstop,Null),"",colorLightYellow,1); Buy1=Cover1=(bts AND tm==1 AND Ref(tm,-1)==2); Sell1=Short1=(bts AND tm==2 AND Ref(tm,-1)==1); SellPrice=ValueWhen(Sell1,C,1); BuyPrice=ValueWhen(Buy1,C,1); Long=Flip(Buy1,Sell1); Shrt=Flip(Sell1,Buy1 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Title"); if( Status("action") == actionIndicator ) ( Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "Sauda Trading System. " + " - " + Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " - " + Date() +" - "+"\n" +EncodeColor(colorBlack) +"Op-"+O+" "+"Hi-"+H+" "+"Lo-"+L+" "+ "Cl-"+C+" "+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V)+"\n"+ EncodeColor(colorLime)+ WriteIf (Buy1 , " BUYING INDICATION IS STRONG / Reverse Signal at "+C+" ","")+ WriteIf (Sell1 , " SELLING INDICATION IS STRONG / Reverse Signal at "+C+" ","")+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)); //WriteIf(Sell1 , "Total Profit/Loss for the Last Trade Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+ //WriteIf(Buy1 , "Total Profit/Loss for the Last trade Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"","")); //WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy, "Trade : Long - Entry price Rs."+(BuyPrice),"")+ //WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell, "Trade : Short - Entry price Rs."+(SellPrice),"")+"\n"+ //WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy, "Current Profit/Loss Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+ //WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell, "Current Profit/Loss Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"","")); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("swing1"); period=Param("Period",20,6,200,1); no=period; res=HHV(H,no); sup=LLV(L,no); avd=IIf(C>Ref(res,-1),1,IIf(C=100000; NewDay = Day()!= Ref(Day(), -1); highestoftheday = HighestSince(newday,H,1); Lowestoftheday =LowestSince(newday,L,1); ORBHigh = ValueWhen(afterbreakout0,highestoftheday,1); ORBLow = ValueWhen(afterbreakout0,lowestoftheday,1); //Buy=Cover= Cross(C,orbhigh) AND afterbreakout1; //Short=Cross(ORblow,C) AND afterbreakout1; //Sell =Short= Cross(orblow,C) AND afterbreakout1; //Cover=Cross(C,ORbhigh) AND afterbreakout1; //Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); //Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); //PlotText("Major Support : " + ORBLOW,LastValue(BarIndex())+1, 0.05,colorGreen); //PlotText("Major Resistance : " + ORBHIGH ,LastValue(BarIndex())+1, 0.05, colorRed); //Plot(C,"",colorYellow,styleBar); //PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow * Buy, colorGreen,0,L,-12); //PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow * Sell, colorRed,0,H,-12); //Plot(afterbreakout0,"",colorBlue,styleHistogram|styleOwnScale); Plot(ORBHigh,"",colorRed,styleDots); Plot(ORBLow,"",colorGreen,styleDots); _SECTION_END(); #include function Pt(text, entry, sl, target, Clr, fil) { PlotText("" + text + fil + " @ : " + entry , BarCount+1, entry, Clr); PlotText("SL @ : " + sl , BarCount+1, sl, Clr); PlotText("Target @ : " + target , BarCount+1, target, Clr); } //GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 10, 700, True ); //GfxTextOut("man4urheart.blogspot.com", 10 , 0 ); function Plotbands() { slowshift = 0; fastshift = 0; slb =55; flb =7; HighSlow = Ref(HHV(H,slb),slowshift); HighFast = Ref(HHV(H,flb),fastshift); CloseSlow = Ref(HHV(C,slb),slowshift); CloseFast = Ref(HHV(C,flb),fastshift ); LowSlow = Ref(LLV(L,slb),slowshift); LowFast = Ref(LLV(L,flb),fastshift); PlotOHLC(HighSlow,HighSlow,HighFast,HighFast,"",colorPaleTurquoise,styleCloud | styleNoLabel,Null,Null,3); PlotOHLC(HighFast,HighFast,LowFast,LowFast,"",colorLavender,styleCloud | styleNoLabel,Null,Null,3); PlotOHLC(LowSlow,LowSlow,LowFast,LowFast,"",colorPink,styleCloud | styleNoLabel,Null,Null,3); } function PlotGrids() { Lookback = 1; prevclose = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inHourly, -Lookback ); prevhigh = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inHourly, -Lookback ); prevlow = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inHourly, -Lookback ); grid = (prevhigh - prevlow)/3; Plot(prevclose-(3*grid),"", colorRed, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoLabel); Plot(prevclose+(4*grid),"", colorBlue, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoLabel); PlotOHLC(prevclose-(3*grid),prevclose-(2*grid),prevclose-(3*grid),prevclose-(2*grid), "", colorTan, styleArea|styleNoLabel); PlotOHLC(prevclose-(2*grid),prevclose-grid,prevclose-(2*grid),prevclose-grid, "", colorLightOrange , styleArea|styleNoLabel); PlotOHLC(prevclose-grid,prevclose,prevclose-grid,prevclose, "", colorRose, styleArea|styleNoLabel); PlotOHLC(prevclose - grid,prevclose + grid,prevclose - grid,prevclose+grid, "", colorLightYellow, styleArea|styleNoLabel); PlotOHLC(prevclose + grid,prevclose + (2*grid),prevclose + grid,prevclose+(2*grid), "", colorLavender, styleArea|styleNoLabel); PlotOHLC(prevclose +(2*grid),prevclose + (3*grid),prevclose + (2*grid),prevclose+(3*grid), "", colorSkyblue, styleArea|styleNoLabel); PlotOHLC(prevclose +(3*grid),prevclose + (4*grid),prevclose + (3*grid),prevclose+(4*grid), "", colorBrightGreen, styleArea|styleNoLabel); } function Mine () // { Line = ParamToggle("Show Targets", "No|Yes", 1); //Band = Param("Show Bands Type", 2, 0,2,1); type = Param("Signal Type", 1, 1,2,1); //Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); x = BarIndex(); //PlotShapes(shapeSmallSquare,colorYellow,0,Graph0,0); pRp = PeakBars( H, 0.78, 1) == 0; yRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, H, 1)); xRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, x, 1)); pSp = TroughBars( L, 0.78, 1) == 0; ySp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, L, 1)); xSp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, x, 1)); p00 = IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p100 = IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); tsl = SAR(); zdate = DateNum(); ph = HHV(H, 5); pl = LLV(L, 5); s1 = StochD(14,3,3); //fast - red s2 = StochD(14,3,5); //slow - blue SetBarsRequired(200,0); GraphXSpace = 2; SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); at = Param("nbar",25,1,500); k = Param("K", 5, 1, 5, 0.1); //Per = Param("ATR", 3, 1, 30, 0.50); k1 = Optimize("K", 3, 0.1, 5, 0.1); //Per1 = Optimize("ATR", 3, 1, 30, 0.50); HACLOSE=(O+H+L+C)/4; HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 ); HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); //PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, "" + Name(), colorBlack, styleCandle | styleNoLabel ); j=Haclose; //======================================================================================================================= //=========================Indicator============================================================================================== f= ATR(14); rfsctor = WMA(H-L, at); revers = k * rfsctor; Trend = 1; NW[0] = 0; for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) { if(Trend[i-1] == 1) { if(j[i] < NW[i-1]) { Trend[i] = -1; NW[i] = j[i] + Revers[i]; } else { Trend[i] = 1; if((j[i] - Revers[i]) > NW[i-1]) { NW[i] = j[i] - Revers[i]; } else { NW[i] = NW[i-1]; } } } if(Trend[i-1] == -1) { if(j[i] > NW[i-1]) { Trend[i] = 1; NW[i] = j[i] - Revers[i]; } else { Trend[i] = -1; if((j[i] + Revers[i]) < NW[i-1]) { NW[i] = j[i] + Revers[i]; } else { NW[i] = NW[i-1]; } } } } //===============system 1 ================ if (type == 1) { //Plot(NW, "", IIf(Trend == 1, 27, 4), 4); p=a; t=b; Buy=Cross(j,nw) ; stop=ValueWhen(Buy,t,1); Entry=ValueWhen(Buy,1); //Target=(Entry+(Entry-stop)); //Sell=Cross(stop,C) OR Cross(t,C) OR Cross(C,Target) ; Sell=Cross(nw,j) ; Short=b ; //Short=Cross(t,C); stop1=ValueWhen(Short,p,1); Entry1=ValueWhen(Short,1); //Target1=(Entry1-(stop1-Entry1)); Cover=Cross(C,stop1) OR Cross(C,p) ; Cover1=a; PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow *stop1 ,5,0,L); PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow * Short ,8,0,L); state=IIf(BarsSince(Buy) 1 ; i--) { if(Buy[i] == 1) { Colorentry = colorLime; Buyvalue = C[i]; sl = buyvalue - C[i] * 1.05 / 100; diff = Buyvalue - pl[i]; t1 = buyvalue + diff * .62; t2 = Buyvalue + diff * 1.62; t3 = Buyvalue + diff * 2.3; t4 = Buyvalue + diff * 4.2; t5 = Buyvalue + diff * 7.8; if(Line == 1) { Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),Buyvalue,i,Buyvalue,0),"", Colorentry, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),sl,i,sl,0),"", Colorsl, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t1,i,t1,0),"", Colort1, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t2,i,t2,0),"", Colort2, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t3,i,t3,0),"", Colort3, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t4,i,t4,0),"", Colort4, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t5,i,t5,0),"", Colort5, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); PlotText("Buy @" + WriteVal(Buyvalue, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), Buyvalue, Colorentry, Null); PlotText("Stop Loss @" + WriteVal(sl, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), sl, Colorsl, Null); PlotText("T 1 @" + WriteVal(t1, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), t1, Colort1, Null); PlotText("T 2 @" + WriteVal(t2, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), t2, Colort2, Null); PlotText("T 3 @" + WriteVal(t3, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), t3, Colort3, Null); PlotText("T 4 @" + WriteVal(t4, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), t4, Colort4, Null); PlotText("T 5 @" + WriteVal(t5, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), t5, Colort5, Null); //dist = 1.5*ATR(1); //for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) //{ //if( t1[i] ) PlotText( "T1 \n@" + WriteVal(t1, 1.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( t2[i] ) PlotText( "T2 \n@" + WriteVal(t2, 2.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( t3[i] ) PlotText( "T3 \n@" + WriteVal(t3, 3.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( t4[i] ) PlotText( "T4 \n@ " + WriteVal(t4, 4.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( t5[i] ) PlotText( "T5 \n@" + WriteVal(t5, 5.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( Stop1[i] ) PlotText( "SELL Stop\n@" + WriteVal(stop1[i], 8.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite, colorRed); //} } } if(Sell[i] == 1) { Colorentry = colorRed; Buyvalue = C[i]; sl = L[i-1] + (C[BarCount-2] * 1.05) / 100;//buyvalue + (ph[i]-Buyvalue) * .3; diff = -Buyvalue + ph[i]; t1 = buyvalue - diff * .62; t2 = Buyvalue - diff * 1.62; t3 = Buyvalue - diff * 2.3; t4 = Buyvalue - diff * 4.2; t5 = Buyvalue - diff * 7.8; if(Line == 1) { Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),Buyvalue,i,Buyvalue,0),"", Colorentry, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),sl,i,sl,0),"", Colorsl, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t1,i,t1,0),"", Colort1, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t2,i,t2,0),"", Colort2, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t3,i,t3,0),"", Colort3, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t4,i,t4,0),"", Colort4, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); Plot(LineArray(i-(BarCount-i+10),t5,i,t5,0),"", Colort5, styleLine, Null, Null, BarCount-i+15); PlotText("Sell @" + WriteVal(Buyvalue, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), Buyvalue, Colorentry, Null); PlotText("Stop Loss @" + WriteVal(sl, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+3), sl, Colorsl, Null); PlotText("T 1 @" + WriteVal(t1, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+2), t1, Colort1, Null); PlotText("T 2 @" + WriteVal(t2, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+2), t2, Colort2, Null); PlotText("T 3 @" + WriteVal(t3, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+2), t3, Colort3, Null); PlotText("T 4 @" + WriteVal(t4, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+2), t4, Colort4, Null); PlotText("T 5 @" + WriteVal(t5, 8.2), i+(BarCount-i+2), t5, Colort5, Null); //dist = 1.5*ATR(1); //for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) //{ //if( t1[i] ) PlotText( "T1 \n@" + WriteVal(t1, 1.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( t2[i] ) PlotText( "T2 \n@" + WriteVal(t2, 2.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( t3[i] ) PlotText( "T3 \n@" + WriteVal(t3, 3.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( t4[i] ) PlotText( "T4 \n@ " + WriteVal(t4, 4.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( t5[i] ) PlotText( "T5 \n@" + WriteVal(t5, 5.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite); //if( Stop1[i] ) PlotText( "SELL Stop\n@" + WriteVal(stop1[i], 8.2) , i, O[ i ]+dist[i],colorWhite, colorRed); //} } } if(Buy[i] == 1 OR Sell[i] == 1) i = 0; } //end for //if(Band==1) {Plotbands();} //else { if(Band==2) PlotGrids();} tcolor = IIf(EMA(C,9)>EMA(C,20),colorBlue,colorRed); pcolor = IIf(C > SAR(), colorTurquoise, colorOrange);} //Plot(3,"",tcolor,styleArea|styleOwnScale|styleNoRescale);} else { Lb = 1; TimeFrameSet(inHourly); // Evalue = (((H[BarCount-Lb-1]+L[BarCount-Lb-1])/2) + C[BarCount-Lb-1] + O[BarCount-Lb])/3; Evalue = O[BarCount-Lb]; if (V[BarCount-Lb] > V[BarCount-Lb-1]) {fil = "+";} else {fil = "";} dh = H[BarCount-Lb]; dl = L[BarCount-Lb]; TimeFrameRestore(); V1 = Evalue -(Evalue *0.8/100); V2 = V1 + (V1*.5/100); V3 = V1 -(Evalue * 0.00866); if(dl <= V2) { //Plot(V1,"",colorRed, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel); //Plot(V2,"",colorRed, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styleDashed); //Plot(V3,"",colorRed, styleLine|4+8+2048|styleNoLabel); AlertIf(Cross(V1, C), "", "Sell @ " + V1, 2); AlertIf(Cross(Ref(C, -1), V2), "", "SL Triggered @ " + V2, 0); AlertIf(Cross(V3, C), "", "Target Achieved @ " + V3, 0); Pt("Sell", V1, V2,V3,colorRed, fil ); } V4= V3 - (V3 *0.8/100); V5 = V4 + (V4 *.5/100); V6 = V4 -(V3 * 0.00866); if(dl <= V5) { //Plot(V4,"",colorCustom16, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel); //Plot(V5,"",colorCustom16, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styleDashed); //Plot(V6,"",colorCustom16, styleLine|4+8+2048|styleNoLabel); AlertIf(Cross(C, V4), "", "Sell @ " + V4, 2); AlertIf(Cross(Ref(C, -1), V5), "", "SL Triggered @ " + V5, 0); AlertIf(Cross(V6, C), "", "Target Achieved @ " + V6, 0); Pt("Sell", V4, V5,V6,colorCustom16, fil ); } V24= V6 - (V6 *0.8/100); V25 = V24 + (V24 *.5/100); V26 = V24 -(V6 * 0.00866); if(dl <= V25) { //Plot(V24,"",colorBrown, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel); //Plot(V25,"",colorBrown, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styleDashed); //Plot(V26,"",colorBrown, styleLine|4+8+2048|styleNoLabel); AlertIf(Cross(C, V24), "", "Sell @ " + V24, 2); AlertIf(Cross(Ref(C, -1), V25), "", "SL Triggered @ " + V25, 0); AlertIf(Cross(V26, C), "", "Target Achieved @ " + V26, 0); Pt("Sell", V24, V25,V26,colorBrown, fil ); } V7 = Evalue + (Evalue *0.8/100); V8 = V7 - (V7*.5/100); V9 = V7 + (Evalue * 0.00866); if(dh >= V8) { //Plot(V7,"",colorBlue, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel); //Plot(V8,"",colorBlue, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styleDashed); //Plot(V9,"",colorBlue, styleLine|4+8+2048|styleNoLabel); AlertIf(Cross(C, V7), "", "Buy @ " + V7, 1); AlertIf(Cross(V8, Ref(C, -1)), "", "SL Triggered @ " + V8, 0); AlertIf(Cross(C, V9), "", "Target Achieved @ " + V9, 0); Pt("Buy", V7, V8,V9,colorBlue, fil ); } V10 = V9 + (V9 *0.8/100); V11 = V10 - (V10 *.5/100); V12 = V10 + (V9 * 0.00866); if(dh >= V11) { //Plot(V10,"",colorLime, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel); //Plot(V11,"",colorLime, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styleDashed); //Plot(V12,"",colorLime, styleLine|4+8+2048|styleNoLabel); AlertIf(Cross(C, V10), "", "Buy @ " + V10, 1); AlertIf(Cross(V11, Ref(C, -1)), "", "SL Triggered @ " + V11, 0); AlertIf(Cross(C, V12), "", "Target Achieved @ " + V12, 0); Pt("Buy", V10, V11,V12,colorLime, fil ); } V210 = V12 + (V12 *0.8/100); V211 = V210 - (V210 *.5/100); V212 = V210 + (V12 * 0.00866); if(dh >= V11) { //Plot(V210,"",colorAqua, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel); //Plot(V211,"",colorAqua, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styleDashed); //Plot(V212,"",colorAqua, styleLine|4+8+2048|styleNoLabel); AlertIf(Cross(C, V210), "", "Buy @ " + V210, 1); AlertIf(Cross(V211, Ref(C, -1)), "", "SL Triggered @ " + V211, 0); AlertIf(Cross(C, V212), "", "Target Achieved @ " + V212, 0); Pt("Buy", V210, V211,V212,colorAqua, fil ); } } ;;//Plot(LineArray(xSp0-10,p00,BarCount-1,p00,5),"",IIf(p00>p100, colorRed, //colorGreen),8|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel,Null, Null,10); //Plot(LineArray(xSp0-10,p100,BarCount-1,p100,5),"",IIf(p00 p100, p00, p100), LastValue(BarIndex())+1, IIf(p00 > p100, p00, //p100) + 0.05, colorRed); //z=Param("zig",0.4,0.1,3,0.1); //Plot(C,"",colorLightGrey,styleBar); //Plot( Zig(C, z), _DEFAULT_NAME(), colorYellow, styleLine ); //Buy=Cross(C,p)AND TimeNum()>100000 ; Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell ); Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy ); //PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow*Buy,colorGreen,0, L,-5 ); //PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*Sell,colorRed,0, H,-5 ); Short = ExRem( Short, Cover ); Cover = ExRem( Cover, Short ); //PlotShapes(shapeSmallUpTriangle*Cover,colorRed,0,L,-30 ); //PlotShapes(shapeSmallDownTriangle*Short,colorGreen,0,H,-30 ); //finalb = Flip( Buy, Sell ); //finals = Flip( Short, Cover ); //Plot(IIf(finalb==1,Ref(Entry,1),IIf(finals==1,Entry1,Null)),"",colorGreen,styleDashed); //Plot(IIf(finalb==1,stop,IIf(finals==1,stop1,Null)),"",colorRed,styleDashed); //Plot(IIf(finalb==1,Target,IIf(finals==1,Target1,Null)),"",colorBlue,styleDashed); } //end function Mine(); SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )), ParamColor("BgBottom", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),ParamColor("titleblock",ColorRGB( 172,172,172 ))); GraphXSpace = 5;