// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com TimeFrameSet(inHourly); _SECTION_BEGIN("Background_Setting"); SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", colorBlack), ParamColor("BgBottom", colorBlack),ParamColor("titleblock",colorBlack )); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Earth-2"); //Copyright 9Trading.com VAR2=(High+Low+(Close)*(2))/(4); B = ((EMA((VAR2-LLV(VAR2,15))/(HHV(Low,15)-LLV(VAR2,15)),2))*(38)); Plot(b, "", 4, 1+4); bot1 = ((((-1))*(EMA((VAR2-LLV(VAR2,15))/(HHV(Low,15)-LLV(VAR2,15)),2))+0.01)*(38)); Plot(bot1, "", 4, 1+4); VAR22=((Close-LLV(Low,10))/(HHV(High,10)-LLV(Low,10)))*(100); VAR33=EMA(VAR22,10); VAR44=EMA(VAR33,10); VAR55=(3)*(VAR33)-(2)*(VAR44); VAR66=EMA(VAR55,5); BridgeT = (EMA(VAR66,1)); Plot(bridget, "", IIf(bridget > Ref(bridget,-1),colorYellow,colorBlue), 1+4); Plot(-bridget, "", IIf(bridget > Ref(bridget,-1),colorYellow,colorBlue), 1+4); trend = (5)*(EMA(((Close-LLV(Low,27))/(HHV(High,27)-LLV(Low,27)))*(100),5))- (3)*(EMA(EMA(((Close-LLV(Low,27))/(HHV(High,27)-LLV(Low,27)))*(100),5),3))- EMA(EMA(EMA(((Close-LLV(Low,27))/(HHV(High,27)-LLV(Low,27)))*(100),5),3),2); Buy1 = Cross(trend,5); PlotShapes( IIf( Buy1, shapeSmallSquare, shapeNone ), colorGreen, layer = 0, yposition = 0, offset = 3 ); PlotShapes( IIf( Buy1, shapeSmallSquare, shapeNone ),colorGreen, layer = 0, yposition = 0, offset = -4 ); VARA1=((Close>=Ref(Close,-1)) AND (Ref(Close,-1)>=Ref(Close,-2)) AND (Ref(Close,-1)<=Ref(Close,-3)) AND (Ref(Close,-2)<=Ref(Close,-3)) AND ((Ref(Close,-4)>Ref(Close,-2)) OR (Ref(Close,-4)<=Ref(Close,-2)) AND (Ref(Close,-5)>=Ref(Close,-3))) OR (Close>=Ref(Close,-1)) AND (Ref(Close,-1)<=Ref(Close,-2)) AND (Close>=Ref(Close,-2)) AND ((Ref(Close,-3)>Ref(Close,-1)) OR (Ref(Close,-3)<=Ref(Close,-1)) AND (Ref(Close,-4)>=Ref(Close,-2)))); VARA2=LLV(Low,5); VARA3=HHV(High,5); VARA4=EMA(((Close-VARA2)/(VARA3-VARA2))*(100),4); VARA5=EMA((0.66699999)*(Ref(VARA4,-1))+(0.333)*(VARA4),2); VARA6=(VARA5<24) AND (OpenRef(down,-1) AND Ref(up,-1)>up AND up>down ) OR (Ref(up,-1)down,5,4)); Plot(0,"",barcolor2,styleLine); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Earth-1"); EB1 = Close > Ref(Close, -1) AND Ref(Close, -1) > Ref(Close, -2) AND Ref(Close, -1) < Ref(Close, -3) AND IIf(Ref(Close, -3) < Ref(Close, -4), 1, IIf(Ref(Close, -4) < Ref(Close, -5),Ref(Close, -1) < Ref(Close, -4) OR( Ref(Close, -2) < Ref(Close, -4) AND Ref(Close, -3) >= Ref(Close, -5) ),IIf(Ref(Close, -5) < Ref(Close, -6), 1,Ref(Close, -6) < Ref(Close, -7)))); ES1 = Close < Ref(Close, -1) AND Ref(Close, -1) < Ref(Close, -2) AND Ref(Close, -1) > Ref(Close, -3) AND IIf(Ref(Close, -3) > Ref(Close, -4), 1, IIf(Ref(Close, -4) > Ref(Close, -5),Ref(Close, -1) > Ref(Close, -4) OR( Ref(Close, -2) > Ref(Close, -4) AND Ref(Close, -3) <= Ref(Close, -5) ),IIf(Ref(Close, -5) > Ref(Close, -6), 1,Ref(Close, -6) > Ref(Close, -7)))); PlotShapes( IIf( EB1, shapeHollowSmallSquare, shapeNone ), colorWhite, layer = 0, 0, 0 ); PlotShapes( IIf( ES1, shapeHollowSmallSquare, shapeNone ), colorOrange, layer = 0, 0, 0 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Exploration"); LastBar = Cum( 1 ) == LastValue( Cum( 1 ) ); Filter = LastBar; pfrom = Param("Price From", 0, 0, 1000, 0.5 ); pto = Param("Price To", 1000, 0, 1000, 0.5 ); Minv = Param("Minimum Volume (K)", 500, 0, 1000, 50); dd = Param("Decimal Digits", 1.2, 1, 1.7, 0.1 ); EB21= Buy1; EB22=Buy2; //Filter = Buy AND C>pfrom AND C1000*Minv; Color = IIf(Close>Open, colorGreen, colorRed); bcolor = IIf(Buy1 OR Buy2, colorGreen, 1); AddTextColumn(WriteIf(EB1,"Buy",WriteIf(ES1,"Sell","")),"Earth-1",colorDefault,-1); AddTextColumn(WriteIf(Buy1==1,"Buy-A"," "),"Earth-2a",colorDefault,-1); AddTextColumn(WriteIf(Buy2==30,"Buy-B"," "),"Earth-2b",colorDefault,-1); AddTextColumn(WriteIf(bridget > Ref(bridget,-1) AND Ref(bridget,-1)Ref(bridget,-2),"Sell","")),"Earth-2c",colorDefault,-1); AddTextColumn(WriteIf(barcolor2==colorBlue,"Modarate",WriteIf(barcolor2==4,"Buy",WriteIf(barcolor2==5,"Sell",""))),"Earth-3",colorDefault,-1); //AddColumn(Buy, "Buy" , 1.1, bcolor); //AddColumn(O, "Open", dd, textColor = Color); //AddColumn(C, "Close", dd, textColor = Color); //AddColumn(V, "Volume", 1, textColor = Color); //AddTextColumn(FullName(),"Name"); _SECTION_END();