{ Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com } {Custom Time Pivot by ANDRE} {Pivot Rang is used in MARK FISHER trading strategies} {this indicator is for daily time frame only} {in the start & end Date that you specify, you must have a candle in daily time frame otherwise the indicator wont work at all} sdm:=Input("start day and month [ mmdd ]",1,1235,803); sx:=Input("start year [ yyyy ]",1970,2460,2014); edm:=Input("ending day and month [ mmdd ]",1,1235,903); ex:=Input("ending year [ yyyy ]",1970,2460,2014); sdt:=(Month()=Int(sdm/100)) AND (DayOfMonth()=Rnd(Frac(sdm/100)*100)) AND (Year()=sx); edt:=(Month()=Int(edm/100)) AND (DayOfMonth()=Rnd(Frac(edm/100)*100)) AND (Year()=ex); ph:= LastValue( ValueWhen(1, edt, HighestSince(1, sdt, H) ) ); pl:= LastValue( ValueWhen(1, edt, LowestSince(1, sdt, L) ) ); pc:= LastValue( ValueWhen(1, edt, C ) ); start:=If(BarsSince(sdt)>-1, 0, 0); pp:= ((ph + pl + pc)/3) + start; g:= (ph + pl)/2; hh:= g-pp; pp + hh; pp; pp - hh;