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AutoTrade Control For NEST/NOW for Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 11)

AutoTrade Control For NEST/NOW

This is the updation of Manual Trade Control for NEST/NOW. This afl have new features like it will have all the trades in its memory.
This AFL is not a strategy for trading. It is only integrating the Amibroker to NEST/NOW through NEST PLUS API.
You have to replace the existing buy/sell strategy with your buy/sell strategy.
Strictly do not use the buy/sell strategy in this afl for real trading.


1. You can predefine your quantity of Buy/Sell in the parameters
2. You Can Enter your Client ID in the Parameters
3. You can select the Buy/Sell Price from Ask price, Bid price or LTP.
4. Option for Enabling Actual Trading (If Disabled, No Signals will go to NOW/NEST, But chart will generate signals.) This can be used for testing.
5. Selecting the Buy/Sell as Intraday or Delivery.
6. Selecting Order Type as Limit/ market
7. Short/Cover is included. You can add strategy and manual trade also is possible.
8. It saves all Buy/Sell & Short/Cover trades in memory and plotted until its cleared.
9. Option for selecting type of trade. ie Long,Short or Together. Long trade will only starts with a buy signal and Short Trade will Only start with Short Signal. Sell and Cover signals will only appear after buy and short signals.
10. Separate display for Buy, Sell, Short and Cover Traders for clarity.
11. KeyBoard Shortcut for Buttons.
Buy → Numpad 7
Sell → Numpad 8
Short → Numpad 4
Cover → Numpad 5
Clear → Numpad 0


1. For Buy/Sell Price selection, use Aux1 and Aux2 for importing the Ask Bid Prices.
2. Symbol in the Amibroker should be the same as present in the NEST/NOW.
3. Active Nest Plus API Subscription is required (Contact your broker for NEST PLUS API subscription)
4. NEST/NOW trader should be opened and logged in. Also logged in to the NEST PLUS with a valid API subscription.


1. Copy The Afl to Custom Afl folder of amibroker.
2. Drag and drop the afl to an intraday chart blank chart.
3. Enable Controls and Strategy and Autotrade options.
4. Select type of trades you want (Long/Short)
5. Select Buy Price, Sell Price, Product Type and Order Type
6. Enter Client ID and LotQty.

Press Buy/Sell/Short/Cover buttons for manual trading.
Strategy based signals will come automatically.

Note: Only Buy and Short will happen first. You cannot do a Sell or Cover in first. Only Two BUY or SELL or SHORT or COVER one after another are not possible.
Note: Don’t use this afl for backtesting your strategy. BackTest your strategy separately and paste it in this afl.

[Suggest Features For Improvement. This Afl is tested with amibroker 5.7 and 5.9 veraions]
[NEST, NOW, Amibroker are registered products of the Respective Companies]


Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
Title = " ";
_SECTION_BEGIN("RKR_AutoTrade1V00 ");

EnableRealTimeControl = ParamList("Enable Controls", "No|Yes", 0);
EnableStrategy = ParamList("Enable Strategy", "No|Yes", 0);
StrategyType = ParamList("StrategyType", "Long/Short|Long|Short", 0);
EnableAutoTrade = ParamList("Enable Autotrade", "No|Yes", 0);
BuyPriceSelection = ParamList("Buy Price", "Bid Price|Ask Price|LTP", 0);
SellPriceSelection = ParamList("Sell Price", "Ask Price|Bid Price|LTP", 0);
ProductType = ParamList("Product Type", "MIS|NRML", 0);
OrderType = ParamList("Order Type", "LIMIT|MARKET", 0);
ClientIdValue = ParamStr("Client Id", "CLIENTID");
LotQuantity = Param("Lot Quantity", 1000, 50, 100000, 10);  // Default Trade Qty.
X2 = Param("Button X Offset", 0, 0, 2000, 100);
Y2 = Param("Button Y Offset", 0, 0, 2000, 100);
X1 = Param("Button Size", 100, 100, 300, 50);
ParamList("Written By", "Ranjith K R");
ParamList("e-mail ID", "");
Buy = 0;
Sell = 0;
Short = 0;
Cover = 0;

if(EnableStrategy == "Yes")
/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AutoTrade Strategy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
You Have to replace the below code with your strategy
Strictly don't use the bellow Buy/Sell code for real Trading

Buy = Cross(MACD(12, 26), Signal(12, 26, 9));
Sell = Cross(Signal(12, 26, 9), MACD(12, 26));

Short = Cross(Signal(12, 26, 9), MACD(12, 26));
Cover = Cross(MACD(12, 26), Signal(12, 26, 9));

/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of AutoTrade Strategy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/

if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes" && EnableRealTimeControl == "Yes")
		nestplus = Null;
			nestplus = CreateStaticObject("Nest.PlusApi");
		StaticVarSetText ("firstflagforNest","0", 1);

X0 = 20;
Y0 = 10;
procedure DashBoard (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
	GfxSelectFont("Segoe UI", 8.5, 500);
	GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
	GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|0|4|16);

DashBoard (" Strategy: " + EnableStrategy, X0, Y0, X0+150, Y0+13, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Strategy Type: " + StrategyType, X0, Y0+13, X0+150, Y0+26, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Auto Trade: " + EnableAutoTrade, X0, Y0+26, X0+150, Y0+38, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Buy Price: " + BuyPriceSelection, X0, Y0+38, X0+150, Y0+50, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Sell Price: " + SellPriceSelection, X0, Y0+50, X0+150, Y0+62, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Product Type: " + ProductType, X0, Y0+62, X0+150, Y0+75, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Order Type: " + OrderType, X0, Y0+75, X0+150, Y0+88, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard ("", X0+1, Y0+88, X0+149, Y0+89, colorRed, colorRed);
DashBoard (" Written By: Ranjith K R", X0, Y0+89, X0+150, Y0+105, colorBlack, colorBlack);

X0 = 180;
Y0 = 10;
procedure DrawData (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
	GfxSelectFont("Segoe UI", 8.5, 600);
	GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
	GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|0|4|16);
DrawData (" " + Name(), X0, Y0, X0+200, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" " + Date(), X0+205, Y0, X0+360, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" Open : " + Open, X0+365, Y0, X0+505, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" Close : " + Close, X0+510, Y0, X0+650, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" High : " + High, X0+655, Y0, X0+795, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" Low : " + Low, X0+800, Y0, X0+940, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" Volume : " + NumToStr(Volume,1,0), X0+945, Y0, X0+1100, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" % Change : " + NumToStr( (((C-O)*100)/O), 1.2, True), X0+1105, Y0, X0+1235, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);

	StaticVarSet("OrderNo", 0);
	StaticVarSetText ("firstflag","0");

	StaticVarSet(("BuyIndex" + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("BuyCount" + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("BuyFlag"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("BuyPrice"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("BuyQty"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("SellIndex" + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("SellCount" + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("SellFlag"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("SellPrice"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("SellQty"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("ShortIndex" + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("ShortCount" + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("ShortFlag"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("ShortPrice"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("ShortQty"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("CoverIndex" + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("CoverCount" + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("CoverFlag"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("CoverPrice"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet(("CoverQty"  + Name()), 0);
	StaticVarSet("LTPSave" + Name(), 0);
	StaticVarSet("LTQSave" + Name(), 0);
	StaticVarSet("VolumeTemp" + Name(), 0);
	StaticVarSet("AskSave" + Name(), 0);
	StaticVarSet("BidSave" + Name(), 0);
	StaticVarSet("LastLTPColor" + Name(), colorGrey40);
	StaticVarSet("LastLTQColor" + Name(), colorGrey40);
	StaticVarSet("LastAskColor" + Name(), colorGrey40);
	StaticVarSet("LastBidColor" + Name(), colorGrey40);
	StaticVarSetText("firstflag"+Name(), "0");

CurrentAskPrice = LastValue(Aux1);
CurrentBidPrice = LastValue(Aux2);
CurrentTradedPrice = LastValue(C);
CurrentVolume = LastValue(Volume);

if(BuyPriceSelection == "Bid Price")
	BuyPriceValue = CurrentBidPrice;
else if(BuyPriceSelection == "Ask Price")
	BuyPriceValue = CurrentAskPrice;
	BuyPriceValue = CurrentTradedPrice;

if(SellPriceSelection == "Ask Price")
	SellPriceValue = CurrentAskPrice;
else if(SellPriceSelection == "Bid Price")
	SellPriceValue = CurrentBidPrice;
	SellPriceValue = CurrentTradedPrice;

LTPTemp = StaticVarGet("LTPSave" + Name());
LTQTemp = StaticVarGet("LTQSave" + Name());
VolumeTemp = StaticVarGet("VolumeTemp" + Name());
AskTemp = StaticVarGet("AskSave" + Name());
BidTemp = StaticVarGet("BidSave" + Name());

CurrentLTQ = (CurrentVolume - VolumeTemp);

if(CurrentLTQ < 0)
	CurrentLTQ = CurrentLTQ * -1;

if(CurrentLTQ == 0)
	CurrentLTQ = LTQTemp;

LTPColor = StaticVarGet("LastLTPColor" + Name());
LTQColor = StaticVarGet("LastLTQColor" + Name());
AskColor = StaticVarGet("LastAskColor" + Name());
BidColor = StaticVarGet("LastBidColor" + Name());

if(LTPTemp > CurrentTradedPrice)
	LTPColor = colorRed;
else if(LTPTemp < CurrentTradedPrice)
	LTPColor = ColorGreen;

if(LTQTemp > CurrentLTQ)
	LTQColor = colorRed;
else if(LTQTemp < CurrentLTQ)
	LTQColor = ColorGreen;

if(AskTemp > CurrentAskPrice)
	AskColor = colorRed;
else if(AskTemp < CurrentAskPrice)
	AskColor = ColorGreen;

if(BidTemp > CurrentBidPrice)
	BidColor = colorRed;
else if(BidTemp < CurrentBidPrice)
	BidColor = ColorGreen;

StaticVarSet("LastLTPColor" + Name(), LTPColor);
StaticVarSet("LastLTQColor" + Name(), LTQColor);
StaticVarSet("LastAskColor" + Name(), AskColor);
StaticVarSet("LastBidColor" + Name(), BidColor);

StaticVarSet("LTPSave" + Name(), CurrentTradedPrice);
StaticVarSet("LTQSave" + Name(), CurrentLTQ);
StaticVarSet("VolumeTemp" + Name(), CurrentVolume);
StaticVarSet("AskSave" + Name(), CurrentAskPrice);
StaticVarSet("BidSave" + Name(), CurrentBidPrice);

X0 = X2 + 20;
Y0 = Y2 + 120;
LBClick = GetCursorMouseButtons() == 9;	// Click
MouseX  = Nz(GetCursorXPosition(1));		// 
MouseY  = Nz(GetCursorYPosition(1));		//

NumPad0 = GetAsyncKeyState(96) < 0;
NumPad4 = GetAsyncKeyState(100) < 0;
NumPad5 = GetAsyncKeyState(101) < 0;
NumPad7 = GetAsyncKeyState(103) < 0;
NumPad8 = GetAsyncKeyState(104) < 0;

procedure DrawBut (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
	GfxSelectFont("Segoe UI", 9, 700);
	GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
	GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|1|4|16);

if(EnableRealTimeControl == "Yes")

	DrawBut ("Buy", X0, Y0, X0+X1, Y0+30, colorGreen, colorGreen);
	CursorInBuyButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0 AND MouseY <= Y0+30;
	BuyButtonClick = CursorInBuyButton AND LBClick;
	if (BuyButtonClick || NumPad7 )
		TempBuy = Buy;
		Buy = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) || (TempBuy == True), True, False);

	DrawBut ("Sell", X0, Y0+40, X0+X1, Y0+70, colorRed, colorRed);
	CursorInSellButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+40 AND MouseY <= Y0+70;
	SellButtonClick = CursorInSellButton AND LBClick;
	if (SellButtonClick || NumPad8)
		TempSell = Sell;
		Sell = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) || (TempSell == True), True, False);
	DrawBut ("Short", X0, Y0+80, X0+X1, Y0+110, colorOrange, colorOrange);
	CursorInShortButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+80 AND MouseY <= Y0+110;
	ShortButtonClick = CursorInShortButton AND LBClick;
	if (ShortButtonClick || NumPad4)
		TemShort = Short;
		Short = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) || (TemShort == True), True, False);

	DrawBut ("Cover", X0, Y0+120, X0+X1, Y0+150, colorTurquoise, colorTurquoise);
	CursorInCoverButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+120 AND MouseY <= Y0+150;
	CoverButtonClick = CursorInCoverButton AND LBClick;
	if (CoverButtonClick || NumPad5)
		TempCover = Cover;
		Cover = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) || (TempCover == True), True, False);

	DrawBut ("Clear Data", X0, Y0+160, X0+X1, Y0+190, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	CursorInClearButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+160 AND MouseY <= Y0+190;
	ClearButtonClick = CursorInClearButton AND LBClick;
	if (ClearButtonClick || NumPad0 ) 
		DrawBut("Clear", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);

		StaticVarSetText("firstflag"+Name(), "");
	//TempBuy = Buy;
	TempBuy = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) && (LastValue(Buy) == True), True, False);
	BuyTempData = StaticVarGet("BuyIndex" + Name());
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
	BuyPrevTemp = 0;
	for(i = 0; i <= TempCount; i++)
		BuyPrevTemp = BuyPrevTemp | (IIF(DateTime() == BuyTempData[i], True, False));
	Buy = IIF(((BuyPrevTemp == True) || (TempBuy == True)), True, False);
	//TempSell = Sell;
	TempSell = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) && (LastValue(Sell) == True), True, False);
	SellTempData = StaticVarGet("SellIndex" + Name());
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("SellCount" + Name());
	SellPrevTemp = 0;
	for(i = 0; i <= TempCount; i++)
		SellPrevTemp = SellPrevTemp | (IIF(DateTime() == SellTempData[i], True, False));
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
	Sell = IIF((TempCount > 0) && ((SellPrevTemp == True) || (TempSell == True)), True, False);
	//TempShort = Short;
	TempShort = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) && (LastValue(Short) == True), True, False);
	ShortTempData = StaticVarGet("ShortIndex" + Name());
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
	ShortPrevTemp = 0;
	for(i = 0; i <= TempCount; i++)
		ShortPrevTemp = ShortPrevTemp | (IIF(DateTime() == ShortTempData[i], True, False));
	Short = IIF(((ShortPrevTemp == True) || (TempShort == True)), True, False);
	//TempCover = Cover;
	TempCover = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) && (LastValue(Cover) == True), True, False);
	CoverTempData = StaticVarGet("CoverIndex" + Name());
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("CoverCount" + Name());
	CoverPrevTemp = 0;
	for(i = 0; i <= TempCount; i++)
		CoverPrevTemp = CoverPrevTemp | (IIF(DateTime() == CoverTempData[i], True, False));
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
	Cover = IIF((TempCount > 0) && ((CoverPrevTemp == True) || (TempCover == True)), True, False);

if(StrategyType == "Long")
	Short = 0;
	Cover = 0;
else if(StrategyType == "Short")
	Buy = 0;
	Sell = 0;

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );

Short = ExRem( Short, Cover );
Cover = ExRem( Cover, Short );

Buyshape = Buy * shapeUpArrow;
SellShape = Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes( Buyshape, colorBrightGreen, 0, Low );
PlotShapes( SellShape, colorRed, 0, High );

Shortshape = Short * shapeDownArrow;
CoverShape = Cover * shapeUpArrow;
PlotShapes( Shortshape, colorOrange, 0, High, -30);
PlotShapes( CoverShape, colorTurquoise, 0, Low, -30 );

GraphXSpace = 5;
if(EnableRealTimeControl == "Yes")
	if((LastValue(Buy) == True) && (StaticVarGet(("BuyFlag" + Name())) != LastValue(DateTime())))
		StaticVarSet(("BuyFlag" + Name()), LastValue(DateTime()));
		DrawBut("Buy", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
		TempCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
		TempIndex = StaticVarGet("BuyIndex" + Name());
		TempPrice = StaticVarGet("BuyPrice"  + Name());
		TempQty = StaticVarGet("BuyQty"  + Name());
		TempIndex[TempCount] = LastValue(DateTime());
		TempPrice[TempCount] = BuyPriceValue;
		TempQty[TempCount] = LotQuantity;
		StaticVarSet("BuyCount" + Name(), TempCount);
		StaticVarSet(("BuyIndex" + Name()), TempIndex);
		StaticVarSet(("BuyPrice" + Name()), TempPrice);
		StaticVarSet(("BuyQty" + Name()), TempQty);
		if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes")
			LastOrderNo = StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
			StaticVarSet("OrderNo", LastOrderNo);
			TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + LastOrderNo;
			TempName = Name() + "-EQ";
			nestplus.PlaceOrder("BUY", TempOrderNo, "NSE", TempName, "DAY", OrderType, LotQuantity, BuyPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);

	if((LastValue(Sell) == True) && (StaticVarGet(("SellFlag" + Name())) != LastValue(DateTime())))
		StaticVarSet(("SellFlag" + Name()), LastValue(DateTime()));
		DrawBut("Sell", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
		TempCount = StaticVarGet("SellCount" + Name());
		TempIndex = StaticVarGet("SellIndex" + Name());
		TempPrice = StaticVarGet("SellPrice"  + Name());
		TempQty = StaticVarGet("SellQty"  + Name());
		TempIndex[TempCount] = LastValue(DateTime());
		TempPrice[TempCount] = SellPriceValue;
		TempQty[TempCount] = LotQuantity;
		StaticVarSet("SellCount" + Name(), TempCount);
		StaticVarSet(("SellIndex" + Name()), TempIndex);
		StaticVarSet(("SellPrice" + Name()), TempPrice);
		StaticVarSet(("SellQty" + Name()), TempQty);
		if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes")
			LastOrderNo = StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
			StaticVarSet("OrderNo", LastOrderNo, 1);
			TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + LastOrderNo;
			TempName = Name() + "-EQ";
			nestplus.PlaceOrder("SELL", TempOrderNo, "NSE", TempName, "DAY", OrderType, LotQuantity, SellPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);
	if((LastValue(Short) == True) && (StaticVarGet(("ShortFlag" + Name())) != LastValue(DateTime())))
		StaticVarSet(("ShortFlag" + Name()), LastValue(DateTime()));
		DrawBut("Short", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
		TempCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
		TempIndex = StaticVarGet("ShortIndex" + Name());
		TempPrice = StaticVarGet("ShortPrice"  + Name());
		TempQty = StaticVarGet("ShortQty"  + Name());
		TempIndex[TempCount] = LastValue(DateTime());
		TempPrice[TempCount] = SellPriceValue;
		TempQty[TempCount] = LotQuantity;
		StaticVarSet("ShortCount" + Name(), TempCount);
		StaticVarSet(("ShortIndex" + Name()), TempIndex);
		StaticVarSet(("ShortPrice" + Name()), TempPrice);
		StaticVarSet(("ShortQty" + Name()), TempQty);
		if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes")
			LastOrderNo = StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
			StaticVarSet("OrderNo", LastOrderNo);
			TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + LastOrderNo;
			TempName = Name() + "-EQ";
			nestplus.PlaceOrder("SELL", TempOrderNo, "NSE", TempName, "DAY", OrderType, LotQuantity, SellPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);

	if((LastValue(Cover) == True) && (StaticVarGet(("CoverFlag" + Name())) != LastValue(DateTime())))
		StaticVarSet(("CoverFlag" + Name()), LastValue(DateTime()));
		DrawBut("Cover", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
		TempCount = StaticVarGet("CoverCount" + Name());
		TempIndex = StaticVarGet("CoverIndex" + Name());
		TempPrice = StaticVarGet("CoverPrice"  + Name());
		TempQty = StaticVarGet("CoverQty"  + Name());
		TempIndex[TempCount] = LastValue(DateTime());
		TempPrice[TempCount] = BuyPriceValue;
		TempQty[TempCount] = LotQuantity;
		StaticVarSet("CoverCount" + Name(), TempCount);
		StaticVarSet(("CoverIndex" + Name()), TempIndex);
		StaticVarSet(("CoverPrice" + Name()), TempPrice);
		StaticVarSet(("CoverQty" + Name()), TempQty);
		if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes")
			LastOrderNo = StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
			StaticVarSet("OrderNo", LastOrderNo, 1);
			TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + LastOrderNo;
			TempName = Name() + "-EQ";
			nestplus.PlaceOrder("BUY", TempOrderNo, "NSE", TempName, "DAY", OrderType, LotQuantity, BuyPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);
X0 = 180;
Y0 = 30;

if(EnableRealTimeControl == "Yes")
	TotPrice = 0;
	TotQty = 0;
	TotVal = 0;
	TempPriceArray = StaticVarGet("BuyPrice" + Name());
	TempQtyArray = StaticVarGet("BuyQty" + Name());
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
	for(i = 0; i < TempCount; i++)
		TotPrice = TotPrice + TempPriceArray[i];
		TotQty = TotQty + TempQtyArray[i];
		TotVal = TotVal + TempPriceArray[i] * TempQtyArray[i];
	if(TempCount == 0)
		AvgBuyPrice = 0;
		LastBuyPrice = 0;
		LastBuyQty = 0;
		AvgBuyPrice = (TotPrice / TempCount);
		LastBuyPrice = TempPriceArray[(TempCount - 1)];
		LastBuyQty = NumToStr(TempQtyArray[(TempCount - 1)], 1, 0);
	TotBuyQty = NumToStr(TotQty, 1, 0);
	NetBuyQty = TotQty;
	NetBuyValue = TotVal;
	TotPrice = 0;
	TotQty = 0;
	TotVal = 0;
	TempPriceArray = StaticVarGet("SellPrice" + Name());
	TempQtyArray = StaticVarGet("SellQty" + Name());
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("SellCount" + Name());
	for(i = 0; i < TempCount; i++)
		TotPrice = TotPrice + TempPriceArray[i];
		TotQty = TotQty + TempQtyArray[i];
		TotVal = TotVal + TempPriceArray[i] * TempQtyArray[i];
	if(TempCount == 0)
		AvgSellPrice = 0;
		LastSellPrice = 0;
		LastSellQty = 0;
		AvgSellPrice = (TotPrice / TempCount);
		LastSellPrice = TempPriceArray[(TempCount - 1)];
		LastSellQty = NumToStr(TempQtyArray[(TempCount - 1)], 1, 0);
	TotSellQty = NumToStr(TotQty, 1, 0);
	NetSellQty = TotQty;
	NetSellValue = TotVal;
	TotPrice = 0;
	TotQty = 0;
	TotVal = 0;
	TempPriceArray = StaticVarGet("ShortPrice" + Name());
	TempQtyArray = StaticVarGet("ShortQty" + Name());
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
	for(i = 0; i < TempCount; i++)
		TotPrice = TotPrice + TempPriceArray[i];
		TotQty = TotQty + TempQtyArray[i];
		TotVal = TotVal + TempPriceArray[i] * TempQtyArray[i];
	if(TempCount == 0)
		AvgShortPrice = 0;
		LastShortPrice = 0;
		LastShortQty = 0;
		AvgShortPrice = (TotPrice / TempCount);
		LastShortPrice = TempPriceArray[(TempCount - 1)];
		LastShortQty = NumToStr(TempQtyArray[(TempCount - 1)], 1, 0);
	TotShortQty = NumToStr(TotQty, 1, 0);
	NetShortQty = TotQty;
	NetShortValue = TotVal;
	TotPrice = 0;
	TotQty = 0;
	TotVal = 0;
	TempPriceArray = StaticVarGet("CoverPrice" + Name());
	TempQtyArray = StaticVarGet("CoverQty" + Name());
	TempCount = StaticVarGet("CoverCount" + Name());
	for(i = 0; i < TempCount; i++)
		TotPrice = TotPrice + TempPriceArray[i];
		TotQty = TotQty + TempQtyArray[i];
		TotVal = TotVal + TempPriceArray[i] * TempQtyArray[i];
	if(TempCount == 0)
		AvgCoverPrice = 0;
		LastCoverPrice = 0;
		LastCoverQty = 0;
		AvgCoverPrice = (TotPrice / TempCount);
		LastCoverPrice = TempPriceArray[(TempCount - 1)];
		LastCoverQty = NumToStr(TempQtyArray[(TempCount - 1)], 1, 0);
	TotCoverQty = NumToStr(TotQty, 1, 0);
	NetCoverQty = TotQty;
	NetCoverValue = TotVal;
	NetQty = NetSellQty - NetBuyQty + NetShortQty - NetCoverQty;
	NetValue = NetSellValue - NetBuyValue + NetShortValue - NetCoverValue;
	NetQuantityColor = colorGrey40;
	NetValueColor = colorGrey40;

	if(NetQty > 0)
		NetQuantityColor = colorRed;
		NetValueColor = colorRed;
	else if(NetQty < 0)
		NetQuantityColor = colorGreen;
		NetValueColor = colorGreen;
	else if(NetQty == 0)
		if(NetValue > 0)
			NetValueColor = colorGreen;
		else if(NetValue < 0)
			NetValueColor = colorRed;
	DrawData (" AvgBuyPr: " + AvgBuyPrice, X0, Y0, X0+150, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" TotBuyQty: " + TotBuyQty, X0+155 , Y0, X0+305, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" AvgSellPr: " + AvgSellPrice, X0+310, Y0, X0+460, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" TotSellQty: " + TotSellQty, X0+465, Y0, X0+615, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" AvgShortPr: " + AvgShortPrice, X0+620, Y0, X0+770, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" TotShortQty: " + TotShortQty, X0+775 , Y0, X0+925, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" AvgCoverPr: " + AvgCoverPrice, X0+930, Y0, X0+1080, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" TotCoverQty: " + TotCoverQty, X0+1085, Y0, X0+1235, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	Y0 = 50;
	DrawData (" LastBuyPr: " + LastBuyPrice, X0, Y0, X0+150, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" LastBuyQty: " + LastBuyQty, X0+155 , Y0, X0+305, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" LastSellPr: " + LastSellPrice, X0+310, Y0, X0+460, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" LastSellQty: " + LastSellQty, X0+465, Y0, X0+615, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" LastShortPr: " + LastShortPrice, X0+620, Y0, X0+770, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" LastShortQty: " + LastShortQty, X0+775 , Y0, X0+925, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" LastCoverPr: " + LastCoverPrice, X0+930, Y0, X0+1080, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	DrawData (" LastCoverQty: " + LastCoverQty, X0+1085, Y0, X0+1235, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
	Y0 = 70;
	DrawData (" LTP : " + CurrentTradedPrice, X0, Y0, X0+125, Y0+15, LTPColor, LTPColor);
	DrawData (" LTQ : " + NumToStr(CurrentLTQ,1,0), X0+130, Y0, X0+255, Y0+15, LTQColor, LTQColor);
	DrawData (" Bid : " + CurrentBidPrice, X0+260, Y0, X0+385, Y0+15, AskColor, AskColor);
	DrawData (" Ask : " + CurrentAskPrice, X0+390, Y0, X0+515, Y0+15, BidColor, BidColor);
	NestOredrNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
	DrawData (" NetQty : " + NetQty, X0+520, Y0, X0+670, Y0+15, NetQuantityColor, NetQuantityColor);
	DrawData (" NetValue : " + NetValue, X0+675, Y0, X0+900, Y0+15, NetValueColor, NetValueColor);
	DrawData (" Order No : " + NestOredrNo, X0+905, Y0, X0+1150, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);


// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote Display Draw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//

//_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} \nOpen : %g, Close : %g (%.1f%%) \nLow : %g, High : %g (%.1f%%) \nVolume : " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}", O, C,(((C-O)*100)/O), L, H, (((H-L)*100)/L) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 10, 2, 200, 1 );
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), /*_DEFAULT_NAME()*/ "", ParamColor( "Color", colorGreen ), ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoRescale ); 

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 30, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
Plot( EMA( P, Periods ), /*_DEFAULT_NAME()*/ "", ParamColor( "Color", colorOrange ), ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel) | styleNoRescale ); 

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 45, 2, 400, 1 );
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), /*_DEFAULT_NAME()*/ "", ParamColor( "Color", colorYellow ), ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoRescale ); 

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 100, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey );
Color = ColorBlend( Color,  GetChartBkColor(), 0.5 );
Style = ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoRescale;;
Plot( bbt = BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), /*"BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES()*/ "", Color, Style ); 
Plot( bbb = BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), /*"BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES()*/ "", Color, Style ); 
PlotOHLC( bbt, bbt, bbb, bbb, "", ColorBlend( Color, GetChartBkColor(), 0.7 ), styleNoLabel | styleCloud | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Null, -1 );

Color = ParamColor("Color", ColorRGB( 128, 128, 192 ) );
Plot( Volume, /*_DEFAULT_NAME()*/"", ColorBlend( Color, GetChartBkColor(), 0.2  ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram  ), 2 );


1. srini41

Thanks ranji sir really good stuff

2. srini41

Ranji sir,

pls post your mail id to contact you or your official no for business model

3. ranjicgnr

Add the below code after the mentioned lines.

Add below 6th line. ie –
StrategyType = ParamList(“StrategyType”, “Long/Short|Long|Short”, 0);
ActiveTrade = ParamList("Active Trade", "Good To Go|Close Positions", 0);

Add Bellow 321th line ie-
if (ClearButtonClick || NumPad0 )
DrawBut(“Clear”, X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
StaticVarSetText("firstflag"+Name(), "");

if(ActiveTrade == "Close Positions")
ActiveTradeBuyCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
ActiveTradeSellCount = StaticVarGet("SellCount" + Name());
ActiveTradeShortCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
ActiveTradeCoverCount = StaticVarGet("CoverCount" + Name());
if((ActiveTradeBuyCount - ActiveTradeSellCount) == 0)
Buy = 0;
Sell = 0;
else if((ActiveTradeBuyCount - ActiveTradeSellCount) > 0)
Buy = 0;
Sell = 0;
if((ActiveTradeShortCount - ActiveTradeCoverCount) == 0)
Short = 0;
Cover = 0;
else if((ActiveTradeShortCount - ActiveTradeCoverCount) > 0)
Short = 0;
Cover = 0;

This will give a control for closing the all opened trades. If you select “Close Poisons” in parameters, afl will close the opened poisons on the next strategy signal or manual signal and no more buy/sell/short/cover signals will produce.

4. ranjicgnr

My mail ID is

5. aroonsankar

Thanks Ranji. The GetAsyncKeyState() function was not working in my ami 5.50. Apart from that, working fine. Thanks again for open-source coding

6. ranjicgnr

Hai aroonsankar.
Yes. GetAsyncKeyState() is a latest command in afl 3.6 on-words. Comment it and only keyboard shortcut will not work. Comment the if statement also.

7. aroonsankar

Staticvarset() and StaticvarsetText()are used in this afl. As you know, the third parameter is not valid in versions below 5.70. If the third parameter is removed from the code, what will be its implication on result? Is the third parameter is meant for delivery buys or will have an effect on intraday positions?

8. ranjicgnr

Dear AroonSankar,

Staticvarset() and StaticvarsetText() are save to memory commands. It saves the date to static memory. The third parameter is for persistence. That means static memory will be removed ones you close the program(Amibroker). If the persistence is enabled amibroker saves the data in a file and the saved value is used in the next time program opens. Its only for saving data from program close to program open. It wont have any effect on intraday buy.

Delivery buys can be done by selecting the option in the parameter “Product type” as “NRML”.

9. viraldalal

Dear Admin / Ranji,

Nice AFL to trade with Auto Trade

Can you please combine full AFL and post here or send me email as we are not expert so as u say place this command on line no 6 & line no 321

Still getting error at line no 258 NumPad0 = GetAsyncKeyState(96) < 0;

And if i placed this AFL (auto trade) on AFL it gave errors….

So my request please post full afl with corrections needed or email me am in badly need for the same.

10. arun.victor

Thanks sir,

when i try to run with 5.60ver i am getting following error, kindly help me

nestplus = CreateStaticObject(“Nest.PlusApi”);
StaticVarSetText (“firstflagforNest”,“0”, 1);
Error 16
Too many arguments

Use ‘Edit Formula’ to correct error’

11. ranjicgnr

Hai Arun.victor

Change the statement as

StaticVarSetText (“firstflagforNest”,“0”);

.Ie Delete the last parameter. This will work in old versions of amibroker. Also if you are getting error in

NumPad0 = GetAsyncKeyState(96) < 0;
NumPad4 = GetAsyncKeyState(100) < 0;
NumPad5 = GetAsyncKeyState(101) < 0;
NumPad7 = GetAsyncKeyState(103) < 0;
NumPad8 = GetAsyncKeyState(104) < 0;

Delete the above statements

Change the below statements to
if (BuyButtonClick || NumPad7 )if (BuyButtonClick)
if (SellButtonClick || NumPad8)if (SellButtonClick)
if (ShortButtonClick || NumPad4)if (ShortButtonClick)
if (CoverButtonClick || NumPad5)if (CoverButtonClick)
if (ClearButtonClick || NumPad0 )if (ClearButtonClick)

Only keyboard shortcuts will not work by changing this.

12. arun.victor

Dear Sir,
Thanks for quick replay and thanks for great help…
As per your instructions I have modified the codes and try to run once again, but still I am following getting error, I have AmiBroker 5.60v, kindly help me
TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + “00” + LastOrderNo;
TempName = Name() + “-EQ”;
nestplus.PlaceOrder(“BUY”, TempOrderNo, “NSE”, TempName, “DAY”, OrderType, LotQuantity, SellPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);
Error 18
COM object variable is not initialized or has invalid type (Valid COM Object handle required)
Use ‘Edit Formula’ to correct error’
Thanks in advance,

13. pkgmtnl

Dear Sir,
First of All thanks so much for such a lovely gift to traders community.

a) I want to run it in a manner so that order is punched for BUY at High Signal Candle and SELL at Low of Signal Candle.

Does it require any change in Codes so that above is implemented.

b) I tried it today, somehow observed that orders are not going into NEST. Please advise way out.


14. jayasingh


i an new

is its work in odin also pls explain….

15. ranjicgnr

Dear Pkgmtnl,

Are you ensured you have nest plus api in your NEST and loged in to that. Also another thing it is not fully automated. You will get the oredr reflection in the API window.

If you need any help, mail me or call me.

Dear jayasingh,

This will not work for ODIN. It is only for NEST.



17. ranjicgnr

for full automation, please contact me

18. Avinaashlokhande

Sir some error showing please help how to remove it
Auto BUY SELL NestTrader:
Syntex error:unexpected

19. kamaleshvm

Pls include the stoploss with % so that it will help lot for the trading…..

20. kalpeshpatelbyk

great… hardwork…

21. santhosh21

Sir , First of all congrats for your great effort,,, in my system symbols name is different from the broker and data provider , what can i do? Please help,,

22. dam11

can you correct the afl with all changes and post again plz


23. ntadi28

Hi Ranjicgnr,

Could you please provide modify this afl to connect to ODIN Diet? if so it would be of great help.


24. santrvl

The modified code is compatible to odin diet also . It is working well.
Thanks to ranjith. Good effort

25. santrvl

Updated new auto trading control is awesome…
Good effort Mr.ranjith

26. KUMAR75


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