// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("KTR"); X=EMA (RSI(5),7); Y=EMA (X,5); //Plot (X, "SmoothRSI", colorRed,styleThick); Plot (X, "SRSI", colorRed,styleThick|styleOwnScale); //Plot (EMA (RSI(21),5), "Signal", colorLightBlue,styleThick); Plot (Y, "Signal", colorLightBlue,styleThick|styleOwnScale); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*ICHI SHORT TERM*/ SL = ( HHV( H, 13 ) + LLV( L, 13) )/2;// standard, base, or kijun-sen line TL = ( HHV( H, 3 ) + LLV( L, 3 ) )/2;// turning, conversion, or tenkan-senline //DL = Ref( C, 25 ); // delayed close price, or chikou span Span1 = Ref( ( SL + TL )/2, -25 ); //Span1 and Span2 define the clouds Span21 = Ref( (HHV( H, 52) + LLV(L, 52))/2, -25); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Plot(SL,"SL",colorLIGHTBlue,styleThick);// standard, base, or kijun-sen line //Plot(TL,"TL",colorRed,styleThick);// turning, conversion, or tenkan-senline //Plot(DL,"DL",colorViolet,styleLine);// delayed close price, or chikou span //PlotOHLC(Span1,Span1,Span2,Span2,"Cloud",ColorHSB(Hue,sat,bri),styleCloud); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*ICHI STD SL = ( HHV( H, 26 ) + LLV( L, 26) )/2;// standard, base, or kijun-sen line TL = ( HHV( H, 9 ) + LLV( L, 9 ) )/2;// turning, conversion, or tenkan-senline DL = Ref( C, 25 ); // delayed close price, or chikou span Span1 = Ref( ( SL + TL )/2, -25 ); //Span1 and Span2 define the clouds Span21 = Ref( (HHV( H, 52) + LLV(L, 52))/2, -25); */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RKT=TL-SL; RKTH=HHV(RKT ,5); RKTL=LLV(RKT ,5); RRKTHL= RKTH-RKTL; STOKT=RKT*100/ RRKTHL; MASTOKT =EMA(STOKT,5); MMASTOKT =EMA(MASTOKT,3); X=MASTOKT -MMASTOKT ; dr=10; XM=MA(X,dr)*2; A=colorBRIGHTGreen; B=colorCustom12; COLHIST=IIf(X>Ref(X,-1) ,A,B); Plot( XM,"", COLHIST,styleHistogram);// PlotOHLC( XM,XM,0,0,"", ColorRGB(60,60,30),styleCloud|styleNoLabel);// Plot( 0,"",colorYellow,styleLine);// _SECTION_END();