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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
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down tl example for Amibroker (AFL)
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IsEmpty ( tl ) ) ); lll = IIf ( ts, lll, Null ); llls = lll; ttt1 = IIf ( ( ! IsEmpty ( ts ) AND IsEmpty ( Ref ( ts, 1 ) ) ) OR BarIndex () == BarCount - 1, 1, Null ); ttt = ValueWhen ( ttt1, lll, 0 ); ttt = IIf ( ts, ttt, Null ); ttt = IIf ( ttt1, Ref ( ttt, -1 ), ttt ); tr = L == ttt; lll = Sum ( tr, BarsSince ( ! IsEmpty ( tl ) ) ); qqq = ValueWhen ( ttt1, lll, 0 ); qqq = IIf ( ts, qqq, Null ); qqq = IIf ( ttt1, Ref ( qqq, -1 ), qqq ); tr = tr AND lll == qqq; tr = IIf ( ( ! IsEmpty ( ts ) AND IsEmpty ( Ref ( ts, 1 ) ) AND IsEmpty ( Ref ( ts, -1 ) ) ), 1, tr ); //exception hhh = HHV ( H , BarsSince ( ! IsEmpty ( ts ) ) ); hhh = IIf ( tl, hhh, Null ); hhhs = hhh; ttt1 = IIf ( ( ! IsEmpty ( tl ) AND IsEmpty ( Ref ( tl, 1 ) ) ) OR BarIndex () == BarCount - 1, 1, Null ); ttt = ValueWhen ( ttt1, hhh, 0 ); ttt = IIf ( tl, ttt, Null ); ttt = IIf ( ttt1, Ref ( ttt, -1 ), ttt ); pk = H == ttt; hhh = Sum ( pk, BarsSince ( ! IsEmpty ( ts ) ) ); sss = ValueWhen ( ttt1, hhh, 0 ); sss = IIf ( tl, sss, Null ); sss = IIf ( ttt1, Ref ( sss, -1 ), sss ); pk = pk AND hhh == sss; pk = IIf ( ( ! IsEmpty ( tl ) AND IsEmpty ( Ref ( tl, 1 ) ) AND IsEmpty ( Ref ( tl, -1 ) ) ), 1, pk ); //exception pkValid = IsEmpty ( tl ) AND ! IsEmpty ( Ref ( tl, -1 ) ) AND ! IsEmpty ( ts ) AND IsEmpty ( Ref ( ts, -1 ) ); // valid at bar close trValid = ! IsEmpty ( tl ) AND IsEmpty ( Ref ( tl, -1 ) ) AND IsEmpty ( ts ) AND ! IsEmpty ( Ref ( ts, -1 ) ); // valid at bar close pkHigh1 = ValueWhen ( pkValid, ValueWhen ( pk, H , 1 ), 1 ); trLow1 = ValueWhen ( trValid, ValueWhen ( tr, L , 1 ), 1 ); for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { VarSet ( "px" + i, ValueWhen ( pk, x, i ) ); VarSet ( "tx" + i, ValueWhen ( tr, x, i ) ); VarSet ( "ph" + i, ValueWhen ( pk, H , i ) ); VarSet ( "tl" + i, ValueWhen ( tr, L , i ) ); } ll = tr AND tl1 < tl2; hl = tr AND tl1 > tl2; hh = pk AND ph1 > ph2; lh = pk AND ph1 < ph2; dt = pk AND ph1 == ph2; db = tr AND tl1 == tl2; ll_h = IIf ( ll, 1, 0 ); hl_h = IIf ( hl, 2, 0 ); hh_h = IIf ( hh, 3, 0 ); lh_h = IIf ( lh, 4, 0 ); dt_h = IIf ( dt, 5, 0 ); db_h = IIf ( db, 6, 0 ); combi = ll_h + hl_h + lh_h + hh_h; t0 = ValueWhen ( combi, combi, 0 ); t1 = ValueWhen ( combi, combi, 1 ); t2 = ValueWhen ( combi, combi, 2 ); t3 = ValueWhen ( combi, combi, 3 ); t4 = ValueWhen ( combi, combi, 4 ); function drawDownTrendline( dntl, Ax, Ay, Bx, By ) { cnt = 0; for ( i = lvb; i > fvb; i-- ) { if ( cnt >= maxNumberOfTrendlines ) break ; if ( dntl[i] ) { cnt = cnt + 1; x1 = Ax[i]; y1 = Ay[i]; x2 = Bx[i]; y2 = By[i]; GfxSelectPen ( colorred , 1, 0 ); dnTrend = LineArray ( x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ); cpt = Cross ( C , dnTrend ) AND x > x2; tcpt = Cum ( cpt ); tcpt = LastValue ( Max ( tcpt, 1 ) ); x3 = LastValue ( ValueWhen ( cpt, x, tcpt ) ); y3 = LastValue ( ValueWhen ( cpt, dnTrend, tcpt ) ); if ( y3 == 0 ) // for not yet complete trendline { x3 = BarCount - 1; y3 = dnTrend[ BarCount - 1]; } GfxPolyline ( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ); } } } dntl = pk AND t1 == 4 AND ( t3 == 3 OR t3 == 4 ); Ax = ValueWhen ( dntl, px2 ); Ay = ValueWhen ( dntl, ph2 ); Bx = ValueWhen ( dntl, px1 ); By = ValueWhen ( dntl, ph1 ); drawDownTrendline( dntl, Ax, Ay, Bx, By ); GraphXSpace = 5; SetChartBkColor ( colorBlack ); SetChartOptions ( 1, chartShowDates , chartGridMiddle, 0, 0, 0 ); SetBarFillColor ( IIf ( C > O , ColorRGB ( 0, 75, 0 ), IIf ( C <= O , ColorRGB ( 75, 0, 0 ), colorLightGrey ) ) ); Plot ( C , "" , IIf ( C > O , ColorRGB ( 0, 255, 0 ), IIf ( C <= O , ColorRGB ( 255, 0, 0 ), colorLightGrey ) ), 64, Null , Null , 0, 0, 1 ); if ( tog2 ) { Plot ( ts, "" , colorRed , styleStaircase | styleNoRescale , Null , Null , 0, 0, 2 ); Plot ( llls, "" , colorRed , styleDashed | styleNoRescale , Null , Null , 0, 0, 1 ); Plot ( tl, "" , colorGreen , styleStaircase | styleNoRescale , Null , Null , 0, 0, 2 ); Plot ( hhhs, "" , colorGreen , styleDashed | styleNoRescale , Null , Null , 0, 0, 1 ); } if ( tog3 ) { Plot ( pkHigh1, "" , colorBlue , styleLine | styleNoRescale , Null , Null , 0, 0, 2 ); Plot ( trLow1, "" , colorRed , styleLine | styleNoRescale , Null , Null , 0, 0, 2 ); } PlotShapes ( shapeCircle *tr, IIf ( ValueWhen ( tr, x, 1 ) <= ValueWhen ( trValid, x, 0 ), ColorRGB ( 0, 255, 0 ), ColorRGB ( 255, 255, 255 ) ), 0, L , -10 ); PlotShapes ( shapeCircle *pk, IIf ( ValueWhen ( pk, x, 1 ) <= ValueWhen ( pkValid, x, 0 ), ColorRGB ( 255, 0, 0 ), ColorRGB ( 255, 255, 255 ) ), 0, H , 10 ); function drawPivotLabels() { for ( i = lvb; i > fvb; i-- ) { { if ( ll[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "LL | " + L [ i ], "Arial Black" , 8, i, L [i], colorGreen , colorDefault , -45 ); if ( hl[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "HL | " + L [ i ], "Arial Black" , 8, i, L [i], colorGreen , colorDefault , -45 ); if ( db[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "DB | " + L [ i ], "Arial Black" , 8, i, L [i], colorLightBlue , colorDefault , -45 ); if ( hh[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "HH | " + H [ i ], "Arial Black" , 8, i, H [i], colorRed , colorDefault , 35 ); if ( lh[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "LH | " + H [ i ], "Arial Black" , 8, i, H [i], colorRed , colorDefault , 35 ); if ( dt[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "DT | " + H [ i ], "Arial Black" , 8, i, H [i], colorOrange , colorDefault , 25 ); } } } Title = Name () + " | " + Now ( 2 ) + " | " + EncodeColor ( colorBlue ) + pkHigh1 + EncodeColor ( colorWhite ) + " | " + EncodeColor ( colorRed ) + trLow1 + EncodeColor ( colorWhite ) + " | " + EncodeColor ( colorgreen ) + tl + EncodeColor ( colorWhite ) + " | " + EncodeColor ( colorred ) + ts + EncodeColor ( colorWhite ); drawPivotLabels(); |