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TSL&VSTOP&TGL for Amibroker (AFL)

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// E.M.Pottasch, Jul 2010
// from Metastock formula, link:
// added separate parameters for upward and downward market environment

function vstop_func(trBull,trBear)
	trailArray[ 0 ] = C[ 0 ]; // initialize
	for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
		prev = trailArray[ i - 1 ];
		if (C[ i ] > prev AND C[ i - 1 ] > prev)
			trailArray[ i ] = Max(prev,C[ i ] - trBull[ i ]);
		else if (C[ i ] < prev AND C[ i - 1 ] < prev)
			trailArray[ i ] = Min(prev,C[ i ] + trBear[ i ]);
		else if (C[ i ] > prev)
			trailArray[ i ] = C[ i ] - trBull[ i ];
			trailArray[ i ] = C[ i ] + trBear[ i ];	
	return trailArray;

VSTOPATRper = Param("VSTOPper",14,1,50,1,0) ;

Res = Param("VSTOPMultRes",2,1,10,0.1,0) ;
Sup = Param("VSTOPMultSup",2,1,10,0.1,0) ;

trBear = res * ATR(VSTOPatrper);
trBull = sup  * ATR(VSTOPatrper);

trailArray = vstop_func(trbull,trbear);
trailARRAYcolor= IIf(C>trailARRAY,colorBlue,colorRed) ;

Plot(trailArray,"\nVSTOP",trailARRAYcolor,8+16) ;

//Plot(IIf(trailArray > C,trailArray,Null),"\ntrailShort",ParamColor("ColorTrailShort",ColorRGB(255,0,0)),styleStaircase);//ORIGINAL
//Plot(IIf(trailArray < C,trailArray,Null),"\ntrailLong",ParamColor("ColorTrailLong",ColorRGB(0,255,0)),styleStaircase);//ORIGINAL

Buystop= C>trailArray ;


_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%)Vol " +
            WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) + " {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));
Plot( C, "", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 


//SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows | chartShowDates);
HaClose = (O + H + L + C)/4; 
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 ); 
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); 
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); 
xDiff = (HaHigh - Halow) * 10000;
barcolor = IIf(HaClose >= HaOpen,colorGreen,colorRed);
//PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, "\nHeikin-ashi", barcolor, styleCandle );

//HaDelta & MA

HaDelta= HaClose-HaOpen ;
Hadeltaup3= Hadelta>MA(Hadelta,3) ;
Hadeltaup33 = Hadelta>MA(MA(Hadelta,3),3) ;
//Plot(Hadelta,"haDelta",colorBlack) ;
//Plot(0,"",colorBrown) ;
//Plot( MA1, "MA1", colorRed );
//Plot( MA2, "MA2", colorBlue );


// Paste the code below to your price chart somewhere and green ribbon means both
// both MACD and ADX trending up so if the red ribbon shows up the MACD and the ADX 
// are both trending down.
_SECTION_BEGIN("trending ribbon");
uptrend= (PDI()>MDI() AND MACD()>Signal()) ;
downtrend=MDI()>PDI() AND Signal()>MACD();
Plot( 2, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"",
    IIf( uptrend , colorLime, IIf( downtrend ,
     colorRed, colorTan)) , /* choose color */styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );


_SECTION_BEGIN("BB Histogram");
bbhist=((C+2*StDev(C,20) - MA(C,18)) / ((4*StDev(C,18)))*4) - 2;
//Plot(bbhist, "BBands Histogram", IIf(bbhist > 0, colorLime, colorRed),styleHistogram + styleThick);

bbhistup0= bbhist>0 ; 


pointer[0] = 0;

/* Phase filter */

Cond1 = Close > MA(Close, 50)AND NOT(Close > MA(Close, 200))AND NOT(MA(Close, 50) > MA(Close, 200));
Cond2 = Close > MA(Close, 50)AND Close > MA(Close, 200)AND NOT(MA(Close, 50) > MA(Close, 200));
Cond3 = Close > MA(Close, 50)AND Close > MA(Close, 200)AND MA(Close, 50) > MA(Close, 200);
Cond4 = NOT(Close > MA(Close, 50))AND Close > MA(Close, 200)AND MA(Close, 50) > MA(Close, 200);
Cond5 = NOT(Close > MA(Close, 50))AND NOT(Close > MA(Close, 200))AND MA(Close, 50) > MA(Close, 200);
Cond6 = NOT(Close > MA(Close, 50))AND NOT(Close > MA(Close, 200))AND NOT(MA(Close, 50) > MA(Close, 200));

for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i++)

  if (Cond1[i])
    pointer[i] = 1;
  if (Cond2[i])
    pointer[i] = 2;
  if (Cond3[i])
    pointer[i] = 3;
  if (Cond4[i])
    pointer[i] = 4;
  if (Cond5[i])
    pointer[i] = 5;
  if (Cond6[i])
    pointer[i] = 6;


/* Plot Graphic */
//GraphXSpace= 15 ;
dynamic_color = IIf(pointer < 4, colorGreen, colorRed);
//Plot(pointer, "TrendAdv2", dynamic_color, styleHistogram | styleThick, Null, Null, 0);
//SetChartBkGradientFill(ParamColor("BgTop", colorWhite), ParamColor("BgBottom", colorLightYellow));


stochup= StochK()>StochD() ;
stoch80= StochK()<80 ;
MACDup= MACD()>Signal() ;
Hist= MACD()-Signal() ;
Histup= Hist>Ref(Hist,-1) ;
MFIupema5= MFI()>EMA(MFI(),5) ;
MFI30= MFI()>30 ;
Cupo= C>O ;
MA10up= MA(C,10)>=Ref(MA(C,10),-1) ;
MA20up= MA(C,20)>=Ref(MA(C,20),-1) ;
EMA50up= EMA(C,50)>=Ref(EMA(C,50),-1) ;
CupEMA50= C>EMA(C,50) ;
Cupma20= C>MA(C,20) ;
PDIupmdi= PDI()>MDI() ;
CCIup0= CCI()>0 ;
Cond= pointer<4 ;
top2up= BBandTop(C,20,2)>=Ref(BBandTop(C,20,2),-1) ;
top1up= BBandTop(C,20,1)>=Ref(BBandTop(C,20,1),-1) ;
Cuptop1= C>BBandTop(C,20,1) ;
buystop= C>trailArray ;
haup= HaClose>=HaOpen ;
Lim= (ADX()<50 AND MFI()>30) ;


// This combines indicators into one timing Signal
//function ParamOptimize( description, default, minv, maxv, step )
//    { return Optimize(description, Param(description,default, minv, maxv, step ), minv, maxv, step ); }
tgl = ParamToggle("Result", "AND logic|Compare");
// switch test calculation and compare the results
myBuy = buystop AND macdup AND histup AND cupo AND haup ;
myShort = !buystop ; 
myBuy   = IIf( C>trailArray AND MACD()>Signal() AND Hist>Ref(Hist,-1) AND C>O AND HaClose>=HaOpen     ,1,0);
myShort = IIf( C<trailArray      ,1,0);

Buy = ExRem(myBuy, myShort);
Sell = ExRem(myShort, myBuy);

