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_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Chart Display Theme" );
ChartDisplayTheme = ParamList ( "Chart Display Theme", "White background with B/W candles|Black background with R/G candles", 1 );
param_ShowSystemTitle = ParamToggle ( "Show System Title ?", "No|Yes", 1 );
TA_ChartDisplayTheme (ChartDisplayTheme);
//============================End of Chart Display Style=============================//
//============================Take User Inputs=============================//
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Alerts" );
Param_AudioAlert = ParamToggle ( "Audio / text Alert?", "No|Yes", 1 );
Param_ShowValuesBox = ParamToggle ( "Display values in Box?", "No|Yes", 1 );
Param_BoxLocation = ParamList ( "Box Location?", "Left Top|Left Bottom|Right Top|Right Bottom", 0 );
Param_BoxBackgroundColour = ParamColor ( "Box background colour?",colorDarkGrey);
Param_HideBoxBehindChart = ParamToggle ( "Hide Box behind Chart?", "No|Yes" );
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Money Management" );
Param_Show_Equity = ParamToggle ( "Show Equity ?(Enter correct INITIAL EQUITY in AA Settings)", "No|Yes" );
Param_Margin = Param ( "Margin required (used for backtesting only)", 15, 0.001, 100, 0.001 );
Param_LotSize = Param ( "Lot Size - DO NOT CHANGE", 50, 5, 5000, 5 );
Param_NoOfLots = Param ( "No of lots normally traded (used for backtesting only)", 2, 1, 10000, 1 );
Param_drawdown= ParamList ( "Trailing Stoploss Method - DO NOT CHANGE", "% of total trade value|Fixed amount per share" );
Param_Stoploss_percent = Param ( "Stoploss % per trade", 0.7, 0.01, 5, 0.01 );
Param_Stoploss_amount = Param ( "Stoploss Amount per share", 15, 0.01, 50000, 0.01 );
//============================End of User Inputs=============================//
//==========================Start of Show Resistance and Support Lines===============================//
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Support-Resistance" );
Param_ShowResSup = ParamToggle ( "Show Resistance / Support ?", "No|Yes" );
Param_HowManyRS = Param ( "How many Support / Resistance to show ?", 2, 0, 10, 1 );
Param_ResSupVolatility = Param ( "Support / Resistance Volatility ", 0.1, 0.1, 100, 0.1 );
Param_SupLineColor = ParamColor ( "Support Line Color",colorBrightGreen);
Param_SupLineStyle = ParamStyle ( "Support Line Style", styleLine|styleNoTitle);
Param_ResLineColor = ParamColor ( "Resistance Line Color",colorRed);
Param_ResLineStyle = ParamStyle ( "Resistance Line Style", styleLine|styleNoTitle);
if(Param_ShowResSup AND Param_HowManyRS> 0 ) TA_ShowSupportResistance (Param_HowManyRS,Param_ResSupVolatility,Param_SupLineColor,Param_ResLineColor,Param_SupLineStyle,Param_ResLineStyle);
//===========End of Resistance and Support Lines===========//
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Trading System" );
//====================Show Reversals ?====================//
Param_ShowReversals = ParamToggle ( "Show possible reversals ?", "No|Yes" );
if(Param_ShowReversals) TA_ShowReversals ();
//====================End of Show Reversals ?====================//
//====================Start of Trading System====================//
Param_ShowArrows = ParamToggle ( "Show Buy/Sell/Short/Cover Arrows ?", "No|Yes", 1 );
firstBarEntryExit = ParamToggle ( "First bar trade entry / exit ?", "No|Yes" );
A = Param ( "A - 14, 2, 25, 1 );
B = Param ( "B - 5, 2, 25, 1 );
CC = Param ( "C - 5, 1, 25, 1 );
D = Param ( "D - 5, 1, 25, 1 );
E = Param ( "E - 18, 1, 20, 1 );
TA_TradingSystemCheckEntry (A,B,CC,D,E,firstBarEntryExit);
//Settings for Backtester
//SetOption("InitialEquity", 100000);
SetOption ( "AllowSameBarExit", False);
SetOption ( "AllowPositionShrinking", True);
SetOption ( "FuturesMode", True);
SetOption ( "InterestRate", 0 );
SetOption ( "MaxOpenPositions", 1 );
RoundLotSize = Param_LotSize;
SetOption ( "MinShares",RoundLotSize);
SetOption ( "PriceBoundChecking",False);
SetOption ( "AccountMargin",Param_Margin);
SetOption ( "ReverseSignalForcesExit",True);
SetOption ( "UsePrevBarEquityForPosSizing",True);
SetOption ( "GenerateReport", 1 );
SetOption ( "MaxOpenLong", 1 );
SetOption ( "MaxOpenShort", 1 );
PositionSize = C*RoundLotSize*Param_NoOfLots;
SetTradeDelays ( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
BuyPrice = Open;
SetOption ( "RefreshWhenCompleted",True);
//End of Settings for Backtester
TA_TradingSystemCheckExit (Param_drawdown,Param_NoOfLots,Param_Stoploss_Percent,Param_Stoploss_amount,Param_LotSize,firstBarEntryExit);
//====================End of Trading System====================//
//==================Plot Equity, Arrows, AudioAlerts and box containing values================//
TA_PlotEquityArrowsAlertsValueBox (Param_BoxLocation, Param_Show_Equity,Param_ShowArrows,Param_AudioAlert,param_ShowSystemTitle,Param_ShowValuesBox, Param_HideBoxBehindChart,Param_BoxBackgroundColour);
//=================== End of Plot Arrows, AudioAlerts and box containing values================//
//=================== Start of Volume Display================//
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Volume Selector" );
showVolume = ParamToggle ( "Show Volume ?", "No|Yes", 1 );
displayStyle = ParamList ( "Volume Display Mode", "Normal Volume|Coloured Volume|Volume at Price|Volume at Price (grouped)|Volume at Price + Volume|Volume at Price + Coloured Volume|Volume at Price (grouped) + Volume|Volume at Price (grouped) + Coloured Volume|Customised VAP / candles|Customised VAP / candles + Volume|Customised VAP / candles + Coloured Volume" );
Param_NormalVolumeColor = ParamColor ( "Normal Volume Colour", colorDarkBlue);
Param_NormalVolumeStyle = ParamStyle ( "Normal Volume Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram );
Param_UpVolumeColor = ParamColor ( "Up Volume Colour", colorGreen);
Param_DownVolumeColor = ParamColor ( "Down Volume Colour", colorRed);
Param_ColouredVolumeStyle = ParamStyle ( "Coloured Volume Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram);
Param_VAPLinesCount = Param ( "VAP Lines Count", 100, 5, 1000, 1 );
Param_VAPLinesWidth = Param ( "VAP Lines Width", 40, 1, 100, 1 );
Param_VAPVolumeColor = ParamColor ( "VAP Color", colorGold);
Param_VAPSide = ParamToggle ( "VAP Side", "Left|Right" );
Param_VAPOverlay = 4 * ParamToggle ( "VAP Z-order", "On top|Behind", 1 );
Param_VAPStyle = 2 * ParamToggle ( "VAP(grouped) Style", "Fill|Lines", 1 );
Param_Segment = Param ( "No. of candles for Customized VAP", 10, 2, 1000, 1 );
segmentValue = IIf ( Interval () < inDaily, Day (), Month () );
segmentValue = segmentValue != Ref ( segmentValue, - 1 );
if(displayStyle == "Normal Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", Param_NormalVolumeColor, Param_NormalVolumeStyle, 2 );
else if(displayStyle == "Coloured Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", IIf ( C > O, Param_UpVolumeColor,Param_DownVolumeColor), Param_ColouredVolumeStyle, 2 );
else if (displayStyle == "Volume at Price" )
PlotVAPOverlay ( Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPOverlay );
else if (displayStyle== "Volume at Price (grouped)" )
PlotVAPOverlayA (segmentValue, Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPStyle | Param_VAPOverlay);
else if (displayStyle == "Volume at Price + Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", Param_NormalVolumeColor, Param_NormalVolumeStyle, 2 );
PlotVAPOverlay ( Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPOverlay );
else if (displayStyle == "Volume at Price + Coloured Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", IIf ( C > O, Param_UpVolumeColor,Param_DownVolumeColor), Param_ColouredVolumeStyle, 2 );
PlotVAPOverlay ( Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPOverlay );
else if (displayStyle== "Volume at Price (grouped) + Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", Param_NormalVolumeColor, Param_NormalVolumeStyle, 2 );
PlotVAPOverlayA (segmentValue, Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPStyle | Param_VAPOverlay);
else if (displayStyle== "Volume at Price (grouped) + Coloured Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", IIf ( C > O, Param_UpVolumeColor,Param_DownVolumeColor), Param_ColouredVolumeStyle, 2 );
PlotVAPOverlayA (segmentValue, Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPStyle | Param_VAPOverlay);
else if(displayStyle== "Customised VAP / candles" ) TA_ShowCustomizedVAP (Param_Segment,Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide,Param_VAPStyle,Param_VAPOverlay);
else if(displayStyle== "Customised VAP / candles + Volume" ) 
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", Param_NormalVolumeColor, Param_NormalVolumeStyle, 2 );
TA_ShowCustomizedVAP (Param_Segment,Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide,Param_VAPStyle,Param_VAPOverlay);
else if(displayStyle== "Customised VAP / candles + Coloured Volume" ) 
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", IIf ( C > O, Param_UpVolumeColor,Param_DownVolumeColor), Param_ColouredVolumeStyle, 2 );
TA_ShowCustomizedVAP (Param_Segment,Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide,Param_VAPStyle,Param_VAPOverlay);
//=================== End of Volume Display================//
