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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
VPCI for Amibroker (AFL)
I have formulated the Volume Price Control Indicator.
THe buy and the sell signals are congested.
If anyone can throw light to improve this further.
Prasad Rao.
Similar Indicators / Formulas
Indicator / Formula
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 | /*Volume-weighted average = Sum {closing price (I) * [Volume (I)/(total range)]} where I = given Day’s action.*/ Days = Days1 =LINE_ZERO =0; vpci_zero= 0; S_PERIOD = Param ( "vm sHORT" ,5,1,50,1); L_PERIOD = Param ( "vm LONG" ,20,1,100,1); /////////****************VWMA********************/ S_VWMA = Sum ( C * V ,S_PERIOD)/ Sum ( V ,S_PERIOD); L_VWMA = Sum ( C * V ,L_PERIOD)/ Sum ( V ,L_PERIOD); VWMA = S_VWMA + L_VWMA; printf ( "Close Short %g \n" , Ref ( C ,S_PERIOD-1)); printf ( "VOLCUM %g \n" ,( Ref ( V ,S_PERIOD)+ Ref ( V ,L_PERIOD))); printf ( "LPERIODA %g \n" ,L_PERIOD); printf ( "LVWMA %g \n" ,L_VWMA); printf ( "SPERIODA %g \n" ,S_PERIOD); printf ( "SVWMA %g \n" ,S_VWMA); printf ( "VWMA %g \n\n" ,VWMA); /////////****************VPC********************/ VPC = L_VWMA - MA ( C ,L_PERIOD); printf ( "MA long %g \n" , MA ( C ,L_PERIOD)); VPR = S_VWMA / MA ( C ,S_PERIOD); printf ( "VPR %g \n" ,VPR); Vol_multi = MA ( V ,S_PERIOD)/ MA ( V ,L_PERIOD); printf ( "VPC %g \n" ,VPC); printf ( "vOL_MULTI %g \n" ,Vol_multi); VPCI = VPR * Vol_multi * VPC; printf ( "VPCI = %g \n" ,VPCI); Plot (vpci_zero, "" , colorWhite ); Plot (VPCI, "" , colorRed ); // and VPCI smoothed aperiod = Param ( "Smoothing period" , 20, 1, 30, 1 ); VPCI_SMOOTH = MA ( VPCI, aperiod); Plot ( VPCI_SMOOTH, "MA(" +aperiod+ ")" , colorBlue ); VPCI_BUY = VPCI > VPCI_SMOOTH AND ADX (7) > 10 AND MACD ( 12, 26 ) > Signal ( 12, 26, 9 ); VPCI_SELL = VPCI< VPCI_SMOOTH; PlotShapes ( IIf (VPCI_BUY, shapeUpArrow , Null ), colorGreen ,0, Min (0,0),-20); PlotShapes ( IIf (VPCI_SELL, shapeDownArrow , Null ), colorBrown ,0, Min (0,0),-20); //** simple trading system follows*** //Buy = Vp > Vps AND** //ADX( 7 ) > 10 AND** // MACD( 12, 26 ) > Signal( 12, 26, 9 );** // Sell = Vps < Vp;** |
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I have a consideration!
acording to Buff Dormeier the VPCIsmooth should be made with a VWMA.
maybe you should use the “cross” function for the buy and sell instructions.