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Break away Candlesticks for Amibroker (AFL)
almost 12 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 4)
trading system, amibroker, exploration, pattern

BAsed on candle stick commentry afl, with buy sell arrows & exploration

Similar Indicators / Formulas

double top in an uptrend
Submitted by caveroute over 13 years ago
Submitted by jaipal7786 about 11 years ago
Market Facilitation Index
Submitted by rslukman almost 13 years ago
ema crossovers
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mutlitime frame with trendline
Submitted by nsetraderonline almost 14 years ago
Pennant Chart Pattern Exploration
Submitted by kaiji over 14 years ago

Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
//Based on candlestick commentry afl

/*Body Colors*/

/*Body Size*/
smallBodyMaximum=0.0025;//less than 0.25%
LargeBodyMinimum=0.01;//greater than 1.0%
smallBody=(O>=C*(1-smallBodyMaximum) AND whiteBody) OR (C>=O*(1-smallBodyMaximum) AND blackBody);
largeBody=(C>=O*(1+largeBodyMinimum) AND whiteBody) OR C<=O*(1-largeBodyMinimum) AND blackBody;
mediumBody=NOT LargeBody AND NOT smallBody;
identicalBodies=abs(abs(Ref(O,-1)-Ref(C,-1))-abs(O-C)) < abs(O-C)*smallBodyMaximum;


BlackCandle = (O>C);   
LongBlackCandle = (O>C AND (O-C)/(0.001+H-L)>0.6);   
SmallBlackCandle = ((O>C) AND ((H-L)>(3*(O-C))));   
WhiteCandle = (C>O);   
LongWhiteCandle = ((C>O) AND ((C-O)/(0.001+H-L)>0.6));   
SmallWhiteCandle = ((C>O) AND ((H-L)>(3*(C-O)))); 

               PRICE CHART
Plot(C,"Price", IIf(C> Ref(C,-1),colorGreen,colorRed), styleCandle ); 
Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ FullName()+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorGold)+ " Ngay:"+ Date() +StrFormat(" - Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g " , O,H,L,C )+"Volume : " + V +"\n"+ "_____ Candlestick Commentary _____" +"\n"+ "_ Bullish Candles:"+
C_sta  + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorGold)+"_ Bearish Candles :"+EncodeColor(colorRed)+
 C_be +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ "_____ HEZU-KHUSHI _____";
Plot(EMA(C,20)," ", colorGreen,1);
Plot(EMA(C,50)," ", colorYellow,1);
Plot(EMA(C,200)," ", colorRed,1);
//PlotVAPOverlay( Param("lines",300,10,1000,1), Param("width",10,1,99,1), ParamColor("color", colorDarkBlue), Param("style",0,0,7,1) );
//PlotVAPOverlayA(  Param("Lines", 300, 100, 1000, 1 ), Param("Width", 80, 1, 200, 1 ), ParamColor("Color", colorGold ), ParamToggle("Side", "Left|Right" ) | 2 * ParamToggle("Style", "Fill|Lines", 0) | 4*ParamToggle("Z-order", "On top|Behind", 1 )) ; 
//Plot(segments, "", colorLightGrey, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale ); 
PlotVAPOverlay( Param("lines",300,10,1000,1), Param("width",10,1,99,1), ParamColor("color", colorDarkBlue), Param("style",0,0,7,1) |4*ParamToggle("Z-order", "On top|Behind", 1 ));
_SECTION_BEGIN("Background text");

GfxSelectFont("Time news roman", Status("pxheight")/6 );
GfxSetTextAlign(6 );// center alignment
GfxSetOverlayMode(1 ) ;
//GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 200, 200, 200 ) );
GfxSetTextColor( ColorHSB( 42, 42, 42 ) );
GfxSetBkMode(0); // transparent
GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/19 );
GfxSelectFont("Time news roman", Status("pxheight")/30 );
GfxTextOut(FullName(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/3.8 );
GfxSelectFont("Time news roman", Status("pxheight")/25 );
GfxTextOut("Market: " + MarketID(1), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/3 );
Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorLavender ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram  ), 2 );


Buy=Ref(Largebody,-4) AND Ref(blackBody,-4)
              AND Ref(blackBody,-3) AND Ref(O,-3)<Ref(C,-4)
              AND Ref(smallbody,-2) AND Ref(C,-2)<Ref(C,-3)
              AND Ref(C,-1)<Ref(C,-2)
              AND LargeBody AND whiteBody AND C>Ref(O, -3) 
              AND C<Ref(C,-4);
Sell=Ref(LargeBody,-4) AND Ref(whiteBody,-4) AND
   Ref(GapUp(),-3) AND Ref(whiteBody,-3) AND 
   Ref(smallbody,-2) AND Ref(smallBody,-1) AND
   blackBody AND O>Ref(O,-3) AND C<Ref(C,-4);



Filter = (Buy OR Sell) AND Volume>50000;

AddColumn(IIf(Buy, 66, 83), "Signal", formatChar, colorYellow, IIf(Buy, colorGreen, colorRed));
AddColumn( Close, "Close  " );
AddColumn(V," VOL TODAY ",1.2, IIf(V > MA(V,20),colorGreen, colorLightGrey));



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