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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
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ktungvn Ha-eli-vlat for Amibroker (AFL)
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_SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("VAP"); segments = IIf( Interval() < inDaily, Day(), Month() ); segments = segments != Ref( segments , -1 ); PlotVAPOverlayA( segments , Param("Lines", 300, 100, 1000, 1 ), Param("Width", 80, 1, 100, 1 ), ParamColor("Color", colorGold ), ParamToggle("Side", "Left|Right" ) | 2 * ParamToggle("Style", "Fill|Lines", 0) | 4*ParamToggle("Z-order", "On top|Behind", 1 ) ); Plot(segments, "", colorLightGrey, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("ZIZ ZAZ MAU ELIOT"); // Amibroker AFL code by Edward Pottasch, Oct 2012 // alternative ZIG type function based on the ATR and VSTOP functions // added multiple timeframes. Maximum timeframe set to 1440 minutes x=xx=BarIndex(); tc=ParamList("Display Mode","ZIG|VSTOP|ZIG&VSTOP",0); disp=ParamToggle("Display labels","Off|On",1); tf=Param("Time Frame (min)",5,1,1440,1);tfrm=in1Minute*tf; perBull=Param("perBull",20,1,150,1); perBear=Param("perBear",20,1,150,1); multBull=Param("multBull",2,0.05,4,0.05); multBear=Param("multBear",2,0.05,4,0.05); TimeFrameSet(tfrm); function vstop_func(trBull,trBear) { trailArray[0]=C[0]; for(i=1;i<BarCount;i++) { prev=trailArray[i-1]; if(C[i]>prev AND C[i-1]>prev) { trailArray[i]=Max(prev,C[i]-trBull[i]); } else if(C[i]<prev AND C[i-1]< prev) { trailArray[i]=Min(prev,C[i]+trBear[i]); } else if (C[i]>prev) { trailArray[i]=C[i]-trBull[i]; } else { trailArray[i]=C[i]+trBear[i]; } } return trailArray; } trBull=multBull*ATR(perBull); trBear=multBear*ATR(perBear); trailArray = vstop_func(trBull,trBear); ts=IIf(trailArray>C,trailArray,Null); tl=IIf(trailArray<C,trailArray,Null); TimeFrameRestore(); ts=TimeFrameExpand(ts,tfrm,expandLast); tl=TimeFrameExpand(tl,tfrm,expandLast); GraphXSpace=5; SetChartOptions(0, chartShowDates); SetBarFillColor(IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Candle Up Color", colorBrightGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Candle Down Color", colorRed),colorLightGrey))); Plot(C,"Price",IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Shadow Up Color", colorBrightGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Shadow Color", colorRed),colorLightGrey)),64,0,0,0,0,1); lll=LLV(L,BarsSince(!IsEmpty(tl)));lll=IIf(ts,lll,Null);llls=lll; ttt1=IIf((!IsEmpty(ts) AND IsEmpty(Ref(ts,1))) OR BarIndex()==BarCount-1,1,Null); ttt=ValueWhen(ttt1,lll,0);ttt=IIf(ts,ttt,Null);ttt=IIf(ttt1,Ref(ttt,-1),ttt); tr=L==ttt;lll=Sum(tr,BarsSince(!IsEmpty(tl))); qqq=ValueWhen(ttt1,lll,0);qqq=IIf(ts,qqq,Null);qqq=IIf(ttt1,Ref(qqq,-1),qqq);tr=tr AND lll==qqq; tr=IIf((!IsEmpty(ts) AND IsEmpty(Ref(ts,1)) AND IsEmpty(Ref(ts,-1))),1,tr);//exception hhh=HHV(H,BarsSince(!IsEmpty(ts)));hhh=IIf(tl,hhh,Null);hhhs=hhh; ttt1=IIf((!IsEmpty(tl) AND IsEmpty(Ref(tl,1))) OR BarIndex()==BarCount-1,1,Null); ttt=ValueWhen(ttt1,hhh,0);ttt=IIf(tl,ttt,Null);ttt=IIf(ttt1,Ref(ttt,-1),ttt); pk=H==ttt;hhh=Sum(pk,BarsSince(!IsEmpty(ts))); sss=ValueWhen(ttt1,hhh,0);sss=IIf(tl,sss,Null);sss=IIf(ttt1,Ref(sss,-1),sss);pk=pk AND hhh==sss; pk=IIf((!IsEmpty(tl) AND IsEmpty(Ref(tl,1)) AND IsEmpty(Ref(tl,-1))),1,pk);//exception px0=ValueWhen(pk,x,0); tx0=ValueWhen(tr,x,0); px1=ValueWhen(pk,x,1); tx1=ValueWhen(tr,x,1); px2=ValueWhen(pk,x,2); tx2=ValueWhen(tr,x,2); ph0=ValueWhen(pk,H,0); tl0=ValueWhen(tr,L,0); ph1=ValueWhen(pk,H,1); tl1=ValueWhen(tr,L,1); ph2=ValueWhen(pk,H,2); tl2=ValueWhen(tr,L,2); switch(tc) { case("ZIG"): aa1=IIf(px0>tx1,(ph0-tl1)/(px0-tx1),0);aa1=IIf(pk,Ref(aa1,-1),aa1);ls1=aa1*(xx-tx1)+tl1; bb1=IIf(px0>tx1 AND px1<tx1,1,0);bb1=bb1+Ref(bb1,-1);bb1=IIf(bb1,1,0);ls1=IIf(bb1,ls1,Null); Plot(ls1,"",colorBlue,styleLine,0,0,0,2,3); aa1=IIf(tx0>px1,(tl0-ph1)/(tx0-px1),0);aa1=IIf(tr,Ref(aa1,-1),aa1);ls1=aa1*(xx-px1)+ph1; bb1=IIf(tx0>px1 AND tx1<px1,1,0);bb1=bb1+Ref(bb1,-1);bb1=IIf(bb1,1,0);ls1=IIf(bb1,ls1,Null); Plot(ls1,"",colorOrange,styleLine,0,0,0,2,3); break; case("VSTOP"): Plot(ts,"\ntrailShort",colorRed,styleLine,0,0,0,1,1); Plot(llls,"",colorRed,styleDashed,0,0,0,1,1); Plot(tl,"\ntrailLong",colorGreen,styleLine,0,0,0,1,1); Plot(hhhs,"",colorGreen,styleDashed,0,0,0,1,1); break; case("ZIG&VSTOP"): aa1=IIf(px0>tx1,(ph0-tl1)/(px0-tx1),0);aa1=IIf(pk,Ref(aa1,-1),aa1);ls1=aa1*(xx-tx1)+tl1; bb1=IIf(px0>tx1 AND px1<tx1,1,0);bb1=bb1+Ref(bb1,-1);bb1=IIf(bb1,1,0);ls1=IIf(bb1,ls1,Null); Plot(ls1,"",colorBlue,styleLine,0,0,0,2,3); aa1=IIf(tx0>px1,(tl0-ph1)/(tx0-px1),0);aa1=IIf(tr,Ref(aa1,-1),aa1);ls1=aa1*(xx-px1)+ph1; bb1=IIf(tx0>px1 AND tx1<px1,1,0);bb1=bb1+Ref(bb1,-1);bb1=IIf(bb1,1,0);ls1=IIf(bb1,ls1,Null); Plot(ls1,"",colorOrange,styleLine,0,0,0,2,3); Plot(ts,"\ntrailShort",colorRed,styleLine,0,0,0,1,1); Plot(llls,"",colorRed,styleDashed,0,0,0,1,1); Plot(tl,"\ntrailLong",colorGreen,styleLine,0,0,0,1,1); Plot(hhhs,"",colorGreen,styleDashed,0,0,0,1,1); break; } PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle*tr,colorGreen,0,L,-10); PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle*pk,colorRed,0,H,10); qq=Interval()/60; if(qq < 60){tf=" min";tt=qq;} else if(qq >= 60 AND qq < 1440){tf=" hrs";tt=qq/60;} else if(qq >= 1440){tf=" days";tt=(qq/60)/24;} qq=Max(tfrm/60,Interval()/60); if(qq < 60){tfa=" min";tta=qq;} else if(qq >= 60 AND qq < 1440){tfa=" hrs";tta=qq/60;} else if(qq >= 1440){tfa=" days";tta=(qq/60)/24;} Title = Name() + "\nChart TF: " + tt + tf + "\nZig TF: " + tta + tfa; dxhm=14;dxlm=10;dxh=0;dxl=0;dyhm=5;dylm=3;dyh=18;dyl=29;hm=30;lm=30; function GetVisibleBarCount() { lvb=Status("lastvisiblebar"); fvb=Status("firstvisiblebar"); return Min(lvb-fvb,BarCount-fvb); } function GfxConvertPixelsToBarX(Pixels) { lvb=Status("lastvisiblebar"); fvb=Status("firstvisiblebar"); pxchartleft=Status("pxchartleft"); pxchartwidth=Status("pxchartwidth"); fac=pxchartwidth/Pixels; bar=(lvb-fvb)/fac; return bar; } function GfxConvertPixelToValueY(Pixels) { local Miny,Maxy,pxchartbottom,pxchartheight; Miny=Status("axisminy"); Maxy=Status("axismaxy"); pxchartbottom=Status("pxchartbottom"); pxchartheight=Status("pxchartheight"); fac=pxchartheight/Pixels; Value=(Maxy-Miny)/fac; return Value; } if(disp) { ll=tr AND tl1<tl2; hl=tr AND tl1>tl2; hh=pk AND ph1>ph2; lh=pk AND ph1<ph2; dt=pk AND ph1==ph2; db=tr AND tl1==tl2; miny=Status("axisminy"); maxy=Status("axismaxy"); AllVisibleBars=GetVisibleBarCount(); fvb=Status("firstvisiblebar"); LowMargin=Miny+GfxConvertPixelToValueY(lm); HighMargin=Maxy-GfxConvertPixelToValueY(hm); dyllm=GfxConvertPixelToValueY(dylm); dyhhm=GfxConvertPixelToValueY(dyhm); dyll=GfxConvertPixelToValueY(dyl); dyhh=GfxConvertPixelToValueY(dyh); dxllm=GfxConvertPixelsToBarX(dxlm); dxhhm=GfxConvertPixelsToBarX(dxhm); dxll=GfxConvertPixelsToBarX(dxl); dxhh=GfxConvertPixelsToBarX(dxh); for(i=0;i<AllVisibleBars;i++) { if(ll[i+fvb] AND L[i+fvb]>LowMargin) PlotText("LL",i+fvb+dxll,L[i+fvb]-dyll,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(ll[i+fvb] AND L[i+fvb]<=LowMargin) PlotText("LL",i+fvb+dxll+dxllm,L[i+fvb]-dyllm,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(hl[i+fvb] AND L[i+fvb]>LowMargin) PlotText("HL",i+fvb+dxll,L[i+fvb]-dyll,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(hl[i+fvb] AND L[i+fvb]<=LowMargin) PlotText("HL",i+fvb+dxll+dxllm,L[i+fvb]-dyllm,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(db[i+fvb] AND L[i+fvb]>LowMargin) PlotText("DB",i+fvb+dxll,L[i+fvb]-dyll,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(db[i+fvb] AND L[i+fvb]<=LowMargin) PlotText("DB",i+fvb+dxll+dxllm,L[i+fvb]-dyllm,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(hh[i+fvb] AND H[i+fvb]<HighMargin) PlotText("HH",i+fvb+dxhh,H[i+fvb]+dyhh,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(hh[i+fvb] AND H[i+fvb]>=HighMargin) PlotText("HH",i+fvb+dxhh+dxhhm,H[i+fvb]+dyhhm,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(lh[i+fvb] AND H[i+fvb]<HighMargin) PlotText("LH",i+fvb+dxhh,H[i+fvb]+dyhh,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(lh[i+fvb] AND H[i+fvb]>=HighMargin) PlotText("LH",i+fvb+dxhh+dxhhm,H[i+fvb]+dyhhm,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(dt[i+fvb] AND H[i+fvb]<HighMargin) PlotText("DT",i+fvb+dxhh,H[i+fvb]+dyhh,colorWhite,colorBlack); if(dt[i+fvb] AND H[i+fvb]>=HighMargin) PlotText("DT",i+fvb+dxhh+dxhhm,H[i+fvb]+dyhhm,colorWhite,colorBlack); } } _SECTION_END(); /* HARMONIC PATTERN DETECTION Automatic Detection of Harmonic Patterns - Gartley, Bat, Butterfly and Crab. Zig Zag is not used in this AFL. It is based on fractals */ _SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorWhite ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Gartley"); GBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.61,0.3,1,0.01); GBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.63,0.4,1,0.01); GCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.27,0.01); GCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",0.9,0.4,1.27,0.01); GDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",0.77,0.3,1,0.01); GDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",0.8,0.4,1.0,0.01); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Bat"); BatBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.38,0.3,1,0.01); BatBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.55,0.4,1,0.01); BatCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01); BatCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.27,0.4,1.62,0.01); BatDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",0.88,0.3,1,0.01); BatDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",0.9,0.4,1.0,0.01); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Butterfly"); BtBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.77,0.3,1,0.01); BtBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.8,0.4,1,0.01); BtCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01); BtCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.27,0.4,1.62,0.01); BtDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",1.2,1,1.8,0.01); BtDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.75,1,1.8,0.01); // Max XA of Butterfly = (1.0 - 1.618) _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Crab"); CBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.38,0.3,1,0.01); CBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.62,0.4,1,0.01); CCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01); CCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.27,0.4,1.62,0.01); CDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",1.61,1,1.8,0.01); CDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.63,1,2,0.01); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("AB=CD"); abcd_Cmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.6, 0.3 , 1, 0.01); abcd_Cmax = Param("Swing C Max.",0.8, 0.8 , 1, 0.01); abcd_Dmin = Param("Swing D Min.",1.2, 1, 2.7, 0.01); abcd_Dmax = Param("Swing D Max.",2.6, 1, 4, 0.01); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Patterns"); //strength = Param("Strength",5,2,15,1); // Best use: 3, 4, 5 strength = Param("BARS of each LINE",5,2,15,1); // So luong bar cho moi duong XA, AB, BC, bu = ParamToggle("Bullish Pattern","Off|On",1); // So bar/lines se quyet dinh. mo^ hinh` duoc ve the' nao` be = ParamToggle("Bearish Pattern","Off|On",1); bi = Cum(1)-1; function GetTop(bars) // Lay' gia' tri cao nhat' = di?nh { Top = H == HHV(H,2*bars) AND Ref(HHV(H,bars),bars) < H; Top = Top AND LastValue(bi)-ValueWhen(Top,bi) > bars; return Top; } function GetValley(bars) // La'y gia tri thap' nhat' = day' { Valley = L == LLV(L,2*bars) AND Ref(LLV(L,bars),bars) > L; Valley = Valley AND LastValue(bi)-ValueWhen(Valley,bi) > bars; return Valley; } // Build fractals array P1 = GetTop(strength); // so' bar cho 1 duong` XA, AB, BC, CD V1 = GetValley(Strength); P1 = IIf(P1,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,bi,2) < ValueWhen(V1,bi),P1,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,H,2) > H,False,P1)),P1); P1 = IIf(P1 AND ValueWhen(P1,bi,0) > bi,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,bi,0) < ValueWhen(V1,bi,0),IIf(ValueWhen(P1,H,0) >= H,False,P1),P1),P1); V1 = IIf(V1,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,bi,2) < ValueWhen(P1,bi),V1,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,L,2)<L,False,V1)),V1); V1 = IIf(V1 AND ValueWhen(V1,bi,0) > bi ,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,bi,0) < ValueWhen(P1,bi,0),IIf(ValueWhen(V1,L,0) <= L, False,V1),V1),V1); P1H1 = ValueWhen(P1,H); P1Bar1 = ValueWhen(P1,bi); P1H2 = ValueWhen(P1,H,2); P1Bar2 = ValueWhen(P1,bi,2); V1L1 = ValueWhen(V1,L); V1Bar1 = ValueWhen(V1,bi); V1L2 = ValueWhen(V1,L,2); V1Bar2 = ValueWhen(V1,bi,2); //============================================ // BULLISH PATTERNS //============================================ /* Mo hinh Bullish: A = P1H2 B = V1L1 C = P1H1 X = V1L2 */ PTvalid = (P1Bar1 > V1Bar1 AND V1Bar1 > P1Bar2 AND P1bar2 > V1Bar2) AND P1; // Peaks and troughs are in order myAX = P1H2-V1L2; myAB = P1H2-V1L1; myBC = P1H1-V1L1; myAB_AX = myAB/ myAX; myBC_AB = myBC/ myAB; BullGartley4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > GBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < GBmax ) AND ( myBC_AB > GCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < GCMax ); BullBat4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BatBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BatBmax ) AND ( myBC_AB > BatCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BatCMax ); BullButterfly4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BtBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BtBMax ) AND ( myBC_AB > BtCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BtCmin ); BullCrab4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > CBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < CBmax ) AND ( myBC_AB > CCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < CCmax ); BullABCD4 = PTvalid AND ( myBC_AB > abcd_Cmin) AND ( myBC_AB < abcd_Cmax ); strPattern = ""; //================================================== // BULLISH ABCD // Bullish pattern found. D retracement level is not evaluated //================================================== dHigh = HighestSince(BullABCD4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BullABCD4,L); myC = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,P1H1); myB = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,V1L1); myA = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,P1H2); myX = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,V1L2); myCB = myC - myB; my_d_min = myCB * abcd_DMin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myCB * abcd_DMax ; my_Cd_min = myC - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Cd_max = myC - my_d_max; BullABCD = IIf( ( dLow < my_Cd_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Cd_max ) AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L), True, False ); BullABCD = BullABCD AND (dLow < myB); //================================================== // BULLISH GARTLEY //================================================== dHigh = HighestSince(BullGartley4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BullGartley4,L); myC = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,P1H1); myB = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,V1L1); myA = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,P1H2); myX = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,V1L2); myAX = myA - myX; my_d_min = myAX * GDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myAX * GDMax; my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max; BullGartley = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max ) AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L), True, False ); BullGartley = BullGartley AND (dLow < myB); // diem D thap' hon B strPattern = WriteIf(BullGartley,"BULLISH GARTLEY",strPattern); //================================================== // BULLISH BAT //================================================== dHigh = HighestSince(BullBat4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BullBat4,L); myC = ValueWhen(BullBat4,P1H1); myB = ValueWhen(BullBat4,V1L1); myA = ValueWhen(BullBat4,P1H2); myX = ValueWhen(BullBat4,V1L2); myAX = myA - myX; my_d_min = myAX * BatDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myAX * BatDmax ; my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max; BullBat = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max ) AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L), True, False ); BullBat = BullBat AND (dLow < myB); // diem d thap hon diem B strPattern = WriteIf(BullBat,"BULLISH BAT",strPattern); //================================================== // BULLISH CRAB - CUA //================================================== dHigh = HighestSince(BullCrab4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BullCrab4,L); myC = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,P1H1); myB = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,V1L1); myA = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,P1H2); myX = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,V1L2); myAX = myA - myX; my_d_min = myAX * CDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myAX * CDmax ; my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max; BullCrab = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max ) AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L), True, False ); BullCrab = BullCrab AND (dLow < myX); // diem D thap' hon X strPattern = WriteIf(BullCrab ,"BULLISH CRAB",strPattern); //================================================== // BULLISH BUTTTERFLY //================================================== dHigh = HighestSince(BullButterfly4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BullButterfly4,L); myC = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,P1H1); myB = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,V1L1); myA = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,P1H2); myX = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,V1L2); myAX = myA - myX; my_d_min = myAX * BtDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myAX * BtDmax ; my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max; BullButterfly = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max ) AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L), True, False ); BullButterfly = BullButterfly AND (dLow < myX); // diem D thap' hon X strPattern = WriteIf(BullButterfly ,"BULLISH BUTTERFLY",strPattern); //========================================================== // VE DUONG CHO MO HINH BULLISH ABCB //========================================================== BullHar4 = BullABCD4; BullHar = BullABCD; Point4 = IIf(BullHar,ValueWhen(BullHar4,bi),Null); BullHar = IIf(BullHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BullHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BullHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BullHar),BullHar); A = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H2); Abar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar2); B = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L1); Bbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1bar1); C1 = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H1); C1bar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar1); D = ValueWhen(BullHar,L); Dbar = ValueWhen(BullHar,bi); BCdAB = (C1-B)/(A-B); BCdCD = (C1-D)/(C1-B); PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar; if(LastValue(PlotPattern) AND bu) { ColorX = colorGreen; // Ve cac duong AB, BC, CD Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed); // Ve cac gia tri Fibo PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX ); PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2),(LastValue(Bbar)+LastValue(Dbar))/2,(LastValue(B)+LastValue(D))/2,ColorX ); //---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd--------------------- xlech = 0; ylech = 2; PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) + ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) - ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) + ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) - ylech, ColorX ); //--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd-------------- if (strPattern!="") { myStr = "Pattern: BULLISH AB=CD"; toadoX = LastValue(Abar); toadoY = LastValue(D); PlotText(myStr,toadoX,toadoY,ColorX ); } } // end of Ve duong` bullish abcd //========================================================== // VE DUONG CHO MO HINH BULLISH BAT, GARTLEY, BUTTERFLY, CRAB //========================================================== BullHar4 = BullGartley4 OR BullButterfly4 OR BullBat4 OR BullCrab4 ; BullHar = BullGartley OR BullButterfly OR BullBat OR BullCrab; Point4 = IIf(BullHar,ValueWhen(BullHar4,bi),Null); BullHar = IIf(BullHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BullHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BullHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BullHar),BullHar); X = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L2); Xbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1Bar2); A = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H2); Abar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar2); B = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L1); Bbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1bar1); C1 = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H1); C1bar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar1); D = ValueWhen(BullHar,L); Dbar = ValueWhen(BullHar,bi); ABdXA = (A-B)/(A-X); BCdAB = (C1-B)/(A-B); ADdXA = (A-D)/(A-X); BCdCD = (C1-D)/(C1-B); PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar; if(LastValue(PlotPattern) AND bu) { ColorX = colorBlue; // Ve cac duong XA, AB, BC, CD Plot( LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX,styleDashed); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX,styleDashed); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX,styleDashed); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX,styleDashed); // Ve cac gia tri Fibo PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ABdXA),1.2),(LastValue(Bbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(B)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX); PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX); PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ADdXA),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX); PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2),(LastValue(Bbar)+LastValue(Dbar))/2,(LastValue(B)+LastValue(D))/2,ColorX); //---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd--------------------- xlech = 0; ylech = 2; PlotText("X",LastValue(Xbar) + xlech, LastValue(X) - ylech, ColorX); PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) + ylech, ColorX); PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) - ylech, ColorX); PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) + ylech, ColorX); PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) - ylech, ColorX); //--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd-------------- if (strPattern!="") { strPattern = "Pattern: " + strPattern; toadoX = (LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2; toadoY = (LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2; PlotText(strPattern,toadoX,toadoY-2,ColorX); } } // end of Ve duong cho cac mo hinh Crab, Butterfly, Bat //============================================================= // BEARISH PATTERNS //============================================================= PTvalid = (V1Bar1 > P1Bar1 AND P1Bar1 > V1Bar2 AND V1Bar2 > P1Bar2) AND V1; /*===================== X = P1H2 Trong mo hinh` bear: Die^m X cao hon diem A. MyAX = X-> A A = V1L2 B = P1H1 C = V1L1 =======================*/ myAX = P1H2-V1L2; myAB = P1H1-V1L2; myBC = P1H1-V1L1; myAB_AX = myAB/ myAX; myBC_AB = myBC/ myAB; BearGartley4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > GBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < GBmax ) AND ( myBC_AB > GCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < GCMax ); BearBat4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BatBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BatBmax ) AND ( myBC_AB > BatCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BatCMax ); BearButterfly4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BtBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BtBMax ) AND ( myBC_AB > BtCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BtCmin ); BearCrab4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > CBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < CBmax ) AND ( myBC_AB > CCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < CCmax ); BearABCD4 = PTvalid AND ( myBC_AB > abcd_Cmin) AND ( myBC_AB < abcd_Cmax ); strPattern = ""; //========================================================== // BEARISH ABCD // Bearish pattern found. D retracement level is not evaluated //========================================================== dHigh = HighestSince(BearABCD4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BearABCD4,L); myA = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,V1L2); myB = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,P1H1); myC = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,V1L1); myCB = myB - myC; my_d_min = myCB * abcd_DMin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myCB * abcd_DMax ; my_Cd_min = myC + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Cd_max = myC + my_d_max; BearABCD = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Cd_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Cd_max ) AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H), True, False ); BearABCD = BearABCD AND (dHigh > myB); //============================================================= // BEARISH GARTLEY //============================================================= dHigh = HighestSince(BearGartley4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BearGartley4,L); myX = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,P1H2); myA = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,V1L2); myAX = myX - myA; myB = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,P1H1); myC = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,V1L1); my_d_min = myAX * GDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myAX * GDMax; my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max; BearGartley = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max ) AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H), True, False ); BearGartley = BearGartley AND (dHigh > myB); // diem D cao hon B strPattern = WriteIf(BearGartley ,"BEARISH GARTLEY",strPattern); //============================================================= // BEARISH BAT //============================================================= dHigh = HighestSince(BearBat4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BearBat4,L); myX = ValueWhen(BearBat4,P1H2); myA = ValueWhen(BearBat4,V1L2); myAX = myX - myA; myB = ValueWhen(BearBat4,P1H1); myC = ValueWhen(BearBat4,V1L1); my_d_min = myAX * BatDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myAX * BatDMax ; my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max; BearBat = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max ) AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H), True, False ); BearBat = BearBat AND (dHigh > myB); // diem D cao hon B strPattern = WriteIf(BearBat ,"BEARISH BAT",strPattern); //============================================================= // BEARISH BUTTERFLY //============================================================= dHigh = HighestSince(BearButterfly4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BearButterfly4,L); myX = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,P1H2); myA = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,V1L2); myAX = myX - myA; myB = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,P1H1); myC = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,V1L1); my_d_min = myAX * BtDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myAX * BtDmax ; my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max; BearButterfly = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max ) AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H), True, False ); BearButterfly = BearButterfly AND (dHigh > myX); // diem D cao hon X strPattern = WriteIf(BearButterfly ,"BEARISH BUTTERFLY",strPattern); //============================================================= // BEARISH CRAB //============================================================= dHigh = HighestSince(BearCrab4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD dLow = LowestSince(BearCrab4,L); myX = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,P1H2); myA = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,V1L2); myAX = myX - myA; myB = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,P1H1); myC = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,V1L1); my_d_min = myAX * CDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min my_d_max = myAX * CDmax ; my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con. my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max; BearCrab = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max ) AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H), True, False ); BearCrab = BearCrab AND (dHigh > myX); // diem D cao hon X strPattern = WriteIf(BearCrab ,"BEARISH CRAB",strPattern); //========================================================== // VE DUONG CHO MO HINH BEARISH ABCD //========================================================== BearHar4 = BearABCD4; BearHar = BearABCD; Point4 = IIf(BearHar,ValueWhen(BearHar4,bi),Null); BearHar = IIf(BearHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BearHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BearHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BearHar),BearHar); A = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L2); Abar = ValueWhen( BearHar4,V1bar2); B = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H1); Bbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1bar1); C1 = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L1); C1bar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1bar1); D = ValueWhen(BearHar,H); Dbar = ValueWhen(BearHar,bi); BCdAB = (B-C1)/(B-A); BCdCD = (D-C1)/(B-C1); PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar; //--------- Ve duong ------------------ if(LastValue(Plotpattern) AND be) { ColorX = colorYellow; // Ve duong AB, BC Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed); // Viet cac gia tri Fibo tren duong AB, BC PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX ); PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Bbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(B))/2,ColorX ); //---------- Viet cac diem A, B, C, D: by binhnd--------------------- xlech = -1; ylech = 1; PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) - ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) + ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) - ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) + ylech, ColorX ); //--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd-------------- if (strPattern!="") { myStr = "Pattern: BEARISH AB=CD"; toadoaX = LastValue(Abar); toadoY = LastValue(D); PlotText(myStr,toadoaX,toadoY+1,ColorX ); } } // end of VE DUONG CHO MO HINH BEARISH ABCD //========================================================== // VE DUONG CHO MO HINH BEARISH BAT, GARTLEY, BUTTERFLY, CRAB //========================================================== BearHar4 = BearGartley4 OR BearButterfly4 OR BearBat4 OR BearCrab4 ; BearHar = BearGartley OR BearButterfly OR BearBat OR BearCrab ; Point4 = IIf(BearHar,ValueWhen(BearHar4,bi),Null); BearHar = IIf(BearHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BearHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BearHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BearHar),BearHar); X = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H2); Xbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1Bar2); A = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L2); Abar = ValueWhen( BearHar4,V1bar2); B = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H1); Bbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1bar1); C1 = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L1); C1bar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1bar1); D = ValueWhen(BearHar,H); Dbar = ValueWhen(BearHar,bi); ABdXA = (B-A)/(X-A); BCdAB = (B-C1)/(B-A); ADdXA = (D-A)/(X-A); BCdCD = (D-C1)/(B-C1); PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar; //--------- Ve duong ------------------ if(LastValue(Plotpattern) AND be) { ColorX = colorRed; // Ve duong XA, AB, BC Plot( LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX ,styleThick); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed); Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed); // Viet cac gia tri Fibo tren duong XA, AB, BC PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ABdXA),1.2),(LastValue(Bbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(B)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX ); PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX ); PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Bbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(B))/2,ColorX ); PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ADdXA),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX ); //---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd--------------------- xlech = -1; ylech = 1; PlotText("X",LastValue(Xbar) + xlech, LastValue(X) + ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) - ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) + ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) - ylech, ColorX ); PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) + ylech, ColorX ); //--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd-------------- if (strPattern!="") { strPattern = "Pattern: " + strPattern; toadoaX = (LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2; toadoY = (LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2; PlotText(strPattern,toadoaX,toadoY+1,ColorX ); } } // end of VE DUONG CHO MO HINH BEARISH BAT, GARTLEY, BUTTERFLY, CRAB //================================= // Show diem ho^~ tro. va` khang' cu. ko? //================================= plotFractals = ParamToggle("Plot Fractals","Off|On",1); if(PlotFractals) { PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle*P1,colorRed,0,H,10); PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle*V1,colorBlue,0,L,-10); } //============================================== // DAT DIEU KIEN cho TIM KIEM BULL //============================================== dkBull = False; dkBear = False; /* ListBull = ParamList("Type of Bullish", "None|AB=CD|Gartley|Butterfly|Bat|Crab|All Patterns", 6); if ( ListBull == "None" ) dkBull = True; if ( ListBull =="AB=CD" ) dkBull = BullABCD ; if ( ListBull =="Gartley" ) dkBull = BullGartley ; if ( ListBull =="Butterfly" ) dkBull = BullButterfly ; if ( ListBull =="Bat" ) dkBull = BullBat ; if ( ListBull =="Crab" ) dkBull = BullCrab ; if ( ListBull =="All Patterns") dkBull = (BullABCD) OR (BullGartley) OR (BullButterfly ) OR (BullBat ) OR (BullCrab); //============================================== // DAT DIEU KIEN cho TIM KIEM BEAR //============================================== ListBear = ParamList("Type of Bearish", "None|AB=CD|Gartley|Butterfly|Bat|Crab|All Patterns", 0); if ( ListBear == "None" ) dkBear = True; if ( ListBear =="AB=CD" ) dkBear = BearABCD ; if ( ListBear =="Gartley" ) dkBear = BearGartley ; if ( ListBear =="Butterfly" ) dkBear = BearButterfly ; if ( ListBear =="Bat" ) dkBear = BearBat ; if ( ListBear =="Crab" ) dkBear = BearCrab ; if ( ListBear =="All Patterns") dkBear = (BearABCD ) OR (BearGartley ) OR (BearButterfly ) OR (BearBat ) OR (BearCrab ); */ AddColumn(BullABCD,"BlABCD",True); AddColumn(BullGartley,"BlGartley",True); AddColumn(BullBat,"BLBat",True); AddColumn(BullCrab,"BlCrab",True); AddColumn(BullButterfly,"BlButrfly",True); AddColumn(BearABCD,"BrABCD",True); AddColumn(BearGartley,"BrGartley",True); AddColumn(BearBat,"BrBat",True); AddColumn(BearCrab,"BrCrab",True); AddColumn(BearButterfly,"BrButrfly",True); dkBull = (BullGartley) OR (BullButterfly ) OR (BullBat ) OR (BullCrab); dkBear = (BearGartley ) OR (BearButterfly ) OR (BearBat ) OR (BearCrab ); AddColumn(V,"Volume",1.0); Filter = (dkBull) OR (dkBear);