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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Daily BB for Amibroker (AFL)
It gives support for buy and sell for EOD daily charts
Similar Indicators / Formulas
Indicator / Formula
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 | _SECTION_BEGIN ( "Daily BB" ); TFd = inHourly ; TimeFrameSet (TFd); ShowBBd9F= ParamToggle ( "BB9 MTFd F" , "Hide|Show" ,1); ShowBBd9L= ParamToggle ( "BB9 MTFd L" , "Hide|Show" ,1); PMTFd9 = Param ( "Period9 MTFd" , 9, 2, 30, 1 ); WMTFd9 = Param ( "Width9 MTFd" , 1.5, 0, 10, 0.05 ); ShowBBd20F= ParamToggle ( "BB20 MTFd F" , "Hide|Show" ,1); ShowBBd20L= ParamToggle ( "BB20 MTFd L" , "Hide|Show" ,1); PMTFd20 = Param ( "Period20 MTFd" , 20, 2, 30, 1 ); WMTFd20 = Param ( "Width20 MTFd" , 2, 0, 10, 0.05 ); Md9= WMA ( C ,PMTFd9); sdd9 = StDev ( C , PMTFd9 ); Topd9 = Md9 + WMTFd9 * sdd9; Botd9 = Md9 - WMTFd9 * sdd9; Md20 = WMA ( C ,PMTFd20); sdd20 = StDev ( C , PMTFd20); Topd20 = Md20 + WMTFd20 * sdd20; Botd20 = Md20 - WMTFd20 * sdd20; TimeFrameRestore (); MD9Fd = TimeFrameExpand (Md9,TFd, expandFirst ); TP9Fd = TimeFrameExpand (TOPd9,TFd, expandFirst ); BT9Fd = TimeFrameExpand (BOTd9,TFd, expandFirst ); MD20Fd = TimeFrameExpand (Md20,TFd, expandFirst ); TP20Fd = TimeFrameExpand (TOPd20,TFd, expandFirst ); BT20Fd = TimeFrameExpand (BOTd20,TFd, expandFirst ); MD9Ld = TimeFrameExpand (Md9,TFd, expandLast ); TP9Ld = TimeFrameExpand (TOPd9,TFd, expandLast ); BT9Ld = TimeFrameExpand (BOTd9,TFd, expandLast ); MD20Ld = TimeFrameExpand (Md20,TFd, expandLast ); TP20Ld = TimeFrameExpand (TOPd20,TFd, expandLast ); BT20Ld = TimeFrameExpand (BOTd20,TFd, expandLast ); if (ShowBBd9F) Plot (MD9Fd, "MID BAND9 Daily First" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleDashed ); if (ShowBBd9F) Plot (TP9Fd, "TOP BAND9 Daily First" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleDashed ); if (ShowBBd9F) Plot (BT9Fd, "BOT BAND9 Daily First" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleDashed ); if (ShowBBd9L) Plot (MD9Ld, "MID BAND9 Daily Last" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleThick ); if (ShowBBd9L) Plot (TP9Ld, "TOP BAND9 Daily Last" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleThick ); if (ShowBBd9L) Plot (BT9Ld, "BOT BAND9 Daily Last" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleThick ); if (ShowBBd20F) Plot (MD20Fd, "MID BAND20 Daily First" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleDashed ); if (ShowBBd20F) Plot (TP20Fd, "TOP BAND20 Daily First" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleDashed ); if (ShowBBd20F) Plot (BT20Fd, "BOT BAND20 Daily First" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleDashed ); if (ShowBBd20L) Plot (MD20Ld, "MID BAND20 Daily Last" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleThick ); if (ShowBBd20L) Plot (TP20Ld, "TOP BAND20 Daily Last" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleThick ); if (ShowBBd20L) Plot (BT20Ld, "BOT BAND20 Daily Last" , colorYellow , styleLine | styleDots | styleThick ); _SECTION_END (); |
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