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Visi-Trade for Amibroker (AFL)
almost 15 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 3)

This Amibroker Script is for educational purposes only. I cannot guarantee
it’s accuracy nor take any responsibility for your use of it. Use at your own risk.
This is not an automated trading interface – it is strictly a interactive interface.
If you want to play with it, do so in your practic account.


This script will allow you to graphically enter your orders for Interactive Brokers.
You can use the chart to select where you want to enter and where you want to place
the stop loss and target exit orders. Once you have selected the price levels, you
can transmit the order to TWS for execution. It includes some advanced features such
as automatically adjusting order sizes based on max shares, max position size, and max amount
you are willing risk on a trade.

- graphical interface for selecting order parts
- display various order price levels on the chart
- configuable parameters to control position size and risk
- enter with a market, limit, or stop order
- exit with a bracketed OCA orde
- show or hide the interface with a click of button on chart
- send orders for immediate execution in TWS or just park the order set in TWS for you to execute there
- symbol independent statefulness of order and price level values

- only developed and tested US stocks (that’s all I trade)
- futures and forex leverage and contract pecularities are not taken into account and should not be traded with this script.
- foreign stocks have not been tested, so they may not work.
- current positions are not reflected in the interface

By bluueskyy

Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Copy & Paste Friendly

This Amibroker Script is for educational purposes only. I cannot guarantee 
it's accuracy nor take any responsibility for your use of it.  Use at your own
This is not an automated trading interface - it is strictly a interactive
If you want to play with it, do so in your practic account.


This script will allow you to graphically enter your orders for Interactive
You can use the chart to select where you want to enter and where you want to
the stop loss and target exit orders.  Once you have selected the price levels,
can transmit the order to TWS for execution.  It includes some advanced
features such
as automatically adjusting order sizes based on max shares, max position size,
and max amount
you are willing risk on a trade.

- graphical interface for selecting order parts
- display various order price levels on the chart
- configuable parameters to control position size and risk
- enter with a market, limit, or stop order
- exit with a bracketed OCA orde
- show or hide the interface with a click of button on chart
- send orders for immediate execution in TWS or just park the 
	order set in TWS for you to execute there
- symbol independent statefulness of order and price level values

- only developed and tested US stocks (that's all I trade)
- futures and forex leverage and contract pecularities are not taken into 
	account and should not be traded with this script.
- foreign stocks have not been tested, so they may not work.
- current positions are not reflected in the interface

When you initially add the script to a chart, it will show a button "Show
Click this to see the trading interface.  Across the top will display the entry
order types.
Select one of these to begin setting up the order.  "BUY" and "SELL" are market
and the ENTRY field will auto-fill with the current price. BSTOP, SSTOP, BLIM,
and SLIM 
require you to select the desired entry price.  To select the entry price, you
first click 
on the ENTRY button, then you simply click anywhere on the chart where you want
the entry to be at.
After this, you sothe same thing for the STLOSS and TGT fields.  You can choose
to CHECK the order,
SEND the order to TWS, or CLEARthe order.  SEND'ing the order will
automatically check that 
the order is valid. For instance, if you create a BLIM order, then the TGT must
be above the 
entry price and the STLOSS must be below the entry price.  If there is a
problem with the order, then
the problem will display in the MESSAGE field.  The labels outlined in RED show
the current state 
of what you are doing.

You can configure a number of parameters to control risk:

Max Trade Value			- what is the max position size you are willing to make
Max Shares					- what is the max number of shares you willing to buy
Enforce Target Order		- always force yourself to enter a target order
Enforce Stop Loss Order - always force yourself to enter a stop loss order
Max Risk Amt $			- what is the max you are willing to risk if you stop loss is
Enforce Max Risk Amt		- force this to always happen
Add Cancel Mkt Order		- parks a non-executed MARKET order in  TWS so that you
can bail out of the
							  position manually if desired (remember to cancel your bracket orders
							  if you do manually exit the position with the market order
Xmit Always On			- do you want the orders executed when sent to TWS or do you
just want
							  to park them in TWS so you can manually execute them.


Version( 5.04 ); // requires 5.04 or higher
GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );

MaxTradeSize = Param("Max Trade Value", 1000, 1, 300000, 1000);
MaxShares = Param("Max Shares", 1, 1, 2000, 1);
EnforceTargetOrder = ParamToggle("Enforce Target Order", "No|Yes", 0);
EnforceStopLossOrder = ParamToggle("Enforce Stop Loss Order", "No|Yes", 1);
MaxRiskAmount = Param("Max Risk Amt $", 100, 1, 1500, 10);
EnforceMaxRiskAmt = ParamToggle("Enforce Max Risk Amt", "No|Yes", 1);
AddCancelMktOrder = ParamToggle("Add Cancel Mkt Order", "No|Yes", 1);
TransmitAlwaysOn = ParamToggle("Xmit Always On", "No|Yes", 1);
pAllowAddingToPosition = ParamToggle("Xmit Always On", "No|Yes", 0);

CellHeight = 20;
CellWidth = 60;
State = "";

sTevSymbol = Name() + "_";
sTevVisible = sTevSymbol + "Visible";
sTevState = sTevSymbol + "State";
sTevOrderType = sTevSymbol + "OrderType";
sTevOrderDesc = sTevSymbol + "OrderDesc";
sTevTargetPrice = sTevSymbol + "TargetPrice";
sTevStopLossPrice = sTevSymbol + "StopLossPrice";
sTevEntryPrice = sTevSymbol + "EntryPrice";
sTevShares = sTevSymbol + "Shares";
sTevTransmit = sTevSymbol + "TransmitState";
sTevMessage = sTevSymbol + "Message";
sTevPriceSelectState = sTevSymbol + "PriceSelect";

sTevOrderSymbol = sTevSymbol + "OrderSymbol";
sTevOrderShares = sTevSymbol + "OrderShares";
sTevOrderParentId = sTevSymbol + "OrderParentId";
sTevOrderTargetId = sTevSymbol + "OrderTargetId";
sTevOrderStopLossId = sTevSymbol + "OrderStopLossId";

sPriceSelectType_Entry = "ENTRY";
sPriceSelectType_StopLoss = "SLOSS";
sPriceSelectType_Target = "TGT";
sPriceSelectType_None = "";

sOrderType_BuyAtMarket = "BUY";
sOrderType_ShortAtMarket = "SELL";
sOrderType_BuyAtStop = "B STOP";
sOrderType_ShortAtStop = "S STOP";
sOrderType_BuyAtLimit = "B LIM";
sOrderType_ShortAtLimit = "S LIM";
sOrrderType_None = "NA";

sStateType_OrderPrep = "Prep";
sStateType_OrderReady = "Ready";
sStateType_OrderNone = "None";
sStateType_OrderSent = "Sent";

sTransmitType_No = "No";
sTransmitType_Yes = "Yes";

function formatPriceForSecurityType( inputPrice )
    OutputPrice = -1;

    if ( inputPrice > 0 )
        OutputPrice = inputPrice;

        if ( StrFind( Name(), " A0-FX" ) )
            //format price for forex
            if ( StrFind( Name(), " #F" ) )
                //format price for futures
                //format price for stock
                OutputPrice = int( inputPrice * 100 ) / 100;

    return OutputPrice;

function CalculateShares()
	Shares = int(MaxTradeSize/Close[BarCount-1]);

	if (Shares > MaxShares)
		Shares = int(MaxShares);

	return Shares;

function CalculateSharesByRiskAmount()
	Shares = 0;

	Entry = StaticVarGet(sTevEntryPrice); 
	StopLoss = StaticVarGet(sTevStopLossPrice); 
	Target = StaticVarGet(sTevTargetPrice); 
	ORderType = StaticVarGetText(sTevOrderType);
	if (ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtMarket || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtMarket)
		Entry = Close[BarCount-1];

	if (IsNull(Entry))
		Entry = -999;
	if (IsNull(StopLoss ))
		StopLoss = -999;
	if (IsNull(Target ))
		Target = -999;
	if (Entry != -999 && StopLoss != -999)
		RiskAmtPerShare = abs(Entry - StopLoss);

		Shares = int(MaxRiskAmount / RiskAmtPerShare);

		TradeSize = Close[BarCount-1] * Shares;

		if (TradeSize > MaxTradeSize)
			Shares = int(MaxTradeSize/Close[BarCount-1]);
		if (Shares > MaxShares)
			Shares = int(MaxShares);


	return Shares;

function GetTransmitBool()
    xmit = False;

    xmitstate = StaticVarGetText( sTevTransmit );

    if ( xmitstate == sTransmitType_Yes )
        xmit = True;

    return xmit;

function ClearState()
	StaticVarSetText(sTevState, sStateType_OrderNone);

	StaticVarSetText(sTevTransmit, sTransmitType_No);
	StaticVarSetText(sTevPriceSelectState, sPriceSelectType_None);
	StaticVarSetText(sTevMessage, "");


function CheckOrder()
	CheckedValid = True;
	message = "";

	StaticVarSetText(sTevPriceSelectState, sPriceSelectType_None);
	ORderType = StaticVarGetText(sTevOrderType);
	Entry = StaticVarGet(sTevEntryPrice); 
	StopLoss = StaticVarGet(sTevStopLossPrice); 
	Target = StaticVarGet(sTevTargetPrice); 

	if (IsNull(Entry))
		Entry = -999;
	if (IsNull(StopLoss ))
		StopLoss = -999;
	if (IsNull(Target ))
		Target = -999;

	if (ORderType == "")
		message = "No Order";
		CheckedValid = False;
		if (ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtMarket || ORderType ==
			Entry = Close[BarCount-1];
		else if (Entry == -999)
			message +=  ": BAD ENTRY";
			CheckedValid = False;
 		if (StopLoss == -999 && EnforceStopLossOrder == 1)
			message +=  " : BAD ST LOSS";
			CheckedValid = False;
 		if (Target == -999 && EnforceTargetOrder == 1)
			message += " : BAD TGT";
			CheckedValid = False;
		if (CheckedValid)
			if (ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtMarket || ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtStop || ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtLimit)
				if (Entry > Target && EnforceTargetOrder == 1)
					message += " : ENTRY > TGT";
					CheckedValid = False;					
				if (StopLoss > Entry && EnforceStopLossOrder == 1)
					message += " : ST LOSS > ENTRY";
					CheckedValid = False;					
				if (StopLoss > Target && EnforceStopLossOrder == 1  && EnforceTargetOrder == 1)
					message += " : ST LOSS > TGT";
					CheckedValid = False;					
			else if (ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtMarket || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtStop || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtLimit)
				if (Entry < Target && EnforceTargetOrder == 1)
					message += " : ENTRY < TGT";
					CheckedValid = False;					
				if (StopLoss < Entry && EnforceStopLossOrder == 1)
					message += " : ST LOSS < ENTRY";
					CheckedValid = False;					
				if (StopLoss < Target && EnforceStopLossOrder == 1  && EnforceTargetOrder == 1)
					message += " : ST LOSS < TGT";
					CheckedValid = False;					
		//message = ORdertype + " " + NumToStr(int(MaxShares)) + " @ " + NumToStr(Entry) 
		//			+ ", SL @ " + NumToStr(StopLoss)
		///			+ ", TG @ " + NumToStr(Target);

	if (CheckedValid)
		message = "VALID ORDER";

	StaticVarSetText(sTevMessage, message);
	return CheckedValid;


function GetOrderDirection(ORderType, entryOrderType)
    ORderdirction = "";

    if ( entryOrderType == "" )
        if ( ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtMarket || ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtStop || ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtLimit )
            ORderdirction = "BUY";
        else if ( ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtMarket || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtStop || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtLimit )
        	ORderdirction = "SELL";
     	if ( entryOrderType == "BUY" )
       	ORderdirction = "SELL";
       else if ( entryOrderType == "SELL" )
       	ORderdirction = "BUY";

	return ORderdirction;

function GetOrderType(ORderType, entryOrderType)
    RtnORderType = "";
	if (entryOrderType == "")
    	if ( ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtMarket || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtMarket )
        	RtnORderType = "MKT";
    	else if ( ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtStop || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtStop )
        	RtnORderType = "STP";
    	else if ( ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtLimit || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtLimit )
        	RtnORderType = "LMT";
	   if ( ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtMarket || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtMarket )
	        RtnORderType = "MKT";
 	   else if ( ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtStop || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtStop )
 	       RtnORderType = "STP";
 	   else if ( ORderType == sOrderType_BuyAtLimit || ORderType == sOrderType_ShortAtLimit )
 	       RtnORderType = "MIT";

    return RtnORderType ;

function SendOrder()
	if (CheckOrder())
		StaticVarSetText(sTevPriceSelectState, sPriceSelectType_None);
		ORderSymbol = Name();
		ORderType = StaticVarGetText(sTevOrderType);
		Entry = formatPriceForSecurityType(StaticVarGet(sTevEntryPrice)); 
		StopLoss = formatPriceForSecurityType(StaticVarGet(sTevStopLossPrice)); 
		Target = formatPriceForSecurityType(StaticVarGet(sTevTargetPrice));
		Shares = StaticVarGet(sTevShares);
		//Shares = CalculateShares();
		MasterXMit = GetTransmitBool();

		ORderIBType = GetOrderType(ORderType, "");
		ORderIBDirection = GetOrderDirection(ORderType, "");

		SLOrderIBType = GetOrderType(sOrderType_BuyAtStop, ORderType);
		SLOrderIBDirection = GetOrderDirection(ORderType, ORderIBDirection);
		TGOrderIBType = GetOrderType(sOrderType_BuyAtLimit, ORderType);
		TGOrderIBDirection = GetOrderDirection(ORderType, ORderIBDirection);

		parentOrderId = 0;
		targetOrderId = 0;
		stoplossOrderId = 0;

  		ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB"); 

  		// check if we are connected OK 
  		if( ibc.IsConnected() ) 
     		// check if we do not have already open position on this stock 
     		if( ibc.GetPositionSize( Name() ) == 0  ||  pAllowAddingToPosition == 1)

				doXmit = False;

				if (EnforceStopLossOrder == 0  && EnforceTargetOrder == 0)
					doXmit = True && MasterXMit;

        		// transmit order
				if (ORderIBType == "LMT")
        			parentOrderId = ibc.PlaceOrder( ORderSymbol, ORderIBDirection, Shares, ORderIBType, Entry, 0, "GTC", doXmit, 0, "ignoreRth" ); 
        		else if (ORderIBType == "STP")
					parentOrderId = ibc.PlaceOrder( ORderSymbol, ORderIBDirection, Shares, ORderIBType, 0, Entry, "GTC", doXmit, 0, "ignoreRth" ); 
				else if (ORderIBType == "MKT")
					parentOrderId = ibc.PlaceOrder( ORderSymbol, ORderIBDirection, Shares, ORderIBType, 0, 0, "GTC", doXmit, 0, "ignoreRth" ); 

				if (EnforceTargetOrder == 1  || Target > 0)
					if (EnforceStopLossOrder == 0)
						doXmit = True && MasterXMit;

       			targetOrderId = ibc.PlaceOrder( ORderSymbol, TGORderIBDirection, Shares, TGORderIBType, 0, Target, 
															"GTC", doXmit, 100, "", parentOrderId, ORderSymbol + "_GRP"  );

				if (EnforceStopLossOrder == 1 || StopLoss > 0)
					doXmit = True && MasterXMit;
					stoplossOrderId = ibc.PlaceOrder(ORderSymbol, SLORderIBDirection, Shares, SLORderIBType, 0, StopLoss, 
															"GTC", doXmit, 100, "", parentOrderId, ORderSymbol + "_GRP" );


				if (AddCancelMktOrder == 1)
					MktOrderIBType = GetOrderType(sOrderType_BuyAtMarket, ORderType);
					MktOrderIBDirection = GetOrderDirection(ORderType, ORderIBDirection);

					ibc.PlaceOrder( ORderSymbol, MktOrderIBDirection, Shares, MktOrderIBType, 0, 0, "GTC", False, 0, "ignoreRth" );

function SetState(sstate)
	StaticVarSetText(sTevState, sstate);

function PrintInCell( string, row, Col )
    GfxDrawText( NumToStr( Close[BarCount-1] ) + string, Col * CellWidth, row * CellHeight, ( Col + 1 ) * CellWidth, ( row + 1 ) * CellHeight, 0 );

function DrawButton2( col, row, buttonColor, textColor, height, width, text, bold, outlineType, span)
	if (text == "{EMPTY}")
		text = "";

	x1 = col * width;
	y1 = row * height;
	x2 = ( col + span ) * width-3;
	y2 = ( row + 1 ) * height-3;
	OutlineWidth = 3;
    GfxGradientRect( x1, y1, x2, y2, buttonColor, buttonColor);


	weight = 400;
	if (bold == True)
		weight = 800;

	GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", height/ 2.5, weight);

    GfxDrawText( text, x1 + 5, y1 + 2.5, x2, y2, 0 );

	if (outlineType == 0)
		GfxSelectPen(colorGrey50, 3 );
		GfxMoveTo( x1, y2);
    	GfxLineTo( x2 - 1, y2 );
		GfxLineTo( x2 - 1, y1 + 1);
	else if (OutlineType == 1)
		GfxSelectPen(colorBlack, 2 );
		GfxMoveTo( x1, y2);
    	GfxLineTo( x2 - 1, y2 );
		GfxLineTo( x2 - 1, y1 + 1);
		GfxLineTo( x1, y1 + 1);
		GfxLineTo( x1, y2);
	else if (OutlineType == 2)
		GfxSelectPen(colorRed, 2 );
		GfxMoveTo( x1, y2);
    	GfxLineTo( x2 - 1, y2 );
		GfxLineTo( x2 - 1, y1 + 1);
		GfxLineTo( x1, y1 + 1);
		GfxLineTo( x1, y2);

function DrawButton( px, py, Clr1, Clr2, text )
    Col = floor( px / CellWidth );
    Row = floor( py / CellHeight );

    GfxGradientRect( Col * CellWidth, row * CellHeight, ( Col + 1 ) *CellWidth, ( row + 1 ) * CellHeight,
                     Clr1, Clr2 );

    PrintInCell( text + " " + row + "," + Col, row, Col );


function OnLMouseButton( x, y, px, py )
	priceSelectState = StaticVarGetText(sTevPriceSelectState);

	if (priceSelectState == sPriceSelectType_Entry)
		StaticVarSet(sTevEntryPrice, formatPriceForSecurityType(y));
	else 	if (priceSelectState == sPriceSelectType_StopLoss)
		StaticVarSet(sTevStopLossPrice, formatPriceForSecurityType(y));
	else	if (priceSelectState == sPriceSelectType_Target)
		StaticVarSet(sTevTargetPrice, formatPriceForSecurityType(y));

function OnRMouseButton( x, y, px, py )
	x = 0;

function OnMMouseButton( x, y, px, py )
	x = 0;

function OnHoverMouse( x, y, px, py )
	x = 0;

function OnLButtonIsDown( x, y, px, py )
	x = 0;

function EventHandler()
    local b, x, y, px, py;
    b = GetCursorMouseButtons();

// retrieve co-ordinates in date/value units
    x = GetCursorXPosition( 0 );
    y = GetCursorYPosition( 0 );

// retrieve co-ordinates in pixel units
    px = GetCursorXPosition( 1 );
    py = GetCursorYPosition( 1 );

    Col = floor( px / CellWidth );
    Row = floor( py / CellHeight );

	printf("\nButton: %g, %g, %g", Col, Row, StaticVarGet(sTevVisible)); //StaticVarSet(sTevVisible, 1);
	if ( StaticVarGet(sTevVisible) != 1)
		if ((Col == 0 || Col == 1) && Row == 1 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
			StaticVarSet(sTevVisible, 1);
			//StaticVarSetText(sTevOrderType, sOrderType_BuyAtMarket);
			//StaticVarSet(sTevEntryPrice, Close[BarCount-1]);

	else if (Col == 0 && Row == 1 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSet(sTevVisible, 0);
	else if (Col == 1 && Row == 1 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", sOrderType_BuyAtMarket);
		StaticVarSetText(sTevOrderType, sOrderType_BuyAtMarket);
		StaticVarSet(sTevEntryPrice, Close[BarCount-1]);
	else if (Col == 2 && Row == 1 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", sOrderType_ShortAtMarket);
		StaticVarSetText(sTevOrderType, sOrderType_ShortAtMarket);
		StaticVarSet(sTevEntryPrice, Close[BarCount-1]);
	else if (Col == 3 && Row == 1 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", sOrderType_BuyAtStop);
		StaticVarSetText(sTevOrderType, sOrderType_BuyAtStop);
	else if (Col == 4 && Row == 1 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", sOrderType_ShortAtStop);
		StaticVarSetText(sTevOrderType, sOrderType_ShortAtStop);
	else if (Col == 5 && Row == 1 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", sOrderType_BuyAtLimit);
		StaticVarSetText(sTevOrderType, sOrderType_BuyAtLimit);
	else if (Col == 6 && Row == 1 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", sOrderType_ShortAtLimit);
		StaticVarSetText(sTevOrderType, sOrderType_ShortAtLimit);

	else if (Col == 2 && Row == 7 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", "CLEAR");
	else if (Col == 4 && Row == 4 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", "PSEL");
		StaticVarSetText(sTevPriceSelectState, sPriceSelectType_None);
	else if (Col == 3 && Row == 7 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", "SEND");
	else if (Col == 0 && Row == 3 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", "ENTRY");
		StaticVarSetText(sTevPriceSelectState, sPriceSelectType_Entry);
	else if (Col == 0 && Row == 4 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", "ST LOSS");
		StaticVarSetText(sTevPriceSelectState, sPriceSelectType_StopLoss);
	else if (Col == 0 && Row == 5 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", "TGT");
		StaticVarSetText(sTevPriceSelectState, sPriceSelectType_Target);
	else if ((Col == 0 || Col == 1) && Row == 7 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", "CHK ODR");
		//StaticVarSetText(sTevPriceSelectState, sPriceSelectType_Target);
	else if (Col == 2 && Row == 2 &&  b & 8 &&  b & 1)
		StaticVarSetText("TE_Button", "XMIT");
		xmitstate = StaticVarGetText(sTevTransmit);
		if (xmitstate == sTransmitType_No || xmitstate == "")
			StaticVarSetText(sTevTransmit, sTransmitType_Yes);
			StaticVarSetText(sTevTransmit, sTransmitType_No);

    else if ( b & 8 ) // flag = 8 is set when window just received mouse click
        // not-null means clicked in THIS (current) window
        if ( b & 1 )
            OnLMouseButton( x, y, px, py );

        if ( b & 2 )
            OnRMouseButton( x, y, px, py );

        if ( b & 4 )
            OnMMouseButton( x, y, px, py );
        //if( b == 0 ) OnHoverMouse( x, y, px, py ); // no button pressed
        if ( b == 1 )
            OnLButtonIsDown( x, y, px, py ); // button pressed

//RequestTimedRefresh( 1 );

if ( StaticVarGet(sTevVisible) == 1)
    DrawButton2( 0, 1, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "HIDE",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 0, 1, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "SHOWTRADING", True, 0, 2  );

if ( StaticVarGet(sTevVisible) == 1)

	if (TransmitAlwaysOn == 1)
		StaticVarSetText(sTevTransmit, sTransmitType_Yes);

    DrawButton2( 1, 1, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "BUY",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 2, 1, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "SELL",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 3, 1, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "B STOP",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 4, 1, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "S STOP",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 5, 1, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "B LIM",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 6, 1, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "S LIM",True, 0, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 4, 2, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "STATE",True, 2, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 5, 2, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,StaticVarGetText( sTevState ), True, 1, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 4, 3, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "BTN",True, 2, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 5, 3, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,StaticVarGetText( "TE_Button" ), True, 1, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 4, 4, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "PSEL",True, 2, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 5, 4, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,StaticVarGetText( sTevPriceSelectState ), True, 1, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 0, 2, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "O TYPE",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 1, 2, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,StaticVarGetText( sTevOrderType ), True, 1, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 2, 2, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "XMIT",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 3, 2, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,StaticVarGetText( sTevTransmit ), True, 1, 1 );

    Shares = 0;

    if ( EnforceMaxRiskAmt == 1 )
        Shares = CalculateSharesByRiskAmount();
        StaticVarSet( sTevShares, Shares );
        Shares = CalculateShares();
        StaticVarSet( sTevShares, Shares );

    DrawButton2( 2, 3, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "SHARES",True, 0, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 3, 3, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,NumToStr( Shares, 5 ), True, 1, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 0, 3, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "ENTRY",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 1, 3, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,NumToStr( StaticVarGet( sTevEntryPrice ), 0.2 ), True, 1, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 0, 4, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "STLOSS", True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 1, 4, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,NumToStr( StaticVarGet( sTevStopLossPrice ), 0.2 ), True, 1, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 0, 5, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "TGT",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 1, 5, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,NumToStr( StaticVarGet( sTevTargetPrice ), 0.2 ), True, 1, 1 );

    DrawButton2( 0, 6, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,"Message", True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 1, 6, colorGrey50, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth,StaticVarGetText( sTevMessage ), False, 1, 5 );

    DrawButton2( 0, 7, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "CHECKORDER", True, 0, 2 );
    DrawButton2( 2, 7, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "CLEAR",True, 0, 1 );
    DrawButton2( 3, 7, colorBlack, colorWhite, CellHeight, CellWidth, "SEND",True, 0, 1 );

    Plot( StaticVarGet( sTevEntryPrice ), "ENTRY",  colorBlue, styleLine |styleDashed | styleNoTitle );
    Plot( StaticVarGet( sTevStopLossPrice ), "SL",  colorRed, styleLine |styleDashed | styleNoTitle );
    Plot( StaticVarGet( sTevTargetPrice ), "TGT",  colorGreen, styleLine |styleDashed | styleNoTitle );


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