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Standard Error Bands for Metastock
over 14 years ago

5 / 5 (Votes 1)
metastock, bands

For interpretation refer to the article “Standard Error Bands”, in the September 96 issue of TASC, written by Jon Anderson.

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Indicator / Formula

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21 period Upper Band (smoothed):

Mov((21 * Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21)) / (21 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)) * Cum(1) + (Mov(C,21,S) - Mov(Cum(1),21,S) * (21 * Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21))/ (21 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))) +2*(Sqrt(((Sum(Power(C,2),21)-(Power(Sum(C,21),2)/21)) -((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))-((Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21)/21)))/ ((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),21))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)/21)) *((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))-((Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21)/21)))) /19)),3,S)

21 period Lower Band (smoothed):

Mov((21 * Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21)) / (21 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)) * Cum(1) +(Mov(C,21,S) - Mov(Cum(1),21,S) * (21 * Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21))/ (21 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))) - 2*(Sqrt(((Sum(Power(C,2),21)-(Power(Sum(C,21),2)/21)) -((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))- ((Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21)/21))) / ((Sum(Power(Cum (1),2),21))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)/21))*((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))- ((Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21)/21)))) /19)),3,S)

21 period R2 (smoothed):


21 period Regression Slope:

(((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))-(Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21)/21)) / ((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),21))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)/21)))

21 period %A:

((C-Fml("21 period lower band (smoothed)")) / (Fml("21 period upper band(smoothed)") -Fml("21 period lower band (smoothed)")))

21 period Regression (smoothed):

Mov((21*Sum(Cum(1)*C,21)-Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21))/ (21*Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21)-Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))*Cum(1) +(Mov(C,21,S) - Mov(Cum(1),21,S) * (21*Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21))/(21*Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) -Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))),3,S)


1. Thami

Refer to Tucker Report’s Trend Determination

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