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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Trend Exploration: Slope Moving Average for Amibroker (AFL)
This exploration uses a lot of color and the slope of a moving averages to rank and filter out securities in the exploration window.
By marcus – marcusdavidsson
Indicator / Formula
// I use this moving averige exploration with daily data! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True); Filter = Status("lastbarinrange"); DTL=140; // DTL = Define Trend Long DTM=50; // DTM = Define Trend Medium DTS=10; // DTS = Define Trend Short ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TL=LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTL),2); // TL = Trend Long TM=LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTM),2); // TM = Trend Medium TS=LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTS),2); // TS = Trend Short TLL=IIf(LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTL),2) > 0,True, False); TMM=IIf(LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTM),2) > 0,True, False); TSS=IIf(LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTS),2) > 0,True, False); TLLL= WriteIf(TL>0 AND TL<0.3,"+", WriteIf(TL>=0.3 AND TL<0.6 ,"+ +", WriteIf(TL>=0.6,"+ + +", WriteIf(TL<0 AND TL>-0.3,"-", WriteIf(TL<=-0.3 AND TL>-0.6 ,"- -", WriteIf(TL<=-0.6,"- - -","")))))); TMMM= WriteIf(TM>0 AND TM<0.3,"+", WriteIf(TM>=0.3 AND TM<0.6 ,"+ +", WriteIf(TM>=0.6,"+ + +", WriteIf(TM<0 AND TM>-0.3,"-", WriteIf(TM<=-0.3 AND TM>-0.6 ,"- -", WriteIf(TM<=-0.6,"- - -","")))))); TSSS= WriteIf(TS>0 AND TS<0.3,"+", WriteIf(TS>=0.3 AND TS<0.6 ,"+ +", WriteIf(TS>=0.6,"+ + +", WriteIf(TS<0 AND TS>-0.3,"-", WriteIf(TS<=-0.3 AND TS>-0.6 ,"- -", WriteIf(TS<=-0.6,"- - -","")))))); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AddTextColumn( Name(), "ticker", 1, colorDefault, IIf(TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==True, colorGreen, IIf(TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==False, colorRed, colorYellow )),-1 ) ; AddColumn( DateTime(), "date/time", formatDateTime, colorDefault, IIf(TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==True, colorGreen, IIf(TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==False, colorRed, colorYellow )),-1 ) ; AddTextColumn( TLLL, "MA"+-DTL, 1 , colorDefault, IIf( TLL==True, colorGreen, colorRed ),-1 ); AddTextColumn( TMMM, "MA"+-DTM, 1 , colorDefault, IIf( TMM==True, colorGreen, colorRed ),-1 ); AddTextColumn( TSSS, "MA"+-DTS, 1 , colorDefault, IIf( TSS==True, colorGreen, colorRed ),-1 ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message= WriteIf(TL>=0.3 AND TM>=0.3 AND TS>=0.3, "Strong Up Trend", WriteIf(TL<=-0.3 AND TM<=-0.3 AND TS<=-0.3, "Strong Down Trend", WriteIf(TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==True,"Up Trend", WriteIf(TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==False,"Down Trend", "No Trend")))); AddTextColumn( message, "Overall Trend", 1 , colorDefault, IIf(TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==True, colorGreen, IIf(TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==False, colorRed, colorYellow )),-1 ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// x = IIf(Cross(LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTL),2),0) OR Cross(0, LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTL),2) ), True, False); y = BarIndex()-ValueWhen(x==True, BarIndex(),1); Phase=WriteIf(Y>=400,"Mature",WriteIf(Y>100 AND Y<400, "Progress", WriteIf(Y<=100, "Initial", ""))); AddTextColumn( Phase, "Trend Phase", 1 ,colorDefault, IIf(TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==True, colorGreen, IIf(TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==False, colorRed, colorYellow )),-1 ) ; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Comments= WriteIf(Y>=400,"Mature trend with risk of bubble", WriteIf(y<400 AND TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==True, "Keep on coming baby $", WriteIf(y<15 AND TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==True OR TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==False, "Are you going to grow up and become a big boy?", WriteIf(y<400 AND TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==False, "Keep on coming baby $$", WriteIf(TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==False OR TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==True, "Risk for short term reversal", WriteIf(TLL==True AND TMM==False AND TSS==True OR TLL==False AND TMM==True AND TSS==False, "trading range-avoid", "live to trade another day")))))); AddTextColumn( Comments, "Comments", 1,colorDefault, IIf(TLL==True AND TMM==True AND TSS==True, colorGreen, IIf(TLL==False AND TMM==False AND TSS==False, colorRed, colorYellow )),-1 ) ; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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error : missing buy/sell variable assignment
is there any changes to made
If you want buy and sell signal they need to be added.