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Yancedolly Bands - how to catch chickens ? - strategy part 1 for Amibroker (AFL)
2 / 5 (Votes 4)
amibroker, support, resistance
Have a nice day… :D
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_SECTION_BEGIN("Background Color"); BKswitch = ParamToggle("Background Color","On,Off"); OUTcolor =colorBlack;// ParamColor("Outer Panel Color",colorBlack); INUPcolor =colorBlack;// ParamColor("Inner Panel Upper",colorBlack); INDNcolor =colorBlack;// ParamColor("Inner Panel Lower",colorBlack); TitleColor =colorBlack;// ParamColor("Title Color ",colorBlack); if (NOT BKswitch) { SetChartBkColor(OUTcolor); // color of outer border SetChartBkGradientFill(INUPcolor,INDNcolor,TitleColor); // color of inner panel } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Parameter Color"); Line1=17;//ParamColor("Line Yancedolly Bands Medium Cycle Color",17); Line2=6;//ParamColor("Line Yancedolly Bands Short Cycle Color",6); Line3=9;//ParamColor("Line Floor Top Color",9); Vol1=colorDarkGreen;//ParamColor("Vol Up Color",colorDarkGreen); Vol2=colorDarkRed;//ParamColor("Vol Down Color",colorDarkRed); Vol3=23;//ParamColor("Vol Avarage Color",23); price1=colorRose;//ParamColor("Price Color",colorRose); price2=colorBrightGreen;//ParamColor("Price Down Color",colorBrightGreen); price3=colorRed;//ParamColor("Price Up Color",colorRed); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Volume"); if (NOT ParamToggle("Volume Switch","On,Off")) { Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), IIf( C > O, Vol1, Vol2), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram ), 2 ); Plot(MA(Volume,Param("MA Periods",5,5,50,1)),"",Vol3,styleLine |styleOwnScale ,Param("Scale",5,1,20,1)); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Yancedolly Bands"); hcl=(O+H+L+C)/4; Ho=AMA(Ref(hcl,-1),0.5); HH=Max(H,Max(hcl,Ho)); HL=Min(L,Min(hcl,Ho)); //trader = (hcl-Ho); trader = (hcl); VarRedLine = WMA(trader,5); VarBlueLine = MA(trader,8); Per =15;// Param("MA Periods",15,3,50,1); //Plot(trader,"trader",colorDarkRed); thick=0.5;//Param("thickness",0.5,0.01,5,0.01); //P = ParamField("Price field",-1); HDCPeriods = per; //Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 ); //Color = ParamColor("Color", colorCycle ); //Style = ParamStyle("Style"); bbbot = BBandBot( trader, HDCPeriods, 2 ); bbc=MA(trader,HDCPeriods); bbtop = BBandTop( trader, HDCPeriods, 2 ); //Plot( bbtop, "bbtop" , Line3, 1 ); //Plot( bbc, "bbc" , Line3, 1 ); //Plot( bbbot, "bbbot" , Line3, 1 ); //---------------------------------------------------- //BBLength= Param("BBLength",10,2,30,2); //StdDv= Param("Stdev",2,0.5,5,0.1); //UpB=BBandTop(H,BBLength,StdDv); //Mdb=MA(C, BBLength); //DnB=BBandBot(L,BBLength,StdDv); K1=5;// Param("EMA Periods?",5,3,50); K2=10;// Param("ATR Periods?",10,2,50); Mul=1;//Param("ATR Multiplier?",1,0.5,5,0.5); Mi=EMA(C, K1); Kel= ATR(K2)*Mul; UB= Mi + Kel; LB= Mi - Kel; CY2 =80/2;// Param("Medium Cycle Length?" ,80, 1 ,1000 ,1 )/2; M2 = 3;// Param("Medium Cycle Multiplyer?" ,3, 0.01 ,10 ,1 ); UpY=EMA(C, CY2)+M2*ATR(CY2); MdY=EMA(C, CY2); DnY=EMA(C, CY2)-M2*ATR(CY2); UpperBand4 =EMA( C, CY2) + ( 6.8540 * ATR(CY2)); UpperBand3 =EMA( C, CY2) + ( 4.2360 * ATR(CY2)); UpperBand2=EMA( C, CY2) + ( 2.6180 * ATR(CY2)); UpperBand1=EMA( C, CY2) + ( 1.6180 * ATR(CY2)); MidPoint=EMA(C, CY2); LowerBand1=EMA( C, CY2) - ( 1.6180 * ATR(CY2)); LowerBand2=EMA( C, CY2) - ( 2.6180 * ATR(CY2)); LowerBand3=EMA( C, CY2) - ( 4.2360 * ATR(CY2)); LowerBand4=EMA( C, CY2) - ( 6.8540 * ATR(CY2)); if (NOT ParamToggle("Yancedolly Bands Info","On,Off")) { Plot( bbtop, "bbtop" , Line3, 1 ); Plot( bbc, "bbc" , Line3, 1 ); Plot( bbbot, "bbbot" , Line3, 1 ); Plot(UpperBand4,"UpperBand4",colorDarkTeal,1); Plot(UpperBand3,"UpperBand3",colorDarkGrey,1); Plot(UpperBand2,"UpperBand2",colorDarkRed,1); Plot(UpperBand1,"UpperBand1",colorViolet,1); Plot(MidPoint,"MidPoint",colorDarkGreen,4); Plot(LowerBand1,"LowerBand1",colorViolet,1); Plot(LowerBand2,"LowerBand2",colorDarkRed,1); Plot(LowerBand3,"LowerBand3",colorDarkGrey,1); Plot(LowerBand4,"LowerBand4",colorDarkTeal,1); Plot (UB,"UB",Line2,1); Plot (LB,"LB",Line2,1); }else { Plot( bbtop, "" , Line3, 1 ); Plot( bbc, "" , Line3, 1 ); Plot( bbbot, "" , Line3, 1 ); Plot(UpperBand4,"",colorDarkTeal,1); Plot(UpperBand3,"",colorDarkGrey,1); Plot(UpperBand2,"",colorDarkRed,1); Plot(UpperBand1,"",colorViolet,1); Plot(MidPoint,"",colorDarkGreen,4); Plot(LowerBand1,"",colorViolet,1); Plot(LowerBand2,"",colorDarkRed,1); Plot(LowerBand3,"",colorDarkGrey,1); Plot(LowerBand4,"",colorDarkTeal,1); Plot (UB,"",Line2,1); Plot (LB,"",Line2,1); } //Plot (Close, "close",1,64); //Plot (Mi,"",Line2,1); //Plot (UB,"UB",Line2,1); //Plot (LB,"LB",Line2,1); //Plot(UpB,"",2,1); //Plot(MdB,"",2,1); //Plot(DnB,"",2,1); //Plot(UpY,"UpY",Line1,1); //Plot(MdY,"MdY",Line1,1); //Plot(DnY,"DnY",Line1,1); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Price" ); GraphXSpace = 5; SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates | chartShowArrows | chartLogarithmic | chartWrapTitle ); _N( Title = StrFormat( "{{NAME}} - " + SectorID( 1 ) + " - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " + WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) + " {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ) ); Plot( C, "Close", IIf(L<=LB,price2,IIf(H>=UB,price3,price1)), styleCandle | styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style" ) | GetPriceStyle() ); if ( ParamToggle( "Tooltip shows", "All Values|Only Prices" ) ) { ToolTip = StrFormat( "Open: %g\nHigh: %g\nLow: %g\nClose: %g (%.1f%%)\nVolume: " + NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Smooth CCI 14-7"); ///// Smooth CCI ////// x=14; Y=7; x1=CCI(x); Y2=DEMA(x1,Y); Z=3;//Param("Signal Line 3 - 9",3,3,9,1); Z2=MA(Y2,Z); //==================================================================================================================================== Buy_14_7 = Cross(x1,Y2); Sell_14_7 = Cross(Y2,x1); Buy_14_7=ExRem(Buy_14_7,Sell_14_7); Sell_14_7=ExRem(Sell_14_7,Buy_14_7); //==================================================================================================================================== _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Smooth CCI 12-6"); ///// Smooth CCI ////// x=12; Y=6; x1=CCI(x); Y2=DEMA(x1,Y); Z=3;//Param("Signal Line 3 - 9",3,3,9,1); Z2=MA(Y2,Z); //==================================================================================================================================== Buy_12_6 = Cross(x1,Y2); Sell_12_6 = Cross(Y2,x1); Buy_12_6=ExRem(Buy_12_6,Sell_12_6); Sell_12_6=ExRem(Sell_12_6,Buy_12_6); //==================================================================================================================================== _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Smooth CCI 10-5"); ///// Smooth CCI ////// x=10; Y=5; x1=CCI(x); Y2=DEMA(x1,Y); Z=3;//Param("Signal Line 3 - 9",3,3,9,1); Z2=MA(Y2,Z); //==================================================================================================================================== Buy_10_5 = Cross(x1,Y2); Sell_10_5 = Cross(Y2,x1); Buy_10_5=ExRem(Buy_10_5,Sell_10_5); Sell_10_5=ExRem(Sell_10_5,Buy_10_5); //==================================================================================================================================== _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Smooth CCI 8-4"); ///// Smooth CCI ////// x=8; Y=4; x1=CCI(x); Y2=DEMA(x1,Y); Z=3;//Param("Signal Line 3 - 9",3,3,9,1); Z2=MA(Y2,Z); //==================================================================================================================================== Buy_8_4 = Cross(x1,Y2); Sell_8_4 = Cross(Y2,x1); Buy_8_4=ExRem(Buy_8_4,Sell_8_4); Sell_8_4=ExRem(Sell_8_4,Buy_8_4); //==================================================================================================================================== _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("ATR Trading System"); k=1; /* multiplication factor*/ n=10; /*period*/ f=ATR(n); R[0] = Close[0]; S[0] = C[0]; for( i = 11; i < BarCount; i++ ) { R[i]=R[i-1]; S[i]=S[i-1]; if ( C[i-1] >R[i-1] ) { r[i] = C[i-1]+k*f[i-1]; s[i]= C[i-1]-k*f[i-1]; } if ( C[i-1] <S[i-1] ) { r[i] = C[i-1]+k*f[i-1]; s[i]= C[i-1]-k*f[i-1]; } //Buy=Close>R; //Sell=Close<S; Cump=IIf(Close>R,1,0); Vanz=IIf(Close<S,1,0); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Yancedolly Bands All in One"); if (ParamToggle("Smooth CCI Switch","On,Off")) { PlotShapes( Buy_14_7 * shapeUpArrow, colorGreen,0, L, -10); PlotShapes( Sell_14_7 * shapeDownArrow, colorGreen,0, H, -10); PlotShapes( Buy_12_6 * shapeUpArrow, colorViolet,0, L, -15); PlotShapes( Sell_12_6 * shapeDownArrow, colorViolet,0, H, -15); PlotShapes( Buy_10_5 * shapeUpArrow, colorRed,0, L, -20); PlotShapes( Sell_10_5 * shapeDownArrow, colorRed,0, H, -20); PlotShapes( Buy_8_4 * shapeUpArrow, colorTeal,0, L, -25); PlotShapes( Sell_8_4 * shapeDownArrow, colorTeal,0, H, -25); } if (ParamToggle("ATR Trading System Switch","On,Off")) { PlotShapes( IIf(Cump, shapeSmallCircle,shapeNone), 5,0, L, -15); PlotShapes(IIf( Vanz,shapeSmallCircle,shapeNone), 11,0, H, 15); } Filter = Buy_14_7 OR Sell_14_7 OR Buy_12_6 OR Sell_12_6 OR Buy_10_5 OR Sell_10_5 OR Buy_8_4 OR Sell_8_4; //Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); AddTextColumn(FullName(),"Name"); AddColumn( Buy_14_7, "BUY_14_7",1.0,colorDefault,IIf(Buy_14_7,colorGreen,colorDefault),colorDefault); AddColumn( Sell_14_7, "SELL_14_7",1.0,colorDefault,IIf(Sell_14_7,colorRed,colorDefault),colorDefault); AddColumn( Buy_12_6, "BUY_12_6",1.0,colorDefault,IIf(Buy_12_6,colorGreen,colorDefault),colorDefault); AddColumn( Sell_12_6, "SELL_12_6",1.0,colorDefault,IIf(Sell_12_6,colorRed,colorDefault),colorDefault); AddColumn( Buy_10_5, "BUY_10_5",1.0,colorDefault,IIf(Buy_10_5,colorGreen,colorDefault),colorDefault); AddColumn( Sell_10_5, "SELL_10_5",1.0,colorDefault,IIf(Sell_10_5,colorRed,colorDefault),colorDefault); AddColumn( Buy_8_4, "BUY_8_4",1.0,colorDefault,IIf(Buy_8_4,colorGreen,colorDefault),colorDefault); AddColumn( Sell_8_4, "SELL_8_4",1.0,colorDefault,IIf(Sell_8_4,colorRed,colorDefault),colorDefault); _SECTION_END();
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hi Yancedolly,
few highlights on ur afl
1 first part
//trader = (hcl-Ho);
trader = (hcl);
VarRedLine = WMA;
VarBlueLine = MA;
Per =15;// Param(“MA Periods”,15,3,50,1);
this part belongs to hidiffco n please change ur code from
trader = (hcl);
trader = (hcl-Ho);
to see actual hidiffco indicator use
2 ur afl consist of two ketner bands
K1=5;// Param(“EMA Periods?”,5,3,50);
K2=10;// Param(“ATR Periods?”,10,2,50);
Mul=1;//Param(“ATR Multiplier?”,1,0.5,5,0.5);
Kel= ATR*Mul;
UB= Mi + Kel;
LB= Mi – Kel;
CY2 =80/2;// Param(“Medium Cycle Length?” ,80, 1 ,1000 ,1 )/2;
M2 = 3;// Param(“Medium Cycle Multiplyer?” ,3, 0.01 ,10 ,1 );
UpperBand4 =EMA + ( 6.8540 * ATR);
UpperBand3 =EMA + ( 4.2360 * ATR);
UpperBand2=EMA + ( 2.6180 * ATR);
UpperBand1=EMA + ( 1.6180 * ATR);
LowerBand1=EMA – ( 1.6180 * ATR);
LowerBand2=EMA – ( 2.6180 * ATR);
LowerBand3=EMA – ( 4.2360 * ATR);
LowerBand4=EMA – ( 6.8540 * ATR);
plz try to optimize parameters of ketner bands as to get full benefits of it
thank you
ankit dargan
thank you Ankit Dargan..