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False Trade Deletion for Amibroker (AFL)

2 / 5 (Votes 5)

Simple way to avoid negative trade and set good prfit…

Assign two charts and set another value as 46.1… Trade if both signal were same otherwise dont..


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Chart Settings" );
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );
SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "Outer Panel", colorDarkGrey ) );
SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor( "Upper Chart", colorBlack ), ParamColor( "Lower Chart", colorBlack ) );
Kisa = Param( "KISA GÜN", 12, 0.1, 500, 0.1 );
Uzun = Param( "UZUN GÜN", 43, 0.1, 100, 0.1 );
Tetik = Param( "TETI.K GÜN", 21, 0.1, 50, 0.1 );
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Periodlar" );
function KisaPeriodTopla( Kisa )
    ka = Kisa;

    for ( i = 1; i < Kisa; i++ )
        ka = ka + i;

    return ka;

function UzunPeriodTopla( Uzun )
    au = Uzun;

    for ( iu = 0; iu < Uzun; iu++ )
        au = au + iu;

    return au;

function TetikPeriodTopla( Tetik )
    a = Tetik;

    for ( i = 0; i < Tetik; i++ )
        a = a + i;

    return a;

_SECTION_BEGIN( " Gün Toplamlar?" );
function KisaGunTopla( Kisa )
    a = Kisa;
    kd = a * C;

    for ( i = 0;i < Kisa;i++ )
        b = Ref( C, -i );

        if ( a > 0 )

        kd = kd + ( a * b );

    return kd;

function UzunGunTopla( Uzun )
    au = Uzun;
    ku = au * C;

    for ( iu = 0;iu < Uzun;iu++ )
        bu = Ref( C, -iu );

        if ( au > 0 )

        ku = ku + ( au * bu );

    return ku;

Period12Toplam = KisaPeriodTopla( Kisa );
Day12Toplam = KisaGunTopla( Kisa );
LWMA12 = Day12Toplam / Period12Toplam;
Period43Toplam = UzunPeriodTopla( Uzun );
Day43Toplam = UzunGunTopla( Uzun );
LWMA43 = Day43Toplam / Period43Toplam;

function XDAY( Tetik )
    X = ( ( 2 * LWMA12 ) - LWMA43 );
    aX = Tetik;
    kX = AX * X;

    for ( iX = 0;iX < Tetik;iX++ )
        bX = Ref( X, -iX );

        if ( aX > 0 )

        kX = kX + ( aX * bX );

    return kX;

XDayToplam = XDAY( Tetik );
XPeriodToplam = TetikPeriodTopla( Tetik );
TSR = ( XDayToplam / XPeriodToplam );
Plot( C, "Kapanis", colorWhite, styleCandle );
tsrcolor = IIf( TSR > Ref( TSR, -1 ), colorLime, colorRed );
Plot( TSR, "TSR", tsrcolor, styleDots + styleLine );

AL = Cross( C, TSR );
SAT = Cross( TSR, C );
AL_status = WriteIf( AL, "Al?s, Yap", " " );
SAT_status = WriteIf( SAT, "Sat?s, Yap", " " );
AL_Col = IIf( AL, colorDarkGreen , colorWhite );
SAT_Col = IIf( SAT, colorRed, colorWhite );
Filter = AL OR SAT;
AddColumn( C, "KAPANIS,", 1.2, IIf( C > Ref( C, -1 ), colorBlue, colorRed ) );
AddTextColumn( AL_status, "TSR ALIS,", 1.2, colorWhite, AL_col );
AddTextColumn( SAT_status, "TSR SATIS,", 1.2, colorWhite, SAT_col );


1. waves

Good Chart prepared.
What is the meaning of ‘KAPANIS’, ‘TSR ALIS’, ‘TSR SATIS’.

“Assign two charts and set another value as 46.1… Trade if both signal were same otherwise dont..”
above is incomplete statement. ‘set another value at 46.1…’ what one has to understand?


2. Ayuraveda

What do these mean?


3. drtrader

Please post a complete description of interpretation of the formula.

4. kis

// would have been easier to write the 6 functions into 2 or 1 function(s) or
// or better to write it like this:
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );

Kisa=Param(“KISA GÜN”,12,0.1,500,0.1);
Uzun=Param(“UZUN GÜN”,43,0.1,100,0.1);
Tetik=Param(“TETIK GÜN”,21,0.1,50,0.1);

TSR = WMA-WMA, Tetik);
Plot(TSR, _DEFAULT_NAME() , IIf( TSR > Ref( TSR, -1 ), colorLime, colorRed ), styleDots);
Plot( C, “Close”, colorBlack, styleCandle );

AL = Cross( C, TSR );
SAT = Cross( TSR, C );

AL_status = WriteIf( AL, “Alis Yap”, " " );
SAT_status = WriteIf( SAT, “Satis Yap”, " " );

AL_Col = IIf( AL, colorDarkGreen , colorWhite );
SAT_Col = IIf( SAT, colorRed, colorWhite );
Filter = AL OR SAT;
AddColumn( C, “KAPANIS”, 1.2, IIf( C > Ref( C, -1 ), colorBlue, colorRed ) );
AddTextColumn( AL_status, “TSR ALIS”, 1.2, colorWhite, AL_col );
AddTextColumn( SAT_status, “TSR SATIS”, 1.2, colorWhite, SAT_col );

5. kis

another try… line not displayed properly….
the TSR line should be
TSR = WMA[ 2*WMA(C,Kisa)-WMA, Tetik ];

replace the [] with ()

6. kis

This comment system eats characters.
see if this works
TSR = WMA-WMA, Tetik);”

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