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Camarilla explorer for Amibroker (AFL)
over 13 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

5 / 5 (Votes 2)
amibroker, exploration

Camarilla explorer. Can be used in intraday to see price movement below H3 from above and above L3 from below,, etc. It has various levels support. Enjoy the same and feel free to tweak the same and post it back.


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
// V1 is Camarilla weekly explorer
// V1 is more generalized to configure for day/week and smart enough to take care of my requirements.
// V3 added more specific customization for selecting good trade by the system.

// Mostly all enhancements are cummulative unless mentioned somewhere.


camSetting = ParamToggle("Interval", "Day,Week", 0);
camInterval = inDaily;
if ( camSetting == 1 )
	camInterval = inWeekly;

CAMWeek = ParamToggle("Week", "ThisWeek,NextWeek", 0);
_week = -1; // default to y'day levels which means 'Thisweek'
if (CAMWeek==1)
	_week = 0; // change to current if 'Nextweek' is selected

DayH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", camInterval, _week); // yesterdays high
DayL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", camInterval, _week); // low
DayC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", camInterval, _week); // close

H4 = (( (DayH-DayL) * (1.1/2) ) + DayC);
H3 = (( (DayH-DayL) * (1.1/4) ) + DayC);
H2 = (( (DayH-DayL) * (1.1/6) ) + DayC);
H1 = (( (DayH-DayL) * (1.1/12) ) + DayC);

L1 = (DayC - ( (DayH-DayL) * (1.1/12) ));
L2 = (DayC - ( (DayH-DayL) * (1.1/6) ));
L3 = (DayC - ( (DayH-DayL) * (1.1/4) ));
L4 = (DayC - ( (DayH-DayL) * (1.1/2) ));

// Current week's data
currentWeekH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", camInterval, 0); // Current week's high
currentWeekL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", camInterval, 0); // low
currentWeekC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", camInterval, 0); // close

// Explorer to locate the price in CAM weekly levels
priceAboveH4 = C>=H4 ;
priceBetween_H4_and_H3 = C<H4 AND C>H3 ;
priceBetween_H3_and_H1 = C<H3 AND C>H1 ;

priceBelowL4 = C<=L4 ;
priceBetween_L4_and_L3 = C>L4 AND C<L3 ;
priceBetween_L3_and_L1 = C>=L3 AND C<=L1 ;

TradeType = ParamList("Trade Levels", 
	"All|Above H4|Between H3 and H4|Between H3 and H1|Between L3 and L1|Between L3 and L4|Below L4|Between L3L1 and H3H1|AboveH4 BelowL4|L3L1 H3H1 H4 L4", 9);

if ( TradeType == "All" )
	Cover = Buy = priceAboveH4 OR priceBetween_H4_and_H3 OR priceBetween_H3_and_H1 OR
				      priceBelowL4 OR priceBetween_L4_and_L3 OR priceBetween_L3_and_L1 ;
else if ( TradeType == "Above H4" )
	Cover = Buy = priceAboveH4 ;	
else if ( TradeType == "Below L4" )
	Cover = Buy = priceBelowL4 ;
else if ( TradeType == "Between H3 and H4" )
	Cover = Buy = priceBetween_H4_and_H3 ;
else if ( TradeType == "Between L3 and L4" )
	Cover = Buy = priceBetween_L4_and_L3 ;
else if ( TradeType == "Between H3 and H1" )
	Cover = Buy = priceBetween_H3_and_H1 ;
else if ( TradeType == "Between L3 and L1" )
	Cover = Buy = priceBetween_L3_and_L1 ;
else if ( TradeType == "Between L3L1 and H3H1" )
	Cover = Buy = priceBetween_H3_and_H1 OR priceBetween_L3_and_L1 ;
else if ( TradeType == "AboveH4 BelowL4" )
	Cover = Buy = priceAboveH4 OR priceBelowL4 ;
else if ( TradeType == "L3L1 H3H1 H4 L4" )
	Cover = Buy = priceBetween_H3_and_H1 OR priceBetween_L3_and_L1 OR priceAboveH4 OR priceBelowL4 ;

//Filter = True ;   // If you want see ALL without any filter
Filter = Buy ;
Signal1 = WriteIf(priceAboveH4, ">H4", WriteIf(priceBetween_H4_and_H3, "Between H3 & H4",
                  WriteIf(priceBetween_H3_and_H1, "Between H1 & H3", WriteIf(priceBelowL4, "<L4",
                  WriteIf(priceBetween_L4_and_L3, "Between L3 & L4",
                  WriteIf(priceBetween_L3_and_L1, "Between L3 & L1", "UNKNOWN"))))));

AddColumn(C, "Close", 5.2, colorDefault) ;
AddTextColumn(Signal1, "Signal", 10, colorDefault) ;
Signal2 = WriteIf(currentWeekH>H4, "H>H4", WriteIf(currentWeekL<L4, "L<L4", "")) ; 
AddTextColumn( Signal2, "Signal2(E)", 0, bkgndColor=IIf(Signal2!="", colorRed, colorDefault)) ; // Signal extreme
AddColumn(currentWeekH, "  H  ", 6.2, colorDefault) ;
AddColumn(H4, "  H4  ", 6.2, colorDefault) ;


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