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Kenzie_SR_Modified for Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 15)
trading system, amibroker, pivots

Very good system. Modified % change to calculate correctly.
Added Market Trend S&P 500. Optimized for black backround.


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1. Rakesh Kumar


Good work. Can you post lower indicator?

2. kanavai

Very good compliments And keep it up.

3. classy

many many thanks.if it is possible please share volume indicator?

4. futat

Does it is look into future afl??

5. matant

Yes futat, it look in the future. In the previous version you can read the comment about how this sistem altought look in the future can help you in trading.
Question for all, I trade on nasdaq with bar set on 15 minute, do you know any system to combine whit this?(Maybe that not look into future)

6. vargasc1

I have posted “The Volume Bigot”. It has yet to be approved.
Many thanks for the good words.

7. classy

Thanks in advance for“The Volume Bigot”

8. kushal

hello sir,
I m from India and trade only in indian mkt . it seems tht ur system doesnt display anything. so is there anything to be adjusted in it.
can u plz help me out wit the same
thank u

9. isc0rpi0

it suddenly stopped showing BUYING/SELL text

10. ole

The code not only looks into the future but to make things worse the signals change as more data is added.

11. loc_nguyen

It look like repainted signals. Not good.

12. vargasc1

Yes people…….this is a dynamic system. If current day’s data
nullifies latest buy/sell signal that signal will disappear because it is no longer valid. Will upload my current version
with user selectable parameters.

13. target1cr

good one. Is anyone had done back testing.

14. rajsumi

awesome !!!!

15. vinayak

i tried trading using this system but shoes buy signal but when prises gose down 10 to 12 points it removes signal so it is hard to trade using this in nifty future.can anybody help in this matter.

16. bakoo

Plot( C, “Close”, colorbar, styleCandle = 64 | styleNoTitle );


17. davidalan

Plot( C, “Close”, colorbar, styleCandle , styleNoTitle) ;

18. rithi

It is Zig afl no one follow this

19. tuanbui

It does n’t work. I don’t know why. Can it use for another market?

20. gaubeo

line 434: Change1 = StrFormat("%1.2f% ",xChange1);

error, anyone can fix this?

22. niman

hi @gaubeo, please try this
line 434: Change1 = StrFormat("%1.2f ",xChange1);

23. shreyans2799

DOn’t download, it is showing the signal after the time has passed. I mean the buy signal appears after the bar has already passed.

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