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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
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3 Price Break for Amibroker (AFL)
5 / 5 (Votes 1)
Nice formula to indicate breakout/downs.
Indicator / Formula
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 | Title = Name () + " Price Break Indicator." ; //+ " Trend is " + Trend_Text + ". SEQUENCE IS " + Sequence_Text; Plot ( C , Title, colorBlack , styleCandle ); ///////// Parameters //////// nBars_To_Scan = Param ( "Number of bars to Scan" , 20, 10, 480, 10); //Number of bars to include in scan PB_Interval = Param ( "Number of Bars for Price Break" , 3, 2, 3, 1); ///////// Use Array of Prices and Price Breaks to Look Back and Determine What Price break is for Current Bar Seedbar = nBars_To_Scan + 1; //Need an initial value to start the PB process if ( BarCount > Seedbar) //Make sure there are enough bars available to evaluate { Price[0] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - Seedbar)); //Seed the 0 Bar in the Array with Values Trend[0] = 1; //1 = Long, 0=Short Sequence[0] = 0; //Sequence counter - counts number of new price breaks Price_Break[0] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - Seedbar)); High_C1[0] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - Seedbar)); //Highest Close 1 Ago High_C2[0] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - Seedbar)); //Highest Close 2 Ago High_C3[0] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - Seedbar)); //Highest Close 3 Ago Low_C1[0] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - Seedbar)); //Lowest Close 1 Ago Low_C2[0] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - Seedbar)); //Lowest Close 2 Ago Low_C3[0] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - Seedbar)); //Lowest Close 3 Ago for (i = 1; i < Seedbar; i++) //Cycle through prices filling in price array AND caculating price breaks { Prior = i - 1; //Index for Prior entry in array. Set the current array values to Trend[i] = Trend[Prior]; //prior values to make sure everything that isn't changed later Price_Break[i] = Price_Break[Prior]; //gets carried forward to the next row in the array. Low_C1[i] = Low_C1[Prior]; //Carryover current values Low_C2[i] = Low_C2[Prior]; Low_C3[i] = Low_C3[Prior]; High_C1[i] = High_C1[Prior]; //Carryover current values High_C2[i] = High_C2[Prior]; High_C3[i] = High_C3[Prior]; Sequence[i] = Sequence[Prior]; Price[i] = LastValue ( Ref ( C , - (Seedbar - i))); //Seedbar is the bar just in front of where I start the method. Works since i starts at 1 if (Price[i] > Price[Prior] AND Trend[Prior] == 1) // If Close is Greater than the prior Close AND the Trend is Long { if (Price[i] > High_C1[Prior]) //If the Close is greater than the last Highest Close { //Test For Price Break. The IIF is there to accomodate a 2 price OR 3 price break option //based on the PB_Interval parameter Price_Break[i] = IIf (PB_Interval == 3, High_C3[Prior], IIf (PB_Interval == 2, High_C2[Prior], High_C3[Prior])); //The 3PB method says I take the highest close 4 ago as the new price break. Sequence[i] = Sequence[i] + 1; //Increment Sequence if Price Break High_C3[i] = High_C2[Prior]; //Stacking the higher closes like this avoids having to go back AND iterate through the. High_C2[i] = High_C1[Prior]; //closes to find and count the higher closes. They are just carried forward in the stack. High_C1[i] = Price[i]; //When a higher close occurs, it is put on the top of the stack, each Close below is } //pushed down in sequence, and the earliest (farthest back) close goes away. } if (Price[i] > Price[Prior] AND Trend[Prior] == 0) // If Close is Greater than the prior Close AND the Trend is Short { if (Price[i] > Price_Break[Prior]) //If Close > Price Break in trend is Short, Reverse AND go Long { High_C1[i] = High_C2[i] = High_C3[i] = Price[i]; //Initialize sequence of new Highs Price_Break[i] = Price[i]; //Set new value for Price Break Trend[i] = 1; //Set the trend Long Sequence = 0; } } if (Price[i] < Price[Prior] AND Trend[Prior] == 0) // If The Close is less than the prior Close AND the Trend is Short { if (Price[i] < Low_C1[Prior]) //If the Close is less than the last lowest Close { Price_Break[i] = IIf (PB_Interval == 3, Low_C3[Prior], IIf (PB_Interval == 2, Low_C2[Prior], Low_C3[Prior])); //Test For Price Break Sequence[i] = Sequence[i] + 1; //Increment Sequence if Price Break Low_C3[i] = Low_C2[Prior]; //Update sequence of new Lows Low_C2[i] = Low_C1[Prior]; Low_C1[i] = Price[i]; } } if (Price[i] < Price[Prior] AND Trend[Prior] == 1) // If The Close is less than the prior Close AND the Trend is Long { if (Price[i] < Price_Break[Prior]) //If Close < Price Break in Long Trend, reverse AND go Short { Low_C1[i] = Low_C2[i] = Low_C3[i] = Price[i]; //Initialize sequence of new Lows Price_Break[i] = Price[i]; //Set new value for Price Break Trend[i] = 0; //Set Trend Short Sequence = 0; } } //// Plot the Price Breaks. Bar_x1 = BarCount - (nBars_To_Scan - Prior); Bar_x2 = BarCount - (nBars_To_Scan - i); PB_Color = IIf (Trend[i] == 1, colorGreen , colorRed ); Plot ( LineArray (Bar_x1, Price_Break[i], Bar_x2, Price_Break[i], extend = 0), "" , PB_Color, styleThick ); Sequence_Text = NumToStr (Sequence, format = 1.0); Trend_Text = WriteIf (Trend[i] > 0, "Long" , "Short" ); } //Close the For Loop } |
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