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Auto Support-Pivot-Resis levels with Swing Edited for Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 5)
amibroker, pivots


here i am posting my Swing with Pivots levels, which is working very good in MCX.
if there is any doubt any problem feel free to call me 8 8 7 0 5 3 4 3 9 1. mail me


Similar Indicators / Formulas

Pivots and prices
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Submitted by kkumar almost 13 years ago
Pivots And Prices And Swing Volume
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Camarilla Pivots
Submitted by novicetraders almost 15 years ago
Pivot Trading All-In-One
Submitted by kirthi1987 almost 15 years ago
Daily, Weekly and Monthly Pivots
Submitted by sam_u6 almost 15 years ago

Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

_SECTION_BEGIN("Ramesh.S.R Pivot Chart");

SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel color ",colorLightGrey));
tgt = 37;
a = CCI(20) < -tgt;
b = CCI(20) > tgt;
state = IIf(a>b,-1,IIf(a==b,0,1));
Color = IIf(state == 0, colorBlue, IIf(state == 1, colorGreen, IIf(state == -1, colorRed, 0)));

//Plot(state, "", color, styleHistogram);

//SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates | chartShowArrows | chartLogarithmic | chartWrapTitle );
//_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
//Plot( C, "Close", color, styleNoTitle |styleBar|styleThick);

  _SECTION_BEGIN("Ramesh Swing");
//Copyright Kamalesh Langote. More details at
//Save indicator as "" in C: program files > Amibroker > Formulas > Custom folder and then drap and drop on price chart
no=Param( "Swing", 20, 1, 55 );
tsl_col=ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle );


// Plot(tsl, _DEFAULT_NAME(), tsl_col, styleThick |styleThick); // or styleaArea

Plot(tsl, _DEFAULT_NAME(), tsl_col, styleThick |styleStaircase); // or styleaArea

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-50);                      
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=50);                      
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-45);


_SECTION_BEGIN("pivots mw");
SetChartBkColor(2) ;
k=IIf(ParamList("select type","daily|next day")=="daily",-1,0);
day_h= LastValue(Ref(H,K));
day_l= LastValue(Ref(L,K));
day_c= LastValue(Ref(C,K));
Week_h= LastValue(Ref(H,K1));
Week_l= LastValue(Ref(L,K1));;
Week_c= LastValue(Ref(C,K1));;
month_h= LastValue(Ref(H,K1));
month_l= LastValue(Ref(L,K1));
month_c= LastValue(Ref(C,K1));
// day
// DAY PIVOT Calculation
pd = ( DH+ DL + DC )/3;
sd1 = (2*pd)-DH;
sd2 = pd -(DH - DL);
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL);
sd4 = Sd2 - (DH-DL);
sd5 = Sd3 - (DH-DL);
rd1 = (2*pd)-DL;
rd2 = pd +(DH -DL);
rd3 = rd1 +(DH-DL);
rd4 = rd2 +(DH-DL);
rd5 = rd3 +(DH-DL);
// week
// WEEK PIVOT Calculation
pw = ( WH+ WL + WC )/3;
sw1 = (2*pw)-WH;
sw2 = pw -(WH - WL);
sw3 = Sw1 - (WH-WL);
sw4 = Sw2 - (WH-WL);
rw1 = (2*pw)-WL;
rw2 = pw +(WH -WL);
rw3 = rw1 +(WH-WL);
rw4 = rw2 +(WH-WL);
// month
// MONTH PIVOT Calculation
pm = ( MH+ ML + MC )/3;
sm1 = (2*pm)-MH;
sm2 = pm -(MH - ML);
sm3 = Sm1 - (MH-ML);
rm1 = (2*pm)-ML;
rm2 = pm +(MH -ML);
rm3 = rm1 +(MH-ML);
ppl = ParamToggle("Plot Pivot Levels","Off|On",1);
numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
hts = Param("slide all",33,-1000,1000,1);
if(ppl==1) {
Plot(sd2,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sd3,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sd4,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sd5,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rd1,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rd2,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rd3,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rd4,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rd5,"",colorPink, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sw1,"",colorDarkGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sw2,"",colorDarkGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sw3,"",colorDarkGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sw4,"",colorDarkGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rw1,"",colorDarkGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rw2,"",colorDarkGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rw3,"",colorDarkGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rw4,"",colorDarkGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sm1,"",colorViolet, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sm2,"",colorViolet, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(sm3,"",colorViolet, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rm1,"",colorViolet, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rm2,"",colorViolet, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
Plot(rm3,"",colorViolet, styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
PlotText(" D-PVT = " + WriteVal(pd,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), dp, colorPink);
PlotText(" DR1 = " + WriteVal(rd1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rd1 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DS1 = " + WriteVal(sd1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sd1 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DR2 = " + WriteVal(rd2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rd2 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DS2 = " + WriteVal(sd2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sd2 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DR3 = " + WriteVal(rd3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rd3 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DS3 = " + WriteVal(sd3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sd3 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DR4 = " + WriteVal(rd4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rd4 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DS4 = " + WriteVal(sd4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sd4 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DR5 = " + WriteVal(rd4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rd5 , colorPink);
PlotText(" DS5 = " + WriteVal(sd4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sd5 , colorPink);
PlotText(" W-PVT = " + WriteVal(pw,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), pw , colorGreen);
PlotText(" WR1 = " + WriteVal(rw1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rw1 , colorGreen);
PlotText(" WS1 = " + WriteVal(sw1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sw1 , colorGreen);
PlotText(" WR2 = " + WriteVal(rw2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rw2 , colorGreen);
PlotText(" WS2 = " + WriteVal(sw2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sw2 , colorGreen);
PlotText(" WR3 = " + WriteVal(rw3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rw3 , colorGreen);
PlotText(" WS3 = " + WriteVal(sw3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sw3 , colorGreen);
PlotText(" WR4 = " + WriteVal(rw4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rw4 , colorGreen);
PlotText(" WS4 = " + WriteVal(sw4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sw4 , colorGreen);
PlotText(" M-PVT = " + WriteVal(pm,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), pm , colorViolet);
PlotText(" MR1 = " + WriteVal(rm1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rm1 ,colorViolet );
PlotText(" MS1 = " + WriteVal(sm1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sm1 ,colorViolet );
PlotText(" MR2 = " + WriteVal(rm2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rm2 ,colorViolet);
PlotText(" MS2 = " + WriteVal(sm2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sm2 , colorViolet);
PlotText(" MR3 = " + WriteVal(rm3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), rm3 , colorViolet);
PlotText(" MS3 = " + WriteVal(sm3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), sm3 , colorViolet);
"high  = "+H;
"low   = "+L;
"close = "+C;
DayChange = Day() != Ref(Day(), -1);
AvgTradePrice = Null;
CurDayBars = 0;
CurDayCloseSum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++)
if (DayChange[i])
CurDayCloseSum = C[i];
CurDayBars = 1;
CurDayCloseSum = CurDayCloseSum + C[i];
AvgTradePrice[i] = CurDayCloseSum / CurDayBars;
Plot(AvgTradePrice, "AvgTradePrice",colorDarkGrey,styleThick);
if( Status("action") == actionIndicator )
Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ " Pivot Chart" + " - " +  Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) +
 "  - " + Date() +" - "+"  "+EncodeColor(colorWhite) +"Op-"+O+"  "+"Hi-"+H+"  "+"Lo-"+L+" "+
"Cl-"+C+"  "+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V)+ " :: "+EncodeColor(ColorRGB(140,140,140)) + "ATP: "+ATP+"\n" + EncodeColor(ColorRGB(175,90,59)) + "DR1="+rd1+"   "+"DR2="+rd2+"   "+"DR3="+rd3+"   "+"DR4="+rd4+"   "+"DR5="+rd5+"  "+EncodeColor(colorGold) +  "D-Pivot ="+pd+"\n"+
EncodeColor(ColorRGB(73,123,201)) + "DS1="+sd1+"   "+"DS2="+sd2+"   "+"DS3="+sd3+"   "+"DS4="+sd4+"   "+"DS5="+sd5+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange) + "WR1="+rw1+"   "+"WR2="+rw2+"   "+"WR3="+rw3+"   "+"WR4="+rw4+"   "+EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "W-Pivot = "+pw+"\n"+
EncodeColor(ColorRGB(9,128,250)) + "WS1="+sw1+"   "+"WS2="+sw2+"   "+"WS3="+sw3+"   "+"WS4="+sw4+"\n"+
EncodeColor(ColorRGB(175,96,175)) + "MR1="+rm1+"   "+"MR2="+rm2+"   "+"MR3="+rm3+"  "+EncodeColor(colorYellow) +   "M-Pivot = "+pm+"\n"+
EncodeColor(ColorRGB(25,25,255))  + "MS1="+sm1+"  "+"MS2="+sm2+"   "+"MS3="+sm3);
fsma=ParamToggle("Moving Avg","Off|On",0);
Periods = Param("periods", 34, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
Plot( EMA(High, Periods ),_DEFAULT_NAME(), ColorRGB(25,50,25), styleNoLabel,styleLine);
Periods = Param("periods", 34, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
Plot( EMA( Low, Periods ),_DEFAULT_NAME(), ColorRGB(50,25,25), styleNoLabel,styleLine);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Cloud Setting");
//if(segretribbon == 1)
//////////////////////////    PlotOHLC( CS, CS, CR,CR, "Band", CloudResColor, styleCloud | styleNoLabel|styleNoTitle);
Display= ParamToggle("Display","Off|On",1);
GfxSelectFont( "Times New Roman",9,500, True);
GfxSetTextColor( colorGrey40);  
GfxTextOut("RSI: "+WriteVal(RSI(14),1.0)+" | MACD:  "+WriteVal(MACD(),1.2)+" | F(Ema): "+NumToStr(EMA(C,5),1.2)+" |9(Ema): "+NumToStr(EMA(C,9),1.2)+"
|15(EMA): "+NumToStr(EMA(C,15),1.2)+" |30(EMA): "+NumToStr(EMA(C,30),1.2)+" |50(EMA): "+NumToStr (EMA(C,50),1.2), x, y );
GfxSelectFont( "Bodoni MT",14,50, False);
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite);  
GfxTextOut("LTP: "+C+" ", cx, cy );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Background Color");
BKswitch = ParamToggle("Background Color","On,Off");
OUTcolor = ParamColor("Outer Panel Color",ColorRGB(25,25,25));
INUPcolor = ParamColor("Inner Panel Upper",ColorRGB(23,25,23));
INDNcolor = ParamColor("Inner Panel Lower",ColorRGB(23,25,23));
TitleColor = ParamColor("Title Color ",ColorRGB(23,25,23));
if (NOT BKswitch)
SetChartBkColor(OUTcolor); // color of outer border
SetChartBkGradientFill(INUPcolor,INDNcolor,TitleColor); // color of inner panel


1. tigernifty

thank you for ur AFL, my rating star is 4 star.

2. esnataraj

Duplicate in my Afl Natraj Pivot Chart with some modification.

3. saleh ail

_SECTION_BEGIN ( "الأسعار")؛
SetChartOptions (0، chartShowArrows | chartShowDates)؛
_N (Title = StrFormat ("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open٪ g، Hi٪ g، Lo٪ g، Close٪ g (٪ .1f ٪٪) {{VALUES}} "، O، H، L، C، SelectedValue (ROC (C، 1))))؛
Plot (C، "Close"، ParamColor ("Color"، colorBlack)، styleNoTitle | ParamStyle ("Style") | GetPriceStyle ())؛ 

_SECTION_BEGIN ("Ramesh.SR Pivot Chart") ؛

SetChartBkColor (ParamColor ("لون اللوحة الخارجي" ، colorLightGrey))؛
tgt = 37؛
أ = CCI (20) <-tgt؛
b = CCI (20)> tgt؛
state = IIf (a> b، -1، IIf (a == b، 0،1))؛
اللون = IIf (حالة == 0 ، colorBlue ، IIf (حالة == 1 ، colorGreen ، IIf (الحالة == -1 ، colorRed ، 0)))؛

// Plot (state، ""، color، styleHistogram)؛

// SetChartOptions (0، chartShowDates | chartShowArrows | chartLogarithmic | chartWrapTitle)؛
// _ N (العنوان = StrFormat ("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} افتح٪ g ، و٪ g ،٪ Lo٪ g ، أغلق٪ g (٪ .1f ٪٪) {{VALUES }} "، O، H، L، C، SelectedValue (ROC (C، 1))))؛
// Plot (C، "Close"، color، styleNoTitle | styleBar | styleThick)؛

  _SECTION_BEGIN ("Ramesh Swing") ؛
// حقوق الطبع والنشر Kamalesh Langote. البريد الإلكتروني: مزيد من التفاصيل في
// Save index as "" in C: program files> Amibroker> Formulas> Custom folder and drap and drop on price price
no = Param ("Swing"، 20، 1، 55)؛
tsl_col = ParamColor ("Color"، colorCycle)؛

الدقة = HHV (H، لا)؛
سوب = LLV (L، لا)؛
AVD = معهد التمويل الدولي (C> المرجع (احتياط، -1)، 1، معهد التمويل الدولي (C <المرجع (سوب، -1)، - 1،0))؛
(! AVD = 0، AVD، 1) = AVN ValueWhen.
TSL = معهد التمويل الدولي (AVN == 1، سوب، الدقة)؛

// Plot (tsl، _DEFAULT_NAME ()، tsl_col، styleThick | styleThick)؛ // أو styleaArea

Plot (tsl، _DEFAULT_NAME ()، tsl_col، styleThick | styleStaircase)؛ // أو styleaArea

يبيع = الصليب (C، TSL)؛
بيع = الصليب (TSL، C).
PlotShapes (IIf (Buy، shapeSquare، shapeNone)، colorGreen، 0، L، Offset = -40)؛
PlotShapes (IIf (Buy، shapeSquare، shapeNone)، colorLime، 0، L، Offset = -50)؛                      
PlotShapes (IIf (Buy، shapeUpArrow، shapeNone)، colorWhite، 0، L، Offset = -45)؛
PlotShapes (IIf (Sell، shapeSquare، shapeNone)، colorRed، 0، H، Offset = 40)؛
PlotShapes (IIf (Sell، shapeSquare، shapeNone)، colorOrange، 0، H، Offset = 50)؛                      
PlotShapes (IIf (Sell، shapeDownArrow، shapeNone)، colorWhite، 0، H، Offset = -45)؛


_SECTION_BEGIN ("pivots mw")؛
SetChartBkColor (2)؛
k = IIf (ParamList ("select select"، "daily | next day") == "daily"، - 1،0)؛
K1 = -1.
TimeFrameSet (inDaily)؛
day_h = LastValue (Ref (H، K))؛
day_l = LastValue (Ref (L، K))؛
day_c = LastValue (Ref (C، K))؛
TimeFrameRestore ()؛
TimeFrameSet (inWeekly)؛
Week_h = LastValue (Ref (H، K1))؛
Week_l = LastValue (Ref (L، K1)) ؛؛
Week_c = LastValue (Ref (C، K1)) ؛؛
TimeFrameRestore ()؛
TimeFrameSet (inMonthly)؛
month_h = LastValue (Ref (H، K1))؛
month_l = LastValue (Ref (L، K1))؛
month_c = LastValue (Ref (C، K1))؛
TimeFrameRestore ()؛
/ * -------------------------------------- * /
// يوم
DH = Day_h.
DL = Day_L.
DC = Day_C.
// DAY PIVOT حساب
pd = (DH + DL + DC) / 3؛
sd1 = (2 * pd) -DH؛
sd2 = pd - (DH - DL)؛
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL)؛
sd4 = Sd2 - (DH-DL)؛
sd5 = Sd3 - (DH-DL)؛
rd1 = (2 * pd) -DL؛
rd2 = pd + (DH -DL)؛
rd3 = rd1 + (DH-DL) ؛
rd4 = rd2 + (DH-DL)؛
rd5 = rd3 + (DH-DL)؛
موانئ دبي = المشتريات.
// أسبوع
WH = Week_h.
WL = Week_l.
WC = Week_c.
// WEEK PIVOT حساب
pw = (WH + WL + WC) / 3؛
sw1 = (2 * pw) -WH؛
sw2 = pw - (WH - WL)؛
sw3 = Sw1 - (WH-WL)؛
sw4 = Sw2 - (WH-WL)؛
rw1 = (2 * pw) -WL؛
rw2 = pw + (WH -WL)؛
rw3 = rw1 + (WH-WL)؛
rw4 = rw2 + (WH-WL)؛
// الشهر
MH = month_h.
ML = month_l.
MC = month_c.
pm = (MH + ML + MC) / 3؛
sm1 = (2 * pm) -MH؛
sm2 = pm - (MH - ML)؛
sm3 = SM1 - (MH-ML) ؛
rm1 = (2 * pm) -ML ؛
rm2 = pm + (MH -ML)؛
rm3 = rm1 + (MH-ML) ؛
ppl = ParamToggle ("Plot Pivot Levels"، "Off | On"، 1)؛
numbars = LastValue (Cum (Status ("barvisible")))؛
fraction = IIf (StrRight (Name ()، 3) == ""، 3.2، 3.2)؛
hts = Param ("slide all"، 33، -1000،1000،1)؛
if (ppl == 1) {
مؤامرة (PD، ""، colorPink، styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale)؛
مؤامرة (SD1، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sd2، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sd3، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sd4، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sd5، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd1، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd2، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd3، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd4، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd5، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
مؤامرة (PW، ""، colorGreen، styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sw1، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sw2، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sw3، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sw4، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rw1، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rw2، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rw3، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rw4، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
مؤامرة (بعد الظهر، ""، colorViolet، styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sm1، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sm2، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sm3، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rm1، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rm2، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rm3، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
ط = 1؛
PlotText ("D-PVT =" + WriteVal (pd، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، dp، colorPink)؛
PlotText ("DR1 =" + WriteVal (rd1 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، rd1 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DS1 =" + WriteVal (sd1 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd1 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DR2 =" + WriteVal (rd2 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، rd2 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DS2 =" + WriteVal (sd2 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd2 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DR3 =" + WriteVal (rd3، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rd3، colorPink)؛
PlotText ("DS3 =" + WriteVal (sd3 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd3 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DR4 =" + WriteVal (rd4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، rd4 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DS4 =" + WriteVal (sd4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd4 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DR5 =" + WriteVal (rd4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، rd5 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DS5 =" + WriteVal (sd4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd5 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("W-PVT =" + WriteVal (pw، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، pw، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WR1 =" + WriteVal (rw1، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rw1، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WS1 =" + WriteVal (sw1 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sw1 ، colorGreen) ؛
PlotText ("WR2 =" + WriteVal (rw2، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rw2، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WS2 =" + WriteVal (sw2 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sw2 ، colorGreen) ؛
PlotText ("WR3 =" + WriteVal (rw3، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rw3، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WS3 =" + WriteVal (sw3 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sw3 ، colorGreen) ؛
PlotText ("WR4 =" + WriteVal (rw4، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rw4، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WS4 =" + WriteVal (sw4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sw4 ، colorGreen) ؛
PlotText ("M-PVT =" + WriteVal (pm، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، pm، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MR1 =" + WriteVal (rm1، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rm1، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MS1 =" + WriteVal (sm1، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، sm1، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MR2 =" + WriteVal (rm2، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rm2، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MS2 =" + WriteVal (sm2، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، sm2، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MR3 =" + WriteVal (rm3، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rm3، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MS3 =" + WriteVal (sm3، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، sm3، colorViolet)؛
//--النهاية--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
/ * -------------------------------------- * /
"high =" + H؛
"low =" + L؛
"close =" + C؛
ATP = ParamToggle ( "ATP"، "إيقاف | على"، 1)؛
إذا (ATP == 1)
DayChange = يوم ()! = Ref (يوم () ، -1)؛
AvgTradePrice = Null؛
CurDayBars = 0؛
CurDayCloseSum = 0؛
لـ (i = 0؛ i <BarCount؛ i ++)
إذا (DayChange [i])
CurDayCloseSum = C [i]؛
CurDayBars = 1؛
CurDayCloseSum = CurDayCloseSum + C [i]؛
CurDayBars ++؛
AvgTradePrice [i] = CurDayCloseSum / CurDayBars؛
Plot (AvgTradePrice، "AvgTradePrice"، colorDarkGrey، styleThick)؛
ATP = AvgTradePrice.
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "العنوان")؛
إذا كانت (Status ("action") == actionIndicator)
Title = EncodeColor (colorWhite) + "Pivot Chart" + "-" + Name () + "-" + EncodeColor (colorBrightGreen) + Interval (2) + EncodeColor (colorWhite) +
 "-" + Date () + "-" + "" + EncodeColor (colorWhite) + "Op -" + O + "" + "Hi -" + H + "" + "Lo -" + L + "" +
"Cl -" + C + "" + "Vol =" + WriteVal (V) + "::" + EncodeColor (ColorRGB (140،140،140)) + "ATP:" + ATP + "\ n" + EncodeColor (ColorRGB (175،90 ، 59)) + "DR1 =" + rd1 + "" + "DR2 =" + rd2 + "" + "DR3 =" + rd3 + "" + "DR4 =" + rd4 + "" + "DR5 =" + rd5 + "" + EncodeColor (colorGold) + "D-Pivot =" + pd + "\ n" +
EncodeColor (ColorRGB (73،123،201)) + "DS1 =" + sd1 + "" + "DS2 =" + sd2 + "" + "DS3 =" + sd3 + "" + "DS4 =" + sd4 + "" + "DS5 =" + sd5 + "\ ن" +
EncodeColor (colorOrange) + "WR1 =" + rw1 + "" + "WR2 =" + rw2 + "" + "WR3 =" + rw3 + "" + "WR4 =" + rw4 + "" + EncodeColor (colorYellow) + "W-Pivot = "+ pw +" \ n "+
EncodeColor (ColorRGB (9،128،250)) + "WS1 =" + sw1 + "" + "WS2 =" + sw2 + "" + "WS3 =" + sw3 + "" + "WS4 =" + sw4 + "\ n" +
EncodeColor (ColorRGB (175،96،175)) + "MR1 =" + rm1 + "" + "MR2 =" + rm2 + "" + "MR3 =" + rm3 + "" + EncodeColor (colorYellow) + "M-Pivot =" + pm + "\ ن" +
EncodeColor (ColorRGB (25،25،255)) + "MS1 =" + sm1 + "" + "MS2 =" + sm2 + "" + "MS3 =" + sm3)؛
fsma = ParamToggle ("Moving Avg"، "Off | On"، 0)؛
إذا (FSMA == 1)
Periods = Param ("period"، 34، 2، 300، 1، 10)؛
رسم (EMA (عالي ، Periods) ، _ DEFAULT_NAME () ، ColorRGB (25،50،25) ، styleNoLabel ، styleLine)؛
Periods = Param ("period"، 34، 2، 300، 1، 10)؛
Plot (EMA (Low، Periods)، _ DEFAULT_NAME ()، ColorRGB (50،25،25)، styleNoLabel، styleLine)؛
_SECTION_BEGIN ("إعداد السحابة") ؛
CloudResColor = ParamColor ( "CloudResColor"، ColorRGB (25،33،25))؛
CR = EMA (H، 34)؛
CS = EMA (L، 34)؛
// if (segretribbon == 1)
////////////////////////// PlotOHLC (CS، CS، CR، CR، "Band"، CloudResColor، styleCloud | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle)؛
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "العرض")؛
العرض = ParamToggle ("Display"، "Off | On"، 1)؛
إذا (العرض == 1)
س = بارام ( "xposn"، 0،0،1000،1)؛
ذ = بارام ( "yposn"، 569،0،1000،1)؛
GfxSetBkColor (ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
GfxSelectFont ("Times New Roman"، 9،500، True)؛
GfxSetTextColor (colorGrey40)؛  
GfxTextOut ("RSI:" + WriteVal (RSI (14)، 1.0) + "| MACD:" + WriteVal (MACD ()، 1.2) + "| F (Ema):" + NumToStr (EMA (C، 5)، 1.2) + "| 9 (Ema):" + NumToStr (EMA (C، 9)، 1.2) + "
| 15 (EMA): "+ NumToStr (EMA (C، 15)، 1.2) +" | 30 (EMA): "+ NumToStr (EMA (C، 30)، 1.2) +" | 50 (EMA): "+ NumToStr (EMA (C، 50)، 1.2)، x، y)؛
CX = بارام ( "cxposn"، 537،0،1000،1)؛
قبرصي = بارام ( "cyposn"، 12،0،1000،1)؛
GfxSetBkColor (ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
GfxSelectFont ("Bodoni MT"، 14،50، False)؛
GfxSetTextColor (colorWhite)؛  
GfxTextOut ("LTP:" + C + ""، cx، cy)؛

_SECTION_BEGIN ("لون الخلفية") ؛
BKswitch = ParamToggle ("لون الخلفية" ، "تشغيل ، إيقاف") ؛
OUTcolor = ParamColor ("لون اللوحة الخارجي" ، ColorRGB (25،25،25))؛
INUPcolor = ParamColor ("Inner Panel Upper"، ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
INDNcolor = ParamColor ("Inner Panel Lower"، ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
TitleColor = ParamColor ("Title Color"، ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
إذا (لا BKswitch)
SetChartBkColor (OUTcolor)؛ // لون الحدود الخارجية
SetChartBkGradientFill (INUPcolor، INDNcolor، TitleColor)؛ // لون اللوحة الداخلية

_SECTION_BEGIN ( "الأسعار")؛
SetChartOptions (0، chartShowArrows | chartShowDates)؛
_N (Title = StrFormat ("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open٪ g، Hi٪ g، Lo٪ g، Close٪ g (٪ .1f ٪٪) {{VALUES}} "، O، H، L، C، SelectedValue (ROC (C، 1))))؛
Plot (C، "Close"، ParamColor ("Color"، colorBlack)، styleNoTitle | ParamStyle ("Style") | GetPriceStyle ())؛ 

_SECTION_BEGIN ("Ramesh.SR Pivot Chart") ؛

SetChartBkColor (ParamColor ("لون اللوحة الخارجي" ، colorLightGrey))؛
tgt = 37؛
أ = CCI (20) <-tgt؛
b = CCI (20)> tgt؛
state = IIf (a> b، -1، IIf (a == b، 0،1))؛
اللون = IIf (حالة == 0 ، colorBlue ، IIf (حالة == 1 ، colorGreen ، IIf (الحالة == -1 ، colorRed ، 0)))؛

// Plot (state، ""، color، styleHistogram)؛

// SetChartOptions (0، chartShowDates | chartShowArrows | chartLogarithmic | chartWrapTitle)؛
// _ N (العنوان = StrFormat ("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} افتح٪ g ، و٪ g ،٪ Lo٪ g ، أغلق٪ g (٪ .1f ٪٪) {{VALUES }} "، O، H، L، C، SelectedValue (ROC (C، 1))))؛
// Plot (C، "Close"، color، styleNoTitle | styleBar | styleThick)؛

  _SECTION_BEGIN ("Ramesh Swing") ؛
// حقوق الطبع والنشر Kamalesh Langote. البريد الإلكتروني: مزيد من التفاصيل في
// Save index as "" in C: program files> Amibroker> Formulas> Custom folder and drap and drop on price price
no = Param ("Swing"، 20، 1، 55)؛
tsl_col = ParamColor ("Color"، colorCycle)؛

الدقة = HHV (H، لا)؛
سوب = LLV (L، لا)؛
AVD = معهد التمويل الدولي (C> المرجع (احتياط، -1)، 1، معهد التمويل الدولي (C <المرجع (سوب، -1)، - 1،0))؛
(! AVD = 0، AVD، 1) = AVN ValueWhen.
TSL = معهد التمويل الدولي (AVN == 1، سوب، الدقة)؛

// Plot (tsl، _DEFAULT_NAME ()، tsl_col، styleThick | styleThick)؛ // أو styleaArea

Plot (tsl، _DEFAULT_NAME ()، tsl_col، styleThick | styleStaircase)؛ // أو styleaArea

يبيع = الصليب (C، TSL)؛
بيع = الصليب (TSL، C).
PlotShapes (IIf (Buy، shapeSquare، shapeNone)، colorGreen، 0، L، Offset = -40)؛
PlotShapes (IIf (Buy، shapeSquare، shapeNone)، colorLime، 0، L، Offset = -50)؛                      
PlotShapes (IIf (Buy، shapeUpArrow، shapeNone)، colorWhite، 0، L، Offset = -45)؛
PlotShapes (IIf (Sell، shapeSquare، shapeNone)، colorRed، 0، H، Offset = 40)؛
PlotShapes (IIf (Sell، shapeSquare، shapeNone)، colorOrange، 0، H، Offset = 50)؛                      
PlotShapes (IIf (Sell، shapeDownArrow، shapeNone)، colorWhite، 0، H، Offset = -45)؛


_SECTION_BEGIN ("pivots mw")؛
SetChartBkColor (2)؛
k = IIf (ParamList ("select select"، "daily | next day") == "daily"، - 1،0)؛
K1 = -1.
TimeFrameSet (inDaily)؛
day_h = LastValue (Ref (H، K))؛
day_l = LastValue (Ref (L، K))؛
day_c = LastValue (Ref (C، K))؛
TimeFrameRestore ()؛
TimeFrameSet (inWeekly)؛
Week_h = LastValue (Ref (H، K1))؛
Week_l = LastValue (Ref (L، K1)) ؛؛
Week_c = LastValue (Ref (C، K1)) ؛؛
TimeFrameRestore ()؛
TimeFrameSet (inMonthly)؛
month_h = LastValue (Ref (H، K1))؛
month_l = LastValue (Ref (L، K1))؛
month_c = LastValue (Ref (C، K1))؛
TimeFrameRestore ()؛
/ * -------------------------------------- * /
// يوم
DH = Day_h.
DL = Day_L.
DC = Day_C.
// DAY PIVOT حساب
pd = (DH + DL + DC) / 3؛
sd1 = (2 * pd) -DH؛
sd2 = pd - (DH - DL)؛
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL)؛
sd4 = Sd2 - (DH-DL)؛
sd5 = Sd3 - (DH-DL)؛
rd1 = (2 * pd) -DL؛
rd2 = pd + (DH -DL)؛
rd3 = rd1 + (DH-DL) ؛
rd4 = rd2 + (DH-DL)؛
rd5 = rd3 + (DH-DL)؛
موانئ دبي = المشتريات.
// أسبوع
WH = Week_h.
WL = Week_l.
WC = Week_c.
// WEEK PIVOT حساب
pw = (WH + WL + WC) / 3؛
sw1 = (2 * pw) -WH؛
sw2 = pw - (WH - WL)؛
sw3 = Sw1 - (WH-WL)؛
sw4 = Sw2 - (WH-WL)؛
rw1 = (2 * pw) -WL؛
rw2 = pw + (WH -WL)؛
rw3 = rw1 + (WH-WL)؛
rw4 = rw2 + (WH-WL)؛
// الشهر
MH = month_h.
ML = month_l.
MC = month_c.
pm = (MH + ML + MC) / 3؛
sm1 = (2 * pm) -MH؛
sm2 = pm - (MH - ML)؛
sm3 = SM1 - (MH-ML) ؛
rm1 = (2 * pm) -ML ؛
rm2 = pm + (MH -ML)؛
rm3 = rm1 + (MH-ML) ؛
ppl = ParamToggle ("Plot Pivot Levels"، "Off | On"، 1)؛
numbars = LastValue (Cum (Status ("barvisible")))؛
fraction = IIf (StrRight (Name ()، 3) == ""، 3.2، 3.2)؛
hts = Param ("slide all"، 33، -1000،1000،1)؛
if (ppl == 1) {
مؤامرة (PD، ""، colorPink، styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale)؛
مؤامرة (SD1، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sd2، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sd3، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sd4، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sd5، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd1، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd2، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd3، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd4، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rd5، ""، colorPink، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
مؤامرة (PW، ""، colorGreen، styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sw1، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sw2، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sw3، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sw4، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rw1، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rw2، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rw3، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rw4، ""، colorDarkGreen، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
مؤامرة (بعد الظهر، ""، colorViolet، styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sm1، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sm2، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (sm3، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rm1، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rm2، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
Plot (rm3، ""، colorViolet، styleDashed | styleNoRescale)؛
ط = 1؛
PlotText ("D-PVT =" + WriteVal (pd، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، dp، colorPink)؛
PlotText ("DR1 =" + WriteVal (rd1 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، rd1 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DS1 =" + WriteVal (sd1 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd1 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DR2 =" + WriteVal (rd2 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، rd2 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DS2 =" + WriteVal (sd2 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd2 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DR3 =" + WriteVal (rd3، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rd3، colorPink)؛
PlotText ("DS3 =" + WriteVal (sd3 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd3 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DR4 =" + WriteVal (rd4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، rd4 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DS4 =" + WriteVal (sd4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd4 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DR5 =" + WriteVal (rd4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، rd5 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("DS5 =" + WriteVal (sd4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sd5 ، colorPink) ؛
PlotText ("W-PVT =" + WriteVal (pw، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، pw، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WR1 =" + WriteVal (rw1، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rw1، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WS1 =" + WriteVal (sw1 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sw1 ، colorGreen) ؛
PlotText ("WR2 =" + WriteVal (rw2، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rw2، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WS2 =" + WriteVal (sw2 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sw2 ، colorGreen) ؛
PlotText ("WR3 =" + WriteVal (rw3، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rw3، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WS3 =" + WriteVal (sw3 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sw3 ، colorGreen) ؛
PlotText ("WR4 =" + WriteVal (rw4، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rw4، colorGreen)؛
PlotText ("WS4 =" + WriteVal (sw4 ، كسر) ، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts) ، sw4 ، colorGreen) ؛
PlotText ("M-PVT =" + WriteVal (pm، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، pm، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MR1 =" + WriteVal (rm1، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rm1، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MS1 =" + WriteVal (sm1، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، sm1، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MR2 =" + WriteVal (rm2، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rm2، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MS2 =" + WriteVal (sm2، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، sm2، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MR3 =" + WriteVal (rm3، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، rm3، colorViolet)؛
PlotText ("MS3 =" + WriteVal (sm3، fraction)، LastValue (BarIndex ()) - (numbars / Hts)، sm3، colorViolet)؛
//--النهاية--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
/ * -------------------------------------- * /
"high =" + H؛
"low =" + L؛
"close =" + C؛
ATP = ParamToggle ( "ATP"، "إيقاف | على"، 1)؛
إذا (ATP == 1)
DayChange = يوم ()! = Ref (يوم () ، -1)؛
AvgTradePrice = Null؛
CurDayBars = 0؛
CurDayCloseSum = 0؛
لـ (i = 0؛ i <BarCount؛ i ++)
إذا (DayChange [i])
CurDayCloseSum = C [i]؛
CurDayBars = 1؛
CurDayCloseSum = CurDayCloseSum + C [i]؛
CurDayBars ++؛
AvgTradePrice [i] = CurDayCloseSum / CurDayBars؛
Plot (AvgTradePrice، "AvgTradePrice"، colorDarkGrey، styleThick)؛
ATP = AvgTradePrice.
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "العنوان")؛
إذا كانت (Status ("action") == actionIndicator)
Title = EncodeColor (colorWhite) + "Pivot Chart" + "-" + Name () + "-" + EncodeColor (colorBrightGreen) + Interval (2) + EncodeColor (colorWhite) +
 "-" + Date () + "-" + "" + EncodeColor (colorWhite) + "Op -" + O + "" + "Hi -" + H + "" + "Lo -" + L + "" +
"Cl -" + C + "" + "Vol =" + WriteVal (V) + "::" + EncodeColor (ColorRGB (140،140،140)) + "ATP:" + ATP + "\ n" + EncodeColor (ColorRGB (175،90 ، 59)) + "DR1 =" + rd1 + "" + "DR2 =" + rd2 + "" + "DR3 =" + rd3 + "" + "DR4 =" + rd4 + "" + "DR5 =" + rd5 + "" + EncodeColor (colorGold) + "D-Pivot =" + pd + "\ n" +
EncodeColor (ColorRGB (73،123،201)) + "DS1 =" + sd1 + "" + "DS2 =" + sd2 + "" + "DS3 =" + sd3 + "" + "DS4 =" + sd4 + "" + "DS5 =" + sd5 + "\ ن" +
EncodeColor (colorOrange) + "WR1 =" + rw1 + "" + "WR2 =" + rw2 + "" + "WR3 =" + rw3 + "" + "WR4 =" + rw4 + "" + EncodeColor (colorYellow) + "W-Pivot = "+ pw +" \ n "+
EncodeColor (ColorRGB (9،128،250)) + "WS1 =" + sw1 + "" + "WS2 =" + sw2 + "" + "WS3 =" + sw3 + "" + "WS4 =" + sw4 + "\ n" +
EncodeColor (ColorRGB (175،96،175)) + "MR1 =" + rm1 + "" + "MR2 =" + rm2 + "" + "MR3 =" + rm3 + "" + EncodeColor (colorYellow) + "M-Pivot =" + pm + "\ ن" +
EncodeColor (ColorRGB (25،25،255)) + "MS1 =" + sm1 + "" + "MS2 =" + sm2 + "" + "MS3 =" + sm3)؛
fsma = ParamToggle ("Moving Avg"، "Off | On"، 0)؛
إذا (FSMA == 1)
Periods = Param ("period"، 34، 2، 300، 1، 10)؛
رسم (EMA (عالي ، Periods) ، _ DEFAULT_NAME () ، ColorRGB (25،50،25) ، styleNoLabel ، styleLine)؛
Periods = Param ("period"، 34، 2، 300، 1، 10)؛
Plot (EMA (Low، Periods)، _ DEFAULT_NAME ()، ColorRGB (50،25،25)، styleNoLabel، styleLine)؛
_SECTION_BEGIN ("إعداد السحابة") ؛
CloudResColor = ParamColor ( "CloudResColor"، ColorRGB (25،33،25))؛
CR = EMA (H، 34)؛
CS = EMA (L، 34)؛
// if (segretribbon == 1)
////////////////////////// PlotOHLC (CS، CS، CR، CR، "Band"، CloudResColor، styleCloud | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle)؛
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "العرض")؛
العرض = ParamToggle ("Display"، "Off | On"، 1)؛
إذا (العرض == 1)
س = بارام ( "xposn"، 0،0،1000،1)؛
ذ = بارام ( "yposn"، 569،0،1000،1)؛
GfxSetBkColor (ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
GfxSelectFont ("Times New Roman"، 9،500، True)؛
GfxSetTextColor (colorGrey40)؛  
GfxTextOut ("RSI:" + WriteVal (RSI (14)، 1.0) + "| MACD:" + WriteVal (MACD ()، 1.2) + "| F (Ema):" + NumToStr (EMA (C، 5)، 1.2) + "| 9 (Ema):" + NumToStr (EMA (C، 9)، 1.2) + "
| 15 (EMA): "+ NumToStr (EMA (C، 15)، 1.2) +" | 30 (EMA): "+ NumToStr (EMA (C، 30)، 1.2) +" | 50 (EMA): "+ NumToStr (EMA (C، 50)، 1.2)، x، y)؛
CX = بارام ( "cxposn"، 537،0،1000،1)؛
قبرصي = بارام ( "cyposn"، 12،0،1000،1)؛
GfxSetBkColor (ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
GfxSelectFont ("Bodoni MT"، 14،50، False)؛
GfxSetTextColor (colorWhite)؛  
GfxTextOut ("LTP:" + C + ""، cx، cy)؛

_SECTION_BEGIN ("لون الخلفية") ؛
BKswitch = ParamToggle ("لون الخلفية" ، "تشغيل ، إيقاف") ؛
OUTcolor = ParamColor ("لون اللوحة الخارجي" ، ColorRGB (25،25،25))؛
INUPcolor = ParamColor ("Inner Panel Upper"، ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
INDNcolor = ParamColor ("Inner Panel Lower"، ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
TitleColor = ParamColor ("Title Color"، ColorRGB (23،25،23))؛
إذا (لا BKswitch)
SetChartBkColor (OUTcolor)؛ // لون الحدود الخارجية
SetChartBkGradientFill (INUPcolor، INDNcolor، TitleColor)؛ // لون اللوحة الداخلية

4. parfumeur

Dear Saleh – I’m confused by your last comment code, non afl syntax. If indeed valid afl code, could you post the code under [Indicators] > [Paste Bin] or Indicator Pasties. The proper formatting for the afl would be preserves, and maybe add a comment for your post within the code between /* ….. relevant comment ….. */ at the head of the code???? Thank you for your due diligence.

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