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Trend detection bands for Amibroker (AFL)
almost 13 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

5 / 5 (Votes 1)

interesting, just that

disabeld are upper/lower bands. Over are the middle bands, which form a wave, and can be used for
trend direction.

drag over a price-chart


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
_SECTION_BEGIN("_trend detection bands (overlay)");

BDay= Optimize("upper-lines",Param("upper-lines",1,1,28,1),1,21,1);//2
SDay= Optimize("lower-lines",Param("lower-lines",1,1,28,1),1,21,1);//7


Ho = AMA( Ref( Hc,  -1 ),  0.5 );
Hh = Max( H,  Max( Hc,  Ho ) );
Hl = Min( L,  Min( Hc,  Ho ) );

HHb = HHV(hH,Bday);
HCb = HHV(hC,Bday);
LLb = LLV(hL,Bday);
LCb = LLV(hC,Bday);

HHs = HHV(hH,Sday);
HCs = HHV(hC,Sday);
LLs = LLV(hL,Sday);
LCs = LLV(hC,Sday);

for( i = 1+Max(Bday,Sday); i < BarCount; i++ )
if ((HHb[i-1] - LCb[i-1]) >= (HCb[i-1] - LLb[i-1])) Buyrange[i] = HHb[i-1] - LCb[i-1];
Buyrange[i] = HCb[i-1] - LLb[i-1];

if ((HHs[i-1] - LCs[i-1]) >= (HCs[i-1] - LLs[i-1])) Sellrange[i] = HHs[i-1] - LCs[i-1];
Sellrange[i] = HCs[i-1] - LLs[i-1];

Band_TopSMOOTH=AMA( Ho+Buyrange,  0.5 );
Band_BotSMOOTH=AMA( Ho-Sellrange,  0.5 );


BS = ParamToggle("bands smooth","No|Yes",1);
BN = ParamToggle("bands normal","No|Yes",1);
DUL = ParamToggle("upper/lower bands","No|Yes",0); //disable upper/lower bands

if (BS AND DUL) Plot( Band_TopSMOOTH, " Band_TopSMOOTH ", IIf( Band_TopSMOOTH>Ref(Band_TopSMOOTH,-1), colorOrange, colorRed ));
if (BS) Plot( Band_MidSMOOTH, " Band_MidSMOOTH ", IIf( Band_MidSMOOTH>Ref(Band_MidSMOOTH,-1), colorGreen, colorRed ));
if (BS AND DUL) Plot( Band_BotSMOOTH, " Band_BotSMOOTH ", IIf( Band_BotSMOOTH>Ref(Band_BotSMOOTH,-1), colorDarkGreen, colorGreen ));
if (BS) Plot( 1, "ribbon", IIf( Band_MidSMOOTH>Ref(Band_MidSMOOTH,-1), colorGreen, IIf( Band_MidSMOOTH<Ref(Band_MidSMOOTH,-1), colorRed, colorPink )), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );

if (BN AND DUL)Plot( Band_Top, " Band_Top ", IIf( Band_Top>Ref(Band_Top,-1), colorOrange, colorRed ));
if (BN) Plot( Band_Mid, " Band_Mid ", IIf( Band_Mid>Ref(Band_Mid,-1), colorGreen, colorRed ));
if (BN AND DUL) Plot( Band_Bot, " Band_Bot ", IIf( Band_Bot>Ref(Band_Bot,-1), colorDarkGreen, colorGreen ));
if (BN) Plot( 2, "ribbon", IIf( Band_Mid>Ref(Band_Mid,-1), colorGreen, IIf( Band_Mid<Ref(Band_Mid,-1), colorRed, colorPink )), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );



1. elutrade

this chart is simple alredy some afl avyalable inthis type

2. tuanhoangplus


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