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Three Period Time & Price Ranges for Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 3)

Plots 3 week, 3 month and 3 quarter time and price ranges as described in Frank Dilernia’s Book ‘The Trader Trading’

The formula let’s you look forward to the next periods levels by setting the number of days left in the current period.

Probably could be done a lot more elegantly, but the best I could do with my coding capabilities.

Colored for black background.


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Williams Alligator System
Submitted by durgesh1712 about 13 years ago
*Level Breakout system*
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Horizontal Live Priceline Tool
Submitted by northstar about 13 years ago

Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly

_SECTION_BEGIN("range 3 Qtr");
Hi1 = IIf(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Ref(HighestSince(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),H,9),-1),0);
Hi = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = IIf(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Ref(LowestSince(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),L,9),-1),0);
Lo = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Ref(C,-1),0);
Cl = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month() ,-1)AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Cl1,1);

rg = (Hi - Lo);
bp = (Hi + Lo + Cl)/3;
rh = bp + (rg*0.5);
rl = bp - (rg*0.5);
rh1 = bp + (rg*0.61);
rl1 = bp - (rg*0.61);
rh2 = bp + rg;
rl2 = bp - rg;;


x =Param("forward",20,0,20,1);
Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorBlue,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorBlue,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorBlue,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Hi1 = HighestSince(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),H,3);
Hi = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = LowestSince(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),L,3);
Lo = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1) AND (Month()==4 OR Month()==7 OR Month()==10 OR Month()==1),Ref(C,-1),0);
Cl = C;

rg = (Hi1 - Lo1);
bp = (Hi1 + Lo1 + Cl)/3;
rh = bp + (rg*0.5);
rl = bp - (rg*0.5);
rh1 = bp + (rg*0.61);
rl1 = bp - (rg*0.61);
rh2 = bp + rg;
rl2 = bp - rg;;

Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorBlue,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 20);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorBlue,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 20);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorBlue,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 20);

_SECTION_BEGIN("ranges 3 month fwd");

Hi1 = IIf(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Ref(HighestSince(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),H,3),-1),0);
Hi = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = IIf(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Ref(LowestSince(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),L,3),-1),0);
Lo = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Ref(C,-1),0);
Cl = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Cl1,1);rg = (Hi - Lo);

rg = (Hi - Lo);
bp = (Hi + Lo + Cl)/3;
rh = bp + (rg*0.5);
rl = bp - (rg*0.5);
rh1 = bp + (rg*0.61);
rl1 = bp - (rg*0.61);
rh2 = bp + rg;
rl2 = bp - rg;;


x =Param("forward",20,0,20,1);
Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorCustom12,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorCustom12,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorCustom12,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);

Hi1 = HighestSince(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),H,3);
Hi = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = LowestSince(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),L,3);
Lo = ValueWhen(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(Month()!=Ref(Month(),-1),Ref(C,-1),0);
Cl = C;

rg = (Hi1 - Lo1);
bp = (Hi1 + Lo1 + Cl)/3;
rh = bp + (rg*0.5);
rl = bp - (rg*0.5);
rh1 = bp + (rg*0.61);
rl1 = bp - (rg*0.61);
rh2 = bp + rg;
rl2 = bp - rg;;

Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorCustom12,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 20);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorCustom12,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 20);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorCustom12,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 20);

_SECTION_BEGIN("ranges 3 week");
Hi1 = IIf(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Ref(HighestSince(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),H,3),-1),0);
Hi = ValueWhen(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = IIf(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Ref(LowestSince(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),L,3),-1),0);
Lo = ValueWhen(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Ref(C,-1),0);
Cl = ValueWhen(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Cl1,1);

rg = (Hi - Lo);
bp = (Hi + Lo + Cl)/3;
rh = bp + (rg*0.5);
rl = bp - (rg*0.5);
rh1 = bp + (rg*0.61);
rl1 = bp - (rg*0.61);
rh2 = bp + rg;
rl2 = bp - rg;;


x =Param("forward",5,0,5,1);
Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorWhite,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorWhite,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorWhite,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);

Hi1 = HighestSince(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),H,3);
Hi = ValueWhen(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = LowestSince(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),L,3);
Lo = ValueWhen(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(DayOfWeek()<Ref(DayOfWeek(),-1),Ref(C,-1),0);
Cl = C;

rg = (Hi1 - Lo1);
bp = (Hi1 + Lo1 + Cl)/3;
rh = bp + (rg*0.5);
rl = bp - (rg*0.5);
rh1 = bp + (rg*0.61);
rl1 = bp - (rg*0.61);
rh2 = bp + rg;
rl2 = bp - rg;;

Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorBlack,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, x);
Plot(LastValue(bp),"",colorWhite,styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 5);
Plot(LastValue(rh),"",colorWhite,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 5);
Plot(LastValue(rl),"",colorWhite,styleStaircase|styleDashed|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 5);


1. buchacek

That what is visible is exactly the same as was posted by somebody else but much more simpler. Simple (H+L+C)/3
in different TimeFrame set and TimeFrameExpand will result with the same thing as was posted by somebody else here before. Can you do 2-Day SD Channel? I can’t post it as per copyright of Frank Dilernia. There is also 5-Day pattern in the book for Day Trading.

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