Stock Portfolio Organizer
The ultimate porfolio management solution.
WiseTrader Toolbox
#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Sector Analysis System for Amibroker (AFL)
Sector Analysis System ……..this indicator allows you to compare sectors of the Bangladesh stock exchange. Each sector is made up of a pool of stocks. See the code for more details.
Indicator / Formula
//================================================== =================== //background stock name (works only on Amibroker version 5.30 onwards. //================================================== =================== _SECTION_BEGIN("Name"); GfxSetOverlayMode(1); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/12 ); GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );// center alignment //GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 220, 220, 220 ) ); GfxSetTextColor( ColorHSB( 111, 111, 111 ) ); GfxSetBkMode(0); // transparent GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/12 ); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/18 ); GfxTextOut( "Sector Analysis", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/5 ); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/36 ); _SECTION_END(); //================================================== ====================================//Sector Analysing.....copy right @ Rafi......E-Mail N=Param("Smoother",5, 1, 100, 1 ); _SECTION_BEGIN("BANK"); BANK = ParamToggle("BANK","Off|On",0); S1 = Foreign( "ABBANK", "Close" ) ; S2 = Foreign( "ALARABANK", "Close" ) ; S3 = Foreign( "BANKASIA", "Close" ) ; S4 = Foreign( "BRACBANK", "Close" ) ; S5 = Foreign( "CITYBANK", "Close" ) ; S6 = Foreign( "DHAKABANK", "Close" ) ; S7 = Foreign( "DUTCHBANGL", "Close" ) ; S8 = Foreign( "EBL", "Close" ) ; S9 = Foreign( "EXIMBANK", "Close" ) ; S10= Foreign( "FIRSTSBANK", "Close" ) ; S11= Foreign( "ICBIBANK", "Close" ) ; S12= Foreign( "IFIC", "Close" ) ; S13= Foreign( "ISLAMIBANK", "Close" ) ; S14= Foreign( "JAMUNABANK", "Close" ) ; S15= Foreign( "MERCANBANK", "Close" ) ; S16= Foreign( "MTBL", "Close" ) ; S17= Foreign( "NBL", "Close" ) ; S18= Foreign( "NCCBANK", "Close" ) ; S19= Foreign( "ONEBANKLTD", "Close" ) ; S20= Foreign( "PREMIERBAN", "Close" ) ; S21= Foreign( "PRIMEBANK", "Close" ) ; S22= Foreign( "PUBALIBANK", "Close" ) ; S23= Foreign( "RUPALIBANK", "Close" ) ; S24= Foreign( "SHAHJABANK", "Close" ) ; S25= Foreign( "SIBL", "Close" ) ; S26= Foreign( "SOUTHEASTB", "Close" ) ; S27= Foreign( "STANDBANKL", "Close" ) ; S28= Foreign( "TRUSTBANK", "Close" ) ; S29= Foreign( "UCBL", "Close" ) ; S30= Foreign( "UTTARABANK", "Close" ) ; AvgBankClose = (S1+S2+S3+S4+S5+S6+S7+S8+S9+S10+S11+S12+S13+S14+S15+S16+S17+S18+S19+S20+ S21+S22+S23+S24+S25+S26+S27+S28+S29+S30)/30;Banksmoother=MA(AvgBankClose,N); if(BANK==1) Plot(Banksmoother,"", ParamColor( "Bank Color", colorRed ), ParamStyle("Bank Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Insurance"); Insurance = ParamToggle("Insurance","Off|On",0); in1 = Foreign( "AGRANINS", "Close" ) ; in2 = Foreign( "ASIAINS", "Close" ) ; in3 = Foreign( "ASIAPACINS", "Close" ) ; in4 = Foreign( "BGIC", "Close" ) ; in5 = Foreign( "CENTRALINS", "Close" ) ; in6 = Foreign( "CITYGENINS", "Close" ) ; in7 = Foreign( "CONTININS", "Close" ) ; in8 = Foreign( "DELTALIFE", "Close" ) ; in9 = Foreign( "DHAKAINS", "Close" ) ; in10= Foreign( "EASTERNINS", "Close" ) ; in11= Foreign( "EASTLAND", "Close" ) ; in12= Foreign( "FAREASTLIF", "Close" ) ; in13= Foreign( "FEDERALINS", "Close" ) ; in14= Foreign( "GLOBALINS", "Close" ) ; in15= Foreign( "GREENDELT", "Close" ) ; in16= Foreign( "ISLAMIINS", "Close" ) ; in17= Foreign( "JANATAINS", "Close" ) ; in18= Foreign( "KARNAPHULI", "Close" ) ; in19= Foreign( "MEGHNALIFE", "Close" ) ; in20= Foreign( "MERCINS", "Close" ) ; in21= Foreign( "NATLIFEINS", "Close" ) ; in22= Foreign( "NITOLINS", "Close" ) ; in23= Foreign( "NORTHRNINS", "Close" ) ; in24= Foreign( "PARAMOUNT", "Close" ) ; in25= Foreign( "PEOPLESINS", "Close" ) ; in26= Foreign( "PHENIXINS", "Close" ) ; in27= Foreign( "PIONEERINS", "Close" ) ; in28= Foreign( "POPULARLIF", "Close" ) ; in29= Foreign( "PRAGATIINS", "Close" ) ; in30= Foreign( "PRAGATILIF", "Close" ) ; in31= Foreign( "PRIMEINSUR", "Close" ) ; in32= Foreign( "PRIMELIFE", "Close" ) ; in33= Foreign( "PROGRESLIF", "Close" ) ; in34= Foreign( "PROVATIINS", "Close" ) ; in35= Foreign( "PURABIGEN", "Close" ) ; in36= Foreign( "RELIANCINS", "Close" ) ; in37= Foreign( "REPUBLIC", "Close" ) ; in38= Foreign( "RUPALIINS", "Close" ) ; in39= Foreign( "RUPALILIFE", "Close" ) ; in40= Foreign( "SANDHANINS", "Close" ) ; in41= Foreign( "SONARBAINS", "Close" ) ; in42= Foreign( "STANDARINS", "Close" ) ; in43= Foreign( "TAKAFULINS", "Close" ) ; in44= Foreign( "UNITEDINS", "Close" ) ; AvgGeneralInsuranceClose = (IN1+IN2+IN3+IN4+IN5+IN6+IN7+IN8+IN9+IN10+IN11+IN12+IN13+IN14+IN15+IN16+IN17+IN18+IN19+IN20+IN21+IN22+IN23+IN24+IN25+IN26+IN27+IN28+IN29+IN30+IN31+IN32+IN33+IN34+IN35+IN36+IN37+IN38+IN39+IN40+IN41+IN42+IN43+IN44)/44; GeneralInsurancesmoother=MA(AvgGeneralInsuranceClose,N); if(Insurance==1) Plot(GeneralInsurancesmoother,"", ParamColor( "Gen.Ins Color", colorYellow ), ParamStyle("Gen.Ins Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Financial Institutions"); Financial = ParamToggle("Financial","Off|On",0); f1 = Foreign( "BAYLEASING", "CLOSE" ) ; f2 = Foreign( "BDFINANCE", "CLOSE" ) ; f3 = Foreign( "BIFC", "CLOSE" ) ; f4 = Foreign( "DBH", "CLOSE" ) ; f5 = Foreign( "FLEASEINT", "CLOSE" ) ; f6 = Foreign( "ICB", "CLOSE" ) ; f7 = Foreign( "IDLC", "CLOSE" ) ; f8 = Foreign( "ILFSL", "CLOSE" ) ; f9 = Foreign( "IPDC", "CLOSE" ) ; f10= Foreign( "ISLAMICFIN", "CLOSE" ) ; f11= Foreign( "LANKABAFIN", "CLOSE" ) ; f12= Foreign( "MIDASFIN", "CLOSE" ) ; f13= Foreign( "NHFIL", "CLOSE" ) ; f14= Foreign( "PHOENIXFIN", "CLOSE" ) ; f15= Foreign( "PLFSL", "CLOSE" ) ; f16= Foreign( "PREMIERLEA", "CLOSE" ) ; f17= Foreign( "PRIMEFIN", "CLOSE" ) ; f18= Foreign( "ULC", "CLOSE" ) ; f19= Foreign( "UNIONCAP", "CLOSE" ) ; f20= Foreign( "UTTARAFIN", "CLOSE" ) ; AvgFinanceClose=(f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6+f7+f8+f9+f10+f11+f12+f13+f14+f15+f16+f17+f18+f19+f20)/20; Financesmoother=MA(AvgFinanceClose,N); if(Financial==1) Plot(Financesmoother,"", ParamColor( "Finance Color", colorBrightGreen ), ParamStyle("Finance Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Engineering"); Engineering = ParamToggle("Engineering","Off|On",0); en1 = Foreign( "AFTABAUTO", "Close" ) ; en2 = Foreign( "ANWARGALV", "Close" ) ; en3 = Foreign( "ATLASBANG", "Close" ) ; en4 = Foreign( "AZIZPIPES", "Close" ) ; en5 = Foreign( "BDAUTOCA", "Close" ) ; en6 = Foreign( "BDLAMPS", "Close" ) ; en7 = Foreign( "BDTHAI", "Close" ) ; en8 = Foreign( "BSRMSTEEL", "Close" ) ; en9 = Foreign( "DESHBANDHU", "Close" ) ; en10 = Foreign( "ECABLES", "Close" ) ; en11 = Foreign( "GOLDENSON", "Close" ) ; en12 = Foreign( "KAY&QUE", "Close" ) ; en13 = Foreign( "MONNOSTAF", "Close" ) ; en14 = Foreign( "NAVANACNG", "Close" ) ; en15 = Foreign( "NPOLYMAR", "Close" ) ; en16 = Foreign( "NTLTUBES", "Close" ) ; en17 = Foreign( "OLYMPIC", "Close" ) ; en18 = Foreign( "QSMDRYCELL", "Close" ) ; en19 = Foreign( "RANFOUNDRY", "Close" ) ; en20 = Foreign( "RENWICKJA", "Close" ) ; en21 = Foreign( "SALAMCRST", "Close" ) ; en22 = Foreign( "SINGERBD", "Close" ) ; AvgEngineeringClose= (en1+en2+en3+en4+en5+en6+en7+en8+en9+en10+en11+en12+en13+en14+en15+en16+en17+en18+en19+en20+en21+en22)/22; Engineeringsmoother=MA(AvgEngineeringClose,N); if(Engineering==1) Plot(Engineeringsmoother,"", ParamColor( "Engineering Color", colorTurquoise ), ParamStyle("Engineering Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Textile"); Textile = ParamToggle("Textile","Off|On",0); L1 = Foreign( "AL-HAJTEX", "Close" ) ; L2 = Foreign( "ALLTEX", "Close" ) ; L3 = Foreign( "ANLIMAYARN", "Close" ) ; L4 = Foreign( "APEXSPINN", "Close" ) ; L5 = Foreign( "CMCKAMAL", "Close" ) ; L6 = Foreign( "DACCADYE", "Close" ) ; L7 = Foreign( "DELTASPINN", "Close" ) ; L8 = Foreign( "DSHGARME", "Close" ) ; L9 = Foreign( "DULAMIACOT", "Close" ) ; L10 = Foreign( "HRTEX", "Close" ) ; L11 = Foreign( "MAKSONSPIN", "Close" ) ; L12 = Foreign( "MALEKSPIN", "Close" ) ; L13 = Foreign( "METROSPIN", "Close" ) ; L14 = Foreign( "MITHUNKNIT", "Close" ) ; L15 = Foreign( "MODERNDYE", "Close" ) ; L16 = Foreign( "PRIMETEX", "Close" ) ; L17 = Foreign( "RAHIMTEXT", "Close" ) ; L18 = Foreign( "RNSPIN", "Close" ) ; L19 = Foreign( "SAFKOSPINN", "Close" ) ; L20 = Foreign( "SAIHAMTEX", "Close" ) ; L21 = Foreign( "SONARGAON", "Close" ) ; L22 = Foreign( "SQUARETEXT", "Close" ) ; L23 = Foreign( "STYLECRAFT", "Close" ) ; L24 = Foreign( "TALLUSPIN", "Close" ) ; AvgTextileClose= (L1+L2+L3+L4+L5+L6+L7+L8+L9+L10+L11+L12+L13+L14+L15+L16+L17+L18+L19+L20+L21+L22+L23+L24)/24; Textilesmoother=MA(AvgTextileClose,N) ; if(Textile==1) Plot(Textilesmoother,"", ParamColor( "Textile Color", colorWhite ), ParamStyle("Textile Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Fuel & Power"); FuelPower = ParamToggle("FuelPower","Off|On",0); fp1 = Foreign( "BDWELDING", "Close" ) ; fp2 = Foreign( "DESCO", "Close" ) ; fp3 = Foreign( "EASTRNLUB", "Close" ) ; fp4 = Foreign( "JAMUNAOIL", "Close" ) ; fp5 = Foreign( "KPCL", "Close" ) ; fp6 = Foreign( "MPETROLEUM", "Close" ) ; fp7 = Foreign( "PADMAOIL", "Close" ) ; fp8 = Foreign( "POWERGRID", "Close" ) ; fp9 = Foreign( "SUMITPOWER", "Close" ) ; fp10= Foreign( "TITASGAS", "Close" ) ; AvgFuelPowerClose= (fp1+fp2+fp3+fp4+fp5+fp6+fp7+fp8+fp9+fp10)/10; FuelPowersmoother=MA(AvgFuelPowerClose,N); if(FuelPower==1) Plot(FuelPowersmoother,"", ParamColor( "Power Color", colorLightBlue ), ParamStyle("FuelPower Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Cement"); Cement = ParamToggle("Cement","Off|On",0); tt1 = Foreign( "ARAMITCEM", "Close" ) ; tt2 = Foreign( "CONFIDCEM", "Close" ) ; tt3 = Foreign( "HEIDELBCEM", "Close" ) ; tt4 = Foreign( "LAFSURCEML", "Close" ) ; tt5 = Foreign( "MEGHNACEM", "Close" ) ; tt6 = Foreign( "MICEMENT", "Close" ) ; AvgCementClose= (tt1+tt2+tt3+tt4+tt5+tt6)/6; Cementsmoother=MA(AvgCementClose,N); if(Cement==1) Plot(Cementsmoother,"", ParamColor( "Cement Color", colorPaleGreen ), ParamStyle("Cement Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Ceramics"); Ceramics = ParamToggle("Ceramics","Off|On",0); cm1 = Foreign( "FUWANGCER", "Close" ) ; cm2 = Foreign( "MONNOCERA", "Close" ) ; cm3 = Foreign( "RAKCERAMIC", "Close" ) ; cm4 = Foreign( "SPCERAMICS", "Close" ) ; cm5 = Foreign( "STANCERAM", "Close" ) ; AvgCeramicsClose=(cm1+cm2+cm3+cm4+cm5)/5; Ceramicssmoother=MA(AvgCeramicsClose,N); if(Ceramics==1) Plot(Ceramicssmoother,"", ParamColor( "Ceramics Color", colorPink ), ParamStyle("Ceramics Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Pharma & Chemicals"); PharmaChemicals = ParamToggle("PharmaChemicals","Off|On",0); pc1 = Foreign( "ACI", "Close" ) ; pc2 = Foreign( "ACIFORMULA", "Close" ) ; pc3 = Foreign( "ACTIVEFINE", "Close" ) ; pc4 = Foreign( "AMBEEPHA", "Close" ) ; pc5 = Foreign( "BEACONPHAR", "Close" ) ; pc6 = Foreign( "BXPHARMA", "Close" ) ; pc7 = Foreign( "BXSYNTH", "Close" ) ; pc8 = Foreign( "GLAXOSMITH", "Close" ) ; pc9 = Foreign( "IBNSINA", "Close" ) ; pc10 = Foreign( "IMAMBUTTON", "Close" ) ; pc11 = Foreign( "KEYACOSMET", "Close" ) ; pc12 = Foreign( "KOHINOOR", "Close" ) ; pc13 = Foreign( "LIBRAINFU", "Close" ) ; pc14 = Foreign( "MARICO", "Close" ) ; pc15 = Foreign( "ORIONINFU", "Close" ) ; pc16 = Foreign( "PHARMAID", "Close" ) ; pc17 = Foreign( "RECKITTBEN", "Close" ) ; pc18 = Foreign( "RENATA", "Close" ) ; pc19 = Foreign( "SALVOCHEM", "Close" ) ; pc20 = Foreign( "SQURPHARMA", "Close" ) ; AvgPharmaChemicalsClose = (pc1+pc2+pc3+pc4+pc5+pc6+pc7+pc8+pc9+pc10+pc11+pc12+pc13+pc14+pc15+pc16+pc17+pc18+pc19+pc20)/20;PharmaChemicalssmoother=MA(AvgPharmaChemicalsClose,N); if(PharmaChemicals==1) Plot(PharmaChemicalssmoother,"", ParamColor( "PharmaChemicals Color", colorLime ), ParamStyle("PharmaChemicals Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Food & Alied"); FoodAlied = ParamToggle("FoodAlied","Off|On",0); fd1 = Foreign( "AMCL(PRAN)", "Close" ) ; fd2 = Foreign( "APEXFOODS", "Close" ) ; fd3 = Foreign( "BANGAS", "Close" ) ; fd4 = Foreign( "BATBC", "Close" ) ; fd5 = Foreign( "BEACHHATCH", "Close" ) ; fd6 = Foreign( "FINEFOODS", "Close" ) ; fd7 = Foreign( "FUWANGFOOD", "Close" ) ; fd8 = Foreign( "GEMINISEA", "Close" ) ; fd9 = Foreign( "MEGCONMILK", "Close" ) ; fd10 = Foreign( "MEGHNAPET", "Close" ) ; fd11 = Foreign( "NTC", "Close" ) ; fd12 = Foreign( "RAHIMAFOOD", "Close" ) ; fd13 = Foreign( "SHYAMPSUG", "Close" ) ; fd14 = Foreign( "ZEALBANGLA", "Close" ) ; AvgFoodAliedClose= (fd1+fd2+fd3+fd4+fd5+fd6+fd7+fd8+fd9+fd10+fd11+fd12+fd13+fd14)/14; FoodAliedsmoother=MA(AvgFoodAliedClose,N); if(FoodAlied==1) Plot(FoodAliedsmoother,"", ParamColor( "FoodAlied Color", colorOrange ), ParamStyle("FoodAlied Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Tannery"); Tannery = ParamToggle("Tannery","Off|On",0); tn1 = Foreign( "APEXADELFT", "Close" ) ; tn2 = Foreign( "APEXTANRY", "Close" ) ; tn3 = Foreign( "BATASHOE", "Close" ) ; tn4 = Foreign( "LEGACYFOOT", "Close" ) ; tn5 = Foreign( "SAMATALETH", "Close" ) ; AvgTanneryClose= (tn1+tn2+tn3+tn4+tn5)/5; Tannerysmoother=MA(AvgTanneryClose,N); if(Tannery==1) Plot(Tannerysmoother,"", ParamColor( "Tannery Color", colorTan ), ParamStyle("Tannery Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Mutual Funds"); MutualFunds = ParamToggle("MutualFunds","Off|On",0); f1 = Foreign( "1JANATAMF", "Close" ) ; f2 = Foreign( "1STBSRS", "Close" ) ; f3 = Foreign( "1STICB", "Close" ) ; f4 = Foreign( "1STPRIMFMF", "Close" ) ; f5 = Foreign( "2NDICB", "Close" ) ; f6 = Foreign( "3RDICB", "Close" ) ; f7 = Foreign( "4THICB", "Close" ) ; f8 = Foreign( "5THICB", "Close" ) ; f9 = Foreign( "6THICB", "Close" ) ; f10 = Foreign( "7THICB", "Close" ) ; f11 = Foreign( "8THICB", "Close" ) ; f12 = Foreign( "AIBL1STIMF", "Close" ) ; f13 = Foreign( "AIMS1STMF", "Close" ) ; f14 = Foreign( "DBH1STMF", "Close" ) ; f15 = Foreign( "EBL1STMF", "Close" ) ; f16 = Foreign( "EBLNRBMF", "Close" ) ; f17 = Foreign( "GRAMEEN1", "Close" ) ; f18 = Foreign( "GRAMEENS2", "Close" ) ; f19 = Foreign( "GREENDELMF", "Close" ) ; f20 = Foreign( "ICB1STNRB", "Close" ) ; f21 = Foreign( "ICB2NDNRB", "Close" ) ; f22 = Foreign( "ICB3RDNRB", "Close" ) ; f23 = Foreign( "ICBAMCL1ST", "Close" ) ; f24 = Foreign( "ICBAMCL2ND", "Close" ) ; f25 = Foreign( "ICBEPMF1S1", "Close" ) ; f26 = Foreign( "ICBISLAMIC", "Close" ) ; f27 = Foreign( "IFIC1STMF", "Close" ) ; f28 = Foreign( "IFILISLMF1", "Close" ) ; f29 = Foreign( "MBL1STMF", "Close" ) ; f30 = Foreign( "PF1STMF", "Close" ) ; f31 = Foreign( "PHPMF1", "Close" ) ; f32 = Foreign( "POPULAR1MF", "Close" ) ; f33 = Foreign( "PRIME1ICBA", "Close" ) ; f34 = Foreign( "RELIANCE1", "Close" ) ; f35 = Foreign( "SEBL1STMF", "Close" ) ; f36 = Foreign( "TRUSTB1MF", "Close" ) ; AvgMFClose=(f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6+f7+f8+f9+f10+f11+f12 +f13+f14+f15+f16+f17+f18+f19+f20+f21+f22+f23+f24+f25+f26+f27+f28+f29+f30+f31+f32+f34+f35+f36)/36; MFsmoother=MA(AvgMFClose,N); if(MutualFunds==1) Plot(MFsmoother,"", ParamColor( "MF Color", colorBlue ), ParamStyle("MF Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Jute"); Jute = ParamToggle("Jute","Off|On",0); jt1 = Foreign( "JUTESPINN", "Close" ) ; jt2 = Foreign( "NORTHERN", "Close" ) ; jt3 = Foreign( "SONALIANSH", "Close" ) ; AvgJuteClose=(jt1+jt2+jt3)/3; Jutesmoother=MA(AvgJuteClose,N); if(Jute==1) Plot(Jutesmoother,"", ParamColor( "Jute Color", colorGold ), ParamStyle("Jute Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Miscellaneous"); Miscellaneous = ParamToggle("Miscellaneous","Off|On",0); e1 = Foreign( "ARAMIT", "Close" ) ; e2 = Foreign( "BERGERPBL", "Close" ) ; e3 = Foreign( "BEXIMCO", "Close" ) ; e4 = Foreign( "BSC", "Close" ) ; e5 = Foreign( "GQBALLPEN", "Close" ) ; e6 = Foreign( "MIRACLEIND", "Close" ) ; e7 = Foreign( "SAVAREFR", "Close" ) ; e8 = Foreign( "SINOBANGLA", "Close" ) ; e9 = Foreign( "USMANIAGL", "Close" ) ; AvgMiscellaneousClose= (e1+e2+e3+e4+e5+e6+e7+e8+e9)/6; Miscellaneoussmoother=MA(AvgMiscellaneousClose,N); if(Miscellaneous==1) Plot(Miscellaneoussmoother,"", ParamColor( "Miscellaneous Color", colorAqua ), ParamStyle("Miscellaneous Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Services & Real Estate"); ServicesRealEstate = ParamToggle("ServicesRealEstate","Off|On",0); sr1 = Foreign( "BDSERVICE", "Close" ) ; sr2 = Foreign( "EHL", "Close" ) ; sr3 = Foreign( "OCL", "Close" ) ; sr4 = Foreign( "SAMORITA", "Close" ) ; sr5 = Foreign( "SAPORTL", "Close" ) ; AvgServicesRealEstateClose=(sr1+sr2+sr3+sr4+sr5)/5; ServicesRealEstatesmoother=MA(AvgServicesRealEstateClose,N); if(ServicesRealEstate==1) Plot(ServicesRealEstatesmoother,"", ParamColor( "ServicesRealEstate Color", colorBrown ), ParamStyle("ServicesRealEstate Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Telecommunication"); Telecommunication = ParamToggle("Telecommunication","Off|On",0); tl1 = Foreign( "GP", "Close" ) ; AvgTelecommunicationClose=(tl1)/1; Telecommunicationsmoother=MA(AvgTelecommunicationClose,N); if(Telecommunication==1) Plot(Telecommunicationsmoother,"", ParamColor( "Telecommunication Color", colorViolet ), ParamStyle("Telecommunication Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("IT Sector"); IT = ParamToggle("IT","Off|On",0); IT1 = Foreign( "AGNISYSL", "Close" ) ; IT2 = Foreign( "BDCOM", "Close" ) ; IT3 = Foreign( "DAFODILCOM", "Close" ) ; IT4 = Foreign( "INTECH", "Close" ) ; IT5 = Foreign( "ISNLTD", "Close" ) ; AvgITClose= (IT1+IT2+IT3+IT4+IT5)/5; ITsmoother=MA(AvgITClose,N); if(IT==1) Plot(ITsmoother,"", ParamColor( "IT Color", colorPaleBlue ), ParamStyle("IT Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Travel & Leisure"); TravelLeisure = ParamToggle("TravelLeisure","Off|On",0); tv1 = Foreign( "UNITEDAIR", "Close" ) ; AvgTravelLeisureClose=(tv1)/1; TravelLeisuresmoother=MA(AvgTravelLeisureClose,N); if(TravelLeisure==1) Plot(TravelLeisuresmoother,"", ParamColor( "TravelLeisure Color", colorLightGrey ), ParamStyle("TravelLeisure Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Paper & Printing"); PaperPrinting = ParamToggle("PaperPrinting","Off|On",0); pp1 = Foreign( "HAKKANIPUL", "Close" ) ; AvgPaperPrintingClose=(pp1)/1; PaperPrintingsmoother=MA(AvgPaperPrintingClose,N); if(PaperPrinting==1) Plot(PaperPrintingsmoother,"", ParamColor( "PaperPrinting Color", colorLavender ), ParamStyle("PaperPrinting Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Corporate Bond"); CorporateBond = ParamToggle("CorporateBond","Off|On",0); cb1 = Foreign( "ACIZCBOND", "Close" ) ; cb2 = Foreign( "BRACSCBOND", "Close" ) ; cb3 = Foreign( "IBBLPBOND", "Close" ) ; AvgCorporateBondClose=(cb1+Cb2+Cb3)/3; CorporateBondsmoother=MA(AvgCorporateBondClose,N); if(CorporateBond==1) Plot(CorporateBondsmoother,"", ParamColor( "CorporateBond Color", colorSkyblue ), ParamStyle("CorporateBond Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("New/Uncategorized"); NewUncategorized = ParamToggle("NewUncategorized","Off|On",0); nu1 = Foreign( "BEDL", "Close" ) ; nu2 = Foreign( "CVOPRL", "Close" ) ; nu3 = Foreign( "EBLNRBMF", "Close" ) ; nu4 = Foreign( "FASFIN", "Close" ) ; nu5 = Foreign( "LINDBD", "Close" ) ; nu6 = Foreign( "LRGLOBMF1", "Close" ) ; nu7 = Foreign( "MJLBD", "Close" ) ; nu8 = Foreign( "RDFOOD", "Close" ) ; nu9 = Foreign( "RELIANCE1", "Close" ) ; nu10 = Foreign( "SEBL1STMF", "Close" ) ; nu11 = Foreign( "ZAHINTEX", "Close" ) ; AvgNewUncategorizedClose=(nu1+nu2+nu3+nu4+nu5+nu6+nu7+nu8+nu9+nu10+nu11)/11; NewUncategorizedsmoother=MA(AvgNewUncategorizedClose,N); if(NewUncategorized==1) Plot(NewUncategorizedsmoother,"", ParamColor( "NewUncategorized Color", colorLightGrey ), ParamStyle("NewUncategorized Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN(""); Price=C; priceplot=MA(Price,n); Plot (priceplot,"", ParamColor( "Symble Color", colorCustom12 ), ParamStyle("Symble Style", styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleDashed|styleOwnScale, mask = maskAll) ); _SECTION_BEGIN(""); _SECTION_BEGIN(""); Title = StrFormat("\\c02 {{NAME}}.....{{DATE}}.....Open @ %g.....High @ %g.....Low @ %g.....Close @ %g.....Change = %.1f%%.... Volume = " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +", {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) )+ "\n"+ "\n"+ "\\c02 > > > Sector Price Analysis < < < "+ "\n"+EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Bank ............................ @ " + Banksmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorYellow)+" Insurance .................... @ " + GeneralInsurancesmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+" Finance ....................... @ " + Financesmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+" Engineering ................ @ " + Engineeringsmoother+ "\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+" Textile .......................... @ " + Textilesmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+" Fuel & Power ............. @ " + FuelPowersmoother+ "\n"+EncodeColor(colorPaleGreen)+" Cement ....................... @ " + Cementsmoother+ "\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+" Ceramics ..... .............. @ " + Miscellaneoussmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorLime)+" Pharma & Chemicals @ " + PharmaChemicalssmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorOrange)+" Food & Alied ............... @ " + FoodAliedsmoother+ "\n"+EncodeColor(colorTan)+" Tannery ....................... @ " + Tannerysmoother+ "\n"+EncodeColor(colorBlue)+" Mutual Fund ................ @ " + MFsmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorGold)+" Jute .............................. @ " + Jutesmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" Miscellaneous ........... @ " + Miscellaneoussmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorBrown)+" Services&Real Estate@ " + ServicesRealEstatesmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorViolet)+" Telecommunication . @ " + Telecommunicationsmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorPaleBlue)+" I T ................................. @ " + ITsmoother+ "\n"+EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+" Travel & Leisure ........ @ " + TravelLeisuresmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorLavender)+" Paper & Printing ........ @ " + PaperPrintingsmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorSkyblue)+" Corporate Bond ........ @ " + CorporateBondsmoother + "\n"+EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+" New / Uncategorized @ " + NewUncategorizedsmoother; _SECTION_END(); SetChartBkColor( 1 ) ;
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Sir where we can have the formula? thanks.
where i get AFL formula of this.
from where can i get the AFL
Is it possible to get the Afl ?