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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Candle pattern exploration for Amibroker (AFL)
A working exploration for candlestick pattern indentification
- Credit goes to original creator (unknown); got from one of the forums. ****
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got from one of the forums. _SECTION_BEGIN ( "Price" ); SetChartOptions (0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates ); _N (Title = StrFormat ( "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}" , O , H , L , C , SelectedValue ( ROC ( C , 1 ) ) )); Plot ( C , "Close" , ParamColor ( "Color" , colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle ( "Style" ) | GetPriceStyle () ); _SECTION_END (); WhiteBody = C > O ; BigWhite = ( Close - Open )/ Open > 0.015 AND ( Close - Open ) * 2 > High - Low ; BlackBody = C < O ; BigBlack = ( Open - Close )/ Open > 0.015 AND ( Open - Close ) * 2 > High - Low ; Big = abs (( Close - Open )/ Open ) > 0.014; LongUpperShadow = H - Max ( O , C ) > ( H - L )*0.67; LongLowerShadow = Min ( O , C ) - L > ( H - L )*0.67; rng = abs (( C - O )/ O ); lowerShadow = Min ( O , C ) - L ; uppershadow = H - Max ( O , C ); body = abs ( O - C ); rngx = abs ( H - L ); rngy = H - L ; shaven = lowerShadow < rngy*0.1; ShavenBottom = L == Min ( O , C ); ShavenHead = H == Max ( O , C ); prevSize = abs ( Ref ( O ,-1)- Ref ( C ,-1)); currentSize = abs ( O - C ); fwh = Ref ( H ,-4); fwl = Ref ( L ,-4); isPrevLargeWhite = Ref (big,-1) AND Ref (whitebody,-1); SmallRealBody = rng < 0.003 AND rng >0; Diff = abs ((prevSize - currentSize) / currentSize); DownTrend = ( H < Ref ( H ,-1) AND L < Ref ( L ,-1)); UpTrend = ( H > Ref ( H ,-1) AND L > Ref ( L ,-1)); isPrevUpTrend = Ref (uptrend,-1); RealBodyGapUp = Min ( O , C ) > Max ( Ref ( O ,-1), Ref ( C ,-1)); RealBodyGapDown = Max ( O , C ) < Min ( Ref ( O ,-1), Ref ( C ,-1)); FallingWindow = Ref (downtrend,-1) AND GapDown (); RisingWindow = Ref (uptrend,-1) AND GapUp (); isfalling = bigblack AND fallingwindow; isrising = bigwhite AND risingwindow; rwh = Ref ( H ,-4); rwl = Ref ( L ,-4); isFallingBlack = Ref (fallingwindow,-1) AND Ref (blackbody,-1); horw = Ref ( H ,-2); windowOpen = C < horw; opensInside = O < Ref ( O ,-1) AND O > Ref ( C ,-1); similarSize = diff <= 0.25; GapUpFromWhite = realBodyGapUp AND isPrevLargeWhite AND isPrevUptrend; isPrevLargeBlack = Ref (big,-1) AND Ref (blackbody,-1); isPrevDownTrend = Ref (downtrend,-1); GapDownFromBlack = realBodyGapDown AND isPrevLargeBlack AND isPrevDowntrend; isRisingWhite = Ref (risingwindow,-1) AND Ref (whitebody,-1); lorw = Ref ( L ,-2); windowOpenx = C > lorw; Doji = C == O AND V > 0; LongLeggedDoji = doji AND ( H - L )/ L > 0.01; StarUp = smallRealBody AND gapUpFromWhite; DojiStarUp = doji AND gapUpFromWhite; DojiStarDown = doji AND gapDownFromBlack; StarDown = smallRealBody AND gapDownFromBlack; isPrevDownTrendx = Ref (downtrend,-3); firstDoji = Ref (doji,-2); secDojiLower = Ref (doji,-1) AND Ref (realBodyGapDown,-1); isPrevUpTrendx = Ref (uptrend,-3); secDojiHigher = Ref (doji,-1) AND Ref (realBodyGapUp,-1); BeltHold = shavenbottom AND shavenhead AND big; Engulfing = Max ( O , C ) > Ref ( Max ( O , C ),-1) AND Min ( O , C ) < Ref ( Min ( O , C ),-1); UmbrellaLine = uppershadow < rngx*0.1 AND lowershadow > body*2; //==================================================================================================== //---------------------------------------- // Bearish //---------------------------------------- // Kicker KBR = Ref ( O ,-1) < Ref ( C ,-1) AND O <= Ref ( O ,-1) AND C <= O ; //Evening Doji Star EveningDojiStar = Ref (dojiStarUp,-1) AND blackbody AND big AND C < Ref (( O + C )/2,-2); /* A large white candlestick followed by a doji that gaps up from the previous candles real body. This is followed by a third candlestick that is black and has a close lower than the half way point of the first candlesticks real body. Must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ // Evening Star EveningStar = Ref (starUp,-1) AND blackbody AND big AND C < Ref (( O + C )/2,-2); /* A large white candlestick followed by a small real body of either colour that gaps up from the previous candles real body. This is followed by a third candlestick that is black and has a close lower than the half way point of the first candlesticks real body. Must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ // Grave Stone Doji GraveStoneDoji = longleggeddoji AND L == C AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* A doji with no lower shadow and an extremenly long upper shadow. Must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ //Bear 3 Formation Bear3Formation = bigblack AND C < Ref ( C ,-4) AND Ref ( H ,-1) <= fwh AND Ref ( L ,-1) >= fwl AND Ref ( H ,-2) <= fwh AND Ref ( L ,-2) >= fwl AND Ref ( H ,-3) <= fwh AND Ref ( L ,-3) >= fwl AND Ref (isfalling, -4); /*A strong black candle in a falling window, followed by three candles that fall within the high/low range of the strong black candle, followed by another strong black candle that closes below the close of the first black candle. This is a bearish confirmation.*/ //Bearish Abandoned Baby BearishAbandonedBaby = EveningDojiStar AND Ref ( GapUp (),-1) AND GapDown (); /* An evening doji star where there is a gap between the lower shadow of the doji and the upper shadows of the prior and next candle. */ //Bearish Belt Hold BearishBeltHold = belthold AND blackbody AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* A large black candle with a shaven head and bottom preceeded by an uptrend. */ //Bearish Counter Attack BearishCounterAttack = Ref (big AND whitebody,-1) AND O > Ref ( H ,-1) AND C == Ref ( C ,-1) AND big AND blackbody AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* A large white candle followed by a black candle which opens sharply higher but closes at the prior black candles close. Must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ // Bearish Harami Cross BearishHaramiCross = doji AND Ref ( C ,-1) > O AND Ref ( O ,-1) < O AND Ref (big AND whitebody,-1) AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* A doji preceded by and contained within the real body of a big white candlestick in an uptrend */ // Bearish Harami BearishHarami = Ref (big AND whitebody,-1) AND smallRealBody AND Min ( O , C ) > Ref ( O ,-1) AND Max ( O , C ) < Ref ( C ,-1) AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* A small candlestick preceded by and whose real body is contained within, the real body of a big white candlestick in an uptrend */ // Bearish Separating Line BearishSeparatingLine = Ref (whitebody AND big,-1) AND blackbody AND big AND O == Ref ( O ,-1) AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* A white candlestick followed by a black candlestick with the same opening price. Continues the previous downtrend. */ // Dark Cloud Cover DarkCloudCover = Ref (bigwhite,-1) AND blackbody AND O > Ref ( H ,-1) AND C <= Ref (( O + C )/2,-1) AND C > Ref ( O ,-1) AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* A strong white candle in an uptrend followed by a black candle that opens above the high of the white candle and closes at least 50 percent into the white candles real body. Note that if the black candle completely engulfs the white candles real body then this is not Dark Cloud Cover but a Bearish Engulfing Pattern. */ // Engulfing Bear EngulfingBear = Ref (whitebody,-1) AND blackbody AND engulfing AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* This bar is black and its real body engulfs the previous bars white real body. Must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ //Hamging Man HangingMan = umbrellaline AND uptrend AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* The same as a hammer except must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ //Shooting Star ShootingStar = smallRealBody AND shaven AND realBodyGapUp AND longuppershadow AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* A small body that closes near the bottom of its range and has a long upper shadow. There must be a real body gap up from the previous sessions candle. This pattern occurs only after an uptrend. */ //Three Black Crows ThreeBlackCrows = (big AND blackbody) AND Ref (big AND blackbody, -1) AND Ref (big AND blackbody, -2) AND O < Ref ( O ,-1) AND Ref ( O ,-1) < Ref ( O ,-2) AND Ref (uptrend,-4); /* The last three candlesticks are large and black. Each opens within or lower than the previous candles real body.Must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ // Tri-Star Bottom TriStarBottom = firstDoji AND secDojiLower AND doji AND realBodyGapUp AND isPrevDownTrendx; /* A doji followed by a lower doji which is followed by another doji that is higher than the second doji. Must be preceeded by a downtrend. */ //Tweezer Tops TweezerTops = H == Ref ( H ,-1) AND Ref (big AND whitebody,-1) AND Ref (uptrend,-2); /* A large candle followed by a candle with the same high. Must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ // Upside Gap Two Crows UpsideGapTwoCrows = Ref (big AND whitebody,-2) AND Ref (realBodyGapUp,-1) AND Ref (smallRealBody,-1) AND Ref (blackbody,-1) AND engulfing AND blackbody AND C > Ref (( O + C )/2,-2) AND Ref (uptrend,-2); /* A strong white candle followed by a small black candle which gaps above the previous candles real body, followed by a black candle which engulfs the previous black candle. Preceeded by an uptrend. */ //---------------------------------------- // Bullish //---------------------------------------- // Kicker KBL = Ref ( O ,-1) > Ref ( C ,-1) AND O >= Ref ( O ,-1) AND C > O ; // Morning Star MorningStar = Ref (starDown,-1) AND whitebody AND big AND C > Ref (( O + C )/2,-2); /* A large black candlestick followed by a small real body of either colour, that gaps below the previous black candles real body, with a third white candlestick, that has a close higher than the half way point of the first black candlestick. Must be preceeded by a downtrend. */ // Morning Doji Star MorningDojiStar = Ref (dojiStarDown,-1) AND whitebody AND big AND C > Ref (( O + C )/2,-2); /* A large black candlestick followed by a doji that gaps below its real body, with a third white candlestick, that has a close at least half of the way up the black candlestick. Must be preceeded by a downtrend. */ // Bull 3 Formation Bull3Formation = bigwhite AND C > Ref ( C ,-4) AND Ref ( H ,-1) <= rwh AND Ref ( L ,-1) >= rwl AND Ref ( H ,-2) <= rwh AND Ref ( L ,-2) >= rwl AND Ref ( H ,-3) <= rwh AND Ref ( L ,-3) >= rwl AND Ref (isrising, -4); /* A strong white candle in a rising window, followed by three candles that fall within the high/low range of the strong white candle, followed by another strong white candle that closes above the close of the first white candle. This is confirmation of the Bullish trend." */ // Bullish Abandoned Baby BullishAbandonedBaby = morningdojistar AND Ref ( GapDown (),-1) AND GapUp (); /* A morning doji star where there is a gap between the lower shadow of the doji and the prior and next candle. */ // Bullish Belt Hold BullishBeltHold = belthold AND whitebody AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* A large white candle with no upper or lower shadow preceeded by a downtrend. */ // Bullish Counter Attack BullishCounterAttack = Ref (big AND blackbody,-1) AND O < Ref ( H ,-1) AND C == Ref ( C ,-1) AND big AND whitebody AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* A large black candle followed by a white candle which opens sharply lower but closes at the prior white candles close. Must be preceeded by a downtrend */ // Bullish Harami Cross BullishHaramiCross = doji AND Ref ( O ,-1) > O AND Ref ( C ,-1) < O AND Ref (big AND blackbody,-1) AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* A doji preceded by and contained within the real body of a big black candlestick in a downtrend. */ // Bullish Harami BullishHarami = Ref (big AND blackbody,-1) AND smallRealBody AND Min ( O , C ) > Ref ( C ,-1) AND Max ( O , C ) < Ref ( O ,-1) AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* A small candlestick, preceded by, and whose body is contained within a big black candlestick in a downtrend */ // Bullish Separating Line BullishSeparatingLine = Ref (blackbody AND big,-1) AND whitebody AND big AND O == Ref ( O ,-1) AND Ref (uptrend,-1); /* A black candlestick followed by a white candlestick with the same opening price. Continues the previous uptrend. */ //Dragonfly Doji DragonflyDoji = longleggeddoji AND H == C AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /*A doji with no upper shadow AND a long lower shadow preceeded by a downtrend.*/ // Engulfing Bull EngulfingBull = Ref (blackbody,-1) AND whitebody AND engulfing AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* This bar is white and its real body engulfs the previous bars black real body. Must be preceeded by a downtrend. */ // Hammer Hammer = umbrellaline AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* The upper shadow is less than ten percent of the range and the lower shadow is more than two times the size of the body. Must be preceeded by a downtrend. */ //Inverted Hammer InvertedHammer = smallRealBody AND shaven AND realBodyGapDown AND longuppershadow AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* An upside down Hammer that appears after a downtrend */ //Piercing Line PiercingLine = Ref (bigblack,-1) AND whitebody AND O < Ref ( L ,-1) AND C >= Ref (( O + C )/2,-1) AND C < Ref ( O ,-1) AND Ref (downtrend,-1); /* A stong black candle followed by a white candle that opens below the low of the prior black candle but closes more than halfway into the black candles real body. Preceeded by a downtrend. Note that if the white candle engulfs the prior black candles real body then this is a Bullish Engulfing Pattern not a Piercing Pattern */ // SeperatingLines SeperatingLines = O == Ref ( O ,-1) AND (blackbody AND Ref (whitebody,-1) OR whitebody AND Ref (blackbody,-1)); /* a black candlestick is followed by a white candlestick, or a white with a black,and they have the same opening prices. */ //Three White Soldiers ThreeWhiteSoldiers = (whitebody AND big) AND Ref (whitebody AND big,-1) AND Ref (whitebody AND big,-2) AND O > Ref ( O ,-1) AND Ref ( O ,-1) > Ref ( O ,-2); /* The last three candlesticks are large and white. Each opens within or higher than the previous candles real body. */ // Tri-Star Top TriStarTop = firstDoji AND secDojiHigher AND doji AND realBodyGapDown AND isPrevUpTrendx; /* A doji followed by a higher doji which is followed by another doji that is lower than the second doji. Must be preceeded by an uptrend. */ // Tweezer Bottoms TweezerBottoms = L == Ref ( L ,-1) AND Ref (big AND blackbody,-1) AND Ref (downtrend,-2); /* A large candle followed by a candle with the same Low. Must be preceeded by a downtrend. */ //---------------------------------------- // Continuation //---------------------------------------- // Downward Gapping Tasuki DownwardGappingTasuki = isFallingBlack AND whitebody AND opensInside AND C > Ref ( O ,-1) AND windowOpen AND similarSize; /* A black candle that gaps down followed by a similarly sized white candle that opens Inside the black candles real body AND closes above it. */ //Upward Gapping Tasuki UpwardGappingTasuki = isRisingWhite AND blackbody AND opensInside AND C < Ref ( O ,-1) AND windowOpenx AND similarSize; /* A white candle that gaps up followed by a similarly sized black candle that opens Inside the white candles real body AND closes below it; */ //Inverted Black Hammer InvertedBlackHammer = blackbody AND InvertedHammer; STS = /*Bears*/ WriteIf (KBR, "Bearish Kicker" , WriteIf (EveningDojiStar, "Evening Doji Star" , WriteIf (EveningStar, "Evening Star" , WriteIf (GraveStoneDoji, "Grave Stone Doji" , WriteIf (Bear3Formation, "Bear 3 Formation" , WriteIf (BearishAbandonedBaby, "Bearish Abandoned Baby" , WriteIf (BearishBeltHold, "Bearish Belt Hold" , WriteIf (BearishCounterAttack, "Bearish Counter Attack" , WriteIf (BearishHaramiCross, "Bearish Harami Cross" , WriteIf (BearishHarami, "Bearish Harami" , WriteIf (BearishSeparatingLine, "BearishSeparatingLine" , WriteIf (DarkCloudCover, "DarkCloudCover" , WriteIf (EngulfingBear, "Engulfing Bear" , WriteIf (HangingMan, "Hanging Man" , WriteIf (ShootingStar, "Shooting Star" , WriteIf (ThreeBlackCrows, "Three Black Crows" , WriteIf (TriStarBottom, "TriStar Bottom" , WriteIf (TweezerTops, "Tweezer Tops" , WriteIf (UpsideGapTwoCrows, "UpsideGapTwoCrows" , /*Bulls*/ WriteIf (KBL, "Bullish Kicker" , WriteIf (MorningStar, "Morning Star" , WriteIf (MorningDojiStar, "Morning Doji Star" , WriteIf (Bull3Formation, "Bull 3 Formation" , WriteIf (BullishAbandonedBaby, "Bullish Abandoned Baby" , WriteIf (BullishBeltHold, "Bullish Belt Hold" , WriteIf (BullishCounterAttack, "Bullish Counter Attack" , WriteIf (BullishHaramiCross, "Bullish Harami Cross" , WriteIf (BullishHarami, "Bullish Harami" , WriteIf (BullishSeparatingLine, "Bullish Separating Line" , WriteIf (DragonflyDoji, "Dragonfly Doji" , WriteIf (EngulfingBull, "Engulfing Bull" , WriteIf (Hammer, "Hammer" , WriteIf (InvertedHammer, "Inverted Hammer" , WriteIf (PiercingLine, "Piercing Line" , WriteIf (SeperatingLines, "Seperating Lines" , WriteIf (ThreeWhiteSoldiers, "Three White Soldiers" , WriteIf (TriStarTop, "Tri-Star Top" , WriteIf (TweezerBottoms, "Tweezer Bottoms" , "" )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))); Filter = 1; Col = IIf (KBR OR EveningDojiStar OR EveningStar OR GraveStoneDoji OR Bear3Formation OR BearishAbandonedBaby OR BearishBeltHold OR BearishCounterAttack OR BearishHaramiCross OR BearishHarami OR BearishSeparatingLine OR DarkCloudCover OR EngulfingBear OR HangingMan OR ShootingStar OR ThreeBlackCrows OR TriStarBottom OR TweezerTops OR UpsideGapTwoCrows, colorRed , IIf ( MorningStar OR MorningDojiStar OR Bull3Formation OR BullishAbandonedBaby OR BullishBeltHold OR BullishCounterAttack OR BullishHaramiCross OR BullishHarami OR BullishSeparatingLine OR DragonflyDoji OR EngulfingBull OR Hammer OR InvertedHammer OR PiercingLine OR SeperatingLines OR ThreeWhiteSoldiers OR TriStarTop OR TweezerBottoms OR KBL, colorGreen , 0)); AddColumn ( C , "Close" , 1.2); AddTextColumn (sts, "Candle" , 1.0, Col, colorDefault ,100); |
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Thnx you n amazing Exploration
i dont know how to use this type of exploration…!
@niftytiger had said me towrite exploratio, but i dont know about exploration….
anyone can make me understand about exploration….?
simply great..thnks ..I like it, .@ Divyesh open AB>analysis tab>auto analysis> pick afl> set date last date, select all symbol, than click on explore tab> than have the magic of this afl
how to use this afl?
thanx in advance
It does not give candle pattern for every stock scanned.
It gives results only for few stocks.
Moderator pl. help.
thanks, it’s help more
Thanks alot!
Amazing. Thank you.
This is superb. Many thanks to you amsin21 as well as original creator.
Guys, I get the error ""Missing Buy/Sell variable assignment"" with the AFL. Can someone please help?
I always got this error when Scanning and Exploring this one.
Error 10. Array subscript out of range. You must not access array elements outside 0..(Bar Count-1) range. You attempted to access none-existing -1st element of array.
Please help. Thanks