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TI - Trend Indicator Update for Amibroker (AFL)

2 / 5 (Votes 5)
oscillator, amibroker

First of all, credits goes to tsarvjit!

I gave the line a rising and falling color.
Parameter windows gives you a display to show also a (momentum) histogram.
Futher some more color and parameter settings.


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Panel Color",colorLightGrey));
SetChartBkGradientFill(ParamColor("Upper Chart",colorLightGrey),ParamColor("Lower Chart",colorLightGrey));

parmTILStyle = ParamStyle("TI Line Style", styleLine|styleThick);
parmTILUpColor = ParamColor("TI Line UpColor", colorGreen);
parmTILDwnColor = ParamColor("TI Line DownColor", colorRed);
parmHistUpColor = ParamColor("TI Histogram UpColor", colorLime);
parmHistDwnColor = ParamColor("TI Histogram DownColor", colorOrange);

r1=Param("PDI Period",14,1,100,1);
r2=Param("MDI Period",14,1,100,1);
r5=Param("WMA Period",20,1,100,1);

TI = WMA( 2*WMA((r3-r4),int(r5/2))- WMA((r3-r4),r5),int(sqrt(r5)));

for( i = 1 ; i < BarCount-2; i++ ) 
if (TI[i] <TI[i-1] &&TI[i] <TI[i+1])
Lpml[i] =0;
if (TI[i] >TI[i-1] &&TI[i] >TI[i+1])
Lpmh[i] =0;
GR =ExRem(LpmH,Lpmh);
RD =ExRem(Lpml,Lpml);

//Green TI Line=Rising; Red TI Line=Falling
col = IIf( TI > Ref( TI, -1 ), parmTILUpColor, parmTILDwnColor);
//Green TIHistogram=Rising; Red TIHistogram=Falling
HistColM= IIf( TI > Ref(TI,-1),parmHistUpColor,parmHistDwnColor);

mode = ParamList("Display", "TI Line|TI Line and Momentum Histogram");
switch( mode ) 
case "TI Line":
Plot(TI,"Trend Indicator",col,parmTILStyle);
Plot(0,"",ParamColor( "Color ZeroLine",colorBlueGrey),styleLine);

case "TI Line and Momentum Histogram":
Plot(TI,"Trend Indicator",col,parmTILStyle);
Plot(TI,"",HistColM,ParamStyle("Histogram Mstyle",styleHistogram|styleThick,maskHistogram));
Plot(0,"",ParamColor( "Color ZeroLine",colorBlueGrey),styleLine);


1. anandnst

good one

2. dineshpal

Very Good Indicator….Thankssss

3. Nazrulcpa

No Histogram is shown in this afl . I m using Amibroker 5.6 , what can i do ? Thanks

4. Anonymous

Hi Nazrulcpa,

Go to the parameters window.
Then to “Display” and choose “TI Line and Momemtum Histogram”…
It should show….



5. baskarm

very very good indicator kindly let me when green and red signals are there we can for long and short

6. john_d

showing errors

7. marika

Sir how to creat buy/sell signals and add columm for explore ?
Thank you

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