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WiseTrader Toolbox
#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Average Peak Excursion (APE) Explorarion for Amibroker (AFL)
This exploration selects stocks that tend to yield higher results by evaluating their peak price excursion over a given period of time.
Similar Indicators / Formulas
Indicator / Formula
N = 20; NumBarsPerYear = 253; // approx. number of bars per year (EOD data) PE0 = 100 * Max( H - O, O - L )/O; // orig. formulation (as in the article // looks into the future bars PEN = 100 * Max( HHV( Ref( H, N ), N ) - O, O - LLV( Ref( L, N ), N ))/O; // you may prefer to use modified formula // that does not look into future // (just uncomment the line below) // PEN = 100 * Max( HHV( H, N ) - O, O - LLV( L, N ) )/O; APE0 = MA( PE0, NumBarsPerYear ); APEN = MA( PEN, NumBarsPerYear ); Alpha = ln( APEN/APE0 ) / ln ( N ); AddColumn( APE0, "A0" ); AddColumn( Alpha, "Alpha" ); AddColumn( APEN/APE0, "APEN/APE0" ); Filter = Status("lastbarinrange");
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