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Reversing MACD for Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 12)
oscillator, macd, amibroker

Reversing MACD is a MACD plotted on Price chart.

Based upon Article from:

Using the scripts given in Metastock:
(Amibroker version need Subscriber’s)

I coached forum member in TJ:
to translate into the following AFL script:

== AFL Formula ======

t1 = Param("fast periods", 12,5, 24, 12);
t2 = Param("slow periods", 26,10, 52, 26);
t3 = Param("signal periods", 9,3, 18, 9);
pick = Param("plot: <1=MACDeq 2=MACDeq0 3=HLC 4=BBands>",1,1,4,1);
a1 = 2/(t1+1);
a2 = 2/(t2+1);
CMACDeq = (Ref(EMA(C,t1)*a1,-1)-Ref(EMA(C,t2)*a2,-1))/(a1-a2);
HMACDeq = (Ref(EMA(H,t1)*a1,-1)-Ref(EMA(H,t2)*a2,-1))/(a1-a2);
LMACDeq = (Ref(EMA(L,t1)*a1,-1)-Ref(EMA(L,t2)*a2,-1))/(a1-a2);
MACDeq0 = Ref(EMA(C,t2)*(1-a2) - EMA(C,t1)*(1-a1),-1)/(a1-a2);
z = LastValue(IIf(pick > 2, 0, Cum(1)+1));
plot1 = IIf(pick==3, HMACDeq, BBandTop(CMACDeq,10,1));
plot2 = IIf(pick==2, MACDeq0, CMACDeq);
plot3 = IIf(pick==3, LMACDeq, BBandBot(CMACDeq,10,1));
Plot(plot1+ Ref(0,z),"HMACDeq",colorGreen,styleThick);
Plot(plot3+ Ref(0,z),"LMACDeq",colorRed,styleThick);
Rmacdcolor=IIf(MACDeq0<= C, ParamColor("Rmacdup", colorGreen),ParamColor("Rmacddn", colorRed));
Plot(CMACDeq,"CMACDeq ",colmacdeq,8);

However i prefer tradestation version and is better than mestock. Hereby share with public.

Similar Indicators / Formulas

Submitted by mavirk almost 15 years ago
Coloured MACD
Submitted by sandiip123 over 14 years ago
MACD Bullish
Submitted by zillur over 14 years ago
Bline MACD
Submitted by thegame.t2 about 15 years ago
MACD Dema Indicator
Submitted by Peixoto almost 15 years ago
MACD Candles
Submitted by stanwell almost 15 years ago

Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
_MACD_     = 1;
_MACD_HLC  = 2;
_MACD_BB   = 3;
_MACD_MTF  = 4;

//-- Created by KelvinHand
ColorDeepSkyBlue = ColorRGB(65,105,225);

function _PMACDeq (Price, period_X,period_Y)
{ TASC January 2012 }
{ Reversing MACD by Johnny Dough }
{ returns price where MACD is equal to previous bar 
  MACD }
	Price( numericseries ),
	period_X( numericsimple ),
	period_Y( numericsimple ) ;

	alphaX = 2 / ( 1 + period_X ) ;
	alphaY = 2 / ( 1 + period_Y ) ;
  return (( EMA( Price, period_X ) * alphaX -  EMA( Price, period_Y ) * alphaY ) /( alphaX - alphaY )) ;

function _PMACDlevel (level,Price,period_X, period_Y)
{ TASC January 2012 }
{ Reversing MACD by Johnny Dough }

	level( numericsimple ),
	Price( numericseries ),
	period_X( numericsimple ),
	period_Y( numericsimple ) ;
 alphaX = 2 / ( 1 + period_X ) ;
 alphaY = 2 / ( 1 + period_Y ) ;

 One_alphaX = 1 - alphaX ;
 One_alphaY = 1 - alphaY ;

 return ((Level + EMA(Price, period_Y)* One_alphaY - EMA(Price, period_X)* One_alphaX ) / ( alphaX - alphaY )) ;


function _PMACDzero(Price, period_X, period_Y)
/*{ TASC January 2012 }
{ Reversing MACD by Johnny Dough }

	Price( numericseries ),
	period_X( numericsimple ),
	period_Y( numericsimple ) ;
 return _PMACDlevel( 0, Price, period_X, period_Y ) ;

_PMACD_Ind1 (Indicator for Price Sub-Graph)
{ TASC January 2012 }
{ Reversing MACD by Johnny Dough }

switch ( ParamList("PlotTemplate", "MACD|MACD_HLC|MACD_BB|MACD_MTF") )
 case "MACD_HLC": PlotTemplate=_MACD_HLC; break;
 case "MACD_BB":  PlotTemplate=_MACD_BB; break;
 case "MACD_MTF": PlotTemplate=_MACD_MTF; break;

 default: PlotTemplate=_MACD_; break;

switch(ParamList("Price used", "Close|Open|High|Low|MP(HL/2)|TP(HLC/3)|WP(HLCC/4)"))

  case "Open": iPrice = Open; break; 
  case "High": iPrice = High; break; 
  case "Low":  iPrice = Low; break; 

  case "MP(HL/2)":  iPrice = (H+L)/2; break; 
  case "TP(HLC/3)": iPrice = (H+L+C)/2; break; 
  case "WP(HLCC/4)": iPrice = (H+L+C+C)/2; break; 
  default: iPrice = Close; break; 

P_Fast= Param("Fast periods", 12, 2,  200);
P_Slow= Param("Slow periods", 26, 2,  200);
P_Signal= Param("Signal periods", 9, 2,  200); //{ PMACDeq EMA Signal length } 

PMACD_TF_Mult1 = Param("Multiplier for Higher TF1", 5,  1,  100);  
PMACD_TF_Mult2 = Param("Multiplier for Higher TF2", 21, 1,  100);  

p_bbperiod = Param("BB average length", 10, 2,  200); 
p_bbwidth  = Param("BB # of StdDev", 1, 1,  200); 
Displace   = Param("displacement", 1, 0,  200); 
PMACDeq = Null;
PMACDeqSignal= Null;
PMACDeq_TF1 = Null;
PMACDeq_TF2 = Null;
UpperBand = Null;
LowerBand = Null;

PMACDzero = _PMACDzero( iPrice, P_Fast, P_Slow ) ;

//{ Plots }
 if (PlotTemplate != _MACD_HLC)
	PMACDeq = _PMACDeq( iPrice, P_Fast, P_Slow ) ;
	//Plot1[Displace]( PMACDeq, "PMACDeq" ) ;
   Plot(PMACDeq, "PMACDeq", 
				ParamColor("PMACDeq Color",ColorDeepSkyBlue), 
          ParamStyle("PMACDeq Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel), 
					0, 0, Displace);  

 //Plot2[Displace]( PMACDzero, "PMACDzero" ) ;
 Plot(PMACDzero, "PMACDzero", 
			ParamColor("PMACDzero Color",colorWhite), 
			ParamStyle("PMACDzero Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel), 
				0, 0, Displace);  

 if (PlotTemplate == _MACD_HLC)
  Plot(_PMACDeq( Close, P_Fast, P_Slow ), "PMACD_C", 
     ParamColor("PMACD_C Color",colorTeal), 
		ParamStyle("PMACD_C Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel) 

  Plot(_PMACDeq( High,  P_Fast, P_Slow ), "PMACD_H", 
     ParamColor("PMACD_H Color",colorDarkYellow), 
		ParamStyle("PMACD_H Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel)

  Plot(_PMACDeq( Low,   P_Fast, P_Slow ), "PMACD L", 
     ParamColor("PMACD_L Color",colorDarkYellow), 
		ParamStyle("PMACD_L Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel) 
 if (PlotTemplate == _MACD_)
  PMACDeqSignal = EMA( PMACDeq, P_Signal ) ;
  Plot(PMACDeqSignal, "PMACDeqSig", 
			ParamColor("PMACDeqSig Color",colorAqua), 
       ParamStyle("PMACDeqSig Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel), 
    		0, 0, Displace);  
 if (PlotTemplate == _MACD_BB)
 	UpperBand = BBandTop(PMACDeq, p_bbperiod, p_bbwidth );  
	LowerBand = BBandBot(PMACDeq, p_bbperiod, p_bbwidth );
  Plot(UpperBand, "UpperBand", 
			ParamColor("UpperBand Color",colorTeal), 
       ParamStyle("UpperBand Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel), 
    		0, 0, Displace);  
  Plot(LowerBand, "LowerBand", 
			ParamColor("LowerBand Color",colorTeal), 
       ParamStyle("LowerBand Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel), 
    		0, 0, Displace);  

 if (PlotTemplate == _MACD_MTF)
	PMACDeq_TF1 = _PMACDeq( iPrice, P_Fast *  PMACD_TF_Mult1, P_Slow * PMACD_TF_Mult1 ) ;
	PMACDeq_TF2 = _PMACDeq( iPrice, P_Fast *  PMACD_TF_Mult2, P_Slow * PMACD_TF_Mult2 ) ;
  Plot(PMACDeq_TF1, "PMACDeqTF1", 
			ParamColor("PMACDeqTF1 Color",colorDarkYellow), 
       ParamStyle("PMACDeqTF1 Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel), 
    		0, 0, Displace);  
  Plot(PMACDeq_TF2, "PMACDeqTF2", 
			ParamColor("PMACDeqTF2 Color",colorDarkYellow), 
       ParamStyle("PMACDeqTF2 Style",styleLine|styleNoLabel), 
    		0, 0, Displace);  



1. sureshsellappan

nice afl


Thanks and good for the sharing

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