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Heikin Ashi Easy System for Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 2)
oscillator, amibroker, heikin

Based on the System by Mark Douglas.
The System comprises heikin ashi price bars, a price – action channel, and two indicators :
HaRSI – Indicates overbought and oversold conditios and
Dynamic Traders Index -Used as entry and exit points, as HaRSI crosses the signal line (red) or Market Base Line (yellow)


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
//---------- Heikin Ashi Easy System
//Based on the System by Mark Douglas
//AFL by Felippe Miranda

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));

_SECTION_BEGIN("Heikin Ashi ");

HaClose = (O+H+L+C)/4; 
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), .30); 
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); 
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); 
barcolor = IIf(HaClose >= HaOpen,colorGreen,colorRed);
PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, "", barcolor, styleCandle );
// Plot PAC 
Plot(PacUP, "",colorOrange, styleLine | styleThick);
Plot(PacDW, "",colorOrange, styleLine | styleThick);
// -- Plot basic candle chart
PlotOHLC(Open, High, Low, Close,"C ", colorYellow, styleLine | styleThick);
GraphXSpace = 7;

acc = Param("Acceleration", 0.02, 0, 1, 0.001 );
accm = Param("Max. acceleration", 0.2, 0, 1, 0.001 );
Plot( SAR( acc, accm ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style", styleDots | styleNoLine, maskDefault | styleDots | styleNoLine ) );

//Plot the following formula on the second pane

Plot(32," ", colorRed,styleLine|styleThick);
Plot(50," ", colorGreen,styleLine|styleThick);
Plot(68," ", colorRed,styleLine|styleThick);
a = DEMA(RSI(13),2);
Plot(a, "HaRSIPL - RSI Price Line", colorGreen, styleThick); 

//Plot the following formula on the third pane 
_SECTION_BEGIN("Dynamic Traders Index");
a = DEMA(RSI(13),2);
b = MA(a,7);
bh = DEMA(a,34)+2*(StDev(a,34));
bl = DEMA(a,34)-2*(StDev(a,34));
bm = (bh+bl)/2;

Plot(a, "TDI - Traders Dynamic Index ", colorGreen, styleThick); 
Plot(b,"TSL", colorRed, styleThick);

Plot( bh , "", colorBlue, styleThick);
Plot( bl , "", colorBlue, styleThick);
Plot( bm , "", colorYellow, styleThick);
//The rules are described on the Mark Douglas work “Why The Easy System ?” 


1. Nahid

Dear felippemiranda,
Its a nice AFL. But it is not working. I am using Amibroker 5.60 version. Would you please rectify it for me?

2. felippemiranda

Dear Nahid,
Use the AFL syntax check, the AFL has worked with versions 5.4,5.7,5.8 and 5.9

3. Mehmudd

Hi Felippemiranda,

Can you please rectify and post the code or can you please let me know what exactly has to be done as I have no idea about programming as I’m from completely other field?

4. parfumeur

> rules are described on the Mark Douglas work “Why The Easy System ?”

May I ask, can you please elaborate on the source. I checked Mark Douglas’ Web page, and did not find any reference to “Why The Easy System”. Thanks

5. zandepol

Try to search for tdi in forex community

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