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MPLite V5.80++ for Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 6)

Someone solved the over 500 plot()/plotohlc() errors using the Graphic API.

Further simplify & improved for 5.80++.

So far so good.

Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
// - there was a plot limit call introduced after 5.41.0 beta
//   i.e. "•Warning 502: Calling Plot()/PlotOHLC over 500 times is displayed in indicator in runtime to prevent abuse"
// - uses GFX for major calls of plot only if AB version newer than 5.40 - this only delays reaching the plot limit
// http://www.***********.com/amibroker/2961-market-profile-amibroker-new-13.html

Version (5.80);

function Lastthursday()
    IIf(Month()==2, IIf(Year()%4==0 AND Year()%100!=0,29,28), 
    IIf(Month()==4 OR Month()==6 OR Month()==9 OR Month()==11,30,31));
 return IIf(Daysinmonth-Day()<7 AND DayOfWeek()==4,1,
        IIf(Daysinmonth-Day()<8 AND DayOfWeek()==3 AND Ref(DayOfWeek(),1)!=4 AND Day()!=Daysinmonth,1,0));

procedure GfxPlotLine( ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, iColor, iWidth, iStyle)
    GfxSelectPen( iColor, iWidth, iStyle );
    GfxMoveTo( ix0, iy0 );
    GfxLineTo( ix1, iy1 );

PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Price", IIf( C > O, colorGreen, colorRed ), styleCandle );

FirstVisibleBar = Status( "FirstVisibleBar" );
Lastvisiblebar = Status( "LastVisibleBar" );

totalVisible = Lastvisiblebar - FirstVisibleBar;

//Den = Param("Density", 1, 0.1, 10, 0.1);
percent = Param( "Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1 );
Type = ParamList( "Type", "Price Profile|Volume Profile" );
Period = ParamList( "Base", "Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly|Lastthursday|Yearly", 1 );
x_scale = Param( "Horizontal_scale", 2, 0, 10, 0.1 );
EnMP2 = ParamStyle( "Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel, maskAll );

EnIB = ParamToggle( "Show Initial Balance",  "No|Yes", 0 );
IBBars = Param( "Initial Balance Bars", 2, 1, 10, 1 );
ViewYvalues = ParamToggle( "Show Yesterdays Values", "No|Yes", 1 );
ViewVlines = ParamToggle( "Show Vertical Base Lines", "No|Yes", 1 );
Viewvalues = ParamToggle( "Show Values", "No|Yes", 0 );
ViewVpoc = ParamToggle( "Show Virgin POC", "No|Yes", 1 );
ViewTPO = ParamToggle( "Show TPO Count", "No|Yes", 0 );

Color_Above_VA = ParamColor( "Color_Above_VA",  colorGrey40 );
Color_VA = ParamColor( "Color_VA", colorBlueGrey );
Color_Below_VA = ParamColor( "Color_Below_VA", colorGrey40 );
Color_POC_line = ParamColor( "Color_POC_Line", colorYellow );

color_YVAH = ParamColor( "YVAH", colorWhite );
color_YVAL = ParamColor( "YVAL", colorWhite );
color_YPOC = ParamColor( "YPOC", colorYellow );

IBColor = ParamColor( "IB Color", colorWhite );
IBstyle = ParamStyle( "IB style", styleLine, maskAll );
Color_Virgin_POC = ParamColor( "Virgin Poc Color", colorYellow );
Color_Base_Line = ParamColor( "Base Line Color", colorDarkGrey );

switch (Period)

    case "Yearly":    
        BarsInDay = BarsSince(Year() != Ref(Year(), -1));
        tf = inMonthly;

    case "Monthly":    
        BarsInDay = BarsSince(Month() != Ref(Month(), -1));
        tf = inMonthly;
    case "Weekly":
        BarsInDay = BarsSince(DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ));
        tf = inWeekly;
    case "Hourly":
        BarsInDay = BarsSince(Hour() != Ref(Hour(), -1));
        tf = inHourly;
    case "Daily":
        BarsInDay = BarsSince(Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
        tf = inDaily;

  if(Period=="Lastthursday"  )
    BarsInDay = BarsSince(Lastthursday()==0 AND Ref(Lastthursday(), -1)==1);
    Bot2 = ValueWhen(Ref(BarsInDay)==1 OR BarIndex()>BarCount-2 ,LLV(L,BarsInDay),0);
    Top2 =ValueWhen(Ref(BarsInDay,1)==1 OR BarIndex()>BarCount-2,HHV(H,BarsInDay),0);
    Vol = ValueWhen(Ref(BarsInDay,1)==1 OR BarIndex()>BarCount-2 ,Sum(V,BarsInDay),0);
    Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", tf, 0);
    Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", tf, 0);
    Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", tf, 0);  

CurTop = HHV( H, BarsInDay + 1 );
Curbot = LLV( L, BarsInDay + 1 );

Range =  Top - Bot;
coverage = LastValue( Ref( ATR( 10 ), -1 ) );

den = ( coverage / 10 );

multiplier = IIf( round( totalVisible ) / 300 < 1, 1, round( totalVisible ) / 300 );

if ( ViewVlines)
    Plot( BarsInDay == 0, "", Color_Base_Line, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleLine | styleNoLabel );

relTodayRange = 0;

x = 0;
basey = 0;
basex = 0;
newday = 0;
total = 0;
shiftup = 0;
shiftdn = 0;
//Line = Null;
Voloumeunit = 0;

 GfxSetOverlayMode( 1 ); 
 GfxSetCoordsMode( 1 ); // bar/price mode (instead of pixel) 

for (  i = IIf( FirstVisibleBar - 100 > 1, FirstVisibleBar - 100, FirstVisibleBar ); i < Lastvisiblebar AND i < BarCount - 1 ; i++  )
    if ( BarsInDay[i] == 0 )
        t = BarsInDay[i-1];

        if ( EnIB )
            IBH = HHV( H, IBBars );
            IBL = LLV( L, IBBars );
            Line1 = LineArray( basex, IBH[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBH[basex+IBBars-1] );
            Plot( Line1, "", IBColor, IBstyle );
            Line2 = LineArray( basex, IBL[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBL[basex+IBBars-1] );
            Plot( Line2, "", IBcolor, IBstyle );
            GfxPlotLine(basex, hY=IBH[basex+IBBars-1], i, hY,
                        IBColor, 1, PS_SOLID);    
            GfxPlotLine(basex, hY=IBL[basex+IBBars-1], i, hY,
                        IBColor, 1, PS_SOLID);                

        poc = 0;
        pocj = 0;
        midrange = int( relTodayRange / 2 ) + 1;

        for ( j = 1; j <= relTodayRange + 1 ; j++ )
            if ( poc < x[j] )
                poc = x[j];
                pocj = j;
                if ( poc == x[j] )
                    if ( abs( midrange - j ) < abs( midrange - pocj ) )
                        poc = x[j];
                        pocj = j;


        for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ )
            total[n] = x[n] + total[n-1];

        Value_area = ( total[relTodayRange] * percent ) / 100;

        for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
            if ( pocj - a > 0 AND pocj + a < relTodayRange )
                if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
                    shiftup = shiftdn = a;
                if ( pocj - a < 1 )
                    if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) >= Value_area )
                        shiftup = a;
                        shiftdn = pocj;
                    if ( pocj + a > relTodayRange )
                        if ( poc + total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
                            shiftup = floor( relTodayRange ) - pocj;
                            shiftdn = a + 1;

        //Vah = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
        //Val = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );
        //pocline = LineArray( basex, basey + pocj * den, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den );
        if ( ViewVpoc)
            Virginpoc = basey + pocj * den;
            newi = Null;

            for ( j = i; j <= ( BarCount - 1 ) ; j++ )
                if ( L[j] < Virginpoc AND H[j] > Virginpoc )
                    newi = j;
                    newi = BarCount;

            Plot( LineArray( basex[i], hY=basey + pocj*den, newi, hY), "", Color_Virgin_POC, styleNoRescale );


        if ( ViewYvalues)
           //Vahn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
           //pocn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj ) * den );
           //Valn = LineArray( i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );

            GfxPlotLine( i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, 
                 color_YVAH, 0, PS_DOT);
            GfxPlotLine( i, baseY + ( pocj ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj ) * den, 
                 color_YPOC, 0, PS_DOT);     
            GfxPlotLine(i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i + t, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, 
                 color_YVAL, 0, PS_DOT);
            //Plot( Vahn, "", color_YVAH, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );
            //Plot( Valn, "", color_YVAL, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );
            //Plot( pocn, "", color_YPOC, styleDashed | styleNoRescale );

        if ( ViewTPO )
            nnn = HHV( H, BarsInDay );
            PlotText( "" + ( total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] ), basex[i], nnn[i], colorLightGrey );
            PlotText( "" + ( total[pocj-1] ), basex[i], basey - den, colorLightGrey );

        if ( Viewvalues)
            PlotText( "" + ( ( basey + pocj*den ) ), baseX[i], basey + pocj*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
            PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
            PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );

        //-- Plot Market Profile
        for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
            GfxPlotLine( baseX, hY=baseY + p * Den, baseX + x[p], hY, 
                            IIf( p >  ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, 
                            IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup ) AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, 
                              Color_Below_VA )), 1, PS_SOLID);
        //-- Plot PoC
        GfxPlotLine( baseX, hY = basey + pocj * den, basex[i] + poc, hY, 
                     Color_POC_Line, 1, PS_SOLID);                  
        basex = 0;
        x = 0;
        Basex = i;
        baseY = Bot[i];
        relTodayRange = Range[i] / Den;
        Voloumeunit = Vol[i] / LastValue( BarsInDay );


    for ( j = 0; j <= relTodayRange ; j++ )
        if ( L[i] <= Bot[i] + j*Den AND H[i] >= Bot[i] + j*Den  )

            if ( Type == "Price Profile" )
                x[j] += x_scale;
                if ( Type == "Volume Profile" )
                    x[j] += round( V[i] / Voloumeunit ) + 1;


if ( EnIB )
    IBH = HHV( H, IBBars );
    IBL = LLV( L, IBBars );
    Line1 = LineArray( basex, IBH[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBH[basex+IBBars-1] );
    Plot( Line1, "", IBColor, IBstyle );
    Line2 = LineArray( basex, IBL[basex+IBBars-1], i, IBL[basex+IBBars-1] );
    Plot( Line2, "", IBColor, IBstyle );

poc = 0;
pocj = 0;
midrange = int( relTodayRange / 2 ) + 1;

for ( j = 1; j <= relTodayRange + 1 ; j++ )
    if ( poc < x[j] )
        poc = x[j];
        pocj = j;
        if ( poc == x[j] )
            if ( abs( midrange - j ) < abs( midrange - pocj ) )
                poc = x[j];
                pocj = j;


for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ )
    total[n] = x[n] + total[n-1];

Value_area = ( total[relTodayRange] * percent ) / 100;

for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
    if ( pocj - a > 0 AND pocj + a < relTodayRange )
        if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
            shiftup = shiftdn = a;
        if ( pocj - a < 1 )
            if ( poc + total[pocj+a] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) >= Value_area )
                shiftup = a;
                shiftdn = pocj;
            if ( pocj + a > relTodayRange )
                if ( poc + total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] + ( total[pocj] - poc ) - total[pocj-( a+1 )] >= Value_area )
                    shiftup = floor( relTodayRange ) - pocj;
                    shiftdn = a + 1;

Vah = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj + shiftup ) * den );
Val = LineArray( baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den, i, baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn ) * den );
pocline = LineArray( basex, basey + pocj * den, basex[i] + poc, basey + pocj * den );

if ( ViewTPO)
    PlotText( "" + ( total[relTodayRange] - total[pocj] ), basex[i], top[i], colorLightGrey );
    PlotText( "" + ( total[pocj-1] + x_scale ), basex[i], basey - den, colorLightGrey );

if ( Viewvalues )
    PlotText( "" + ( ( basey + pocj*den ) ), baseX[i], basey + pocj*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
    PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj + shiftup )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );
    PlotText( "" + ( ( baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den ) ), baseX[i], baseY + ( pocj - shiftdn )*den, colorWhite, colorDarkGrey );

for ( p = 0; p <= relTodayRange + 1; p = p + multiplier )
        GfxPlotLine( baseX,        hY=baseY + p * Den, 
                     baseX + x[p], hY, 
                     IIf( p > ( pocj + shiftup ), Color_Above_VA, 
                     IIf( p <= ( pocj + shiftup ) AND p >= ( pocj - shiftdn ), Color_VA, Color_Below_VA )), 1, PS_SOLID);

Plot( pocline, "", Color_POC_Line, styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel );





2. hotaro3

Not working, GfxSetCord ??

3. susanti9988

this version need 5.8 version, could you help me for 5.5 version?
thanks in advance

4. chetan ninganiya

@admin sir can you please help me understand the usage of this indicator ?

5. administrator

Try googling ‘Market profile’ lots of good resources available.

6. chetan ninganiya

thanks @admin sir.

7. niladri

Thx for sharing the modified code!!

For newer Amibroker’s higher than 5.8, to make it work just comment out line#7

Tested OK in Amibroker 6.2

8. ratan

can u pls correct the error when the period is changed to last thursday.

9. Krishnendu

It is working for me, but how can I set the “Initial Balance” to 1 hour?

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