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WiseTrader Toolbox
#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Fourier Transform for Amibroker (AFL)
Good graphics to show dominant cycles – from John Ehlers work on trading cycles.
Indicator / Formula
PI = 3.1415926; Data = (H+L)/2; // detrending ( high-pass filter ) HFPeriods = Param("HP filter cutoff", 40, 20, 100 ); alpha1 = ( 1-sin(2*pi/HFPeriods) ) / cos( 2 * pi / HFPeriods ); HP = AMA2( Data - Ref( Data, -1 ), 0.5 * ( 1 + alpha1 ), alpha1 ); // 6-tap low-pass FIR filter CleanedData = ( HP + 2 * Ref( HP, -1 ) + 3 * Ref( HP, -2 ) + 3 * Ref( HP, -3 ) + 2 * Ref( HP, -4 ) + Ref( HP, -5 ) )/12; // Discrete Fourier Transform WindowSize = Param("Window Size", 50, 20, 100 ); Maxpwr = 0; x = BarIndex(); for( period = 8; period <= WindowSize; period++ ) { tx = 2 * pi * x / period; cosinepart = Sum( CleanedData * cos( tx ), WindowSize ); sinepart = Sum( CleanedData * sin( tx ), WindowSize ); pwr = cosinepart ^ 2 + sinepart ^ 2; Maxpwr = Max( Maxpwr, pwr ); VarSet( "pwr"+period, pwr ); } // Normalize and convert to decibels for( period = 8; period <= WindowSize; period++ ) { pwr = VarGet("pwr"+period); db = -10 * log10( 0.01 / ( 1 - 0.99 * pwr / Maxpwr ) ); db = Min( db, 20 ); // 'saturate' at -20db VarSet( "db"+period, db ); } Title = Name() + " HiRes DFT : "; // Plot Heat Map ( Spectrogram ) // and find dominant cycle DcNum = DcDenom = 0; for( k = 8; k <= WindowSize; k++ ) { db = VarGet("db"+k); // convert dB to color Red = IIf( db > 10, 255 * ( 2 - db/10 ), 255 ); Green = IIf( db <= 10, 255 * ( 1 - db/10 ), 0 ); PlotOHLC( k, k, k-1, k-1, "", ColorRGB( Red, Green, 0 ), styleCloud | styleNoLabel); if( SelectedValue( db ) <= 5 ) Title = Title + k + " = " + StrFormat("%.2lf",-db) + "dB, "; // dominant cycle calcs DcNum = DcNum + (db < 3 ) * k * ( 3 - db ); DcDenom = DcDenom + ( db < 3 ) * ( 3 - db ); } if( ParamToggle("Show Dom. Cycle?", "No|Yes" ) ) { DominantCycle = DcNum / DcDenom; Plot( DominantCycle, "Dominant Cycle", colorBlue ); Title = Title + "{{VALUES}}"; } GraphZOrder = 1;
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