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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Ichimoku v2 for Amibroker (AFL)
I found another one of them, but this does not have clouds
Optimizer can be used to find optimum periods for SL and TL.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | Title = "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} - Ichimokku -11: {{VALUES}}" ; // Optimizer can be used to find optimum periods for SL and TL SL_Prd = Optimize ( "No_of_Days for SL" , 22, 18, 24, 1 ); TL_Prd = Optimize ( "No_of_Days for TL" , 7, 5, 11, 1 ); SL = ( HHV ( H , SL_Prd) + LLV ( L , SL_Prd) )/2; TL = ( HHV ( H , TL_Prd) + LLV ( L , TL_Prd) )/2; Span1 = Ref ( ( SL + TL )/2, -SL_Prd ); Span2 = Ref ( ( HHV ( H , 2*SL_Prd) + LLV ( L , 2*SL_Prd))/2, -SL_Prd); MaxGraph = 6; GraphXSpace = 15; /* create empty space of 15% top and bottom of chart */ Plot (SL, "SL" , colorBlue , styleThick ); // standard, base, or kijun-sen line Plot (TL, "TL" , colorRed , styleThick ); // turning, conversion, or tenkan-sen line Plot ( Close , "Close" , colorLightGrey , styleLine , styleThick ); // price close Buy = Cross ( C , TL); Sell = Cross (TL, C ) ; Equity (1,0); IIf ( ( Buy ), PlotShapes ( shapeUpArrow * Buy , colorBlue ),0); IIf ( ( Sell ), PlotShapes ( shapeDownArrow * Sell , colorRed ),0); Plot ( Volume , _DEFAULT_NAME (), ParamColor ( "Color" , colorBlueGrey ), ParamStyle ( "Style" , styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick , maskHistogram ), 2 ); _SECTION_END (); |
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From the AFL Function Reference:
“Equity() function is using OLD backtester that is missing some recently added features such as multiple-currency handling and scaling in/out.
New code should rather use new, portfolio-level backtester, i.e. ~~~EQUITY special ticker."
Unfortunately, ~~~EQUITY cannot be used in Backtester. It’s a problem unaddressed that I can find.
Doesn’t the new backtester automatically use ~~~EQUITY?