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AFL Example for New Comers for Amibroker (AFL)
almost 15 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

5 / 5 (Votes 1)

This is an attempt to provide a basic trading system AFL. The system is purely
imaginary AND NOT provided as one that would make money. This is just to provide a guide to learners on the common components of writing AFL.

When you copy/paste ensure the existing continuous lines have not been wrapped.
This wrapping can create error signals when you try to use the code. Click on the check afl button in the editor before trying to apply or scan. I have used slash-asterisk /* / / for my comments to get around the problem of wrapping, which could happen if you used double slash //

I hope this helps the beginners in creating AFL code

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
This is an attempt to provide a basic trading system AFL. The system is purely
 AND NOT provided as one that would make money. This is just to provide a guide
to learners
 on the common components of writing AFL.


When you copy/paste ensure the existing continuous lines have not been wrapped.
This wrapping
 can create error signals when you try to use the code. Click on the check afl
button in the
 editor before trying to apply or scan.
 I have used slash-asterisk /*  */ /* for my comments to get around the problem
of wrapping,
 which could happen if you used double slash //

I hope this helps the beginners in creating AFL code


/*firstly some basics common*/
SetBarsRequired(10000,10000); /* this ensures that the charts include all bars
AND NOT just those on screen */
SetFormulaName("Sample System"); /*name it for backtest report identification
SetTradeDelays( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); /* delay entry/exit by one bar */
SetOption( "initialequity", 100000 ); /* starting capital */
PositionSize = -10; /* trade size will be 10% of available equty */
SetOption( "MaxOpenPositions", 6 ); /* I don't want to comit more than 60% of
Equity at any one time */
SetOption( "PriceBoundChecking", 1 ); /* trade only within the chart bar's
price range */
SetOption( "CommissionMode", 2 ); /* set commissions AND costs as $ per trade
SetOption( "CommissionAmount", 32.95 ); /* commissions AND cost */
SetOption( "UsePrevBarEquityForPosSizing", 1 ); /*set the use of last bars
equity for trade size*/
PositionScore = 100/C; /*Set the order for which stock trades when get mulitple
signals in one bar in backtesting */

//Trade system
Buy when exp mov avg crosses and the high is highest for 50 bars
Sell when exp mov avg crosses back
Cross is first variable moves to above the second variable

LongPer = Param("Long Period", 50, 30, 100, 5 ); /* select periods with
parameter window */
ShortPer = Param("Short Period", 5, 3, 10, 1 ); 

LongMA = EMA( C, LongPer );
ShortMA = EMA( C, ShortPer );
LastHigh = HHV( H, LongPer );

Buy = Cross( ShortMA, LongMA ) AND H > Ref( LastHigh, -1 );
/* ref,-1 is used for the high to have todays high greater than the previous 50
bar high.
   To just use H==LastHigh couold mean a previous high was equal to current
high */
Sell = Cross( LongMA, ShortMA );
/* exrem is one method to remove surplus strade signals*/
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);

/* Now for exploration results. 
   Will restrict results of exploration to when the Buy AND Sell signals occur

   You can use Filter=1; to display every bar result */

Filter = Buy OR Sell;
AddTextColumn( FullName(), "Company Name" );
AddColumn( Buy, "Buy", 1 );
AddColumn( Sell, "Sell", 1 );
AddColumn( C, "Close", 1.3 );
AddColumn( H, "High", 1.3 );
AddColumn( LastHigh, "HHV", 1.3 );
AddColumn( LongMA, "Long MA", 1,3 );
AddColumn( ShortMA, "Short MA", 1,3 );

/* Now to show this on a chart */
/* I use WriteVal to limit the values to the wanted number of decimal places,
   seeing a value of 5 decimal places can be frustrating.
   I have included additional information in the plot title sections to add
   information to the title block */

GraphXSpace = 10; /* create empty space of 10% top and bottom of chart */

Plot( C, " Close Price", colorGrey50, styleBar );
Plot( LongMA, " EMA(C,"+WriteVal(LongPer,1)+")", colorRed,
styleLine|styleNoRescale );
Plot( ShortMA, " EMA(C,"+WriteVal(ShortPer,1)+")", colorGreen,
styleLine|styleNoRescale );
Plot( Ref(Lasthigh,-1), " HHV(H,"+WriteVal(LongPer,1)+")", colorBlue,
styleNoLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale );

/* styleNoRescale in the plots stops the added plots from compressing the
original bar chart to the middle of the pane */

PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow*Buy, colorGreen, 0, L, -10 );
PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow*Sell, colorRed, 0, H, -10 );

Title = " {{NAME}} {{DATE}} {{INTERVAL}} "+_DEFAULT_NAME()+" Chart values :
{{VALUES}} ";
/* _DEFAULT_NAME() shows the section name or, if not present, the file name
the items in {{}} are short cuts for the title block. It can be done long hand

Title = Name() +" "+ Date() +" "+ "{{INTERVAL}}"+_DEFAULT_NAME()+" Chart values
: " + 
" Close Price = " + C + 
" EMA(C,"+WriteVal(LongPer,1)+") = "+WriteVal(LongMA,1.3) + 
" EMA(C,"+WriteVal(ShortPer,1)+") = "+WriteVal(ShortMA,1.3) + 
" HHV(H,"+WriteVal(LongPer,1)+") = "+WriteVal(Ref(LastHigh,-1),1.3) ;




1. worldastro

ther is error in afl plese correct my friend

2. administrator

This is no error I have checked please check that your doing everything correctly.

3. larryc007

Thanks for putting this up. It provides the building blocks for a generic system that can be cut and pasted and modified. Good Work.

4. hbrstock

Good Work Dear Friend….. U R Unique Person…. thanks

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