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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
BMTRIX Intermediate Term Market Trend Indicator for Amibroker (AFL)
This is a variation of the trix. I’m using a TEMA instead of an EMA like in the original formula. I use a 45 day version, as it tends to call the intermediate term trends fairly well. Above 0 is a bull trend, below 0 is a bear trend.
Similar Indicators / Formulas
Indicator / Formula
period = 45; //Change the foreign symbol for your own market C = Foreign("COMPQX", "C"); Trixline=TEMA(TEMA(TEMA(ROC(C, 1), period), period), period); Plot(Trixline, "TRIX", colorBlue, styleHistogram); "The bmTRIX is indicating a " + WriteIf(Trixline > 0, "bullish", "bearish") + " market environment because it is " + WriteIf(TrixLine > 0, "above", "below") + " the zero line.\n";
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