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Elder Triple Screen Trading System for Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 4)
trading system, amibroker, exploration, future

Formula Name : Elder Triple Screen Trading System
Author : Dennis Skoblar (email id :
The Credit goes to the Author : Dennis Skoblar, who created this formula/system.

The formula contains some instructions, do read it and then proceed!
For Charts : cut and paste the chart/indicator to it’s own window with it’s own file name and remove the Remark Slashes “//”, except for the first line, this line describes the chart function. Example…leave “//Weekly Bar Chart” from the following first line as as.

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1. konidena

Following error reported

)/LookBkPd ;

 OP = LastValue(OuterPct) ;

 X=X+sign( OP - ExternalBarPct )*deltaX ;

 deltaX = deltaX/2

Error 14.
Endless loop detected in DO-WHILE loop


2. administrator

Yeah that happens on some stocks. I don’t have enough time to debug this and fix it so if someone knows how to fix it please say so.

3. rmike

Here’s the corrected snippet of code -

 Over = H > Middle + X ;
 Under = L < Middle - X ;
 OuterPct = 100*( Sum( Over, LookBkPd ) + Sum( Under, LookBkPd )
 )/LookBkPd ;
 OP = LastValue(OuterPct) ;
 Y= X + sign( OP - ExternalBarPct )*deltaX;
 }while ( sign( OP - ExternalBarPct ) > ConvergePct ) ;
 Plot( Middle, "MA", colorYellow, styleLine|styleNoTitle ) ;
 Plot( Middle+Y, "MA", colorSkyblue, styleDashed|styleNoTitle ) ;
 Plot( Middle-Y, "MA", colorSkyblue, styleDashed|styleNoTitle ) ;


The problem was occurring because of usage of ‘abs’ function in the ‘while’ loop which gave rise to the fact that the ‘abs’ value of algorithm for some stocks was always above the reference value.

However, be aware that this formula looks into the future!

Regards, rmike

4. administrator

Excellent work mike works a treat now :).

5. rmike

Glad to be able to help :)

6. RAVI2011

hello any one tray to put email alert i have formula but work in this AlertIf( Buy, “Email”, "BUY triggered for " + Name() + " at price Rs."+WriteVal(C,5.2), 1,1+2 );
this formula work other indicator so tray to set in formula

7. ylerih

When i press compilator program find 132 errors, can somebody send working version of “triple screen” here or on my email –
Thanks in advance

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