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Real time Price Quote Table on Chart - TVK - Afl code for Amibroker (AFL)

5 / 5 (Votes 2)
amibroker, real price

I ’ve been downloaded many code from many source codes on the internet.

I’m grateful for all the codes sharing here and there.

I want to contribute the community this code i edit for private using on chart.

My code including:

1. Price marker (style i prefer than other code wrote)

2. Real time Price quote table, i want it on may chart for ease at tracking.

Thanks and feel free to use at your own.

PS: i’m not profestional at coding and newbie to stock trading.


Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly

Apply to price chart

///////////////////BY TRAN VAN KHAI - CODE EDIT AND COLLECT FROM INTERNET - 20201104/////////////////////
// Collected From
// Collected From Drawing code & ASK & BID PRICE functions
BDboard = ParamToggle( "Bid Vs Ask Board", "Show|Hide", 1 );

Yhor=Param("Horizontal Position",1,0.001,1,0.001);
Yver=Param("Vertical Position",0, -15, 100, 1);
//Yfont5 = Param("Font Size",0,-0.01,1,0.001);

Yx1 = Status("pxchartleft") ;  // left side of chart
Yy1 = Status("pxcharttop"); // top side of chart
Yx2 = Status("pxchartright"); // right side of chart
Yy2 = Status("pxchartbottom"); // bottom side ofthe chart
Yx3 = Status("pxchartwidth"); // boarder type size
Yy3 = Status("pxchartwidth"); // boarder type size

// Downloaded From
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Bid Vs Ask Dashboard" );
TextHighlight = ParamToggle( "Text Highlight", "No|Yes", 1 );
HighlightTime = Param( "Text highlight (sec.)", 3, 1, 20, 1 );
HighlightColor = ParamColor( "Highlight color", colorRose );
ChartID = GetChartID();
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 
	//StaticVarSet("0PriceSave" + Name(), 0);
    //Voltemp = StaticVarSet("0VolumeSave" + Name(),0);  
CellHeight = 20;
CellWidth = 100;
function PrintInCell( string, row, Col, Color ) 
//RandomColor = ColorHSB( mtRandom() * 255, 255, 255 );
//Color =  RandomColor;

 GfxRectangle( Col * CellWidth, 
                    row * CellHeight, (Col + 1 ) * CellWidth + 1, 
                    (row + 1 ) * CellHeight  + 1); 
 GfxDrawText( string, Col * CellWidth + 1, 
                    row * CellHeight + 1, 
                    (Col + 1 ) * CellWidth, (row + 1 ) * CellHeight, 32+5 ); 

if( BDboard == 1 )
    Bid = GetRTData( "BidSize" ); //IIf((H==L),0,V*(C-L)/(H-L));
    BidPrice = GetRTData( "Bid" );
    Ask = GetRTData( "AskSize" ); //IIf((H==L),0,V*(H-C)/(H-L));
    AskPrice = GetRTData( "Ask" );
    LastPrice = GetRTData( "Last" );
    LastTradeVolume = GetRTData( "TradeVolume" );
    Pricetemp = StaticVarGet("0PriceSave" + Name());  
    Voltemp = StaticVarGet("0VolumeSave" + Name());  
    PerformanceCounterBefore = Nz( StaticVarGet( "PerformanceCounterBefore" + ChartID ) );
    PerformanceCounterNow = GetPerformanceCounter() / 1000;
    ElapsedSeconds =  PerformanceCounterNow - PerformanceCounterBefore;
    //ExtraHighlight = 0;

Colorhead =  ColorRGB(42,42,42);
Color = colorGrey40;
    row = Param( "row", 0, 0, Ttl_row, 1 );
    col = Param( "col", 0, 0,Ttl_col, 1 );

GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 8.5 ); 
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );

if (TextHighlight AND (Pricetemp != LastPrice OR Voltemp != LastTradeVolume))
        StaticVarSet( "PerformanceCounterBefore" + ChartID, PerformanceCounterNow );
        PerformanceCounterNow = GetPerformanceCounter() / 1000;
        ElapsedSeconds =  PerformanceCounterNow - PerformanceCounterBefore;
if (Pricetemp < LastPrice)
if (Pricetemp > LastPrice)


if( TextHighlight AND ElapsedSeconds <= HighlightTime) 
Color = HighlightColor;

    PrintInCell(  "Bid = " + BidPrice , row+0,col+0,Colorhead );
	PrintInCell(  "Price", row+0,col+1,Colorhead);
	PrintInCell(  "Volume", row+0,col+2,Colorhead );
	PrintInCell(  "Ask = " + AskPrice, row+0,col+3,Colorhead  );

    PrintInCell(  "" + NumToStr(Bid,8.0), row+1,col+0,colorBlue  );
	PrintInCell(  "" + LastPrice, row+1,col+1,Color );
	PrintInCell(  "" + LastTradeVolume, row+1,col+2,Color );
	PrintInCell(  "" + NumToStr(Ask,8.0) , row+1,col+3,colorOrange  );

StaticVarSet("0PriceSave" + Name(), LastPrice);
StaticVarSet("0VolumeSave" + Name(), LastTradeVolume);
//GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );


_SECTION_BEGIN("Price Line Marker");
 //Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 
// the following drawing lines code is adapted from a post found in the AmiBroker Community forum:
// added some logic to draw the lines only till the end of each intraday session
fvbi = Status( "firstvisiblebarindex" );
lvbi = Status( "lastvisiblebarindex" );
pxchr = Status( "pxchartright" );
LVBI = LastVisibleValue( BarIndex() );

i= BarCount - 1;
Colorm =  colorYellow;
PriceLevel = ParamField("PriceField", field = 3 ); 
Spot = EndValue(PriceLevel);

GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial narrow", 9, 700, False );
//RandomColor = ColorHSB( mtRandom() * 255, 255, 255 );
//Spot = C[i];
GfxSetCoordsMode( 1 );
GfxSelectPen( Colorm, 0, 2 );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( Colorm );
GfxCircle( i, Spot, -3 );
GfxMoveTo( i, Spot );
GfxLineTo( Min( i + 5, lvbi ), Spot );

GfxSetCoordsMode( 2 );
//GfxMoveTo( i, Spot );
GfxLineTo(Yx2, Spot );

    GfxSetCoordsMode( 2 );
    GfxSetTextColor( Colorm );      
    GfxTextOut( "" + Spot, pxchr - 50, Spot );

 Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 


1. sachinlanke

This is really helpful for intraday traders.

Thanks a lot.

2. sachinlanke

Somehow values are not displayed on chart. Please suggest


you could try to change line 73:
//GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );
GfxSetZOrder(0);//layer may negative or positive as your wish to lay on top/or under

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