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Go wherever the money goes # 2 for Amibroker (AFL)
almost 3 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

5 / 5 (Votes 3)
amibroker, exploration

This indicator is an upgrade from the first Go wherever the money goes…
What’s new :
1.The My new understanding of volume and volume has stopped.
2.HHV and LLV prices for a certain period.
3.HHV and LLV Volume for a certain period.
4.Profit, take profit and Stop loss control by entering the share sheet and share price and alerts that appear when take profit or stop loss has been reached,can be used for several purchases and will automatically average up or down according to the price purchased and the number of shares
5.Special indicators to make it easier to read the movement of buying and selling sentiment (for buying and selling stocks, just follow <<< accumulation 3 days ago or <<<Distribution 3 days ago.
6.New simple Exploration.
7.The indicator can be turned off and on in the main pane.
8.The way to read it is if there is a full distribution with less volume on this day has created a 1 day low price and the lowest low volume for the last 2 weeks and the distribution has occurred for the last 2 days
9.Buy and sell clouds, the way to read it is that the thicker the cloud means the bigger the difference between buying and selling and vice versa, up and down and horizontally are the direction of the strength of buying and selling sentiment(Bluegray for buy dan Lightorange for sell sentiment).
With the improvement of this indicator I hope to be able to follow where the money is moving . This indicator was made with my very limited ability and understanding… Criticism and suggestions are welcome.
Sharing is the power of Human mankind…


Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly

Just drag and drop


gxs=Param("GRAPH spaceing",10,5,50,5);        
GraphXSpace = gxs; 
 SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel",colorBlack)); // color of outer border 
    SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorBlack),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorBlack));

hargadown=C < Ref(C ,-1);
hargaup = C > Ref(C,-1);
hargatidakberubah = C  == Ref(C ,-1);
slisih = C - Ref(C,-1);
colour = IIf(hargadown,colorRed,IIf(hargaup,colorBrightGreen,IIf(hargatidakberubah,colorViolet,colorIndigo)));
colsel = IIf(slisih > 0 ,colorAqua,IIf(slisih < 0 ,colorDarkTeal,IIf(slisih == 0 ,colorBlue,colorDarkBlue)));
volumenaik = V > Ref(V,-1);
volumeturun= V < Ref(V,-1);
volumebeli = C - L;
volumejual= H - C ;
persentasebeli = 100 * volumebeli/(volumebeli+volumejual) ;
persentasejual = 100 * volumejual/(volumebeli+volumejual) ;
volumestop  = volumebeli == volumejual;

acc1  = volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND hargaup AND persentasebeli == 100 ;//1 colorWhite
acc2 = volumebeli > volumejual AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup AND persentasebeli == 100 ; //2 colorAqua
acc3 = volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND hargaup ; //3 colorGreen 
acc4 = volumebeli > volumejual AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup ;//4 colorGreen
acc5 = volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND hargadown ;//5 colorGreen
acc6 = volumebeli > volumejual AND volumeturun AND hargadown ;//6 colorGreen
acc7 = volumebeli > volumejual  AND  volumeturun AND hargatidakberubah ;//7 colorGreen
acc8 = volumebeli > volumejual  AND  volumenaik AND hargatidakberubah ;//8 colorGreen

dist1 = volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumenaik AND hargaup ;//9 colorGrey50
dist2  = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup ;//10 colorGrey50
dist3 = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumenaik AND  hargadown AND persentasejual== 100 ; //11 colorDarkGrey
dist4 = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND hargadown AND persentasejual== 100;//12 colorGrey40
dist5 = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumenaik AND  hargadown ;//13 colorGrey50
dist6 = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND hargadown ;//14 colorGrey50
dist7 = volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumeturun AND hargatidakberubah ;//15 colorGrey50
dist8 = volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumenaik AND hargatidakberubah  ;//16 colorGrey50
// volume telah berhenti  
TANDA2BEARISH = volumestop AND hargatidakberubah  AND  volumeturun ;//17 colorOrange
BEARISHBERLANJUT = volumestop AND hargatidakberubah  AND  volumenaik;//18 colorDarkRed
AKHIRDARITRENDBERISHSUDAHDEKAT = volumestop AND hargadown  AND  volumeturun ;//19 colorLightBlue
KEKUATANBULLISHTERLIHATATAUCUMAJEBAKANBANDAR  = volumestop AND hargaup  AND  volumenaik ;//20 colorYellow
MUNGKINAKANBEARISHBESOK = volumestop AND hargaup  AND  volumeturun ;//21 colorViolet
MUNGKINAKANBULLISHBESOK =volumestop AND hargadown AND volumenaik ;//22 colorLightYellow

IIf(acc1 ,colorGold,//1
IIf(acc4 ,colorOrange,//4
IIf(acc6 ,colorWhite,//6
IIf(acc7 ,colorWhite,//7
IIf(acc8 ,colorWhite,//8
IIf(dist1 ,colorGrey40,//9
IIf(dist4 ,colorViolet,//12
IIf(dist6 ,colorGrey50,//14
IIf(dist7 ,colorGrey50,//15
IIf(dist8 ,colorDarkGrey,//16
IIf( TANDA2BEARISH ,colorBlue,//17
IIf(MUNGKINAKANBULLISHBESOK ,colorBlue,colorBlueGrey))))))))))))))))))))));//22


Buy = acc1 + acc2 + acc3 + acc4 + acc5+ acc6 + acc7 + acc8 ;
Sell = dist1 + dist2 + dist3 + dist4 + dist5 + dist6 + dist7 + dist8 ;

Plot(C,"", WARNA,styleCandle|styleOwnScale );



BUYANDSELLHULL = ParamToggle( "HULL BUY AND SELL", "Show|Hide", 1 );

 periode = Param("period",20,0,200,4);
 volumebeli = C - L;
volumejual= H - C ;
 hullvolumebeli =   WMA(2*WMA(volumebeli,periode/2)-WMA(volumebeli,periode),4);
hullvolumejual =   WMA(2*WMA(volumejual,periode/2)-WMA(volumejual,periode),4);
warnahullMcrossup = 
PlotOHLC(Min(hullvolumebeli,hullvolumejual), Min(hullvolumebeli,hullvolumejual),Max(hullvolumebeli,hullvolumejual),Max(hullvolumebeli,hullvolumejual),"",
IIf(Ref(hullvolumebeli,1) >= Ref(hullvolumejual,1), colorBlueGrey, colorLightOrange),styleCloud|styleOwnScale|styleDots|styleNoLabel);_SECTION_BEGIN( "VOLUME BUY AND SELL " );


_SECTION_BEGIN( "Buy & Sell Dashboard" );

messageboard = ParamToggle( " Dashboard Buy & Sell", "Show|Hide", 1 );

if( messageboard == 1 )
volumebeli = C-L;
volumejual= H-C;
persentasebeli = 100 * volumebeli/(volumebeli+volumejual) ;
persentasejual = 100 * volumejual/(volumebeli+volumejual) ;
    GfxSelectFont( "rial", 13, 100 );
    GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
    GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );

    pxHeight = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
    xx = Status( "pxchartwidth" );

    x = Param( "x", 791, 1, 1200, 1 );
    x2 = x + 95;
    y = Param( "y", 638, 50, 2000, 1 );
    GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkOliveGreen ); // this is the box background color
    GfxSelectPen( colorDarkOliveGreen, 1 ); // broader color
    GfxRoundRect( x, y - 98, x2  + 90, y - 50 , 7, 7 ) ;
    GfxTextOut( ( "volume Beli" + "" ), x + 5, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( " "), x + 27, y - 90 );
    GfxTextOut( ( "" +WriteVal(persentasebeli,format=1.0 ))+"%", x + 10, y - 75 ) ; // The text format location

    GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkGrey );
    GfxSelectPen( colorDarkGrey, 1 ); // broader color
    GfxRoundRect( x + 92, y - 98, x2 + 90, y - 50 , 7, 7 ) ;
    GfxTextOut( ( "Result" ), x + 13 + 96, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( " " ), x + 27 + 90, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( "" + WriteVal(C - Ref(C,-1) ,format=1.0)), x + 5 + 96, y - 75 ) ; // The text format location

    GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorIndigo );
    GfxSelectPen( colorIndigo, 1 ); // broader color
    GfxRoundRect( x + 90 + 92, y - 98, x2 + 100 + 100, y - 50 , 7, 7 ) ;
    GfxTextOut( ( "Close" ), x + -5 + 95 + 95, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( " " ), x + 27 + 90 + 90, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( "" + WriteVal(C ,format=1.0)), x + 1 + 90 + 100, y - 75 ) ; // The text format location

    GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkRed);
    GfxSelectPen( colorDarkRed, 1 ); // broader color
    GfxRoundRect( x + 90 + 99+ 92, y - 98, x2 + 98 + 99 + 90, y - 50 , 7, 7 ) ;
    GfxTextOut( ( "volume Jual" + "" ), x + 30 + 86 + 86 + 86, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( " " ), x + 27 + 90 + 90 + 90, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( ""  + WriteVal(persentasejual,format=1.0 ))+"%", x + 20 + 90 + 90 + 90, y - 75 ) ; // The text format location

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Dashboard price" );

messageboard = ParamToggle( "price Dashboard ", "Show|Hide", 1 );

if( messageboard == 1 )
strongopen = (O-Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100;
strongclose = (C- Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100;
stronghigh =(H-Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100;
stronglow = (L-Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100;

    GfxSelectFont( "rial", 13, 100 );
    GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
    GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );

    pxHeight = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
    xx = Status( "pxchartwidth" );

    x = Param( "x", 1, 1, 1200, 1 );
    x2 = x + 95;
    y = Param( "y", 638, 50, 2000, 1 );

    GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkOliveGreen ); // this is the box background color
    GfxSelectPen( colorDarkOliveGreen, 1 ); // broader color
    GfxRoundRect( x, y - 98, x2  + 90, y - 50 , 7, 7 ) ;
    GfxTextOut( ( "Open" + "" ), x + 20, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( " "), x + 27, y - 90 );
    GfxTextOut( ( "" +WriteVal(strongopen)+" %"), x + 7, y - 75 ) ; // The text format location

    GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkGrey );
    GfxSelectPen( colorDarkGrey, 1 ); // broader color
    GfxRoundRect( x + 92, y - 98, x2 + 90, y - 50 , 7, 7 ) ;
    GfxTextOut( ( "Close" ), x + 13 + 96, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( " " ), x + 27 + 90, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( "" + WriteVal(strongclose)+" %"), x + 5+ 96, y - 75 ) ; // The text format location

    GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorIndigo );
    GfxSelectPen( colorIndigo, 1 ); // broader color
    GfxRoundRect( x + 90 + 92, y - 98, x2 + 100 + 100, y - 50 , 7, 7 ) ;
    GfxTextOut( ( "High" ), x + 20 + 95 + 95, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( " " ), x + 27 + 90 + 90, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( "" + WriteVal(stronghigh)+" %"), x + 7 + 90 + 100, y - 75 ) ; // The text format location

    GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkRed);
    GfxSelectPen( colorDarkRed, 1 ); // broader color
    GfxRoundRect( x + 90 + 99+ 92, y - 98, x2 + 98 + 99 + 90, y - 50 , 7, 7 ) ;
    GfxTextOut( ( "Low" ), x + 50 + 86 + 86 + 86, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( " " ), x + 27 + 90 + 90 + 90, y - 95 );
    GfxTextOut( ( ""  + WriteVal(stronglow)+" %"), x + 20 + 90 + 90 + 90, y - 75 ) ; // The text format location



High2400 = HHV(High,2400);
Low2400 = LLV(Low,2400);

High1200 = HHV(High,1200);
Low1200 = LLV(Low,1200);

High720 = HHV(High,720);
Low720 = LLV(Low,720);

High480= HHV(High,480);
Low480 = LLV(Low,480);

High52 = HHV(High,260);
Low52 = LLV(Low,260);


















low30thnvolume =LLV(V,7200);

High2400volume = HHV(V,2400);
Low2400volume = LLV(V,2400);

High1200volume = HHV(V,1200);
Low1200volume = LLV(V,1200);

High720volume = HHV(V,720);
Low720volume = LLV(V,720);

High480volume = HHV(V,480);
Low480volume = LLV(V,480);

High52volume = HHV(V,260);
Low52volume = LLV(V,260);

High240volume =HHV(V,240);
low240volume =LLV(V,240);

High180volume =HHV(V,180);
low180volume =LLV(V,180);

High120volume =HHV(V,120);
low120volume =LLV(V,120);

High60volume =HHV(V,60);
low60volume =LLV(V,60);

high55volume =HHV(V,55);
low55volume =LLV(V,55);

high50volume =HHV(V,50);
low50volume =LLV(V,50);

high45volume =HHV(V,45);
low45volume =LLV(V,45);

high40volume =HHV(V,40);
low40volume =LLV(V,40);

high35volume =HHV(V,35);
low35volume =LLV(V,35);

high30volume =HHV(V,30);
low30volume =LLV(V,30);

high25volume =HHV(V,25);

low20volume =LLV(V,20);

high15volume =HHV(V,15);
low15volume =LLV(V,15);

high10volume =HHV(V,10);

high5volume =HHV(V,5);

low1volume =LLV(V,1);



lembar1 = Param("lembar buy1",0,0, 1000000, 1);
Rp1 = Param("price buy1", 0, 0, 10000000, 2);
lembar2 = Param("lembar buy2", 0, 0, 1000000, 3);
Rp2 = Param("price buy2", 0, 0, 10000000, 4);
lembar3 = Param("lembar buy3", 0, 0, 1000000, 5);
Rp3 = Param("price buy3", 0, 0, 10000000, 6);
lembar4 = Param("lembar buy4", 0, 0, 1000000, 7);
Rp4 = Param("price buy4", 0, 0, 10000000, 8);
lembar5 = Param("lembar buy5", 0, 0, 1000000, 9);
Rp5 = Param("price buy5", 0, 0, 10000000, 10);
lembar6 = Param("lembar buy6", 0, 0, 1000000, 11);
Rp6 = Param("price buy6", 0, 0, 10000000, 12);
lembar7 = Param("lembar buy7", 0, 0, 1000000, 13);
Rp7 = Param("price buy7", 0, 0, 10000000, 14);
lembar8 = Param("lembar buy8", 0, 0, 1000000, 15);
Rp8 = Param("price buy8", 0, 0, 10000000, 16);
lembar9 = Param("lembar buy9", 0, 0, 1000000, 17);
Rp9= Param("price buy9", 0, 0, 10000000, 18);
lembar10 = Param("lembar buy10", 0, 0, 1000000, 19);
Rp10 = Param("price buy10", 0, 0, 10000000, 20);
totalbeli1 = lembar1 * Rp1;
totalbeli2 = lembar2 * Rp2;
totalbeli3 = lembar3 * Rp3;
totalbeli4 = lembar4 * Rp4;
totalbeli5 = lembar5 * Rp5;
totalbeli6 = lembar6 * Rp6;
totalbeli7 = lembar7 * Rp7;
totalbeli8 = lembar8 * Rp8;
totalbeli9= lembar9 * Rp9;
totalbeli10 = lembar10 * Rp10;

estamp = 10000 ;
feebeli = 0.00149;
feejual = 0.00249 ;
averagestock = (lembar1 + lembar2 + lembar3 + lembar4 + lembar5 + lembar6 + lembar7 + lembar8 + lembar9 + lembar10) ;
averageprice = (totalbeli1 + totalbeli2 + totalbeli3 + totalbeli4 +  totalbeli5 +  totalbeli6 +  totalbeli7 +  totalbeli8 +  totalbeli9 +  totalbeli10)/averagestock  ;
profit = (C - averageprice)*averagestock;
averagestock = (lembar1 + lembar2 + lembar3 + lembar4 + lembar5 + lembar6 + lembar7 + lembar8 + lembar9 + lembar10) ;
averageprice = (totalbeli1 + totalbeli2 + totalbeli3 + totalbeli4 +  totalbeli5 +  totalbeli6 +  totalbeli7 +  totalbeli8 +  totalbeli9 +  totalbeli10)/averagestock  ;
totalbeli = (totalbeli1 + totalbeli2 + totalbeli3 + totalbeli4 +  totalbeli5 +  totalbeli6 +  totalbeli7 +  totalbeli8 +  totalbeli9 +  totalbeli10)* feebeli;
totalbelisaja = (totalbeli1 + totalbeli2 + totalbeli3 + totalbeli4 +  totalbeli5 +  totalbeli6 +  totalbeli7 +  totalbeli8 +  totalbeli9 +  totalbeli10);
totaljual = (totalbelisaja + profit) * feejual;
totaljualbeli = totalbeli + totaljual ;
feebeli1 =feebeli * totalbelisaja  ;
feejual2 =totaljual ;
e3 =(averageprice * averagestock);//modal awal
c1= (C - averageprice)*averagestock  ;//profit
g6= (e3 + c1)- totaljualbeli  ;//modal sekarang-fee sekuritas
modaldikurangifee = (e3 + c1 -  totaljualbeli)  ;
c2= (C - averageprice)*averagestock -  totaljualbeli ;// NET profit
percentageprofitloss =(c1 / e3) * 100;
percentageNETprofit =(c2 / e3) * 100;

tp =averageprice + (averageprice *0.05) ;// Take profit 5%
sl = averageprice - ( averageprice *0.05) ;//Stop Loss 5%
tp1 =averageprice + (averageprice *0.15) ;//Take profit 15%
tp2 =averageprice + (averageprice *0.25) ;//Take profit 25%



Hullma = WMA(2*WMA(C,20/2)-WMA(C,20),4);//hull20
BuySellLetter = IIf( Buy, colorBlack, IIf( Sell, colorRed, colorDefault ) );
BuySellBG		= IIf( Buy, colorPaleGreen, IIf( Sell, colorDarkRed, colorDefault ) );
bull            =IIf(  C > Hullma, colorDarkGreen, IIf(  C < Hullma, colorRed, colorDefault ) );
bear            =IIf( C > Hullma, colorPaleGreen, IIf( C < Hullma, colorDarkRed, colorDefault ) ); 
Clog			= ( 100 * ( C - Ref( C, -3 ) ) / Ref( C, -3 ) );
MaturedSince	= IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", Ref( C, -10 ), Ref( C, -3 ) );
sYield 		= IIf( Buy, C - HHV( O, 15 ), C - MaturedSince );
Ypercent		= ( sYield / MaturedSince ) * 100 ;
YpcStr			= NumToStr( Ypercent, 12.2 ) + " %";
Yrate			= Ypercent / IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", 11, 4 );
YrateStr		= NumToStr( Yrate, 12.2 ) + " %" ;
Strength 		= acc1 + acc2 + acc3 + acc4 + acc5+ acc6 + acc7 + acc8 ;
Trade 			= WriteIf(  Buy == True, "Trade", WriteIf( Sell == True, "Trade", "" ) );
Trend 			= WriteIf(  bull == True, "Bulls", WriteIf( bear == True, "Bears", "" ) );

Filter= (1);
AddColumn( IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", Ref( C, -10 ), Ref( C, -3 ) ), "Start Price", 3.2, colorBlue, colorDefault, -1 );
AddColumn( C, "Close", 3.2, colorBlue, colorDefault, -1 );
AddColumn( V, "Total Vol.", 8 ) ;
AddColumn( Strength, "Strength", 1, colorRed, colorDefault, 40 );
AddTextColumn( Trade, "Trade", 1, BuySellLetter,  BuySellBG, -1 );
AddColumn( sYield, "Avg.Yield", 1.2, IIf( Buy, colorLightGrey, IIf( sYield < 0, colorRed, colorGreen ) ), colorDefault, -1 );
AddTextColumn( YpcStr, "Yield %", 1, IIf( Buy, colorLightGrey, IIf( Ypercent < 0, colorRed, colorGreen ) ), colorDefault, -1 );
AddTextColumn( YrateStr, "Yield rate", 1, IIf( Buy, colorLightGrey, IIf( Yrate < 0, colorRed, colorGreen ) ), colorDefault, -1 );
AddColumn( round( ROC( Close, 4 )*100 ) / 100, "ROC(4)", 1.2, colorDefault, colorDefault, -1 );


WriteIf (volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND persentasebeli == 100 ,EncodeColor(colorGold)+"AKUMULASI... KEKUATAN BELI 100 % DENGAN VOLUME BERTAMBAH BANYAK  ",//1
WriteIf (volumebeli > volumejual AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup AND persentasebeli == 100,EncodeColor(colorGold)+ "AKUMULASI...KEKUATAN BELI 100 % DENGAN VOLUME SEMAKIN SEDIKIT    ",//2
WriteIf (volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND hargaup  ,EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"AKUMULASI.. DENGAN VOLUME LEBIH BESAR DARI KEMAREN    ",//3
WriteIf (volumebeli > volumejual AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup ,EncodeColor(colorOrange)+ "AKUMULASI..DENGAN VOLUME LEBIH KECIL DARI KEMAREN   ",//4
WriteIf ( volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND hargadown,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"AKUMULASI.. TANDA 2 BULLISH KEMAMPUAN BELI MARKET SEMAKIN  KUAT...BUTUH CANDLESTICK KONFIRMASI   ",//5
WriteIf ( volumebeli > volumejual AND volumeturun AND hargadown,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"AKUMULASI.. KETIKA HARGA TURUN HARI INI   ",//6
WriteIf (volumebeli > volumejual  AND  volumeturun AND hargatidakberubah ,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"AKUMULASI... SEMAKIN SEDIKIT DAN SILENTLY      ",//7
WriteIf (volumebeli > volumejual  AND  volumenaik AND hargatidakberubah ,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"AKUMULASI... SEMAKIN BANYAK DAN SILENTLY    ",//8

WriteIf (volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumenaik AND hargaup ,EncodeColor(colorGrey50)+"DISTRIBUSI... DENGAN VOLUME SEMAKIN BANYAK    ",//9
WriteIf (volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup ,EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "TAKE PROFIT ",//10
WriteIf (volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumenaik AND  hargadown AND persentasejual== 100 ,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "DISTRIBUSI PENUH DENGAN VOLUME SEMAKIN BANYAK    ",//11
WriteIf ( volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND hargadown AND persentasejual== 100 ,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"DISTRIBUSI PENUH DENGAN VOLUME SEMAKIN SEDIKIT ",//12 
WriteIf (volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumenaik AND  hargadown  ,EncodeColor(colorGrey50)+ "DISTRIBUSI DENGAN VOLUME SEMAKIN BANYAK    ",//13
WriteIf ( volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND hargadown ,EncodeColor(colorGrey50)+"DISTRIBUSI  DENGAN VOLUME EMAKIN SEDIKIT ",//14 
WriteIf (volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumeturun AND hargatidakberubah ,EncodeColor(colorGrey50)+"  DISTRIBUSI DENGAN VOLUME EMAKIN SEDIKIT,      ",//15
WriteIf (volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumenaik AND hargatidakberubah ,EncodeColor(colorGrey50)+"  DISTRIBUSI SILENTLY...BESOK BULLISH...MUNGKIN  ",//16

WriteIf (  volumestop AND hargatidakberubah  AND  volumeturun ,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"VOLUME TELAH BERHENTI    ",//17
WriteIf (  volumestop AND hargatidakberubah  AND  volumenaik ,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"VOLUME TELAH BERHENTI    ",//18
WriteIf (  volumestop AND hargadown  AND  volumeturun ,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"VOLUME TELAH BERHENTI      ",//19
WriteIf (  volumestop AND hargaup  AND  volumenaik ,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"VOLUME TELAH BERHENTI      ",//20
WriteIf (  volumestop AND hargaup  AND  volumeturun ,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"VOLUMEVOLUME TELAH BERHENTI        ",//21
WriteIf (volumestop AND hargadown AND volumenaik,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"VOLUME TELAH BERHENTI     ",""))))))))))))))))))))))+"\n"+//22

WriteIf(High > Ref(high30thn,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE All THE TIME    ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low30thn,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE All THE TIME ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High1200,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 5 TAHUN         : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(Low1200,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 5 TAHUN     : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High720,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 3 TAHUN          : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(Low720,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 3 TAHUN     : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High52,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 52 WEEK         : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(Low52,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 52WEEK      : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High180,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 9 BULAN          : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low180,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 9 BULAN      : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High120,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 6 BULAN          : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low120,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 6 BULAN      : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High60,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 3 BULAN          : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low60,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 3 BULAN      : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High55,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 11 MINGGU     : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low55,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 11 MINGGU : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High50,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE10 MINGGU     : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low50,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 10 MINGGU : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High45,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 9 MINGGU     : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low45,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 9 MINGGU : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High40,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 2 BULAN        : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low40,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 2 BULAN    : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High35,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 7 MINGGU      : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low35,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 7 MINGGU  : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High30,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 6 MINGGU      : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low30,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 6 MINGGU  : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High25,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 5 MINGGU      : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low25,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 5 MINGGU   : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High20,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 1 BULAN          : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low20,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 1 BULAN      : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High15,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 3 MINGGU       : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low15,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 3 MINGGU   : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High10,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 2 MINGGU       : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low10,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 2 MINGGU   : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High5,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 1 MINGGU       : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low5,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 1 MINGGU   : ",
WriteIf(High > Ref(High1,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH PRICE 1 HARI      : ",
WriteIf(Low < Ref(low1,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW PRICE 1 HARI   : ",""))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+ 
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high30thnvolume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME All THE TIME    ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low30thnvolume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME All THE TIME ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High1200volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 5 TAHUN         : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(Low1200volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 5 TAHUN     : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High720volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 3 TAHUN          : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(Low720volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 3 TAHUN     : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High52volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 52 WEEK         : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(Low52volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 52WEEK      : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High180volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 9 BULAN          : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low180volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 9 BULAN      : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High120volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 6 BULAN          : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low120volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 6 BULAN      : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High60volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 3 BULAN          : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low60volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 3 BULAN      : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High55volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 11 MINGGU     : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low55volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 11 MINGGU : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High50volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 10 MINGGU     : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low50volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 10 MINGGU : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High45volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 9 MINGGU     : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low40volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 9 MINGGU : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high40volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 2 BULAN        : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low40volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 2 BULAN    : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high35volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 7 MINGGU      : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low30volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 7 MINGGU  : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(High30volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 6 MINGGU      : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low30volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 6 MINGGU  : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high25volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 5 MINGGU      : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low25volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 5 MINGGU   : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high20volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 1 BULAN          : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low20volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 1 BULAN      : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high15volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 3 MINGGU       : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low15volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 3 MINGGU   : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high10volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 2 MINGGU       : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low10volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 2 MINGGU   : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high5volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 1 MINGGU       : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low5volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 1 MINGGU   : ",
WriteIf(Volume > Ref(high1volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorGold)+"HIGH VOLUME 1 HARI      : ",
WriteIf(Volume < Ref(low1volume,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"LOW VOLUME 1 HARI   : ",""))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+"\n"+
WriteIf(c1 > Ref(0,-1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+"PROFIT                                   : "+WriteIf(c1 > Ref(0,-1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(c1 ,format=1.0 )+
WriteIf(c1 > Ref(0,-1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+"        "+WriteIf(c1 > Ref(0,-1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(percentageprofitloss ,format=1.2 )+"%"  +"\n"+

EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"STOP LOSS                           : "+ WriteVal(sl ,format=1.0   )+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"TAKE PROFIT                        : "+ WriteVal(tp ,format=1.0   )+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"TAKE PROFIT 2                     : "+ WriteVal(tp1 ,format=1.0   )+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"TAKE PROFIT 3                     : "+ WriteVal(tp2 ,format=1.0   )+"\n"+
WriteIf (C >= tp2 ,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"TAKE PROFIT 3 TELAH TERCAPAI ",//1
WriteIf (C >= tp1 ,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"TAKE PROFIT 2 TELAH TERCAPAI ",//2
WriteIf (C >= tp ,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"TAKE PROFIT 1 TELAH TERCAPAI ",//3
WriteIf ( C <=  sl,EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "STOP LOSS SUDAH TERTABRAK ",""))));//4
Copy & Paste Friendly

hargadown=C < Ref(C ,-1);
hargaup = C > Ref(C,-1);
hargatidakberubah = C  == Ref(C ,-1);
slisih = C - Ref(C,-1);
colour = IIf(hargadown,colorRed,IIf(hargaup,colorBrightGreen,IIf(hargatidakberubah,colorViolet,colorIndigo)));
colsel = IIf(slisih > 0 ,colorAqua,IIf(slisih < 0 ,colorDarkTeal,IIf(slisih == 0 ,colorBlue,colorDarkBlue)));
volumenaik = V > Ref(V,-1);
volumeturun= V < Ref(V,-1);
volumebeli = C - L;
volumejual= H - C ;
persentasebeli = 100 * volumebeli/(volumebeli+volumejual) ;
persentasejual = 100 * volumejual/(volumebeli+volumejual) ;
volumestop  = volumebeli == volumejual;


// volume beli
acc1  = volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND hargaup AND persentasebeli == 100 ;//1 colorWhite
acc2 = volumebeli > volumejual AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup AND persentasebeli == 100 ; //2 colorAqua
acc3 = volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND hargaup ; //3 colorGreen 
acc4 = volumebeli > volumejual AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup ;//4 colorGreen
acc5 = volumebeli > volumejual AND volumenaik AND hargadown ;//5 colorGreen
acc6 = volumebeli > volumejual AND volumeturun AND hargadown ;//6 colorGreen
acc7 = volumebeli > volumejual  AND  volumeturun AND hargatidakberubah ;//7 colorGreen
acc8 = volumebeli > volumejual  AND  volumenaik AND hargatidakberubah ;//8 colorGreen

//volume jual
dist1 = volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumenaik AND hargaup ;//9 colorGrey50
dist2  = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND  hargaup ;//10 colorGrey50
dist3 = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumenaik AND  hargadown AND persentasejual== 100 ; //11 colorDarkGrey
dist4 = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND hargadown AND persentasejual== 100;//12 colorGrey40
dist5 = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumenaik AND  hargadown ;//13 colorGrey50
dist6 = volumejual > volumebeli AND  volumeturun AND hargadown ;//14 colorGrey50
dist7 = volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumeturun AND hargatidakberubah ;//15 colorGrey50
dist8 = volumejual > volumebeli  AND  volumenaik AND hargatidakberubah  ;//16 colorGrey50
// volume telah berhenti  
TANDA2BEARISH = volumestop AND hargatidakberubah  AND  volumeturun ;//17 colorOrange
BEARISHBERLANJUT = volumestop AND hargatidakberubah  AND  volumenaik;//18 colorDarkRed
AKHIRDARITRENDBERISHSUDAHDEKAT = volumestop AND hargadown  AND  volumeturun ;//19 colorLightBlue
KEKUATANBULLISHTERLIHATATAUCUMAJEBAKANBANDAR  = volumestop AND hargaup  AND  volumenaik ;//20 colorYellow
MUNGKINAKANBEARISHBESOK = volumestop AND hargaup  AND  volumeturun ;//21 colorViolet
MUNGKINAKANBULLISHBESOK =volumestop AND hargadown AND volumenaik ;//22 colorLightYellow

IIf(acc1 ,colorGold,//1
IIf(acc4 ,colorOrange,//4
IIf(acc6 ,colorWhite,//6
IIf(acc7 ,colorWhite,//7
IIf(acc8 ,colorWhite,//8
IIf(dist1 ,colorGrey40,//9
IIf(dist4 ,colorViolet,//12
IIf(dist6 ,colorGrey50,//14
IIf(dist7 ,colorGrey50,//15
IIf(dist8 ,colorDarkGrey,//16
IIf( TANDA2BEARISH ,colorBlue,//17
IIf(MUNGKINAKANBULLISHBESOK ,colorBlue,colorBlueGrey))))))))))))))))))))));//22

Buy = acc1 + acc2 + acc3 + acc4 + acc5+ acc6 + acc7 + acc8 ;
Sell = dist1 + dist2 + dist3 + dist4 + dist5 + dist6 + dist7 + dist8 ;

Strength 		= acc1 + acc2 + acc3 + acc4 + acc5+ acc6 + acc7 + acc8 ;
Weak			= dist1 + dist2 + dist3 + dist4 + dist5 + dist6 + dist7 + dist8 ;



netlokal = volumebeli - volumejual ;
netbuy = netlokal > 0 ;
netsell = netlokal < 0 ;

acc1 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-1);
acc2 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-2);
acc3 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-3);
acc4 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-4);
acc5 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-5);
acc6 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-6);
acc7 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-7);
acc8 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-8);
acc9 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-9);
acc10 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-10);
acc11 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-11);
acc12 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-12);
acc13 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-13);
acc14 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-14);
acc15 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-15);
acc16 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-16);
acc17 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-17);
acc18 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-18);
acc19 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-19);
acc20 = netbuy > Ref (netbuy,-20);


dist1 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-1);
dist2 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-2);
dist3 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-3);
dist4 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-4);
dist5 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-5);
dist6 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-6);
dist7 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-7);
dist8 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-8);
dist9 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-9);
dist10 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-10);
dist11 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-11);
dist12 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-12);
dist13 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-13);
dist14 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-14);
dist15 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-15);
dist16 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-16);
dist17 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-17);
dist18 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-18);
dist19 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-19);
dist20 = netsell > Ref(netsell,-20);


WriteIf(acc1,EncodeColor(colorDarkGreen)+"ACCUMULAION   (1 Day )  ",
WriteIf(dist1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"DISTRIBUTION  (1 Day )  ",
WriteIf(acc2,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"ACCUMULAION   (2 Day Ago)",
WriteIf(dist2,EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"DISTRIBUTION   (2 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc3,EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"ACCUMULAION   (3 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist3,EncodeColor(colorRose)+"DISTRIBUTION   (3 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc4,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"ACCUMULAION   (4 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist4,EncodeColor(colorViolet)+"DISTRIBUTION   (4 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc5,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"ACCUMULAION   (5 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist5,EncodeColor(colorIndigo)+"DISTRIBUTION   (5 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc6,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (6 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist6,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (6 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc7,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (7 Day Ago)",
WriteIf(dist7,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (7 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc8,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (8 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist8,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (8 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc9,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (9 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist9,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (9 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc10,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (10 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist10,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (10 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc11,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (11 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist11,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (11 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc12,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (12 Day Ago)",
WriteIf(dist12,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (12 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc13,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (13 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist13,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (13 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc14,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (14 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist14,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (14 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc15,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (15 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist15,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (15 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc16,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (16 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist16,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (16 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc17,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (17 Day Ago)",
WriteIf(dist17,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (17 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc18,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (18 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist18,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (18 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc19,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (19 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist19,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (19 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(acc20,EncodeColor(colorAqua)+"ACCUMULAION   (20 Day Ago)  ",
WriteIf(dist20,EncodeColor(colorDarkRed)+"DISTRIBUTION   (20 Day Ago)  ",""))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+

WriteIf(Strength == 3,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+">>> VERY STRONG ",
WriteIf(Strength == 2,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+">>> STRONG ",
WriteIf(Strength == 1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+">>> NORMAL ",
WriteIf(Strength == 0,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"",""))))+
WriteIf(Weak == 3,EncodeColor(colorRed)+">>> VERY STRONG ",
WriteIf(Weak == 2,EncodeColor(colorRed)+">>>  STRONG ",
WriteIf(Weak == 1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+">>>  NORMAL ",
WriteIf(Weak == 0,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"",""))));


1. baldiboi

Maturnuwun mas…

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