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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
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CAMSLIM Cup and Handle Pattern for Amibroker (AFL)
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CAMSLIM Cup and Handle Pattern
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 | MinPrice=20; MinVolume=100000; //Left side of Handle formation can occur anywhere from 2-25days - look at the last 25 bars and get the number of bars since condition met. LH= HHV ( Close ,25); // Highest close past 25 days. BLH= HHVBars ( Close ,25); // Tells us # of bars that have past since high reached. Used to determine lowest bar. BH= LLV ( Close ,BLH); // Lowest close since the highest value was reached/ BBH= LLVBars ( Close ,BLH); // number of bars that have past since lowest value. NBLH=BLH-BBH; // this is the number of bars in the formation of the left side handle. NBLH must be atleast 2 to be a valid handle formation. // Now lets get the cup formation. Cup formation can occur anywhere from 23 to 145 days. The left side of the cup can be from 20-120 days and the right side can be anywhere from 3-25 days. // get the right side of the cup(low). BC= LLV ( Close ,BLH+25); // look at 25 bars since the left side of handle. BBC= LLVBars ( Close ,BLH+25); // get the left side of the cup. LC= Ref ( HHV ( Close ,120),BBC*-1); BLC= Ref ( HHVBars ( Close ,120),BBC*-1); // Get highest value before left side of cup started to form. KC= Ref ( HHV ( Close ,30),BLC*-1); BKC= Ref ( HHVBars ( Close ,120),BLC*-1); Delta= LC/KC; //Calculate the up/down relative price value during time frame RC (Right Cup Formation) URPV=DRPV=0; i= EndValue (BLH); j= EndValue (BBC); do { URPV = IIf ( Ref ( Close ,i*-1)> Ref ( Close ,(i+1)*-1), Ref ( Volume ,(i*-1))* Ref ( Close ,(i*-1))- Ref ( Close ,(i+1)*-1),URPV); DRPV = IIf ( Ref ( Close ,i*-1)< Ref ( Close ,(i+1)*-1), Ref ( Volume ,(i*-1))* Ref ( Close ,(i+1)*-1)- Ref ( Close ,(i*-1)),DRPV); i++; } while (i<j); Alpha = URPV/DRPV; // Should be >1 // Calculate Beta DRPV=0; i= EndValue (BBH); j= EndValue (BLH); do { DRPV = IIf ( Ref ( Close ,i*-1)< Ref ( Close ,(i+1)*-1), Ref ( Volume ,(i*-1))* Ref ( Close ,(i+1)*-1)- Ref ( Close ,(i*-1)),DRPV); i++; } while (i<j); Beta = URPV/DRPV; Gamma = log (Alpha) + log (Beta) + delta; AddColumn (LH, "Left Handle" ); AddColumn (BH, "Bottom Handle" ); AddColumn (BC, "Bottom Cup" ); AddColumn (LC, "Left Cup" ); AddColumn (ALPHA, "Alpha" ); AddColumn (DELTA, "Delta" ); AddColumn (BETA, "BETA" ); AddColumn (GAMMA, "Gamma" ); // Filter Criteria as follows: // 1. Right side of handle must be at least 2 bars. NBHL>2 // 2. Bottom of the cup must be lower than the left top of the cup. // 3. Left handle must be lower than or equal to the lect cup formation. // 4. Bottom of the cup must be less than the left handle. // 5. Bottom of the handle must be > 80% of the left handle + 20% of the bottom cup. // 6. Start of cup/handle formation must be greater than precedding chart value. LC>LC // 7. Minimum price and volume you can set any way you like. Filter = NBLH>2 AND Close >BH AND BC<LC AND LH<=LC AND BC<LH AND BH<LH AND BH>.8*LH+.2*BC AND KC<LC AND Close >MinPrice AND MA ( Volume ,30)>MinVolume; |
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