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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Time Frame Base 3 Averages Signals for Amibroker (AFL)
Instead of Plotting Complex Averages like Road Traffic of Chandani Chowk, the TF Based Signals can keep chart clean. You can also add scanner, which I have not added.
I have seen some similar code earlier, but that was having repeated separate code for each Averages and for each Time Frame, due to which code was very Big.
I converted it for common single function that Takes parameters for users selected Time Frames.
You just have to Call Function with Different TF parameter and add additional Pixel length so all signals will get printed on screen one after another horizontally.
Indicator / Formula
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 | // By Mr. Abhimanyu Y. Altekar // 19th September 2024 V1.0 Hor= Param ( "Horizontal Position" ,5,20,1200,1); Ver= Param ( "Vertical Position" ,70,30,1000,1); IsPlot = ParamToggle ( "Plot all Averages" , "No|Yes" ,1); SetChartOptions (0, chartShowDates | chartShowArrows | chartWrapTitle ); SetChartBkGradientFill ( ParamColor ( "BgTop" , colorLightGrey ), ParamColor ( "BgBottom" , colorTan ), ParamColor ( "titleblock" , colorLightGrey )); gxs= Param ( "GRAPH spaceing" ,5,5,50,5); GraphXSpace = gxs; _SECTION_BEGIN ( "Price" ); GraphLabelDecimals = 2; _N ( Title = StrFormat ( "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}" , O , H , L , C , SelectedValue ( ROC ( C , 1 ) ) ) ); Plot ( C , "Close" , ParamColor ( "Color" , colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle ( "Style" ) | GetPriceStyle (),0,0,0,1 ); ; _SECTION_END (); //5m function xSignal(Tf,Hor,Ver,sTf,isPlot) { TimeFrameSet (TF); e10= EMA ( C ,10); e20= EMA ( C ,20); e30= EMA ( C ,30); TimeFrameRestore (); ex10= TimeFrameExpand ( e10, TF,expandLast ); ex20= TimeFrameExpand ( e20, TF,expandLast ); ex30= TimeFrameExpand ( e30, TF,expandLast ); if (isPlot) { Plot (ex10, "\n" +sTf, colorGreen , styleThick ); Plot (ex20,sTf, colorBlue , styleThick ); Plot (ex30,sTf, colorOrange , styleThick ); } sOK= WriteIf (ex10>ex20 OR ex10<ex30, "Ok" , "Flat" ); sGood= WriteIf (ex10>ex20 AND ex10>ex30, "Good " , "Flat" ); sBad= WriteIf (ex10<ex20 AND ex10<ex30, "Bad " , "Flat" ); if (sOK== "Ok" ) GfxSelectSolidBrush ( colorGold ); PlotShapes ( shapeCircle , colorGold ,0,1,1,5); if (sGood== "Good " ) GfxSelectSolidBrush ( colorBrightGreen ); if (sBad== "Bad " ) GfxSelectSolidBrush ( colorRed ); GfxTextOut (sTF,Hor+70, Ver-15); GfxRectangle ( Hor+70,Ver+5,Hor+100,Ver+15 ); } //IsPlot = ParamToggle ("Plot all Averages", "No|Yes",0); xSignal( in5Minute ,Hor,Ver, "5M" , True ); // Buy Defailt Plotting On xSignal( in15Minute ,Hor+40,Ver, "15M" ,isPlot); // Selected As per isPlot xSignal( in15Minute *2,Hor+85,Ver, "30M" ,isPlot); // Selected As per isPlot xSignal( inHourly ,Hor+125,Ver, "1 H" , True ); // Buy Defailt Plotting On xSignal( inHourly *2,Hor+165,Ver, "2 H" ,isPlot); // Selected As per isPlot xSignal( inHourly *4,Hor+205,Ver, "4 H" ,isPlot); // Selected As per isPlot xSignal( inDaily ,Hor+245,Ver, "Daily" ,isPlot); // Selected As per isPlot |
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