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Heat Map for Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 5)
amibroker, heatmap

HeatMap: I have not tested it realtime but i think it works realtime also
you need to do little experimenting with parameters to make it work

make sure to select proper ticker category and list number in parameters window

the first part of AFL cointains description on how to use it

the highest % gainer is given dark green
the highest % loser is given dark red
the inbetween % gainers and losers are in shades of two extremes of dark green and red

u can also set the refresh interval from 0 to 60 seconds from
i have selected in 5 sec

How i used Heatmap

step 1
Lest say the tickers which i wanted to see in heat map were ^BSE, ^NSE and ^FTSE so i transfered them to list no 5 under watchlist, you can transfer them to any empty list u want
Right click ticker > go to watchlist > Add selected symbol
from select watchlist window select list no 5 and click ok
do same for ^bse and ^ftse

now we have three tickers in watch list no 5

step 2
applied the indicator to a new sheet

right click, select parameters to enter into properties of heat map and do the following

heatmap: on ( to turn on heatmap)
tickercategory: wachlist (coz we transfered our three tickers here)
list number: 5 (coz we transfered our three tickers here to list no 5)

make rest of the changes as in figure


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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*Level Breakout system*
Submitted by Tinych about 13 years ago

Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
_SECTION_BEGIN("Heatmap V1.0");
First of all, I would like to thank AmiBroker's Support. Then a special 
Thank You goes to Herman van en Bergen and Dennis Brown. But not to 
forget all of you that have uploaded your code to the AFL Library, 
which I studied and learned some AFL programming. Thank You All!
This code was written using AmiBroker 5.20.

I will try to keep this short, and if you have any Questions, Bug Reports, 
Suggestions for Improvements or Cool Sorting Options- please contact me: 
jorgen dot wallgren at gmail dot com. Saying that, I do not guarantee that
I will come with future updates of this program.

The Heatmap can be used in many ways: as a reference tool or simply as 
an intraday trading tool. It can also in some cases replace/complement 

You can use this Heatmap for any collection of symbols you have, as 
long as the minimum amount is 2 x 2 = 4 AND the maximum amount 
10 x 10 = 100 symbols. With other words, the amount of symbols you 
need to have in your list are: 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 or 100. 
If you have for example only 30 symbols and set the Number of Rows/Columns 
to 36, you will have 6 white fields displaying no data. If you have more 
than 100 symbols, the Heatmap will only display the first 100.

First thing to do is to go to the AmiBroker menu, Tools, Preferences, Intraday and set
"Realtime chart refresh interval [sec]" to 0 or max 1.

Open a blank chart and drag and drop this file into it. Adjust the chart, so 
you have an even rectangle. Otherwise the symbols boxes will not be a perfect 
square. Right click the chart and choose Parameters. Set the "Ticker Category", 
"List Number" and the "Number of Rows/Columns" Parameters. You should now see 
your symbols in the Heatmap. If you do not see any symbols, there is probably 
something wrong with your configuration. Check again and make sure that 
you point the Heatmap to the right symbol folder.

"Font": allows you to configure the font used by the Heatmap. But make 
sure your Windows OS already has the font installed.

"RT interval (Sec)":  sets the RT Interval you want (0 to 60 seconds), and 
will be used if you set the "Refresh By" option as "Set Interval". What it 
means is basically that the Heatmap will only update the data every X seconds 
in order to preserve resources. This is especially important if you have lots 
of symbols and use shorter periods.

"Refresh By": has three otions- "Set RT Interval" (as mentioned above), 
"By Period" or "Manual". "By Period" will update your Heatmap data every new period. 
Period the chart is set to, that is. "Manual" will only update the Heatmap when
you press the "REFRESH NOW" Trigger button. Good to have if your database is very
big. For example 100 symbols with 250,000 1 min-bars of history/stock, can take more 
than 10 seconds to process if you have it configured for 100 symbols (depending also 
on your PC configuration).

"Manual Refresh": By clicking the "REFRESH NOW" button the Heatmap will refresh the data.
This Trigger button is the only way to update the data when the "Refresh By" option is set
to "Manual". But "REFRESH NOW" can be used at any time, independent of the "Refresh By"

"Sorting": set to "On" the Heatmap will sort the Symbols according to the 
"Sort By" setting and the calculated performances. Set it to "OFF", and you 
will get an alphabetical list of the symbols- assuming that they are in 
alphabetical order in your Market/ Group/ Sector/ Industry/ Watchlist/ Favorite/ Index list.

"Highlight Favourites": This option will highlight, in the Heatmap, those 
symbols you put in the Favorites Folder- if they are in your Heatmap of course. 
You can also add and remove symbols to the Favorites Folder using the Heatmap: 
Right Mouse Click will add the symbol. Middle Mouse Click will remove the symbol. 

"Sort By": I have added a list of different options, such as Volume, ADX Trend etc. 
This setting basically set what type of data you want the Heatmap to show you. 
Please edit this list and add your own options. The current list is there more 
as examples and might not always be accepted industry standards. 

"Create Composite": will enable/disable calculations for Composite data based upon 
your symbol folder. If you don't use it, swith it off since you will then save execution time.

"Clear Composite": Will clear you Composite data.

NOTE on Composite Options: It will allow you to create other indicators using the total 
data from your symbols list and basically leverage on the data collection by the Heatmap. 
For example:

TotalOpen		= Foreign("~MGComp", "O");
TotalClose 	= Foreign("~MGComp", "C");
TotalVolume	= Foreign("~MGComp", "V");
TotalHigh		= Foreign("~MGComp", "H");
TotalLow		= Foreign("~MGComp", "L");
PlotOHLC( TotalOpen, TotalHigh, TotalLow, TotalClose, "", colorBlack, styleCandle);
Will plot your own simple index for your symbol collection. Another example: If you are 
trading NASDAQ 100 stocks, you can create a NASDAQ 100 volume indicator.

The remaining settings are for the "Sort By" option calculations. Most of the examples 
I have put in are obvious or easy to figure out by looking at the code. But one option 
worth mention is the "Bulls n Bears". This is a Heikin-Ashi calculation with a 2 moving 
averages- which will give Buy and Sell signals (also use in "Buy/Sell"). The way I use 
it in this option, is to display which symbols are in 'uptrend' and which are in a 'downtrend'. 
The number displayed is the number of bars since the 'trend' started. 
One of my personal favorites! :-) 

Please keep in mind that some of these demo calculations are source dependent and in this code
release- it's configured to work with IQFeed.

You can at any time click with your mouse on a symbol and the chart will be updated accordingly. 
But in the chart window, we have the Heatmap! The solution is simply to add a normal price chart 
in another chart sheet- in the same window. Or you can set the Symbol Link between the Heatmap 
window and another window chart, which then will display a price chart for the symbol you clicked.

You can have multiple Heatmap windows open and running at the same time.  But keep in mind that 
the more symbols you have, the more PC power is required by the Heatmap. This can be solved by 
setting different Sorting Options at different RT Intervals.  Keep in mind that the shorter 
period setting you have for the window, the more data to collect and calculate and therefore 
taking more time and power. I am using 1 and 5 minutes period settings with the NASDAQ 100 symbols 
and it works great. Worth mention is that I keep my live trading database very small- 5000 bars.
Then 5 minutes period is of course faster than 1 minute period.

1.) This Heatmap will not work with the Interactive Broker's data feed. You will most probably 
get the following error message: 
"Backfill timed-out due to IB throttling Retrying in 99 seconds...". 

I am not a programmer and have just learned how to create my own code for AmiBroker and this is 
my first real attempt to do so. Therefore by using this Heatmap, you agree that it is at your 
own risk and that I am not responsible if the performance of this program happens to negatively 
affect your trading results. Be careful out there! :-)

IndicatorOnOff	= ParamToggle("Heatmap","Off|On", 1);

Category 			= "";
function ParamCategory()
 global CategoryList; // This is the main category where we look for our list
 CategoryList		= "Market   ,Group    ,Sector   ,Industry ,Watchlist,Favorite ,Index    ";
 Tickercategory	= ParamList("Ticker category", "Market|Group|Sector|Industry|Watchlist|Favorite|Index");
 Category 			= TickerCategory;
 TickerCategory	= (StrFind( CategoryList, Tickercategory)-1)/10;
 return TickerCategory;

function ParamListNum( Category )
 global ListNum;
	ListNum 		= Param("List Number", 1, 0, 63, 1);
 return ListNum;

Title 				= "";
TickerCategory 	= ParamCategory();
TickerListNum 	= ParamListNum(TickerCategory);
CategoryListOK	= IIf(StrLen(CategoryGetSymbols(TickerCategory, TickerListNum)) > 0, 1, 0);
NumRowColumn 		= Param("Number of Rows/Columns:", 10, 2, 10, 1);
Font				= ParamList("Font:","Arial|Calibri|Futura|Tahoma|Times New Roman");
BasePeriod 		= Param( "RT Interval (Sec):", 30, 0, 60, 1 );
RefreshBy 			= ParamList("Refresh By:", "Set RT Interval|By Period|Manual", 2);
ManualRefresh		= ParamTrigger( "Manual Refresh:", "REFRESH NOW"); 
SortingOnOff		= ParamToggle("Sorting:","Off|On", 1);
FavoritesOnOff	= ParamToggle("Highlight Favourites:","Off|On", 1);
SortBy 			= ParamList("Sort By:", "Close Listing|Change %|Volume|Dollar Volume|Total Volume|Close|Index Match|Bulls n Bears|ADX Trend|Spread", 1);
CompositeOnOff	= ParamToggle("Create Composite:","OFF|ON", 0);
ClearComposite	= ParamTrigger("Clear Composite:","CLEAR");
CheckPeriod		= Param("Bars To Check (Index Match):", 24, 1, 390);
NumBarsToAverage	= Param("Bars To Check (Price Move):", 8, 1, 21, 1);
Range				= Param("Periods (ADX Trend):", 14, 1, 34, 1);
HAPeriod			= Param("Hekin-Ashi Periods (Several):", 18, 1, 34, 1);
ParamTotal			= IndicatorOnOff +TickerCategory+TickerListNum+IndicatorOnOff+NumRowColumn+SortingOnOff+CheckPeriod+NumBarsToAverage;

global Prefix, Suffix, SgnFlag, format, TrendAngle;
SgnFlag 		= 1;
TotalScore		= 0;
MouseFlag 		= 0;
TimeStamp 		= 0;
ExecuteTime 	= 0;
NumTickers		= NumRowColumn^2;
Trigger 		= 0;
DoRefresh 		= 0;
BackGroundColor	= 0;

 function SetChartTicker(newTicker)
 AB = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application");
 AB.ActiveDocument.Name = newTicker;
 return 1;

function GetSymbols()
 TickerList = "";
 SymbolList = CategoryGetSymbols(TickerCategory, TickerListNum);

 for(n = 0; n < NumTickers; n++)
	 Ticker 		= StrExtract(SymbolList,n);
	 TickerList 	= TickerList + Ticker + ",";
 return TickerList;

function GetSecondNum()
    Time 		= Now( 4 );
    Seconds 	= int( Time % 100 );
    Minutes 	= int( Time / 100 % 100 );
    Hours 		= int( Time / 10000 % 100 );
    SecondNum = int( Hours * 60 * 60 + Minutes * 60 + Seconds );
    return SecondNum;


global SVKey;
SVKey = NumToStr(GetChartID(),1.0,False);

procedure xStaticVarSet( SName, SValue )
 global SVKey;
 InIndicator = Status("Action") == 1;
 if( InIndicator ) StaticVarSet(Sname+SVKey, Svalue);
function xStaticVarGet( SName )
 global SVKey;
 if( IsNull( Var = StaticVarGet(Sname+SVKey) ) ) Var = 0;;
 return Var;
procedure xStaticVarSetText( SName, SValue )
 global SVKey;
 InIndicator = Status("Action") == 1;
 if( InIndicator ) StaticVarSetText(Sname+SVKey, Svalue);
function xStaticVarGetText( SName )
 global SVKey;
 return StaticVarGetText(Sname+SVKey);

function ZeroLagTEMA( array, HAperiod ) 
 TMA1 		= TEMA( array, HAperiod ); 
 TMA2 		= TEMA( TMA1, HAperiod ); 
 Diff 		= TMA1 - TMA2; 
 return TMA1 + Diff ; 

function HekinAshi(Code)
 if(Code == 0){ //Asking for the data for the NASDAQ Index:
	NSQClose 	= Foreign( "NDX.X", "Close" );
	NSQOpen 	= Foreign( "NDX.X", "Open" );
	NSQHigh 	= Foreign( "NDX.X", "High" );
	NSQLow 	= Foreign( "NDX.X", "Low" );
	HaClose	= (NSQOpen+NSQHigh+NSQLow+NSQClose)/4;
	HighV 		=  NSQHigh; LowV = NSQLow;
 	ZLTyp 		= ZeroLagTEMA((NSQHigh+NSQLow+NSQClose)/3, HAPeriod); }
 else { //Asking for the data for the Symbol:
	HaClose 	= (O+H+L+C)/4; 
	HighV 		=  High; LowV = Low;
	ZLTyp 		= ZeroLagTEMA(Avg, HAPeriod); }

 // Heikin-Ashi code: 
 HaOpen 	= AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 ); 
 HaHigh 	= Max( HighV, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); 
 HaLow 	= Min( LowV, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); 
 HaClose	= (HaClose + HaOpen + HaHigh + HaLow)/4; 

 ZLHa 		= ZeroLagTEMA(HaClose, HAPeriod); 
 // Buy and Sell Heikin-Ashi Signals:
 BuySymb	= Cross( ZLTyp, ZLHa ); 
 SellSymb	= Cross( ZLHa, ZLTyp ); 
 StatusBuy= Flip(BuySymb, SellSymb); 

 if(Code == 0 OR Code == 1)
		Value = StatusBuy;
 if(Code == 3)
		Value = IIf(BuySymb, 1, IIf(SellSymb, -1, 0));

	return Value;

function GetScore(Ticker )
if(SortBy == "Close Listing"){
	Prefix	= "$";
	Suffix	= "";
	SgnFlag= 0;
	format	= 1.2;
	Value 	= Close;}

if(SortBy == "Change %"){
	C1 		= SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inDaily, -1 ));
	Value 	= ((LastValue(Close)/C1)-1)* 100;
	Prefix	= "";
	Suffix	= "%";
	SgnFlag= 0;
	format	= 1.2;}

if(SortBy == "Volume")
	Value = IIf(Close < Open, -Volume, Volume);
	Prefix	= "";
	Suffix	= "";
	SgnFlag= 1;
	format	= 1.0;

if(SortBy == "Dollar Volume")
	Value = IIf(Close < Open, Close * (-Volume/1000), Close * (Volume/1000));
	Prefix	= "";
	Suffix	= "";
	SgnFlag= 1;
	format	= 1.0;

if(SortBy == "Total Volume"){
	Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince( Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
	Value	= Sum(Volume, Bars_so_far_today);
	Prefix	= "";
	Suffix	= "";
	SgnFlag= 0;
	format	= 1.0;

if(SortBy == "Close"){
	Prefix	= "$";
	Suffix	= "";
	SgnFlag= 0;
	format	= 1.2;
	Value = IIf(Close > Open, Close, -Close);}

if(SortBy == "Index Match"){
	StatusBuyI	= HekinAshi(0);
	StatusBuy	= HekinAshi(1);
	Match 		= 0;
	for (i = BarCount - CheckPeriod; i < BarCount; i++ )
		 Match = IIf( StatusBuyI == StatusBuy, 1, 0);
	Match 	= Sum(Match, CheckPeriod); 
	Prefix	= "";
	Suffix	= "%";
	SgnFlag= 0;
	format	= 1.0;
	Value 	= (Match/CheckPeriod) * 100;}

if(SortBy == "Bulls n Bears"){
	Statusbuy	= HekinAshi(1);
	value = Trend = IIf(StatusBuy, 1, 0);

	if(LastValue(Trend) == 0)
		for(i = BarCount-1; Statusbuy[i] == 0; i--)
			Value = BarCount - i;
		for(i = BarCount-1; Statusbuy[i] == 1; i--)
			Value = BarCount - i;
	Prefix	= "";
	Suffix	= "";
	SgnFlag= 1;
	format	= 1.0;
	Value 	= IIf(StatusBuy, Value, -1 * Value);}

if(SortBy == "ADX Trend"){
	// Trend Angle is my own idea, but it works for me: 
	TrendAngle	 = 100* atan( (Zig(ADX(Range), 1) - Ref(Zig(ADX(Range), 1), -1 ) ) / 5 );
if(LastValue(TrendAngle) > 15){
	ADXBuy		= IIf(ADX(Range) > Ref(ADX(Range), -1) AND PDI(Range) > MDI(Range), 1, 0);
	ADXSell	= IIf(ADX(Range) > Ref(ADX(Range), -1) AND PDI(Range) < MDI(Range), 1, 0);
	Prefix		= "";
	Suffix		= "";
	SgnFlag	= 1;
	format		= 1.1;
	//Value = IIf(ADXBuy, TrendAngle, IIf(ADXSell, -1* TrendAngle, 0));}
	Value = IIf(ADXBuy, ADX(Range), IIf(ADXSell, -1* ADX(Range), 0));}
	Value = 0;

if(SortBy == "Spread"){
	Prefix	= "$";
	Suffix	= "";
	SgnFlag= 0;
	format	= 1.2;
 	Value 	= GetRTDataForeign("Ask", Ticker) - GetRTDataForeign("Bid", Ticker);}

xStaticVarSetText("Prefix", Prefix); 
xStaticVarSetText("Suffix", Suffix); 
xStaticVarSet("SgnFlag", SgnFlag);
xStaticVarSet("format", format);

return Value;
// Modification of original coding ("Ranking and sorting stocks") done 
// by Herman van en Bergen and posted on the AFL Library. The Composite
// code is also Herman's creation.
// Thank you Herman!
procedure getPositionScores(TickerListNum, NumTickers)
	global TopTickerList, TopTickerClose, TickerList, TopTickerScore, TopTickerNum, TotalScore, MaxNegVal, MinNegVal, MaxPosVal, MinPosVal;
	TotalScore		= 0;
	TickerList		= GetSymbols();
	CompTickers	= "";
	MaxNegVal 		= 0;
	MinNegVal 		= -100000000;
	MaxPosVal 		= 0;
	MinPosVal 		= 100000000;
	TickerClose	= TickerScores = Tickerindex = 0;

	// Create zero-based Scores array in wrt to current data
	for( n = 0; (Ticker = StrExtract(TickerList, n)) != ""; n++)
		Temp 	= LastValue(GetScore(Ticker));
		SClose = LastValue(Close);
		TotalScore	= TotalScore + abs(temp);

	if(CompositeOnOff){ //This will add extra processing time, so swith it off if you do not need it:
       CompTickers = CompTickers + Ticker +"\n";}

		if(temp < 0){
		if(MinNegVal < temp) MinNegVal = temp;
		if(MaxNegVal > temp) MaxNegVal = temp;}

		if(temp > 0){
		if(MinPosVal > temp) MinPosVal = temp;
		if(MaxPosVal < temp) MaxPosVal = temp;}

		TickerScores[n] 	= Temp;
		TickerIndex[n] 	= n;
		TickerClose[n]	= SClose;

	TickerCount= n;
	TopTickerList  = TopTickerClose = TopTickerNum = TopTickerScore = Toptickerlist 	= "";
	i = 0; 

if(SortingOnOff AND TotalScore > 0)
	// Sort Tickers by rank
	for(i = n; i > 0; i--)
		for (j = 1; j < i; j++)
			if (TickerScores[j-1] > TickerScores[j])
				temp 				= TickerScores[j-1]; 
				TickerScores[j-1]	= TickerScores[j];
				TickerScores[j] 	= temp;
				temp 				= TickerIndex[j-1]; 
				TickerIndex[j-1]	= TickerIndex[j];
				TickerIndex[j] 	= temp;

	for(n = TickerCount-1; n > -1; n--)
		T5[i++] 			= TickerIndex[n];
		Ticker 			= StrExtract(Tickerlist,T5[i-1]);
		SClose				= NumToStr(TickerClose[T5[i-1]],1.2,0);
		Score  			= NumToStr(TickerScores[n],1.2,0);
		TickerNum 			= NumToStr(TickerIndex[n],1.0,0);
		TopTickerList 	= TopTickerList + Ticker + ",";
		TopTickerClose	= TopTickerClose + SClose + ",";
		TopTickerScore 	= TopTickerScore + Score +",";
		TopTickerNum 		= TopTickerNum + TickerNum +",";
else //But if we do not want to sort the Tickers, then we need to do this:
{	for(n = 0; n < 100; n++)
		Ticker 		  	= StrExtract(Tickerlist,n);
		SClose				= NumToStr(TickerClose[n],1.2,0);
		Score  			= NumToStr(TickerScores[n],1.2,0);
		TickerNum 			= NumToStr(TickerIndex[n],1.0,0);
		TopTickerList 	= TopTickerList + Ticker + ",";
		TopTickerClose	= TopTickerClose + SClose + ",";
		TopTickerScore 	= TopTickerScore + Score +",";
		TopTickerNum 		= TopTickerNum + TickerNum +",";
xStaticVarSet("TotalScore", TotalScore);
xStaticVarSet("MinNegVal", MinNegVal);
xStaticVarSet("MaxNegVal", MaxNegVal);
xStaticVarSet("MinPosVal", MinPosVal);
xStaticVarSet("MaxPosVal", MaxPosVal);
xStaticVarSetText("TopTickerList", TopTickerList); 
xStaticVarSetText("TopTickerClose", TopTickerClose); 
xStaticVarSetText("TopTickerScore", TopTickerScore); 
//Let you retrieve the list of Tickers in the Composite from other Indicators.
xStaticVarSet("BackGroundColor", colorWhite);
// Higher positive value = green, Lower positive value = light green
// Higher negative value = red  , Lower negative value = pink
function FillColor(Value)
UpRed		= 0;
UpGreen	= 255;
UpBlue		= 0;
DnRed		= 255;
DnGreen	= 0;
DnBlue		= 0;
DarkColor	= 0;
LightColor	= 230;

if(Value >= 0)
	UpRed = LightColor - int((LightColor -(((MaxPosVal-Value)*(LightColor-DarkColor))/(MaxPosVal-MinPosVal))));
	if(Value == 0) UpRed = 255;
	UpBlue = UpRed;
if(Value <= 0)
	DnGreen = LightColor - int((LightColor -(((abs(MaxNegVal)-abs(Value))*(LightColor-DarkColor))/(abs(MaxNegVal)-abs(MinNegVal)))));
	if(Value == 0) DnGreen = 255;
	DnBlue = DnGreen;

Color	= IIf(Value >= 0, ColorRGB(UpRed, UpGreen, UpBlue), ColorRGB(DnRed, DnGreen, DnBlue));
return Color;
function SymbolClick(px, py, Flag)
	x2	= Status("pxchartright");
	y2 	= Status("pxchartbottom");

if(px <= x2 AND py <= y2)
	SymbolIndex = (int((px/(x2/NumRowColumn))) + 1) + int((py/(y2/NumRowColumn)) ) * NumRowColumn;
	Symbol 	= StrExtract(TopTickerList, SymbolIndex-1);

 	if(Flag == 3 AND px <= x2 AND py <= y2) //Middle Mouse button.
	 	CategoryRemoveSymbol( Symbol, categoryFavorite, 0); 

 	if(Flag == 2 AND px <= x2 AND py <= y2) //Right Mouse button.
	 	CategoryAddSymbol(Symbol, categoryFavorite, 0);

	if(Flag == 2 OR Flag == 3)
		// This will update the Favorite Folder, but it's an "Overkill"!
		// and shouldn't probably be used. But here it is:	
		AB = CreateObject("Broker.Application");

	if(Flag == 1){ // Left Mouse button.
   		script = GetScriptObject();
 	//xStaticVarSet("MouseFlag", 1); //Uncomment this one, if you want any clicks on the Heatmap result in a refresh.
function MyOnLMouseButton(px, py)
	SymbolClick(px, py, 1);

function MyOnRMouseButton(px, py) 
	SymbolClick(px, py, 2);

function MyOnMMouseButton(px, py) 
	SymbolClick(px, py, 3);
function MyEventHandler() 
	local b, px, py; 
	b = GetCursorMouseButtons(); 

	// retrieve co-ordinates in pixel units 
	px = GetCursorXPosition(1); 
	py = GetCursorYPosition(1); 

	if( b & 8 ) 
  	 // not-null means clicked in THIS (current) window
  	 if( b & 1 ) MyOnLMouseButton(px, py); 
  	 if( b & 2 ) MyOnRMouseButton(px, py); 
   	 if( b & 4 ) MyOnMMouseButton(px, py); 
if( Status("Action") == 1 )

if ( IndicatorOnOff AND CategoryListOK )
 Value 		= 0;
 Prefix		= "";
 Suffix		= "";
 SgnFlag		= 0;
 format		= 0;
 RefreshFlag 		= 0;
 Prefix 			= xStaticVarGetText("Prefix"); 
 Suffix 			= xStaticVarGetText("Suffix"); 
 SgnFlag			= xStaticVarGet("SgnFlag");
 format			= xStaticVarGet("format");

 TotalScore 		= xStaticVarGet("TotalScore");
 MinNegVal 		= xStaticVarGet("MinNegVal");
 MaxNegVal 		= xStaticVarGet("MaxNegVal");
 MinPosVal 		= xStaticVarGet("MinPosVal");
 MaxPosVal			= xStaticVarGet("MaxPosVal");
 TopTickerList 	= xStaticVarGetText("TopTickerList"); 
 TopTickerClose	= xStaticVarGetText("TopTickerClose"); 
 TopTickerScore	= xStaticVarGetText("TopTickerScore");

 TimePeriod = Interval();
// Must update as soon as we change a parameter, sort criteria or period:
 if((ParamTotal != xStaticVarGet("ParamTotal")) OR (SortBy != xStaticVarGetText("SortBy")) 
    	OR (BasePeriod != xStaticVarGet("BasePeriod")) OR (TimePeriod != xStaticVarGet("TimePeriod")) OR xStaticVarGet("MouseFlag"))
  RefreshFlag = 1;
  xStaticVarSet("ParamTotal", ParamTotal);
  xStaticVarSetText("SortBy", SortBy); 
  xStaticVarSet("BasePeriod", BasePeriod);
  xStaticVarSet("TimePeriod", TimePeriod);
  xStaticVarSet("MouseFlag", 0);

TimeFrame = Interval();
SecNumber = GetSecondNum();
Newperiod = SecNumber % TimeFrame == 0;
SecsLeft	= SecNumber - int( SecNumber / TimeFrame ) * TimeFrame;
SecsToGo	= TimeFrame - SecsLeft;

if(RefreshBy == "Set RT Interval")
	RTSecToNextPeriod	= SecsToGo % BasePeriod;
	UpdatePeriod 		= BasePeriod;
if(RefreshBy == "By Period")
	RTSecToNextPeriod	= SecsToGo;
	UpdatePeriod 		= TimeFrame;
if(RefreshBy == "Manual")
	RTSecToNextPeriod	= "N/A";
	UpdatePeriod 		= "Manual";

	RefreshFlag = 1;

if(NumTickers < BarCount)
 xStaticVarSet("DoRefresh", False);
 getPositionScores(TickerListNum, NumTickers);
 xStaticVarSet("ExecuteTime", GetPerformanceCounter());
	PopupWindow( "Please check your data source, or decrease the number of Rows/Columns", "Heatmap Error- Subscript out of range!", 5, -1, -1 ); 

if(RefreshBy == "Set RT Interval")
if(IIf(RefreshBy == "Set RT Interval", Status("Redrawaction")  OR RefreshFlag OR NOT BasePeriod, 
  (NewPeriod AND NOT RefreshBy == "Manual")  OR RefreshFlag))
	xStaticVarSet("Trigger", True);

 Time = NumToStr(Now(4) , 1.0, 0);
 if(StrLen(Time)== 4) Time = "00"+Time;
 if(StrLen(Time)== 5) Time = "0"+Time;
 Hours 	= StrLeft(Time, 2);
 Minutes	= StrMid(Time, 2, 2);
 Seconds	= StrRight(Time, 2);
 xStaticVarSetText("TimeStamp", Hours+":"+Minutes+":"+Seconds);

xStaticVarSet("DoRefresh",True); // this queues the refresh operation for the next pass through the code
xStaticVarSet("Trigger", False);
xStaticVarSet("BackGroundColor", ColorRGB(255, 255, 150));

 x2			= Status("pxchartright");
 y2 		= Status("pxchartbottom");
 PenColor 	= colorBlack;
 TxtColor	= colorBlack;

 Width 	= x2 / sqrt(NumTickers);
 Hight		= y2 / sqrt(NumTickers);
 StartX	= 1;
 StartY	= 1;

 PointSize	= Width/7;
 Weight	= 100;
 GfxSelectPen(PenColor, 2); 
 GfxSelectFont(Font, PointSize, Weight); 
 OriginalSuffix = Suffix; OriginalFormat = Format;

 for( i = 0; i < NumRowColumn; i++ ) 
 	for(e=0; e < NumRowColumn; e++)
		Symbol 	= StrExtract(TopTickerList, i + (e * NumRowColumn));
		ForClose	= StrExtract( TopTickerClose, i + (e * NumRowColumn));
		Value2 	= StrToNum(StrExtract(TopTickerScore, i + (e * NumRowColumn)));
		Sgn = IIf(SgnFlag < 1, 1, IIf( Value2 > 0, 1, -1));
		PenWidth = 1;

		// If the Symbol is in the Favourites folder, make the rectangle line thick:
		Favourites = CategoryGetSymbols(categoryFavorite, 0);
		PenWidth = IIf(StrFind(","+Favourites+",", ","+Symbol+",") > 0, 4, 1);
		// Make big numbers over 1 Million, display with suffix "M":
		if(abs(Value2) >= 1000000) 
			{ Value2 = Value2/1000000; Suffix = "M"+ OriginalSuffix; Format = 1.2; }
		else { Suffix = OriginalSuffix; Format = OriginalFormat; }

		DollarSign	= "$";
		Result 	= NumToStr(Sgn * Value2, Format,1);
		// But if we don't have any data to display:
		if(Symbol == ""){ Symbol = ""; DollarSign = ""; Result = ""; Prefix = ""; Suffix = ""; ForClose = "No Data";}
		// If we run Real Time, then we want to display that:
		if( RefreshBy == "Set RT Interval" AND BasePeriod == 0){ UpdatePeriod = "RT"; RTSecToNextPeriod = "RT";}

		GfxRoundRect( StartX + (i * Width), StartY + (e * Hight), Width * (i+1), Hight * (e+1), 15, 15 );
		if(SortBy == "Close" OR SortBy == "Close Listing")
			PlotInformation = Symbol+"\r"+ DollarSign + ForClose;
			PlotInformation = Symbol+"\r"+ DollarSign + ForClose + "\r"+ Prefix + Result + Suffix;
		GfxDrawText(PlotInformation, StartX + (i * Width), 5 + StartY + (e * Hight), Width * (i+1), Hight * (e+1), 1);

	GfxSelectFont(Font, 10, Weight);
	GfxDrawText(Category + "\n"+ ListNum +"\n" + "\n" +"Sort By:" + "\n" + SortBy + "\n" + "\n" + "Refresh:" + "\n" + UpdatePeriod + "\n"+ "\n" + "Next Update:" 
					+ "\n" + RTSecToNextPeriod + "\n" + "\n" + "Last Update:" + "\n" +  xStaticVarGetText("TimeStamp")+ "\n" + "\n" 
					+ "Execute Time:" + "\n" + xStaticVarGet("ExecuteTime")  , x2+4, (y2 - 335)/2, x2+59, y2, 17);
	GfxSelectFont(Font, PointSize, Weight);
else if( !CategoryListOK ) 
 Title = "\n"+
 "Category: "+Category+"\n"+
 "List Name: "+NumToStr(ListNum, 1.0, 1)+"\n"+
 "Category or List Empty or NOT Found!";
else if( NOT IndicatorOnOff)
  Title ="\n"+
 "The Heatmap is switched off.";
if(IndicatorOnOff AND CategoryListOK)



1. Hems2020

This is a great effort.. I just loved it.. Sentiment analysis can be a key contributor… Keep up the good work brother… This is awesomeness :) Million Thanks :)

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