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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Super Trend for Amibroker (AFL)
This is a trend following system which ignores minor swings in the trend ( Up / Down ) – Entry and Exit are based on emergence of consecutive red – green medium body candles with the highest high or lowest low of the previous 2 candle as the stop loss . This indicator can be supported with the standard MACD buy sell signals ( Crossovers) . I have attached @ chart of TataSteel .. Exact buy sell signals are obtained @ peaks and bottoms not falling into the divergence traps of MACD histogram .
Regards .
Similar Indicators / Formulas
Indicator / Formula
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | _SECTION_BEGIN ( "Movint trand Surrogate" ); mtOpen = LinearReg ( Open , 20 ); // calculate moving trend from open mtHigh = LinearReg ( High , 20 ); // calculate moving trend from open mtLow = LinearReg ( Low , 20 ); // calculate moving trend from open mtClose = LinearReg ( Close , 20 ); // calculate moving trend from open // plot surrogate chart PlotOHLC ( mtOpen, mtHigh, mtLow, mtClose, "Surrogate" , colorBlack , styleCandle ); _SECTION_END (); |
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arjun the colour of candle is black it does not change when applied, pls help, and thanx for this.
Good one! I’ve been scratching my head as to how to make a graph that can remove minor trends, almost like a super heiken ashi! This is gold for me…thanks
Add this line below mtClose:
trendcolor = IIf(mtClose > mtOpen, colorGreen, colorRed);
// plot surrogate chart
PlotOHLC( mtOpen, mtHigh, mtLow, mtClose, “Surrogate”, colorBlack, styleCandle );
// plot surrogate chart
PlotOHLC( mtOpen, mtHigh, mtLow, mtClose, “Surrogate”, trendcolor, styleCandle );
This is beauty in simplicity. Thanks dear Arjun. Dear sethmo, the change you suggested works well.
I do not have words to say thank you to this brilliant effort, hats off and credit goes to Arjun.
Very nice indicator, thank you!
I have also been searching for MACD with divergence, like on the sample picture. I like the ploted
lines on the chart, so i can see where the divergence is comming from.
Anyone know the formula for the MACD with ploted divergence?
its a nice piece of code , can any one plz advice equivalent for PlotOHLC in metastock ?
Dear Arjun please help me .
color of candle is black it does not change when applied, pls help, and thanx for this.
Thanks, Sethmo
Thanks a lot.
super sir excellent work
god bless you
very nice bro