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Read this before posting!
over 15 years ago

This site provides reviews of charting programs and a large selection of indicators for different programs. Use the menu on the left to navigate to the section you are interested in.

If you have an indicator that is not yet in the library, please consider registering and adding it to the library of indicators. You can add an indicator to the library by clicking here but uploading will not be an automatic process. All submitted indicators will go through an approval process to maintain quality. Formulas without a proper description will not even be looked at.

Please note that some indicators are not available until you register and contribute some formulas. This site cannot thrive without your contributions so please consider uploading a formula to make this site better. If you do not want your formula made public, simply say so in your description and it will be made available to members only. Please also note we do not accept proprietary or copyrighted formulas.

If you are currently using a trading program that you like or dislike, please consider leaving a comment or give it a rating by clicking on one of the 5 stars to register your vote.

Any comments regarding the site, suggestions for improving it etc would be greatly appreciated. Click here to leave a comment.

Thank you


1. arm

Just viewing some of the AFL formula, they look unique & very nice for trading. hope you guys keep the flag flying

2. administrator

Absolutely arm and thanks for the feedback.

3. kamesh

dear sir
one afl belongs to eod trade explorer not showing result if possible kindly let me know the prcedure of adding in correct way

thanking you

4. administrator

kamesh its an exploration not and indicator that you plot. Go-to Auto-Analyzer → Explore

5. mrugen

i already contribute 5 afl so how can i download?

6. administrator

mrugen you can now download. A formula submission counts as a contribution when i approve it this is to weed out spam and bad submissions.

7. kingshamim

Dear All, i am very happy to be a member of this forum… regards Shamim(Bangladesh)..

8. administrator

Technically not a forum but a formula exchange but welcome to WiseStockTrader kingshamim.

9. stockctg

pls sir can u Access permission add ur member

10. administrator

stockctg please read the rules on the front page. To access some formulas you need to contribute some formulas. If you contributed a formula and still don’t have access that’s because you submitted a duplicate.

11. mahesh.aranake

Dear Sir,

Is there any way in future wherein the formulas can be seperated by topic eg trend following (adx or aroon based) swing trading, ocillator based etc

I know a bit difficult -

12. administrator

Hi mahesh that will happen when all the formulas are tagged atm only about half of them are but there are plans to make the layout better.

13. esnataraj

Dear Sir,
I am Basically sub broker of angel broking… I always apply all formulas regularly..
Very Useful for me..more interesting… more profit our clients…. VERY VERY HAPPY… Thank You Sir.
E.S.Nataraj, Angel Broking, Erode.(TN)

14. administrator

Hi esnataraj,

I’m glad you find the formulas on this site useful. I find then useful too :).

15. ramshirsath

billion doller formulas available here .
thanks very much .

16. administrator

No problem glad you find it useful.

17. r.dibya

dear sir,

i am looking for expert advisor formula for metastock software so can u help me to find out right formula which can give very good result in evry index as well as stocks . and ready to buy these formula i visit ( this website and want to buy MetaStock Formula Center 2.0 porduct. so just want to confirm —-is that helpful for me to get right eaxpert advisor formula or not , which can give 5-10% returns in a month.

i need your suggestion so please help me

thank you

18. administrator

No I wouldn’t buy that at all. All the formulas in it are collected from around the internet. You can do that yourself.

19. douple

thank you

20. Shrikant

I found this site very useful. Keep it up.
My query is that I want a customised AFL formula for my system. Can somebody suggest me how can I get it done(even if paid one).

21. maxinfo

I found this site very useful too,please keep

22. anandnst

Dear admin, i posted one formula today(09th july 2011) but i cant access few formula’s yet. kindly give ur view on this.

23. administrator

Hello, anadnst

Your formula was approved.

24. kamforss


25. northstar

Dear Sir
I appreciate your condition that to view some premium formulas we must contribute something. But still the quality of other formula for general viewing is good and encourages one to experiment and make some effort.
Your site has stimulated my creativity. Thanks a lot.

26. jatinderwalia

Can you please have a look of my AFL.


27. mukyav


28. administrator

mukyav, login and go to the formula you need. You have one formula approved.

29. bob303

I buy Amibroker 2 month ago and now with this site I can use it with very goods Formulas. Thanks for all this work.
I hope I shall give goods formulas in any time.

(I’m French sorry for my bad English)

30. analystbank

kindly add search feature in order to enable the contributor to avoid duplicate

Found the feature, sorry for quick commnets

32. tsarvjit

dear admistreter,
well , i have developed a trend catching indicator . It gives amazing profits in live market in day trading too .Please guide me where i should put as i want it to be used by grateful traders who will like to give its feed back . thanks.

33. administrator

tsarvjit, you can use this link to submit the formula


Very usefull Website

35. tem

I’ve been asking this quite a bit but with no response.

I would like to be able to add daily Market data to my graphs in Amibroker. Such as the data produced at Financial Market page. Is there any way to import this data?

Or, is there a platform that allows such action?

36. baderth

Absolutely arm and thanks for the feedback.

37. rashedbgd

Hi Admin, how can I add screen-shot of my formula?

38. administrator

In Amibroker Edit → Image → Export to file

Save it as png then upload it with submission.

39. rashedbgd

//upload it with submission.//—- I am not getting any option of uploading a Pic with submission…! There are 3 fields…..1) is for Title….2)…list box for Amibroker…3)Writing/Pasting code…….I found only these 3 fields.

40. administrator

Here is a link to submit code:

It is in the right side bar

41. muqbel0533991950


42. asghar_khanloo

pls sir can u Access permission add ur member

43. niftytop10

sir i’m very very great thankful for ur billion dollar services to our
technical learnning community.
further more i want afl regarding portfolio fundamental valuation.


44. aspvietnam


45. rajenndraa

Glad to be part of this community. Thank you.

46. al-hukker

thank you very much wisestock trader

47. hosso-bessa


48. abdalelah

Absolutely arm and thanks for the feedback.

49. abdalelah

ok thanks

50. abdalelah

Absolutely arm and thanks for the feedback.

51. abdalelah

I readed

52. abdalelah

I read

53. abdalelah

pls sir can u Access permission add ur member

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