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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Buy Sell Signals with 6 TGT for Amibroker (AFL)
I have no more knowledge about Amibroker Laungage but i had Mixed various AFL Codes and prepare something long signals…!
i had picked some work from AFL Codes available at and modified and put the TGTS and working good.
Hope you will Enjoy my work…
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SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("bkcolor",ColorRGB(0,0, 0))); GfxSetBkMode(0); GfxSetOverlayMode(1); SetBarFillColor(IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Candle UP Color", colorGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Candle Down Color", colorRed),colorLightGrey))); Plot(C,"\nPrice",IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Wick UP Color", colorDarkGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Wick Down Color", colorDarkRed),colorLightGrey)),64,0,0,0,0); SetTradeDelays(1,1,1,1); _SECTION_BEGIN("Trade triangle-traderzone"); TimeFrameSet(in15Minute); HMAA = Param("H-MA1", 6, 2, 30, 1, 10 ); H2 = MA(C, HMAA ); Hc=C; TimeFrameRestore(); Hp=TimeFrameExpand(H2,in15Minute,expandFirst); hc=TimeFrameExpand(hc,in15Minute,expandFirst); //Plot(C,"",IIf(Hc>Hp,colorBrightGreen,colorDarkRed),64); TimeFrameSet(in15Minute); DMAA = Param("D-MA",250, 2, 30, 1, 10 ); DP = MA(C, DMAA ); Dc=C; TimeFrameRestore(); dp=TimeFrameExpand(DP,in15Minute,expandFirst); dc=TimeFrameExpand(Dc,in15Minute,expandFirst); Plot( Hp,"HMA",IIf(hp>dp,colorLime,colorRed),styleLine); Plot(dp ,"DMA",colorWhite,styleLine); Buy=C>dp; Sell=C<dp; Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); BuyPrice=ValueWhen(Buy,C); SellPrice=ValueWhen(Sell,C); PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-100); PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-110); PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-105); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=100); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=110); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-105); _SECTION_BEGIN("L.T.P."); cx = Param( "cxposn", 1000, 0, 1250, 1 ); cy = Param( "cyposn", 25, 0, 500, 1 ); GfxSelectFont( "Candara", 18, 98, False ); GfxSetBkColor( colorBlack ); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); GfxTextOut( "L.T.P. " + C + " ", cx, cy ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Title"); DODay = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily); DHiDay = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily); DLoDay = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily); Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"* Long Buy Sell Signals * "+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ Name() + ", " + Interval(2) + ", " + Date() + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\nO " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + O + ", H : " + H + ", L : " + L + ", C : " + C + EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "\n Day-Open : " +DODay + " Day-High : " +DHiDay + " Day-Low : " + DLoDay + EncodeColor(colorLime)+ WriteIf (Buy , " GO LONG / Reverse Signal at "+C+" ","")+ WriteIf (Sell , " EXIT LONG / Reverse Signal at "+C+" ","")+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorYellow)+ WriteIf(Sell , "Total Profit/Loss for the Last Trade Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+ WriteIf(Buy , "Total Profit/Loss for the Last trade Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"",""); _SECTION_BEGIN("Background text"); C13=Param("fonts",20,10,30,1 ); C14=Param("left-right",2.1,1.0,5.0,0.1 ); C15=Param("up-down",12,1,20,1 ); Miny = Status("axisminy"); Maxy = Status("axismaxy"); lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar"); fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar"); pxwidth = Status("pxwidth"); pxheight = Status("pxheight"); GfxSetBkMode(transparent=1); GfxSetOverlayMode(1); GfxSelectFont("Candara", Status("pxheight")/C13 ); GfxSetTextAlign( 6 ); GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (217,217,213)); GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15 ); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 ); GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (103,103,103)); GfxTextOut( "By", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*2.5 ); GfxSelectFont("Candara", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 ); GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (103,103,103)); GfxTextOut( "Sai Stock Broking 09825340778", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*4 ); GfxSelectFont("MS Sans Serif", 10, 500, False, False, 0); _SECTION_END(); SetChartBkColor(colorBlack); Factor=Param("Factor",3,1,10,1); Pd=Param("ATR Periods",10,1,100,1); Up=(H+L)/2+(Factor*ATR(Pd)); Dn=(H+L)/2-(Factor*ATR(Pd)); iATR=ATR(Pd); TrendUp=TrendDown=Null; trend[0]=1; changeOfTrend=0; flag=flagh=0; for (i = 1; i <BarCount; i++) { TrendUp[i] = Null; TrendDown[i] = Null; trend[i]=1; if (Close[i]>Up[i-1]) { trend[i]=1; if (trend[i-1] == -1) changeOfTrend = 1; } else if (Close[i]<Dn[i-1]) { trend[i]=-1; if (trend[i-1] == 1) changeOfTrend = 1; } else if (trend[i-1]==1) { trend[i]=1; changeOfTrend = 0; } else if (trend[i-1]==-1) { trend[i]=-1; changeOfTrend = 0; } if (trend[i]<0 && trend[i-1]>0) { flag=1; } else { flag=0; } if (trend[i]>0 && trend[i-1]<0) { flagh=1; } else { flagh=0; } if (trend[i]>0 && Dn[i]<Dn[i-1]){ Dn[i]=Dn[i-1]; } if (trend[i]<0 && Up[i]>Up[i-1]) { Up[i]=Up[i-1]; } if (flag==1) { Up[i]=(H[i]+L[i])/2+(Factor*iATR[i]);; } if (flagh==1) { Dn[i]=(H[i]+L[i])/2-(Factor*iATR[i]);; } if (trend[i]==1) { TrendUp[i]=Dn[i]; if (changeOfTrend == 1) { TrendUp[i-1] = TrendDown[i-1]; changeOfTrend = 0; } } else if (trend[i]==-1) { TrendDown[i]=Up[i]; if (changeOfTrend == 1) { TrendDown[i-1] = TrendUp[i-1]; changeOfTrend = 0; } } } TrendSL=IIf(trend==1,TrendUp,TrendDown); for(i=BarCount-1;i>1;i--) { if(Buy[i] == 1) { entry = C[i]; sig = "BUY"; sl = TrendSL[i]; tar1 = entry + (entry * .0050); tar2 = entry + (entry * .0099); tar3 = entry + (entry * .0149); tar4 = entry + (entry * .0210); tar5 = entry + (entry * .0269); tar6 = entry + (entry * .0325); bars = i; i = 0; } if(Sell[i] == 1) { sig = "SELL"; entry = C[i]; sl = TrendSL[i]; tar1 = entry - (entry * .0050); tar2 = entry - (entry * .0099); tar3 = entry - (entry * .0149); tar4 = entry - (entry * .0210); tar5 = entry - (entry * .0269); tar6 = entry - (entry * .0325); bars = i; i = 0; } } Offset = 20; Clr = IIf(sig == "BUY", colorLime, colorRed); ssl = IIf(bars == BarCount-1, TrendSL[BarCount-1], Ref(TrendSL, -1)); sl = ssl[BarCount-1]; Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar1, BarCount, tar1,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset); Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar2, BarCount, tar2,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset); Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar3, BarCount, tar3,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset); Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar4, BarCount, tar4,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset); Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar5, BarCount, tar5,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset); Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar6, BarCount, tar6,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset); //Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, sl, BarCount, sl,1), "", colorDarkRed, styleLine|styleLine, Null, Null, Offset); Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, entry, BarCount, entry,1), "", colorGreen, styleLine|styleLine, Null, Null, Offset); for (i=bars; i <BarCount;i++) { PlotText(""+sig+"@"+entry, BarCount+1,entry,Null,colorBlue); PlotText("T1@"+tar1,BarCount+3,tar1,Null,Clr);PlotText("T2@"+tar2,BarCount+3,tar2,Null,Clr);PlotText ("T3@"+tar3,BarCount+3,tar3,Null,Clr);PlotText ("T4@"+tar4,BarCount+3,tar4,Null,Clr);PlotText ("T5@"+tar5,BarCount+3,tar5,Null,Clr);PlotText ("T6@"+tar6,BarCount+3,tar6,Null,Clr); } messageboard = ParamToggle("Message Board","Show|Hide",1); if (messageboard == 1 ) { GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 ); GfxSetBkMode( 1 ); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); if ( sig =="BUY") { GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorBlue ); // this is the box background color } else { GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorRed ); // this is the box background color } pxHeight = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ; xx = Status( "pxchartwidth"); Left = 1100; width = 310; x = 5; x2 = 290; y = pxHeight; GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1); // broader color GfxRoundRect( x, y - 98, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ; GfxTextOut( ( " * Sai Stock * Long Buy Sell Signals *"),13,y-100); GfxTextOut( (" "),27,y-100); GfxTextOut( (" Last " + sig + " Signal came " + (BarCount-bars-1) * Interval()/60 + " mins ago"), 13, y-80) ; // The text format location GfxTextOut( ("" + WriteIf(sig ==" BUY",sig + " @ ",sig + " @") + " : " + entry), 13, y-60); //GfxTextOut( (" Trailing SL : " + TrendSL + " (" + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "SELL",entry-sl,sl-entry), 2.2) + ")"), 13, y-40); /*GfxTextOut( ("TGT:1 : " + tar1), 13, y -80); GfxTextOut( ("TGT:2 : " + tar2), 13,y-60); GfxTextOut( ("TGT:3 : " + tar3), 13,y-40);*/ GfxTextOut( (" Current P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "BUY",(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2)), 13, y-22);; } _SECTION_END(); /*Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); PlotShapes(shapeHollowUpArrow * Buy,colorBrightGreen,0,L, Offset=-45); PlotShapes(shapeHollowDownArrow * Sell,colorRed,0,H, Offset=-45); AlertIf( Sell, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\chord.wav", "Audio alert", 2 ); AlertIf( Buy, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\chord.wav", "Audio alert", 2 ); _SECTION_BEGIN("L.T.P."); cx = Param( "cxposn", 1000, 0, 1250, 1 ); cy = Param( "cyposn", 25, 0, 500, 1 ); GfxSelectFont( "Candara", 18, 98, False ); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); GfxTextOut( "L.T.P. " + C + " ", cx, cy ); _SECTION_END();
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Error shows in line 215 and others line
yes , error show
It is working in Amibroker 5.40 ver
pls mr divyesh give solution about the errors, otherwise your labor will go invain.
Hello friends…i m using Amibroker Versiion 5.50rc3…and i dint find any errors….!
thats why i had posted….!
is admin finds any errors…?
if he finds than did he post here…?
thnx everyone for very good responce…..this will encourge me to post further….!
waiting for replays….!
sorry for delaied replay….!
thnx rajgopal Sir….
Yes there is a problem with the formula
i used see change applied by Mr.persee
contribution #6, thanks persee.
you must put this 2 lines
after this lien
now both are working
thank you Mr. Divyesh
thank you.
Sir Try to modify 15 min to 5 min send me my mail id
@anand23983 ,
i cant get what you says….
it is working in 15 min as well 5 min….
Boss DMA Level are same both 15min and 5min timeframe
sir, you are right….it will be same…..!
you can use it in both time frame with same DMA level….!
with same result…..!
this is upgreaded with some modification and posted in this site :-
this will give batter result and less s/l tread…
thank you.
Ok Thanks Sir u r given link is new one?
yess sir