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#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Adaptive Price Zone (APZ) for Amibroker (AFL)
In “Trading With An Adaptive Price Zone,” author Lee Leibfarth presents a trading technique that uses adaptive bands based on the double-smoothed exponential moving average and the classic ADX indicator.
Implementing the adaptive price zone technique using AmiBroker Formula Language is easy and straightforward. Listing 1 shows ready-to-use code. The formula is for both the indicator and the trading system.
Screenshot shows a daily price chart of the S&P 500 continuous contract with adaptive price zone bands and trade entry/exit arrows (upper pane) and the ADX indicator (lower pane).
Similar Indicators / Formulas
Indicator / Formula
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 | // Adaptive Price Zone Indicator & system //////////////////////////////// function DblSmoothEMA( price, Length ) { period = IIf ( Length < 0, 1, sqrt ( Length ) ); smooth = 2 / ( period + 1 ); return AMA ( AMA ( price, smooth ), smooth ); } price = ParamField ( "Price" ); period = Param ( "period" , 20, 2, 100 ); BandPct = Param ( "width[%]" , 1.4, 0.1, 4, 0.1 ); DsEMA = DblSmoothEMA( price, period ); RangeDsEMA = DblSmoothEMA( H - L , period ); UpBand = BandPct * RangeDsEMA + DsEMA; DnBand = DsEMA - BandPct * RangeDsEMA ; Plot ( C , "Price" , colorBlack , styleBar ); Plot ( UpBand , "UpBand" , colorLightGrey ); Plot ( DnBand , "DownBand" , colorLightGrey ); // you may uncomment lines below to get 'cloud' chart // if you are using version 4.80 or higher // PlotOHLC( UpBand, UpBand, DnBand, DnBand, "Band", // ColorRGB( 245,245,255), styleCloud ); SetTradeDelays ( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); ADXThshold = 30; ADXValue = ADX ( 14 ); Buy = ADXValue <= ADXThshold AND Low <= DnBand; Short = ADXValue <= ADXThshold AND High >= UpBand; Sell = Cover = ADXValue > ADXThshold; if ( Status ( "action" ) == actionIndicator ) { Equity (2); PlotShapes ( Buy * shapeUpArrow , colorGreen , 0, DnBand, -24 ); PlotShapes ( Sell * shapeDownArrow , colorRed , 0, UpBand, -24 ); PlotShapes ( Short * shapeHollowDownArrow, colorRed , 0, UpBand, -24 ); PlotShapes ( Cover * shapeHollowUpArrow , colorGreen , 0, DnBand, -24 ); } |
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Dear Andrew or friends
why the chart not show? no arrow, no bollinger, just price… could you please help me??