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Message Box v1.0 for Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 2)
trading system, amibroker

This is simple message box code but some advance tgt1,2,3 and color change with buy sell only copy and pste in your amibroker afl formula below buy/sell code and enjoy your trading….

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Copy & Paste Friendly


GraphXSpace = 5;
pxHeight = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
xx = Status( "pxchartwidth");
Left = 1100;
width = 310;
x = 5;
x2 = 260;
y = pxHeight; 
dist = 2*ATR(10);
dist1 = 3*ATR(10);
for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
    if( Buy[i] )
        // PlotText( "\nBuy:" + L[ i ] + "\nT= " + (L[i]*1.005) + "\nSL= " + (L[i]*0.9975), i, L[ i ]-dist[i], colorGreen, colorWhite );
        // Signal Display Panel //
BuyPrice=ValueWhen(Buy,L[ i ]);
Shrt=Flip(Sell,Buy );
        BuyStop2 = L[i]*0.9975;
        BuyTP1 = L[i]*1.070;
        BuyTP2 = L[i]*1.050;
        BuyTP3 = L[i]*1.035;
        GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
        GfxSetOverlayMode( mode = 0 );
        GfxSelectPen( colorBrightGreen, 3 );
        GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorBrightGreen);
        GfxRoundRect( x, y - 163, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ;
       GfxSetTextColor( colorGold );        
       GfxTextOut( ( " Trading System "),73,y-165);
        GfxTextOut( (" "),27,y-160);
        GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 700, False );
        GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
        GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );

   GfxTextOut( WriteIf(L[ i ], "Buy Above: "+L[ i ],""), 13, y-140);
   GfxSetTextColor( colorGold );    
   GfxTextOut( WriteIf(BuyStop2, "Long SL: "+(BuyStop2),""), 13, y-120);
   GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );    
   GfxTextOut( WriteIf(BuyTP1, "Buy TGT1: "+(BuyTP3),""), 13,y- 100);
   GfxTextOut( WriteIf(BuyTP2, "Buy TGT2: "+(BuyTP2),""), 13,y- 80); 
   GfxTextOut( WriteIf(BuyTP3, "BuyTGT3: "+(BuyTP1),""), 13,y- 60);   
   GfxSetTextColor( colorViolet );    
   GfxTextOut( ("Current P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(Buy ,(C-BuyPrice),(C-BuyPrice)),2.2)), 88, y-22);
        // END of Signal Display Panel //
    if( Sell[i] )
        // PlotText( "Sell:" + H[ i ] + "\nT= " + (H[i]*0.995) + "\nSL= " + (H[i]*1.0025), i, H[ i ]+dist1[i], colorRed, colorWhite );
        // Signal Display Panel //
BuyPrice=ValueWhen(Buy,H[ i ]);
Shrt=Flip(Sell,Buy );
       SellStop2 = H[i]*1.0025;
        SellTP1 = H[i]*0.978;
        SellTP2 = H[i]*0.982;
        SellTP3 = H[i]*0.988;
        GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
        GfxSetOverlayMode( mode = 0 );
        GfxSelectPen( colorRed, 3 );
        GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorRed );
         GfxRoundRect( x, y - 163, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ;
        GfxTextOut( (" "),27,y-160);
        GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 700, False );
        GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
        GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
        GfxSetTextColor( colorGold );      
        GfxTextOut( ( " Trading System "),73,y-165);
        GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); 
       GfxTextOut( WriteIf(H[ i ], "Sell Below: "+H[ i ],""), 13, y-140);
       GfxSetTextColor( colorGold );     
       GfxTextOut( WriteIf(SellStop2, "Short SL: "+(SellStop2),""), 13, y-120);     
       GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );   
       GfxTextOut( WriteIf(SellTP1, "Short TGT1: "+(SellTP3),""), 13, y-100);
       GfxTextOut( WriteIf(SellTP2, "Short TGT2: "+(SellTP2),""), 13, y-80);
       GfxTextOut( WriteIf(SellTP3, "Short TGT3: "+(SellTP1),""), 13, y-60);
       GfxSetTextColor( colorGold );
       GfxTextOut( ("Current P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(Sell ,(SellPrice-C),(SellPrice-C)),2.2)), 88, y-22);
    // END of Signal Display Panel //


1. vtrader

jaipal7786 sir, some error..

2. jaipal7786

vtrader ji write your error here…..

3. vtrader

Error 29
Variable sell used without being initialized

4. jaipal7786

vtrader ji read carefully in the afl comentry box above tag..
copy and pste in your amibroker afl formula below buy/sell code


5. jaipal7786

also add these code with this afl old color disable in your afl must with // in starting..

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
 if( Buy[i] )

OUTcolor = ParamColor("Outer Panel Color",colorTeal);
INUPcolor = ParamColor("Inner Panel Upper",colorDarkGrey);
INDNcolor = ParamColor("Inner Panel Lower",colorDarkOliveGreen);
TitleColor = ParamColor("Title Color ",colorBlack);
SetChartBkColor(OUTcolor); // color of outer border
SetChartBkGradientFill(INUPcolor,INDNcolor,TitleColor); // color of inner panel
if( Sell[i] )
OUTcolor = ParamColor("Outer Panel Color",colorTeal);
INUPcolor = ParamColor("Inner Panel Upper2",colorDarkTeal);
INDNcolor = ParamColor("Inner Panel Lower2",colorPlum);
TitleColor = ParamColor("Title Color ",colorBlack);
SetChartBkColor(OUTcolor); // color of outer border
SetChartBkGradientFill(INUPcolor,INDNcolor,TitleColor); // color of inner panel
6. john_d

can you plz ad the modified and check version…

7. kananwisha

I got it. Thanks

This excellent code doesn’t run by itself.

You can add these codes to any of your AFL codes, just below buy/sell conditions
in yours codes.

Thanks the authors

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